... 19 67 [9] A E Albert and L S Gardner, “Stochastic approximation and nonlinear regression”, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 19 67 [10] K Brandenburg and T Sporer, “NMR and Masking Flag: Evaluation of quality ... approximation of the leakage path response, is changed too The result of this changing is used to examine the performance of system when changing the length of weighting vector For the performance ... diagram of system using NLMS algorithm Fig .7. 1 Reverberant time Fig .7. 2 Learning curve of the NLMS algorithm Fig.8.1 Clean signal (a), Signal at the microphone (b) and the Output signal of the
Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2021, 14:03
... 3 370 00 10 3 370 00 10 3 370 00 10 17 to 20 3 370 00 15 -3 3 370 00 20 -0.5 to 20 3 370 00 25 -5 to 3 370 00 25 to 20 3 370 00 30 to 3 370 00 30 8.5 to 20 3 370 00 35 -5 to 3 370 00 35 to 7. 5 3 370 00 35 17 to 20 3 370 00 ... Results 61 7. 3.2 Morphing Wing Wind Tunnel Results 66 7. 3.3 Roll Results 76 7. 3.4 Discussion of Results 82 7. 3.5 Summary of Comparison – Conventional ... T240 wing and the morphing wing at Re 3 370 00 86 Table Comparison of conventional T240 and morphing wing in cruise condition at Re 3 370 00 87 Table Experimental results of similar
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2023, 12:29
the comparison of financial statements and performance analyses of three technology companies through three years
... reduce handling expenses and boost cashflow In this year, the company was effective at managing its inventory and performing its sales.The higher DSI number of 72 .73 5 in 2020, on the other hand, often ... September 30, 2019, it had cash and cash equivalentsof RMB25.9 billion and RMB35.5 billion, respectively; RMB54.8 billion and RMB30.3 billion asof December 31, 2020, and September 30, 2020, in turns.Trang ... Huawei, and Samsung from 2019 to 2021 Therefore, theobjectives involve:● Calculating and analysing the financial ratios of the three chosen companies.● Evaluation of the performance of those
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2024, 21:58
Báo cáo hóa học: "Performance evaluation of time-multiplexed and data-dependent superimposed training based transmission with practical power amplifier model" doc
... channel band edge This distance is defined as an out -of- band frequency distance, ∆fOOB ... Systems and Computers 2006, ACSSC ’06, Pacific Grove, California USA, 29 Oct–1 Nov 2006, pp 76 7? ?77 1 4 ... the amplitude limiter in the transmitter and the removal of the data dependent pilots. Next, in Section 7, the throughput performance comparison of DDST and TDMT training based systems is provided. ... Alameda-Hernandez, AG Orozco-Lugo, MM Lara, Performance of data-dependent superimposed. .. 100,000 random frame realizations These results provide more insight on the average PAPR performance of
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
The 7 Deadly Myths of Gold Investing And the 7 Empowering Signs That Now Is the Right pptx
... stellar performance. Gold’s gains are largely due to the effect of the printing of fiat paper and accumulation of debt. It’s the indicator and yard-stick against which the debasement of fake ... perception of today’s fiat currency, the US debt and other forms of paper or “debt-based” savings. Or it simply illustrates the very common lack of understanding in monetary policy or, and even ... let’s examine the 7 deadly myths of gold investing. Deadly Myth #1: The Gold Boom is Over You’re no doubt aware of gold’s tremendous performance over the last several years, and maybe you’re
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Stomatal and non stomatal limitation of photosynthesis by leaf water deficits in three oak species: a comparison of gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence data" potx
... relationships between the biochemistry of photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves Planta 153, 376 -3 87 Comic G, Prioul JL, Louason G (1983) Stomatal and non stomatal contribution ... mole fraction of CO 2 (C i ), kinetics of chlorophyll a fluorescence, and their half decay time (t 1/2 ), their ratio of fluo- rescence decrease (Rfd), and their adaptive ... (Boyer, 1 976 ) and in ribulose-biphosphate carboxylase-oxygen- ase activity (Vu et al, 19 87) . Leaf gas exchange measurements and analysis using diffusion models (Jones, 1 973 , 1985;
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:24
Báo cáo y học: "Comparison of cardiac, hepatic, and renal effects of arginine vasopressin and noradrenaline during porcine fecal peritonitis: a randomized controlled trial" potx
