... Adh4 and Aldh1 genes in the GI tract of rats and mice is summarized in Fig and Table Figures and document key findings and Fig documents probe controls Figure summarizes details of localization of ... human tissues, and that this has implications for how to interpret the role of the studied enzymes in health and disease Results The distribution and relative intensity of expression of the Adh1, ... enteric nervous system in PD and found that both Meissner’s and Auerbach’s plexuses were affected already in early stages of disease and terminal axons of postganglionic and preganglionic neurons...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20
... SM and JB designed and supervised the research and discussed the results; BTW, SM, and SC all performed experiments with help from SW and SA BTW analyzed the data with the help of JB and SM and ... http://genomebiology.com/2011/12/8/R82 Page of 12 Figure Profiles of transcription and chromatin-related patterns as a function of gene expression (a-d) Probe signals for Pol II (a), histone H3 (b), H3K36me3 (c), and FAIRE (d) ... the average patterns for the different chromatinand transcription-related features across intron-less and Figure An example of FAIRE, Pol II ChIP-chip, and expression data The top and bottom panels...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 23:20
... for attempting to understand historical patterns of law and authority, by reference to interior moral and exterior political impulses, and versions of history and visions of the future, in chapter ... ‘globalise’ and ‘universalise’, suggesting the attempt or purport of the act of globalising and universalising, falling short of the achievement of the actual end of this action Such a use of the ... Introduction understand the reality of law and what constitutes law; to attempt to fathom, where possible, the limits and potentials of attitudes towards the social order and law; and to formulate...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54
Tài liệu Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors ppt
... Leading Diseases and Total Burden of Disease Individual and Joint Contributions of Risk Factors to Mortality and Burden of Disease from Site-Specific Cancers Individual and Joint Contributions of ... Factors to Mortality and Burden of Disease from Cardiovascular Diseases Individual and Joint Contributions of Risk Factors to Mortality and Burden of Disease from Major Diseases of Children Population ... T Jamison, and Christopher J L Murray History of Burden of Disease Studies Applications of Burden of Disease Analysis Improving the Comparative Quantification of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors:...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: In vivo studies of altered expression patterns of p53 and proliferative control genes in chronic vitamin A deficiency and hypervitaminosis pot
... syringes and then liver and lung samples were taken and processed immediately Retinol and retinyl palmitate were measured in serum and tissues following the method described by Barua and Olson [16] Differential ... that of the p53 gene RT-PCR analysis of c-jun, p53 and p21WAF1/CIF1 in liver and lung of control, chronic vitamin A-deficiency and hypervitaminosis rats Based on the results found in the differential ... followed the pattern of p53 and c-Jun gene expression showed in Figs and Immunoprecipitation of complex RAR–DNA To elucidate the mechanism of this pattern of expression, the binding of RAR to c-Jun...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Type D personality in the general population: a systematic review of health status, mechanisms of disease, and work-related problems" docx
... and experimental evidence regarding the role of Type D personality in potential mechanisms of disease as well as work-related Type D personality and mechanisms of disease Type D personality and ... support, and they were Mols and Denollet Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2010, 8:9 http://www.hqlo.com/content/8/1/9 Page of 10 Table List of criteria for assessing the methodological quality of ... explored the behavioral and biological mechanisms of disease as a Mols and Denollet Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2010, 8:9 http://www.hqlo.com/content/8/1/9 Table 3: Outcomes of studies: Health...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
... Optimization of Darboux inclusions Now, after simple transformations of first double integral over Q of right-hand side of inequality (5.8) using equality of mixed partial derivatives of x∗ (t,τ) ... understood as the action of a linear continuous functional w∗ on the element w, then from the item (ii) of the condition of nondegeneracy and from the assertion (ii) of the condition of Elimhan N Mahmudov ... sorbtion, and dissorbtion of gases can be reduced to this formulation Needed facts and problem statement Let Rn be n-dimensional Euclidean space and let P(Rn ) be the set of all nonempty subsets of...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Asymptotics of Permutations with Nearly Periodic Patterns of Rises and Falls" ppsx
