participles and participial phrases practice

C# Coding Standards and Best Programming Practices

C# Coding Standards and Best Programming Practices

... collapsed. To develop reliable and maintainable applications, you must follow coding standards and best practices. The naming conventions, coding standards and best practices described ... Conventions and Standards 4 8. Indentation and Spacing 7 9. Good Programming practices 10 10. Architecture 15 11. ASP.NET 16 12. Comments 16 13. Exception Handling 17 C# Coding Standards and Best ... Good: 1. Author 3 2. License, Copyrights and Disclaimer 3 3. Revision History 3 4. Introduction 3 5. Purpose of coding standards and best practices 3 6. How to follow the standards...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2012, 08:47

18 811 1
preposition and prepositional phrases

preposition and prepositional phrases

... after. Notes:  Above and below, over and under, in front of and behind are converse opposites: The picture is above the mantelpiece = The mantelpiece is below the picture  Over and under tend to ... relationship and/ or spatial proximity, while above and below may indicate simply ‘on a higher/ lower level than’: The castle stands on a hill above (rather than over) the valley  Underneath and beneath ... Purpose (4) Place (8) Time (3) Respect standard Reaction Ingredient material Respect standard Reaction Subject matter Ingredient material Respect standard Reaction Negative condition Subject...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 07:11

27 745 5
The aspectual make up of Perfect participles and the interpretations of the Perfect- Roumyana Pancheva

The aspectual make up of Perfect participles and the interpretations of the Perfect- Roumyana Pancheva

... is build- NEUT sand castle and before ‘Ivan has built a sandcastle before as well.’ d. * Ivan e stroil pjasâc!na kula sega. Ivan is build- NEUT sand castle now ‘Ivan has built a sandcastle now.’ e. ... be-3 SG . PRES build- NEUT . M . SG sand castle ‘Ivan has been building a sandcastle.’ b. Ivan e strojal pjasâc!na kula. Ivan be-3 SG . PRES build- IMPERF . M . SG sand castle ‘Ivan has been building a sandcastle.’ c. ... Pustejovsky and C. Tenny (eds.), 3-60. Stanford: CSLI Press. Forsyth, James 1970 A Grammar of Aspect. Usage and Meaning in the Russian Verb. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Giorgi, Alessandra, and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 14:15

33 536 0
Tài liệu CodingStandards and Best Programming Practices doc

Tài liệu CodingStandards and Best Programming Practices doc

... something 5. Purpose of coding standards and best practices To develop reliable and maintainable applications, you must follow coding standards and best practices. The naming ... coding standards and best practices described in this document are compiled from our own experience and by referring to various Microsoft and non Microsoft guidelines. There are several standards ... good work and also make sure he does not get offended by the “group attack”!) 7. Naming Conventions and Standards Note : Note : The terms The terms Pascal Casing Pascal Casing and and Camel...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 21:20

19 373 0
Tài liệu Oracle Database Backup-and-Recovery Best Practices and New Features doc

Tài liệu Oracle Database Backup-and-Recovery Best Practices and New Features doc

... RECOVER command – Requires Active Data Guard (real-time query on physical standby database). Active Data Guard Standby Primary database Queries Automatic Block Repair Oracle Database Backup -and- Recovery Best ... physical standby database, as they are detected. – In-line and transparent. User sees brief wait from query on corrupt block while it is being repaired. – Can also be performed on-demand via RECOVER ... backups and archived logs – Estimate archived logs generated between successive backups on the busiest days and multiply total size by 2 to account for activity spikes. • Archived logs and Flashback...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20