... (7. 45 to 7. 53)b 7. 47 (7. 44 to 7. 49)b 7. 44 (7. 38 to 7. 45)b AVP 7. 54 (7. 49 to 7. 57) 7. 51 (7. 49 to 7. 52)b 7. 49 (7. 45 to 7. 53)b 7. 49 (7. 44 to 7. 51)b Control 10.3 (8.8 to 12.3) 9.9 (7. 0 to 11.3) 6.0 ... AVP (7 to 12) 12 (10 to 15) 11 (10 to 16) 13 (11 to 16)a Portal vein pH Control 7. 49 (7. 46 to 7. 52) 7. 46 (7. 42 to 7. 48) 7. 41 (7. 38 to 7. 45)b 7. 37 (7. 33 to 7. 42)b AVP 7. 48 (7. 43 to 7. 51) 7. 47 (7. 44 ... Control AVP 29 (24 to 34)b 3.0 (2.0 to 58 (52 to Control 7. 43 (7. 40 to 7. 49 (7. 44 to 7. 54) 7. 47 (7. 44 to 7. 50) 7. 43 (7. 39 to 7. 48)b 7. 44 (7. 40 to 7. 46) Control 10.8 (9.5 to 12.5) 10.2 (8.1 to 11.2)b
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:22
... FACULTY OF LAW UNIVERSITY OF LAW TRAN HOANG NGA REGULATIONS AGAINST ABUSIVE PRICING -A COMPARISON OF EU, US AND VIETNAMESE LAW AND AN APPLICATION OF ITS RESULTS TO VIETNAM Field of Study: ... in Articles 3 (f), 85 and 86 of the Treaty of Rome of 25 March 19 57 which established the European Economic Community. To an extent, both Articles 85 and 86 of Treaty of Rome are monopoly control ... later part of 2003, and ultimately brought in the form of an official complaint to the Vietnam Competition Authority (VCA) in the beginning of 20 07, after its establishment and issuance of governmental
Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2014, 15:49
DSpace at VNU: Performance analysis of adaptive decode-and-forward relaying in noncont cooperative networks
... signals Hence, the BER performance of the proposed scheme of scenario achieves that of the twothreshold scheme However, the performance of scenario is a little bit worse than that of the two-threshold ... average BER Page of 13 bits makes the error performance worse), the performance of the network resembles that of a point-to-point system because in either case, the diversity order of the system ... average BER of the network are computed as (13) and (16), respectively 4.2 i.i.d fading channels Similar to Section 3.2, the average BER of the network and the probability of occurrence of {M, N,
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 08:45
Comparison of Sleep Attitudes and Beliefs among Older Adult Vietnamese Migrants and Australians with and without Insomnia
... statistics and summary of analyses of the Mann-Whitney for each ISI item as a function of ethnicity group…………………………… ….… .76 Table 3.14 Frequencies of Insomnia and No Insomnia for Vietnamese and Australian ... Vietnamese sample with a mean age of 65.50 years (SD = 5.62) The Australian sample consisted of 50 males and 57 females with a mean age of 68.82 years (SD = 7. 32) Phase One of the study examined the ... 57 3.1 Phase One: Psychometric properties of scales 57 3.2 Phase Two: Comparison of Vietnamese and Australian older adult participants with respect to their sleep attitudes and beliefs
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2019, 03:20
Comparison of Sleep Attitudes and Beliefs among Older Adult Vietnamese Migrants and Australians with and without Insomnia
... statistics and summary of analyses of the Mann-Whitney for each ISI item as a function of ethnicity group…………………………… ….… .76 Table 3.14 Frequencies of Insomnia and No Insomnia for Vietnamese and Australian ... Vietnamese sample with a mean age of 65.50 years (SD = 5.62) The Australian sample consisted of 50 males and 57 females with a mean age of 68.82 years (SD = 7. 32) Phase One of the study examined the ... 57 3.1 Phase One: Psychometric properties of scales 57 3.2 Phase Two: Comparison of Vietnamese and Australian older adult participants with respect to their sleep attitudes and beliefs
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2019, 20:22
Comparison of Sleep Attitudes and Beliefs among Older Adult Vietnamese Migrants and Australians with and without Insomnia
... statistics and summary of analyses of the Mann-Whitney for each ISI item as a function of ethnicity group…………………………… ….… .76 Table 3.14 Frequencies of Insomnia and No Insomnia for Vietnamese and Australian ... Vietnamese sample with a mean age of 65.50 years (SD = 5.62) The Australian sample consisted of 50 males and 57 females with a mean age of 68.82 years (SD = 7. 32) Phase One of the study examined the ... 57 3.1 Phase One: Psychometric properties of scales 57 3.2 Phase Two: Comparison of Vietnamese and Australian older adult participants with respect to their sleep attitudes and beliefs
Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2019, 11:41
Synthesis of metal-organic framework-199: Comparison of microwave process and solvothermal process
... systematic modification of the pore structure of MOFs Over the last decade, the elevated surface area and pore volume, and the flexibility of pore design characteristics of MOFs have sparked research ... diagrams of MW–MOF–199 and ST–MOF–199 in the nitrogen atmosphere Three main steps of weight loss were observed For MW–MOF–199, the first step was related to the loss of physically adsorbed water, and ... loss of 7. 6 %), and the final loss of 54.4 % starting at 300 °C was attributed to the decomposition of the metal-organic structure (theoretical loss of 48.3 %) Meanwhile, the TG curve of ST–MOF–199
