performance fingerprint security and computational speed

Tài liệu Security and Performance Management doc

Tài liệu Security and Performance Management doc

... Control Lists Security and Performance Management ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Standard and Extended IP Access Lists Standard and extended access ... Data Encryption Standard (DES) ➤ Access Lists—Standard access lists and extended access lists, to include where and how to place and design them ➤ Performance Management—Traffic management queuing, ... or by a remote security server To display local account information on a Cisco router collecting accounting information, you issue the show accounting IOS command Security and Performance Management...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

30 384 0
Improving TCP performance in the mobile, high speed, heterogeneous and evolving internet

Improving TCP performance in the mobile, high speed, heterogeneous and evolving internet

... (before handoff) and that of the new network path (after handoff) Handoff is first classified into HH (horizontal handoff) and VH (vertical handoff) based on whether BDP changes significantly during handoff ... environments, many kinds of handoff may occur and they can be classified in many different ways For example, in [121], handoff is classified into vertical handoff and horizontal handoff according to the techniques ... low/medium bandwidth and stationary hosts [70] With better understanding of the Internet behavior, several new TCP versions (TCP Reno [17], TCP Newreno [53], and TCP SACK [100]) are designed and standardized...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:44

188 199 0
The conflation of building simulation (BS) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the prediction of thermal performance of facade for naturally ventilated residential buildings in singapore

The conflation of building simulation (BS) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the prediction of thermal performance of facade for naturally ventilated residential buildings in singapore

... of CFD, and result in accurate and quick predictions of building performance in naturally ventilated buildings On one hand, CFD can provide the detailed and accurate indoor air velocity and temperature ... building performance prediction and current status of facade design studies and thermal comfort criteria for hot-humid climate, highlights the advantages of integration of BS and CFD and indicates ... flow components and plant components) and solved numerically (Clarke, 1977) Detailed and long-term decisions in design and operation, for the purpose of indoor thermal comfort and energy saving...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 13:58

228 220 0
Advanced Security and Beyond

Advanced Security and Beyond

... on pages 457 and 458 of the text • Defenders are responding to the increase in the level and number of attacks • New techniques and security devices are helping to defend networks and systems ... The most recent developments and announcements are listed on pages 458 and 459 of the text Exploring Information Security Jobs and Skills • Need for information security workers will continue ... associated with weak security and have decided that prevention outweighs cleanup Exploring Information Security Jobs and Skills (continued) • Most industry experts agree security certifications...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:43

27 585 0
Từ chối dịch vụ (DoS) trong Microsoft ProxyServer, and Internet Security and Acceleration S

Từ chối dịch vụ (DoS) trong Microsoft ProxyServer, and Internet Security and Acceleration S

... malicious code Our security intelligence services provide decision-makers, frontline security professionals and network administrators with timely access to actionable intelligence and decision support ... fixes for Proxy Server 2.0 and ISA Server at /security/ bulletin/MS03-012.asp VIII CVE INFORMATION The Mitre Corp.'s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Project ... iDEFENSE security@ contacted Response from Iain Mulholland, MSRC iDEFENSE clients notified Status request from iDEFENSE Status request from iDEFENSE Response from Iain Mulholland, MSRC...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 14:19

3 630 2
IT security and audit policy

IT security and audit policy

... or concerns, except security Security concerns will be communicated to the network security officer 11.2 Network Security This section discusses the types of security and security policy regarding ... Computer Centre and will coordinate with the security officer on producing security reports The network security officer will address any security concerns identified by the report Network Security ... access controls and range of privilege restrictions.” The configuration of network impacts directly on its performance and affects its stability and information security Information security issues...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2013, 23:36

90 615 9
Security and cloud computing inter cloud identity management infrastructure