52 566 0
Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

...  Carbondioxide(CO 2 )isabsorbedbyland and vegetationthroughtheprocessofphotosynthesis.The netemissionsarenegative(sequestration) and substantial,offsettingapproximately884MMTCO 2 E,or approximately13%oftotalemissionsin2006. 114 Thecarbonsequestration and storageprovidedby landcanbepreservedthoughsustainablelandmanagementpractices, and canbeenhancedby restorationofland,suchasreforestationofcontaminatedland.  Theemissionsestimatefortheland‐basedcarbonsinkisgivenbytheInventory.Specifically,Chapter7, LandUse,Land‐UseChange, and Forestry,providesanassessmentofthenetGHGfluxresultingfrom theuses and changesinlandtypes and forestsintheU.S.,includingnetemissionsfromforestland remainingforestland,croplandremainingcropland,landconvertedtocropland,grasslandremaining grassland,landconvertedtograssland,settlementsremainingsettlements,landfillyardtrimmings, and ...  REDUCINGORAVOIDINGGHGEMISSIONSTHROUGHLANDMANAGEMENTPRACTICES Landmanagementdescribeshowwemanage and uselandtoprovideopenspace and habitat,food, naturalresources, and placesforpeopletolive,work, and recreate.EPApromotesintegratedland managementstrategiesthatuselandasproductively and sustainablyaspossiblebypromotingsmart growth,preventing and minimizingtheoccurrenceofcontamination and bycleaningup,reusing, and restoringcontaminatedlandforbeneficialreusebycommunities. 67   AsdescribedinBox7,landmanagementhasthreekeycomponents:landprotection,sustainableland use, and landrevitalization.Similartothematerialsmanagementapproachesthatcanbeusedinthe materialflow,landmanagementapproachescanbeusedtoreduceGHGemissionsbyimproving practiceswithinoracrosseachofthesecomponents.Landprotectionpracticeslimithowmuchlandis contaminatedeachyear.Whenlandiscontaminated,itshouldbe cleaneduptolevelsprotectiveofhumanhealth and the environment. Land ... September2009 growth. 75 Thisremediationapproachalsoprovidesauseforsomeorganicsoilamendmentssuchas biosolidswhichmayotherwisebeawasteproduct.  LandcleanupactivitiesmayalsoproviderecyclingopportunitiestofurtherbolsterEPA’sapproachesto materials and landmanagement.Forexample,reusing and recyclingconstruction and demolition debrisfrombuildingsoncontaminatedlandisanothereffectivematerials and landmanagement practice; this practice notonlyreusesbothmaterials and land,butalsopreventsotherlandfrombeing usedforthedisposalofconstruction and demolitiondebris.  Aftercleanupiscomplete,sustainablyreusinglandprotectstheland‐basedcarbonsink,byproviding sitesthatcanbereusedfordevelopment,insteadofdevelopinggreenfields.Reusingtheserestored propertiescanalsoreduceGHGemissionsassociatedwiththeinfrastructureexpansionneededto connectnewlydevelopedgreenfieldstoalreadydevelopedareas.Policiesthatpromotelandreusein placeofnewlanddevelopment and densermixed‐usedevelopment—keyaspectsofsmartgrowth— willavoidthemajorityofinfrastructure and bio‐carbonemissions.Sitescanalsobeecologically restoredtoincreasetheamountofundevelopedland and expandtheland‐basedcarbonsink.  Inaddition,severalEPAprogramsfocusonsustainablecleanup and redevelopmentofcontaminated land,includingenvironmentallyresponsiblelandscaping,energyefficientstructures,greenbuildings, and greenremediation, 76 whichcanallfurtherreduceGHGemissions.Manycontaminatedproperties alsohaverenewableenergydevelopmentpotential and arelocatednearexistingutility infrastructure. 77 And ofcourse,preventingcontaminationinthefirstplaceavoidstheneedforcleanup activitiesorgreenfielddevelopment.SeeBox8forexamplesoflandmanagementapproachesthat helpreduceGHGemissions. 78   Carbon...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

98 501 0
U.S. Navy Shipyards - An Evaluation of Workload- and Workforce-Management Practices docx

U.S. Navy Shipyards - An Evaluation of Workload- and Workforce-Management Practices docx

... operations and business practices are of utmost importance: Congress, taxpayers, and competing needs for limited resources demand them. e Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), asked the RAND ... Shipyard and IMF RAND MG751-1.3 SOURCE: Pearl Harbor Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility. The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit research organization providing objective analysis and effective ... Center SCN Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy SSBN submersible ship, ballistic missile, nuclear powered TACOM Tank and Automotive Command USC United States Code WARR Workload Allocation and Resource Report Summary...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20

188 411 0
Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses pot

Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses pot

... advertising allowances and other merchandising payments and services, which seek to define the applicability of Sections 2(d) and 2(e) of Robinson-Patman to advertising and merchandising. 10 The new ... should decrease both retail and farm prices, making the effect on the price spread ambiguous and perhaps explaining why Powers and Thompson and Lyon obtained small and opposite predicted effects. Joint ... Va. 1993). 10 FTC Guide for Advertising Allowances and Other Merchandising Payments and Services, 16 240. Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices 27 the available harvest is the outcome...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 13:20

