... events and systems in the past and criticizing present uses of technology, and with phobias technology is never a correct answer as it replaces the natural way to some degree Therefore, as each technology ... sustainability concepts, industrial practices, sustainability of technology in developing countries, sustainability framework, and suggestions for technology transfer and implementation It is desirable to ... created by the sand and other biodegradable contaminants; and therefore it is much more efficient at purifying water than rapid sand filtration Rapid sand filtration is simply a slow sand filter without...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 22:56
... performance criteria and factors associated with drilling operations in this case for example, on castings Drilling and Associated Technologies Figure 44. The twist drill geometry and associated ... shearing and extrusion mechanism at the bottom of a hole [Source: C.J Oxford Jr., 1955] Drilling and Associated Technologies Figure 46. Twist drill geometry 93 94 Chapter mensional accuracy and ... some ‘helical wandering’ as the drill passes through the workpiece Hole accuracy and in particular the ‘bell-mouthing effect’ , is minimised by previously centre -drilling prior to drilling to...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Drilling and Associated Cutting Tool Technology Industrial Handbook_3 ppt
... trepanning [Courtesy of Sandvik Coromant] 109 110 Chapter 3.1.6 Special-Purpose, or Customised Drilling and Multi-Spindle Drilling Most of today’s Special-purpose, or Customised Drills and Multi-spindle ... wide range of drilling/ boring operations can be undertaken using indexable insert drills [Courtesy of Seco Tools] Drilling and Associated Technologies Figure 55. Counterboring and trepanning ... rev–1 Drilling and Associated Technologies ing considerable scope in diametric sizing of holes These drills should be selected for the minimum overhang and need to have both the drill’s and machine...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Drilling and Associated Cutting Tool Technology Industrial Handbook_4 pot
... throughout the drilling operation Whilst deep-hole drilling, the drill and workpiece centrelines must not deviate by > 0.02 mm, so any subsequent drill bush wear needs to be carefully monitored and controlled ... Associated Technologies 3.1.9 Deep-Hole Drilling – Cutting Forces and Power In Deep-hole drilling operations, the underlying theory for the calculation of cutting forces and for torque are similar to that ... which causes the cutting fluid at the drill head to be sucked out through the inner tube along with the chips As is the case for Gun -drilling coolant supply, it must be of sufficient pressure and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Drilling and Associated Cutting Tool Technology Industrial Handbook_5 potx
... overhang and the extent and magnitude of tangential and radial cutting forces The rigidly clamped and cantilevered boring bar’s ‘free-end’ will deflect/deform by forces acting upon it and, some ... 90° and 180° and is equal to the phase between the inner and outer modulation Moreover, it has been shown that by modifying the workpiece’s rotational speed, this disturbs the ‘space phase’ and, ... of freedom Drilling and Associated Technologies Figure 64. An ‘active’ boring bar and their capacity to suppress vibrational effects on boring holes [After Matsubara; Yamamoto and Mizumoto;...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Drilling and Associated Cutting Tool Technology Industrial Handbook_6 pdf
... 53 ‘Hand-reamers’ , are available for the reaming both cylindrical and tapered holes NB A basic rule to be observed when hand-reaming, is to only turn the tool in the cutting direction and, ... reamer and their associated geometry [Courtesy of Guhring Ltd.] Drilling and Associated Technologies Figure 70. The exaggerated hole errors caused by an incorrect drill point geometry and the ... keyways, or intersecting holes, etc., 135 LH spiral reamers are employed The chip direction is always in the feed direction and, for this reason, the spiral flute geometry is virtually exclusively used...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Drilling and Associated Cutting Tool Technology Industrial Handbook_7 docx
... Shaw, M.C and Oxford Jr., C.J On the Drilling of Metals: – the Torque and Thrust in Drilling Trans of ASME, Vol 79, 139–148, June 1957 Simpson, G., Krenzer, U and Gsänger D Capacity of Drilling ... Watson, A.R Drilling Model for Cutting Lip and Chisel Edge and Comparison of Experimental and Predicted Results – 4; Drilling Tests to Determine the Chisel Edge Contribution to Torque and Thrust ... Cutting – Part 8: Drilling Theory AB Sandvik Coromant, 1980 147 Modern Metal Cutting – Part 9: Drilling Tools AB Sandvik Coromant, 1981 Modern Metal Cutting – A Practical Handbook AB Sandvik Coromant...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
... a t e random number i n [ , ) ∗/ double r e t = ( double ) rand ( ) ; return r e t / (RAND MAX+1); } i n t s a m p l e g e o m e t r i c r v ( double p ) { double q ; i n t n = ; { q = rand double ... done and ready to compile your code Write the command line that you should use to compile this code (using gcc) Let’s call the desired output program dictionary.o Problem 3.3 Both the for loop and ... is a unix utility that display the count of characters, words and lines present in a file If no file is specified it reads from the standard input If more than one file name is specified it displays...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:07
... Lower layer of weir (cm) (cm) (cm) Akadama sand (5) Pit sand (40) Pit sand (45) Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.3, No.2, 2005 water and Overflow water were measured by a flow ... content in pit sand The initial nitrogen content of Akadama sand in Tank A was higher than that of pit sand of Tank B The nitrogen content in both Tanks increased with time In both Tank A and B, the ... Figure 16 Estimated and measured values of pollution load (T-N) Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.3, No.2, 2005 Measured values of Pollutant load into soil (LS) and Pollutant load...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