... sequence of symbols If v and w are words, then vw is the concatenation and w k is the concatenation of k copies of w The length |w| of w is the number of symbols in the sequence The descent word of ... (2.10) and D = (D0 , , D|µ|−1)t is the solution of MD = such that φ(x, µ) dx = The value of φ(y, µR ) is found by replacing x with y and µ with µR The values of λ and |r| are the same for µ and ... expand exp(rω t) and then collecting terms according to powers of r: ∞ k=0 rk = 0, (k )! (3.2) since the sum of ω tn over t vanishes when n is not a multiple of This is the result of Leeming and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Patterns of arbuscular- and ecto- mycorrhizal colonization of Eucalyptus dunnii in southern Brazil" potx
... Santa Catarina and Paraná in southern Brazil (table I) The soils of five sites, which had previously carried stands of E viminalis, namely Formiga, Bugre, Paredão and Experimental, or of P taeda, ... of events in patterns A and B, the recorded incidences of AM and ECM colonization at Mafra both progressively increased, non-linearly, after transplanting reaching maximal values at the end of ... the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná in southern Brazil Roots of Eucalyptus spp can be colonized by types of mycorrhizal fungi, namely those forming i) arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) and ii) those...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "PET-CT staging of the neck in cancers of the oropharynx: patterns of regional and retropharyngeal nodal metastasis" potx
... article as: Tauzin et al.: PET-CT staging of the neck in cancers of the oropharynx: patterns of regional and retropharyngeal nodal metastasis World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2010 8:70 Submit your ... assessment of cancers of the head and neck revolutionized cancer staging and is now routinely performed prior to planning therapy However, few studies have evaluated regional nodal distribution and ... World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2010, 8:70 http://www.wjso.com/content/8/1/70 Page of Table Tumor and nodal status and clinical stage for the study cohort Tumor Stage concentration of regional...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:22
báo cáo khoa học: "Skeletal Plasmacytoma: Progression of disease and impact of local treatment; an analysis of SEER database" ppt
... of limbs and associated joints, and the scapula Axial skeleton included vertebra, ribs, sternum, clavicle and associated joints, bones of skull, face and associated joints, mandible, and pelvic ... on diagnostic accuracy of MRI, and prognostic significance of absence of myeloma protein, anemia, hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency and stability of M-protein Accuracy of staging information ... database The current study also reiterates the need of better understanding of the disease process of plasma cell neoplasm and the inclusion of molecular markers in the database Competing interests...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Long term marijuana users seeking medical cannabis in California (2001–2007): demographics, social characteristics, patterns of cannabis and other drug use of 4117 applicants" docx
... Service Sales and Related Office and Administrative Support Farming, Fishing and Forestry Construction and Extraction Installation, Maintenance And Repair Production Transportation and Materials ... effects were more difficult to control and more likely to be undesirable and/ or prolonged Initiation and use of tobacco and alcohol One of the more significant patterns revealed by comparing average ... applicants and US population (N = 2092) The two groups are quite similar with the exception of Construction and Extraction, Office and Administrative Support, which are gender specific professions...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of Industrial Infrastructure, Nature of Disease and Animal Demographics on Surveillance Strategies in Poultry" ppt
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Luminal concentrations of L- and D-lactate in the rectum may relate to severity of disease and outcome in septic patients" ppt
... concentrations of L- and Dlactate in the rectal lumen and systemic circulation in septic patients and the possible relation to site of infection, severity of disease, and outcome Materials and methods ... concentrations of L-lactate (a) and D-lactate (b) in non-surviving and surviving septic patients and healthy subjects and surviving septic patients and healthy subjects Dots represent values of individual ... severity of disease and outcome, indicating pathophysiological relevance Authors' contributions VLJ and AP were involved in design, data collection and analysis, drafting of manuscript, and revisions...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo y học: "Burden of disease and costs of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) in the United Kingdom" ppsx
