perrers alice d 1400 mistress of the english king edward iii

An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

... uses of first and second person addressee “you”, “we”, and “us” The use of second person addressee “you” tends to shorten the distance between the product or the producer and consumers, as if the ... to the discourse and within which discourse is embedded” From the two ways of defining context, it can be concluded that context is something that we need to understand the discourse and there ... features of advertising, the dissemination and operation of it should be restricted by the law of a country, the moral standards and people’s psychology The information, methods, media, and other...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

45 1,4K 10
Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

... thought to the wishes of 11 Friday Robinson, by his understanding and reasoning, tried to teach Friday a great deal of the power of God and of how he made the world all He further taught Friday about ... Obviously, the bourgeoisie was the driving force of the English society at that time They thought they had rights to be proud of their status in society and in the superiority of their race They wanted ... understandable because at that time, going to the sea was considered the only way to discover and visit new land as well as the world outside Therfore, his dream of going to the sea coincided...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2012, 12:02

15 2,4K 13
Comparing the cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word “meal” and words relating to it in contrast with Vietnamese equivalents.

Comparing the cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word “meal” and words relating to it in contrast with Vietnamese equivalents.

... in the middle of the table Family eating etiquette is not too much difficult The oldest or the husband of the family sits at the head of the table and others sit in descending order according ... interpreted as denoting the objects covered by the scope of the notion expressed in the word, and the significative function is the function of expressing the content of the respective notion The function ... All these elements connected with the notion of meal are called field of word meal In our opinion, field of word meal is all the words relating to it mainly including eating and drinking They...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 15:11

54 1K 1
The cambridge history of the english language volume 2 part 4

The cambridge history of the english language volume 2 part 4

... Variation theory and Middle English dialectology Introduction Present-day dialectology has developed an additional dimension of interest which focuses on variation in the speech of individual speakers ... Present-Day English In Middle English we still find traces of the Old English of> er sum construction: (15) And oper-sum said {Cursor (Vsp) 6491) 'and some others said ' and also other all, other ... this distinction led to a further systematisation in the use of the articles in Middle English The Old English deictic se (seo, pxf) fulfilled the functions of both definite article and demonstrative...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40

70 872 0
The cambridge history of the english language volume 3 part 10

The cambridge history of the english language volume 3 part 10

... Sylvia Adamson of the adjective in the poetic diction of the period is that it satisfies the dual demands of perspicuous sublimity It provides a method of ‘raising’ by what Addison terms ‘lengthening ... (gay In gold and purple) on the Bit doth play b) Neerer the gates the Tyrian Peers attend, And waite the Queen now ready to descend Her prouder Steed as fill d with high disdain Stamps the dull Earth, ... The dates assigned in the body of this chapter are normally those of the first printed edition Details are given below of the text used in each case and of gaps between date of composition and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40

66 702 0
A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

... combination of both descriptive method and contrastive method The descriptive method in the study is expressed in describing the semantic features of lexicon and syntactic features of phrases and sentences ... rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text The purpose of translation is that the audience in the TL feel and reacts in the same ways as the ... practice of translating word and phrase from Vietnamese into English as manifested in published translated works We find all the methods suggested by Baker and Newmark employed, and they overlapped...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 710 1
Tài liệu Hereward, The Last of the English pptx

Tài liệu Hereward, The Last of the English pptx

... marched down from that famous leaguer with the Gospatricks and Dolfins, and the rest of the kindred of Crinan (abthane or abbot, let antiquaries decide), of Dunkeld, and of Duncan, and of Siward, ... bitted and saddled.' "'What does the man say?' asked the King, for old Surturbrand was talking broad Danish "'He is a housecarle of mine, Lord King, a good man and true; but old age and rough Danish ... centre of the building is the hall, with door or doors opening out into the court; and sitting thereat, at the top of a flight of steps, the lord and lady, dealing clothes to the naked and bread to...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 04:20

315 387 0
A History of the English Church in New Zealand pot

A History of the English Church in New Zealand pot

... rather to depict the general life of the Church, and the ideals which guided its leading figures The Dean's description of the missionary period is also an admirable piece of work, but he had ... could be thought of than holding on By these circumstances, then, the life of the Church was affected and her progress hindered New conditions were developed, and the rulers of the Church had to ... attained the object of his desire, for his ship reached the Thames and cast anchor below London Bridge Now he would see the king, and would learn the secret of England's power But the London of those...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:21