48 389 0
lang arts american idioms and some phrases just for fun

lang arts american idioms and some phrases just for fun

... it, and opens it. It was John who answered the door. 2. The telephone rings, and someone picks up the receiver. After the third ring, Grandmother answered the phone. 3. The doorbell is rung, and ... exercises or tests for these items. They are "just for fun." These phrases and words are slang or trendy, and most provide some insight into a more current or youthful way of speaking, ... means that someone is angry and telling what he or she thinks about a certain matter. He won't be asking for money again. Grandmother gave him a good piece of her mind and threw him out. 88...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 03:29

181 665 0
Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review pot

Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review pot

... reflective practice emerged (Mamede and Schmidt 2005); reflective practice appeared to decrease with increased years in practice, and in practice settings where the scientific basis of clinical practice ... are fruitless, and should be abandoned. We would, however, propose that continued study of reflection and its effect on professionals and on professional practice is important and worthwhile. ... the process and outcomes of reflective practice in health professional education and practice. This resulted in the identification of 29 papers. Table 1 Models of reflection and reflective practice...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

27 1,1K 0
The CERT® Guide to System and Network Security Practices pdf

The CERT® Guide to System and Network Security Practices pdf

... GUIDE TO SYSTEM AND NETWORK SECURITY PRACTICES 8 THE CERT® GUIDE TO SYSTEM AND NETWORK SECURITY PRACTICES To Identify and Enable Systems and Network Logging Mechanisms Identify and Install Tools ... cross-referencing from one practice to other, related practices; and we have deliber- ately included some repetition from practice to practice to allow each to stand alone. All practices assume the ... Systems and Data Harden/ Secure Detect Improve Prepare Respond Chapter 2 (14 practices) Chapter 3 (7 practices) Chapter 4 (10 practices) Chapter 5 (4 practices) Chapter 6 (8 practices) Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

18 438 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Scaling Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation to Larger Corpora and Longer Phrases" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Scaling Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation to Larger Corpora and Longer Phrases" pptx

... pairs, and has 127 million words in English, and 106 million words in Arabic. The table shows the number of unique Arabic phrases, and gives the average number of translations into English and their ... Arabic phrases in the NIST- 2004 large data track. translation including the joint probability phrase- based model (Marcu and Wong, 2002) and a vari- ant on the alignment template approach (Och and Ney, ... using long phrases in SMT, and examine their potential coverage • Describe a suffix array-based data structure which allows for the retrieval of translations of arbitrarily long phrases, and show...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 05:20

8 316 0
Guide to Practice Management for Small- and Medium-Sized Practices docx

Guide to Practice Management for Small- and Medium-Sized Practices docx

... standards and guidance; facilitating the adoption and implementation of high-quality standards and guidance; contributing to the development of strong professional accountancy organizations and ... systems and procedures are essential to the effective delivery of services. Systems and procedures also specify minimum (and ideally best practice) technical steps needed to deliver a sound and ... development. Organized into eight stand-alone modules, the Guide provides SMPs with knowledge of practice management principles and best practice guidance on a whole range of practice management topics...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 15:20

507 4,1K 0


... between a3 and a2. The relation lie will hold between al and a3 if al is lying and the locations of al and a3 are the same. A precise interpretation is: The relation d,c [SIT.02] s holds if and ... of arguments. In e.g. the sentence 'Tom handed the book to Anne" the verb handed is a ternary relation with arguments Torn, the book and, one migth say, Anne. However, we will consider ... consider here are all attached to a verb (not a noun phrase), and will be divided into two classes: oblique objects and adjuncts (Kaplan and Bresnan 82). An oblique object fills one of the argument...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

4 317 0
Immunization Programs for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

Immunization Programs for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

... Advisory Committee developed the Standards for Child and Adolescent Immunization Practices and the Standards for Adult Immunization Practices [41, 50]. The standards recommended by this committee ... Advisory Committee developed the Standards for Child and Adolescent Immunization Practices and the Standards for Adult Immunization Practices [23, 50]. The standards recommended by this committee ... Committee, including the Standards for Child and Ad- olescent Immunization Practices and the Standards for Adult Immunization; the Task Force on Community Preventive Ser- vices; and the National Vaccine...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 10:20

24 468 0