Security and cloud computing inter cloud identity management infrastructure

... scenarios and supports many security technologies The power of SAML is that it can establish trust relationship between entities with different security mechanisms SAML is different from other security ... authenticated and has given associated attributes Such model is also referred as IdP/SP model SAML is the reference XML-based standard implementing the IdP/SP model that addresses several security ... model and composed of hundreds of IdPs interacting with clouds’ authentication module Considering such infrastructure the home cloud and the foreign cloud represent respectively the subject and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:45

3 521 1
Improvement of Water Quality by Removal of Suspended Solids and High-speed Biological Filtration in Closed Water Body

Improvement of Water Quality by Removal of Suspended Solids and High-speed Biological Filtration in Closed Water Body

... soils and groundwater: an evaluation, Engineering Geology, 60(1-4), 193-207 [5] Robert H Kadlec and Robert L Knight Treatment Wetlands CRC Lewis Publishers 1996 [6] APHA, AWWA and WPCF: Standard ... in each point by standard methods [6] Pore size is 1µm In this paper, SS, transparency and COD at the outlet of plant and the outside of experimental area will be reported and discussed Experimental ... depth changes around 0.4 m (up and down) by various reasons This plant was floated and fixed at the center of the raft Lake water was - 234 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.1,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 526 0
Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability

Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability

... where PGi and QGi : generator real and reactive power at i-th bus, respectively; PDi and QDi : load real and reactive power at i-th bus, respectively; Gij and Bij : transfer conductance and susceptance ... xi (τ )) + c * rand * ( p g (τ ) − xi (τ )) (30) where c1 and c are acceleration constants and rand and rand are uniformly distributed random r numbers in [0, 1] The term vi is limited to its bounds ... dispatching and the stability of EPS, wind energy and intelligent techniques applications in EPS He is author and co-author of about 18 papers in international journals and national and international...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

16 548 0
Security and Single Sign-On

Security and Single Sign-On

... authentication systems, Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) is essentially a standardized XML document for conveying security information Because SAML allows standardized transmission of security information, ... javax .security. auth.callback.*; import javax .security. auth.login.*; public class Authentication { public static class KerberosCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler { public KerberosCallbackHandler(String principal, ... System.setProperty( "java .security. auth.login.config", "./Kerberos.config"); 218 Download at Boykma.Com 2840ch08.qxd 7/13/04 12:44 PM Page 219 Security and Single Sign-On System.setProperty("java .security. krb5.realm",...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

30 400 2
Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation

Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation

... trips (by using the security context token) The difference between secure conversation and standard secure message exchange (with WS -Security and WS-Policy) is that a standard security policy framework ... file and choose Properties Select the Security tab and click the Advanced button 155 701xCH07.qxd 156 7/17/06 1:23 PM Page 156 CHAPTER ■ EXTENDED WEB SERVICES SECURITY WITH WS -SECURITY AND WS-SECURE ... tab, and click the Add button Name this policy MutualCertificatePolicy and click OK 143 701xCH07.qxd 144 7/17/06 1:23 PM Page 144 CHAPTER ■ EXTENDED WEB SERVICES SECURITY WITH WS -SECURITY AND...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

36 529 1
Deploying and Managing Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Deploying and Managing Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

... bold Represents commands, command options, and syntax that must be typed exactly as shown It also indicates commands on menus and buttons, dialog box titles and options, and icon and menu names italic ... alerts, logging, reporting, and realtime monitoring Install and configure ISA Server in an enterprise environment v vi Deploying and Managing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 ... course and presentation tips and caveats To open the presentation, on the Trainer Materials Web page, click Trainer Preparation Presentation Deploying and Managing Microsoft Internet Security and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 21:15

10 490 1
Configuring SNMP Security and Traps

Configuring SNMP Security and Traps

... Community Name public, then click Add Step In the lower part of the security tab window select Accept SNMP packet from any host Click Apply, and then OK What is the purpose of a community name? ... in the box by default Step Under Trap destinations click Add and type the Host name, the name of your PC, in the box Click Apply, and then OK Close all windows Troubleshooting Before configuring ... default name of “PUBLIC” Using this default name poses a security risk If access is gained to the device, intruders can obtain device information and possibly change the configurations Reflection What...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 03:15