... burden of a specific disease to a wider non-specialist audience [8] A recent study has published detailed estimates of the costs of cerebrovascular diseases as part of a study of cardiovascular disease ... repre- Page of 12 sentative of the UK aSAH population in terms of age, geographical distribution, severity and other characteristics [17] The epidemiology of aSAH To estimate the number of patients ... available and multiplied by the appropriate unit costs Unit costs were obtained from NHS reference costs, standard national publications and a recent study of the UK costs of endovascular and surgical...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:22
Báo cáo y học: "Genome-wide patterns of carbon and nitrogen regulation of gene expression validate the combined carbon and nitrogen (CN)-signaling hypothesis in plants" pptx
... First, single strands of the promoter sequences of the A thaliana genes were randomized 200 times, the reverse complement of the randomized strand was determined, and the number of times the 33 ... alignment Despite this lack of similarity, we tested for the presence of CN1 and CN2 in the promoter of this gene; three copies of CN1 (p-value = 0.052) and one copy of CN2 (p-value = 0.389) were ... increase of amino acids as a result of feeding carbon, nitrogen and/ or CN To gain a better understanding of how the metabolism, energy and protein synthesis funcats are regulated by carbon and/ or...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo y học: " Patterns of expansion and expression divergence in the plant polygalacturonase gene family" ppsx
... withduplicatedArabidopsisand the PG containing ing ofand AGI assignment ofused to expression.genes.cDNAsfrom Tableofbothidentifiedofof theduringof proteinof blocks exceptaccorddopsiscontainingexpressionGenBankof a ... abscission zones of Arabidopsis with their patterns of expression Additional data file shows GH28 domain sequence alignments of rice and Arabidopsis PGs analyzed BHW ofPGs regions.theirof expression ... questions on the evolution and function of this gene family We compared the PGs from Arabidopsis and rice to determine the pattern of expansion and the extent of PG losses prior and subsequent to the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Differential patterns of reactive oxygen species and antioxidative mechanisms during atrazine injury and sucrose-induced tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana plantlets" ppsx
... xenobiotic and ROS signalling are discussed Results Patterns of accumulation of singlet oxygen, superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide The transfer of plantlets after weeks of growth to control and ... pattern of ROS with increased levels of 1O2 and H2O2 associated with a decrease of O2.content, whereas the protective sucrose-atrazine combination favored accumulation of O2.- and H2O2 These ROS patterns ... Characterisation of the impact of atrazine on ROS patterns ROS patterns appear to depend strongly on the nature and intensity of stress conditions applied to plants [50] It is therefore of great importance...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo y học: "Rural-urban migration patterns and mental health diagnoses of adolescents and young adults in British Columbia, Canada: a case-control study" ppsx
... changes of residence were more likely to have higher rates of mental health diagnoses and higher levels of help-seeking, as well as lower levels of social competence These lower levels of social ... gender of the child, date of birth, surname, and given names This probabilistic technique yielded a success rate of 87% A total of 37,827 children of sawmill workers were identified, forming an offspring ... University of British Columbia (UBC) and the British Columbia Ministry of Health to conduct a series of studies on the health of sawmill workers and their children Study participants For the children of...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21
The Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention and Treatment of Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Heart Disease, and Depression
... inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis; (5) regulation of subcellular signaling pathways and modulation of transcription factors; and (6) inhibition of growth factors and ... atherosclerosis and ischemic stroke, neurodegenerative diseases of aging, and certain cancers The first report of the anticancer properties of “anthocyan” flavonoids from fruits and vegetables was ... detects DNA strand breaks and abasic sites, the genotoxicity of PhIP could be demonstrated only in the presence of hydroxyurea and 1-[beta-Darabinofuranosyl]cytosine, known inhibitors of DNA repair...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 05:20