people sexuality and gender identity

[Louisa allen] young people, sexuality and education

[Louisa allen] young people, sexuality and education

... was born in England and emigrated to New Zealand at four years old As a consequence of living most of my life in New Zealand and feeling a strong connection with its landscape and culture, I consider ... practical support and injection of humour that rights my world And to Andrew who knows me best, and brings light and joy into my everyday life Thank you for making me laugh, and for the warmth ... knowledge and practices and what these imply for how we conceptualise sexuality education’s effectiveness My exploration of these themes is intersected by an interest in gender and power and the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:43

212 483 0
Gender and Sexual Identity

Gender and Sexual Identity

... recognized in the celebratory reading, since for Rosamund gender expectations have produced Gender and Sexual Identity 89 an emotional deformity, and an irresolvable double bind She combines independence ... the fairy-tales of the brothers Grimm or Perrault Gender and Sexual Identity 93 suppress their subtext of sexuality, Carter makes the emerging sexuality of her fifteen-year-old protagonist Melanie ... The eventual romantic union of Fevvers and Walser consolidates a more propitious understanding of woman This is clinched in the significance Gender and Sexual Identity 95 of Fevvers’s infectious...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

35 420 1
22 arabic sociolinguistics topics in diglossia, gender, identity, and politics

22 arabic sociolinguistics topics in diglossia, gender, identity, and politics

... 3.5.1 Diglossia and levelling 3.5.2 Levelling and language change 3.6 Conclusion Arabic and gender 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Approaches to language and gender 4.2.1 The deficit theory and Lakoff's contribution ... language use to demographic factors like education, age and sex /gender, and more recently on issues related to language and identity and its ethnic and nationalistic manifestations (cf Suleiman 2003: ... Diversity in traditions and religious practices 4.3.5 Honour and modesty 4 Politeness in relation to gender 4.5 'Mister master': names, status and identity 5.1 Names and why they are hidden 4.6...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:49

329 215 0


... Constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing gender Sex and gender 10 Learning to be gendered 15 Keeping gender: the gender order 32 Masculinities and femininities 47 Gender practice 50 Linking ... janitors And it continues to be transformed as our family status changes as we learn to be wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, grandmothers and grandfathers ... particular gender ideologies and norms How new ideas about gender gain currency? How and why people change linguistic and gender practices? The shift from focusing on differences between male and female...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:57

379 1,1K 4
Definite and indefinite articles and gender

Definite and indefinite articles and gender

... the Catholic Monarchs (Queen Isabel and King Fernando) the boys (and girls) the children / the boys the Duke and Duchess of Alba the President and First Lady Mr and Mrs Garcia the engaged couple ... (January), mayo El Himalaya, el Acongagua, los Andes, el Popocatepetl, los Alpes; and volcanos: el Definite/indefinite articles and noun gender Cars Watches Ships and aircraft carriers Airplanes Languages ... From now on, the for el and la will not be used in the lists 1.2 General features of gender – masculine nouns i Names and designations of males, and the males of large and well-known animals,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 06:20

22 439 0
Conceptualizing the interaction of class and gender

Conceptualizing the interaction of class and gender

... interconnection of class and gender As a preliminary task to empirical investigations of class and gender, it is useful to lay out a conceptual menu of the various ways that class and gender might be ... Wright, Levine and Sober (1992: ch 5) Interaction of class and gender 119 research and theory construction Five forms of possible class /gender interconnections are particularly important: gender as ... relations; gender relations and class relations as reciprocally affecting each other; gender as a sorting mechanism into class locations; gender as a mediated linkage to class locations; and gender...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

10 395 0
Interruption in age based and gender based conversationsstudy on types, outcomes and functions = nghiên cứu về thể loại, tác động và chức năng của sự ngắt lời trong đàm thoại trên cơ sở về tuổi và giới

Interruption in age based and gender based conversationsstudy on types, outcomes and functions = nghiên cứu về thể loại, tác động và chức năng của sự ngắt lời trong đàm thoại trên cơ sở về tuổi và giới