2 281 0


... The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: ‘‘An enlightening, practical, and valuable tool Dick has taken the sometime confusing and frightening problem of performance appraisal and ... website, The PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL QUESTION and ANSWER BOOK Chapter The Importance of Performance Appraisal 1.1 What is ‘ performance appraisal’’? Performance appraisal ... to poke fun at performance appraisal (and the way performance appraisal is carried out by many managers and many organizations makes it a worthy candidate for Dilbert lampoons), performance appraisal...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 10:15

255 853 5


... each dimension of security is tested and integrated with the tasks needed to ensure security This sections include: Personnel Security, Data Network Security, Telecommunications Security, Wireless ... Security, Wireless Communications Security, and Physical Security, and the sections of this methodology detail security from the point of view of WHICH test to do, WHY to it and WHEN to it The OSSTMM ... LESSON 10 – WEB SECURITY AND PRIVACY “License for Use” Information The following lessons and workbooks are open and publicly available under the following terms and conditions of ISECOM:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 20:15

24 553 0
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P3

Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P3

... Chapter 3: cisco pix firewall models and features Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN Chapter 3: cisco pix firewall models and features Tường lửa Phần đưa cách giải thích tường ... ninh cho mạng Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN Chapter 3: cisco pix firewall models and features  Apdaptive Security Algorithm (ASA) – thực việc điều khiển kết nối stateful thông qua PIX Firewall ... ty thông qua Internet sử dụng chuẩn dựa Internet Key Exchange (IKE)/IP security (Ipsec) khả VPN Người sử dụng có mạng plug -and- play (cắm chạy) cách nắm bắt lợi việc xây dựng server giao thức cấu...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 00:15

21 613 3
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P2

Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P2

... Computer Security Institute (CIS), 70% tổ chức bị mát thông tin vấn đề an ninh mạng có lỗ thủng 60% số nguyên nhân công ty họ Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN CHAPTER 2: Network Security and The ... triển phải phù hợp với bánh xe an ninh phía - bốn bước Security Wheel cần dựa vào: Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN CHAPTER 2: Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall Bước 1: Bảo mật hệ thống: ... (check – balance system) để đảm bảo thiết bị bước Security Wheel cấu hình làm việc đắn 10 Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN CHAPTER 2: Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall Việc đánh giá cần...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 00:15

24 650 4
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P6

Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P6

... ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security1 00 nameif ethernet2 dmz security5 0 nameif ethernet3 intf3 security1 5 nameif ethernet4 intf4 security2 0 nameif ethernet5 intf5 security2 5 ... [(internal_if_name, external_if_name)] global_ip local_ip [netmask network_ mask] [max_conns[em_limit]][norandomseq] Interner_if_name Tên giao diện mạng bên Externer_if_name Tên giao diện mạng bên Global_ip ... cản công theo kiểu tràn ngập embryonic connection Mặc định 0, có nghĩa không giới hạn kết nối Norandomseq Không ngẫu nhiên hóa thứ tự gói tin TCP/IP Chỉ sử dụng tùy chọn có firewall nội tuyến khác...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 10:15

36 617 2
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P5

Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P5

... ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security1 00 nameif ethernet2 dmz security5 0 nameif ethernet3 intf3 security1 5 nameif ethernet4 intf4 security2 0 nameif ethernet5 intf5 security2 5 ... nameif e2 dmz security5 0 pixP(config)# show nameif nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security1 00 nameif ethernet2 dmz security5 0 nameif ethernet3 intf3 security1 5 nameif ... CONFIGURATION OF THE CISCO PIX FIREWALL Mức độ an ninh ASA (ASA Security Levels) Phần thảo luận Adaptive Security Algorith (ASA) ASA security levels ASA cách tiếp cận an ninh toàn diện Mọi gói tin...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 10:15

47 637 3