Global perspectives on governance: lessons from east and west
... globalisation and has emphasised a combination of legislation and standards as well as transparency, with a focus on developing appropriate structures, processes and frameworks This is widely understood and ... transparency and appropriate disclosure, and to define the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in running a company These principles are necessary to establish a stable and competitive business and, ... sub-prime loans and their variants in the US and elsewhere And there was another contributory factor: the proprietary and even patriarchal link between Asian corporate leaders and their businesses...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 21:30
... Biofuels, Environment Section one, focuses on the sustainability and economy of feedstock production Chapters and discuss the sustainability and biodiversity of land use for biofuel crops Chapter ... government support and subsidies to ensure that bio‐ fuels are economically viable; • direct and indirect impacts on land use change and the related greenhouse gas emissions; 2.1 Edible and non-edible ... years Growing demand for land is a sensi‐ tive point in biofuels sustainability since, directly or indirectly, it influences all the three sustainability pillars: social, economic and environmental2...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Dictionary of Petroleum Exploration, Drilling and production ppt
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Design, Lifestyles and Sustainability. Aesthetic Consumption in a World of Abundance pptx
... Lifestyles and Sustainability 325 tion and consumption are becoming progressively more fashion sensitive, dependent on aesthetics and well designed products and services In such lands of plenty, ... distinguishable and clear Designers such as Peter Behrens in Germany and Raymond Loewy in the United States were hailed in the press and contracted by companies and brands such as AEG, Greyhound and Lucky ... Dobers and L Strannegård and serve as a foundation for future knowledge (Borgerson and Schroeder, 2002) Information, sensibility and attitudes gleaned from images influence thinking and understanding...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Analysing different technology pathways for the pulp and paper industry in a European energy systems perspective doc
... Linkửping Institute of Technology, the Department of Technology and Social Change at Linkửping University, the Division of Heat and Power Technology at Chalmers University of Technology in Gửteborg ... delimitations and definitions 12 Main concepts and related work 17 4.1 4.2 Process integration and potential for energy efficiency within the pulp and paper industry Selected technology pathways 4.2.1 Technology ... scenarios), the sizes of the district heating demand, and the type of existing heat production Paper III uses the model from Papers I and II and expands the methodology to address also the question...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20
DNA Methylation – From Genomics to Technology Edited by Tatiana Tatarinova and Owain Kerton ppt
... methylation landscape in connection to the initiation of Cancer, the focus is on genes and their alleles, non coding regions, and also CpG Islands, (Takai & Jones, 2002) The islands are one of ... GenomicsWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH to Technology Conclusion and future directions In this chapter, the background to epigenetics, their association with diseases and the developments of computational methods and modelling ... the methods and mechanisms by which epigenetics with a focus on DNA methylation can be studied and its impacts on health In the first part, the first chapter focuses on the modeling and feedback...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo Y học: Functional integration of mitochondrial and hydrogenosomal ADP/ATP carriers in the Escherichia coli membrane reveals different biochemical characteristics for plants, mammals and anaerobic chytrids pdf
... cDNA coding the entire AACs were generated by PCR from first-strand cDNA of plants and mammals (Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanum tuberosum and Rattus norwegicus) or from a full-length cDNA clone (Neocallimastix ... washed and resuspended in 20 mM Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), mM MgCl2 and 200 mM sucrose Purity and intactness were analysed using marker enzymes, as described previously [25–27] Uptake of [a-32P]ADP and ... producing the higher expressed plant and mammalian AAC proteins (Fig 1) The undefined TB medium and the addition of pyruvate and malate stimulated the bacterial metabolism and led to the generation of...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Cytochrome P450 metabolizing fatty acids in plants: characterization and physiological roles pptx
... also conserved in land plants and typically each plant species contains only one CYP703 [37] CYP704B1 and CYP704B2 belong to a conserved and ancient P450 family in moss and seed plants This suggests ... [47] and by FA derivatives such as prostaglandins Clofibrate produces similar effects in plants and animals [8,45] Furthermore, there are evident structural analogies between prostaglandins and ... in plants Prog Lipid Res 31, 417–446 Koiwai A & Matsuzaki T (1988) Hydroxy and normal fatty acid distribution in stigmas of Nicotiana and other plants Phytochemistry 27, 2827–2830 Petkova-Andonova...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21
Drinking Water Equity, safety and sustainability docx
... water and sanitation is derived from the right to an adequate standard of living and inextricably related to the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, and the ... significant demand on water resources at the same time as pressures from other demands, such as agriculture and industry, are increasing and climate change modulates resource availability and demand patterns ... enhanced information does not have to imply redirecting funds and other resources away from efforts to expand access to safe drinking water Equity, safety and sustainability | | Introduction | Challenges...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20