... Outcomes and Functions of Interruption in Age-based and Genderbased Conversations …………………………………………….… 19 2.1 Types, Outcomes and Functions of Interruption …………………… 19 2.2 Data Analysis and Discussion ... conversational interruption between ages and genders Additionally, it is aimed at spotlighting the differences between ages and genders in behaviors and attitudes towards their conversational ... responses and actual situations recorded were compared and analyzed to provide the reliable and valid facts and figures - Data Analysis After collecting data, the researcher summed up and drew...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 10:39

65 594 0
Tài liệu Eating well for older people: Practical and nutritional guidelines for food in residential and nursing homes and for community meals doc

Tài liệu Eating well for older people: Practical and nutritional guidelines for food in residential and nursing homes and for community meals doc

... for older people: who provides it, and who eats it? In 2001, 341,200 older people lived in residential care accommodation and a further 186,000 people in nursing homes About a quarter of people ... alcoves on the south side of 10 Summary and recommendations buildings, and well-paved paths with hand rails and no steps • Older people living in residential and nursing homes who rarely go outside ... maintaining physical and mental resilience and enjoyment of life.4 This report focuses on the daily influence of diet and activity on older people Food and eating bring shape to a day and facilitate...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 18:20

78 470 0
Tài liệu The Kafia Kingi Enclave - People, Politics and History in the North-south Boundary Zone of Western Sudan doc

Tài liệu The Kafia Kingi Enclave - People, Politics and History in the North-south Boundary Zone of Western Sudan doc

... Kingi, and turned the borderlands between Raga and Darfur into a no man’s land For financial reasons, they needed to turn the small and mobile societies of Raga county into a taxable population, and ... man’s land and aimed to create a cultural barrier between north and south Chapters and 7, the second part of the report, look at the politics of the border and the economic system of the borderlands ... who exactly these Fertit people were 4 Being Fertit: people and societies in Western Bahr al-Ghazal and the Kafia Kingi enclave The people of Dar Fartit are slaves and [yet] go free.8 In pre-colonial...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20

171 444 0


... with, and promote, human rights standards and principles, including gender equality Identify gender equality and human rights-related gaps and opportunities with respect to national commitments and ... A HRBA and gender mainstreaming share norms and standards of international human rights treaties and instruments, and other international agreements, such as the Millennium Declaration and the ... different areas for a more thorough understanding of the findings • equality • equity • gender/ gender equality/ gender equity /gender sensitive /gender mainstreaming • gender awareness • girls • health...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

166 830 1


... sexually transmitted infections and HIV and AIDS, pregnancy and ways to avoid Introduction to sexuality and life-skills Trust and confidentiality it, and about our rights and how to protect ourselves ... in areas of sexual and reproductive health INTRODUCTION What young people need to learn about sexuality and life-skills? People worry that if we teach young people about sexuality, it will encourage ... helpful and people feel comfortable and safe For example, we should respect and listen to each other Put people into groups and ask them to talk about how they want to work together and how they...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20

172 185 0


... Between Biology and Society: Young People s Knowledge, Attitudes, and Sexual Behavior 23 Chapter Standing up and Speaking out: Informing Young People About Sexual and Reproductive ... and civil societies to: 20 Facts of Life: Youth Sexuality and Reproductive Health in MENA • Narrow gender gaps and achieve equity between men and women in education, employment, and ... across and within countries in so many ways—socially, economically, and politically—that young people s sexual Facts of Life: Youth Sexuality and Reproductive Health in MENA and reproductive...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20

78 475 0


... Identity Theft and You How to prevent and fight identity theft The term identity theft” has been used widely with different meanings In this booklet, we will define identity theft ... Commission’s Identity Theft Survey Report.2 This booklet will give you an easy-tounderstand overview of identity theft, as well as ways to prevent, detect and resolve it Why should identity theft ... debit cards, checks and account information are secure and not easily accessible, even by friends, relatives and neighbors Credit card numbers, checking and savings account numbers and personal identification...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20

9 346 0
Social and Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management    pptx

Social and Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management       pptx

... social and gendered nature of technologies, policies and interventions Policies and technologies are value-laden; women and men and different social groups are involved and affected differently Gender- awareness ... collaborators and their meetings with rural women and men, and with women and men working for local and national governments and for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), in a number of South Asian and ... The social and gendered nature of ginger production and commercialization: A case study of the Rai, Lepcha and Brahmin-Chhetri in Sikkim and Kalimpong, West Bengal, India (Chanda Gurung and Nawraj...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