243 550 0


... Moreover, there is evidence that parishes adopted allowances-in-aid -of- wages during times of high food prices prior to 1795 For example, the hundred of Whittlesford, Cambridge, decided during a period ... concluded that "the cottagers who rented an acre or two of land had to feel the effects of engrossing Their land was taken away from them and added to the acreage of some large farm; and the farmer's ... methods led to changes in the economic role of the Poor Law in rural parishes A knowledge of the methods of relief that were adopted, the time when they were adopted, and the changes in the economic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

311 406 0
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 doc

A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 doc

... the kingdom of the Middle Saxons, or +Middlesex+; and the kingdom of the South Saxons, or +Sussex+ The Angles settled chiefly on the east coast The kingdom of +East Anglia+ was divided into the ... like a tree or the human body The human body has its periods or stages There is the period of infancy, the period of boyhood, the period of manhood, and the period of old age In the same way, ... fifty years of Edward III. ; the troubled times of Richard II., who exhibited almost a repetition of the faults of Edward II.; and the appearance of a new and powerful dynasty the House of Lancaster...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20

127 957 0


... prefix-tree fashion and the state-merging algorithm repeated The resulting language induced is independent of the order of presentation of sample strings W e found that the English auxiliary system ... Institute of Technology Support for the laboratory's artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under the Office of NavM ... be inferred from simpler cases Also, there is a reasonable degree of play in the composition of the covering saanple, and the order of presentation does not affect the language learned We believe...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

6 331 0
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

... and Iowa westward, the division of Northern and North Midland remains apparent in the pronunciation of fog and hog, which are pronounced with the vowel of father in the North and the vowel of dog ... sound system during this period, the initial sounds of veal, zeal, and thee, as well as the medial sound of leisure None of these were distinctive in Old English, which had only the fricatives of ... spread of the London Standard and general education, with the loosening of class distinctions, and through the influence of what would today be called the mass media By the year 1500 printed books...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 10:40

8,7K 1K 3
Grammar of the english verb phrase, the grammar of the english tense system, vol I

Grammar of the english verb phrase, the grammar of the english tense system, vol I

... was in the middle of writing an essay ’) There are in principle three kinds of imperfective aspect, depending on whether the speaker focuses on the beginning, the end or the middle of the situation ... examples it is the (actually bounded or nonbounded) nature of the referent of the subject NP that is responsible for the difference in boundedness of the situations as they are represented by the two ... constituent is determined in the first instance by the meanings of the verb and of the other components of the predicate constituent (as defined in 1.7) and the semantic relations between them If a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 02:18

856 6,9K 0
The grammar of the english verb phrase part 1 pdf

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 1 pdf

... Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Declerck, Renaat The grammar of the English ... References Index Introduction Towards a theory of tense and time The absolute use of the present tense The absolute past tense The absolute use of the present perfect The present perfect vs the preterite ... Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at © Copyright 2006 by Walter de Gruyter...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 23:20

7 510 2
The grammar of the english verb phrase part 2 doc

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 2 doc

... aspect: ‘bounded’ vs ‘nonbounded’ Definition of (non)bounded situations/clauses ‘Nonbounded actualization’ ϭ ‘homogeneous actualization’ (Non)boundedness and duration adverbials (Non)boundedness vs ... of tense and two other areas of meaning that can be expressed by the use of verb forms in English and that interact with tense: the system of grammatical aspect and the system of mood and modality ... second goal, viz to provide a grammar that can be used as a reference work by scholars and by students with some knowledge of descriptive linguistics and of English grammar 1.1.2 The kind of English...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 23:20

7 449 0
The grammar of the english verb phrase part 3 docx

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 3 docx

... A day in the death of Joe Egg London: Faber & Faber 1967 NMDT Ruth Rendell No more dying then London: Arrow Books 1971 OSIN P D James Original sin London: Faber & Faber 1994 PIN David Pinner Dickon ... between boundedness and nonboundedness) Chapter lays the foundation proper of our description of tense in English There is a brief discussion of what is meant by ‘tense’, with reference to the main ... linguistic indication of the temporal relation between them Specifically, it considers the way in which the (non)boundedness of the situations concerned guides interpretation of the temporal...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 23:20

7 412 0