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2020, 02:19
Performance implication of budgetary participation and learning goal orientation: Empirical evidence from Vietnam
... 15.83 Obtaining and maintaining suitable staff 0.62 12. 17 Negotiating 0 .75 26.86 Representing the interests of my area of responsibility 0 .70 13.89 Overall performance 0 .79 27. 87 Notes: AVE: Average ... foreign companies (69 .7% ) and local companies (30.1%) In terms of firm size, 74 .8% of informants worked in firms with total assets of more than VND100 billion In addition, 75 .1% of informants worked ... empirically tested and little is known about the performance implication (in term of innovation and job performance) of budgeting practices and employees’ budgetary participation in the context of Vietnam
Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 04:01
Comparison of Sleep Attitudes and Beliefs among Older Adult Vietnamese Migrants and Australians with and without Insomnia
... statistics and summary of analyses of the Mann-Whitney for each ISI item as a function of ethnicity group…………………………… ….… .76 Table 3.14 Frequencies of Insomnia and No Insomnia for Vietnamese and Australian ... Vietnamese sample with a mean age of 65.50 years (SD = 5.62) The Australian sample consisted of 50 males and 57 females with a mean age of 68.82 years (SD = 7. 32) Phase One of the study examined the ... 57 3.1 Phase One: Psychometric properties of scales 57 3.2 Phase Two: Comparison of Vietnamese and Australian older adult participants with respect to their sleep attitudes and beliefs
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2020, 07:31
Comparison of Sleep Attitudes and Beliefs among Older Adult Vietnamese Migrants and Australians with and without Insomnia
... statistics and summary of analyses of the Mann-Whitney for each ISI item as a function of ethnicity group…………………………… ….… .76 Table 3.14 Frequencies of Insomnia and No Insomnia for Vietnamese and Australian ... Vietnamese sample with a mean age of 65.50 years (SD = 5.62) The Australian sample consisted of 50 males and 57 females with a mean age of 68.82 years (SD = 7. 32) Phase One of the study examined the ... 57 3.1 Phase One: Psychometric properties of scales 57 3.2 Phase Two: Comparison of Vietnamese and Australian older adult participants with respect to their sleep attitudes and beliefs
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2020, 16:35
Cell wall proteome of sugarcane stems: comparison of a destructive and a nondestructive extraction method showed differences in glycoside hydrolases and peroxidases
... 3928. 575 – 126 .75 31 – 15 270 .52; 16 670 .59 141.14 679 SCSGLR1084A12* 12; 14–10; 6; 6–6; 677 2.538; 5 277 .542 – 158.43881 – Sb01g004 270 .1 18024. 07; 130 67. 63 150.2402 SCCCLB1001G04 7; 5; 314.0911; 273 .5209 ... 1 475 . 072 ; 70 45.55 168.1 979 5 Sb05g0 275 10.1 Asp protease, peptidase A1 DT SCMCLR1123H12 6; 7? ??3; 3; 3–2; 172 2 .72 3; 479 9 .76 7 – 122.60135 – Sb05g0 275 10.1 598 .79 39; 171 7.224 52.14 575 2 Asp protease, peptidase ... 70 8.6 577 ; 4 47. 8 37 Sb01g04 177 0.1 Prx homologous to SbPrx20 DT SCCCRT1001G12 9; 9–14; 5; 6? ?7; 2689.641; 2 574 .119 – 65.3 672 5 – 10308.06; 9888.154 77 .029495 Sb04g008590.1 Prx homologous to SbPrx71
Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2020, 03:47
Transcriptomic comparison of the selfpollinated and cross-pollinated flowers of Erigeron breviscapus to analyze candidate self-incompatibility-associated genes
... against COG 12, 279 19.34 % 11, 479 7, 906 Gene annotations against KEGG 8,483 13.36 % 7, 575 4,639 All annotated unigenes 38,540 60 .70 % 33,5 47 18,231 significant DEGs between samples T2 and T3 For these ... KAPP and Annexin (Fig 6a and b) Further studies are required to fully understand the role and mechanism of these candidate genes in SI Methods Plant materials and RNA isolation Wild-type of E ... characters and breeding of new strains of Erigeron breviscapus Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 2010;35:554? ?7 37 Yang SC, Wang PL, Yang JW Effects of genotypic and environmental on yield and scutellarin
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 20:01
Development and comparison of infiltration models and their field validation
... 4 .72 -0.18232 1.551809 4.404 17 2 .79 576 7 65 1.083333 5.52 0.080043 1 .70 8 378 5.059 879 2. 470 778 85 1.4166 67 6. 37 0.3483 07 1.851599 5.831383 2. 177 5 07 105 1 .75 7. 14 0.559616 1.96 571 3 6.521058 1. 971 223 ... 1.4552 27 230 3.833333 9. 97 1.34 373 5 2.299581 9. 873 315 1.3625 17 260 4.333333 10. 37 1.4663 37 2.3389 17 10.53489 1.2860 67 320 5.333333 10 .77 1. 673 976 2. 376 764 11 .75 8 1.166246 380 6.333333 11. 07 1.8458 27 ... 0.1666 67 1 .77 -1 .79 176 0. 570 98 1. 879 788 5.966448 15 0.25 2.32 -1.38629 0.8415 67 2.329492 4.929205 25 0.4166 67 3.12 -0. 875 47 1.1 378 33 3.052244 3. 875 129 35 0.583333 3.82 -0.539 1.34025 3.646 876 3.3 071 95
Ngày tải lên: 17/06/2020, 14:21