251 503 1
HPA axis responses to laboratory psychosocial stress in healthy elderly adults, younger adults, and children: impact of age and gender ppt

HPA axis responses to laboratory psychosocial stress in healthy elderly adults, younger adults, and children: impact of age and gender ppt

... Maitland, L.A., McAloon-Dyke, M., Elahi, D., 1993 The pituitary–adrenal glucocorticoid response is altered by gender and disease J Gerontol 48, M72–M77 Handa, R.J., McGivern, R.F., 1999 Gender and ... (F(3,183)=56.12, pϽ0.0001) and age (F(1,61)=7.35, pϽ0.009) Furthermore, the main effect of gender (F(1,61)=3.12, pϽ0.08) and the two-way interactions ‘age by time’ (F(1.2,72.1)=3.44, pϽ0.06) and gender by time’ ... estrogens excert an potentiating effect (Kitay, 1961, 1963; Viau and Meaney, 1991; Burgess and Handa, 1992; Carey et al., 1995; Handa and McGivern, 1999) while in humans results are much more contradictory...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

16 337 0
SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 359: Attitudes on Data Protection and Electronic Identity in the European Union pdf

SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 359: Attitudes on Data Protection and Electronic Identity in the European Union pdf

... information and their identity It discusses their own identity management, i.e the type of credentials they use, and identity protection, i.e the strategies and actions used to protect one's identity; ... are Ireland (89%), Finland, Slovenia (88%), Slovakia, Sweden, the Czech Republic, (each 82%), France, Belgium (each 81%), and Latvia and Estonia (both 79%) In contrast, in Poland (44%) and Romania ... Luxembourg (47%), France (44%) and Ireland (41%); and their national identity number, identity card number or passport number most often in Sweden (72%), Latvia (57%), Spain (51%) and Estonia (47%) A general...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

330 525 0
People, Land and Water docx

People, Land and Water docx

... People, Land and Water This page intentionally left blank People, Land and Water Participatory Development Communication for Natural ... understands and discusses the issues, and collects and shares the information involves methods of establishing communication with people The way in which communication is established and nurtured ... exceptional and can only be prevented by identifying the main actors in a community and understanding their roles and relationships before any process is launched Social analysis, gender analysis and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

334 208 0
Football, Violence and Social Identity pot

Football, Violence and Social Identity pot

... from Scotland, England, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy, Argentina and the USA This book will be of interest to an international readership of informed soccer and sport enthusiasts and students ... Bonney and Mike Hepworth Social identity and public order: political and academic discourses on football violence Richard Giulianotti Death and violence in Argentinian football Eduardo P Archetti and ... Waddington, 1992:117–39); and left ethnographers (Robins, 1990) Meanwhile, writers on fan behaviour and disorder, from Austria, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Holland, England and Scotland, were widely drawn...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:21

273 409 2
Hidden Consequences: The costs of industrial water pollution on people, planet and profit potx

Hidden Consequences: The costs of industrial water pollution on people, planet and profit potx

... consultancy and engineering firm, providing services and innovative solutions in environment and sustainability, general buildings, manufacturing and industrial process, urban and regional development and ... expensive to clean up Basel, onto German and French soil and into other parts Between 1945 and 1996, companies from the Basel of Switzerland – as far as necessary, and only as a result of chemical industry ... pollution on people, planet and profit 33 © B CI Betriebs-AG image: Construction of the clean-up hall at Bonfol In 2000, Greenpeace Switzerland occupied the landfill site for two months and proved...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

80 458 0
murphy - people, plants and genes - the story of crops and humanity (oxford, 2007)

murphy - people, plants and genes - the story of crops and humanity (oxford, 2007)

... structures and technologies In Part IV, People and plants in historic times: globalization of agriculture and the rise of science, we move through the classical and medieval periods and the many ups and ... Figures 6.5A, B, C and D, 6.7A and B, 11.3A and B, and 12.2A and B; and Judith Hills drew Figures 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 10.7, 10.10, 12.3, 12.5, 12.6 Special thanks to Steve Lee and the team at the ... on knowledge and foresight by the people involved In Part III, People and plants in prehistoric times: ten millennia of climatic and social change, the focus returns to humankind, and particularly...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:11

426 325 0