participial tense forms in other languages

Outcomes elsewhere - course of psychosis in ‘other cultures’

Outcomes elsewhere - course of psychosis in ‘other cultures’

... Indians living on the coast, but not in the then-undisturbed interior Seligman (1929) found no insanity in untouched Papua New Guinean villages, but definite instances in those where ‘white influence’ ... roughly 1.5 favouring the non-industrial group During this period, too, independent reports from other ‘developing’ regions continued to appear, employing a host of methods and making for a decidedly ... and Kleinman, 2003) In other cultural registers, too, the evidence points to ethnographic extremes that are washed out in statistical averages Take the case of marriage in India A recent interpretive...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

19 363 0
Tài liệu Write Data Validation Code That Can Be Reused in Other Classes docx

Tài liệu Write Data Validation Code That Can Be Reused in Other Classes docx

... using the MustInherit keyword, as shown in Listing 9.47 The MustInherit keyword means that the CNumberString class cannot be instantiated directly Instead, the class must be inherited by another ... changes, including the following: o Retyping variables o Removing code validating CustomerIDs and related exception throwing o Calling CCustomerID's object-based constructor from Listing 9.43 ... accessed Listing 9.47 PhoneDatatypes.vb: Declaration of the CNumberString Abstract Class Public MustInherit Class CNumberString Public MustInherit Class InvalidNumberStringException Inherits System.ApplicationException...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

16 360 0
Tài liệu ORGANIZING FOR CHANGE PROFESSION Integrating architectural thinking in other fields doc

Tài liệu ORGANIZING FOR CHANGE PROFESSION Integrating architectural thinking in other fields doc

... as interdependence grows Increasingly, businesses are striving for fewer layers of management and encouraging more “selforganizing” – operating with minimum imposition from the top, and continually ... futures in an interdependent world, and invites the SoL community into ongoing dialogue on these topics: The social divide: the ever-widening gap between those who participate in the increasingly interdependent ... of the SoL Sustainability Consortium are attempting to today, with working groups focused on reducing and, ideally, entirely eliminating toxins and waste in a broad array of industrial and consumer...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 18:20

286 487 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Phrase-Based Backoff Models for Machine Translation of Highly Inflected Languages" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Phrase-Based Backoff Models for Machine Translation of Highly Inflected Languages" docx

... significant differences to the baseline model are shown in boldface (p < 0.05) Set train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 Set train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 German-English baseline backoff BLEU PER BLEU ... that in some cases (e.g examples C and 45 Set train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 Set Set train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 German-English baseline backoff BLEU PER BLEU PER 14.2 56.9 15.4 55.5 ... penalty Nonmonotonic decoding is used, with no limit on the 44 Set train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 # sent 5K 25K 50K 250K 751K Set train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 # sent 5K 25K 50K 250K...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

8 379 0
A Journey in Other Worlds ppt

A Journey in Other Worlds ppt

... looking through a kintograph (visual telegraph) terminating in a camera obscura on the shores of Baffin Bay were able to see engineers and workmen waving and throwing up their caps and falling into ... pole, in lighting and warming ourselves until we get the sun's light and heat, in extending the excavations, and in charging the storage batteries of the ships at this end of the line Everything ... ceiling, which moves off in straight lines in all directions on reaching it, its place being taken by cold currents moving in opposite directions along the floor Picture to yourselves the ascending...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

230 897 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Assembly of nuclear DNA-encoded subunits into mitochondrial complex IV, and their preferential integration into supercomplex forms in patient mitochondria doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Assembly of nuclear DNA-encoded subunits into mitochondrial complex IV, and their preferential integration into supercomplex forms in patient mitochondria doc

... subunits were individually incubated with isolated fibroblast mitochondria for increasing times as indicated Samples were treated with proteinase K, and solubilized in either (A) DDM-containing buffer ... 35S-labeled Cox6a for increasing times in the presence or absence of a membrane potential (Dwm) Each sample was treated with proteinase K before being solubilized in digitonin-containing buffer and ... proteinase K before being split in two and (A) solubilized in DDM-containing buffer and subjected to BN-PAGE (protease-treated samples only), or (B) SDS–PAGE and phosphorimaging The right panels in...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

13 314 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The Vps4 C-terminal helix is a critical determinant for assembly and ATPase activity and has elements conserved in other members of the meiotic clade of AAA ATPases pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: The Vps4 C-terminal helix is a critical determinant for assembly and ATPase activity and has elements conserved in other members of the meiotic clade of AAA ATPases pdf

... it contains a single ATPase domain incorporating a structure rich in b strands (b domain), an N-terminal microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domain [28–30] and a final C-terminal a helix ... for h at 30 °C Inorganic phosphate released was quantified using the phosphate detection kit (as above) In vitro protein binding assay In vitro binding assays to compare the binding of 6Histagged ... ability to interact with a panel of known Vps4p interactors indicating that the N-terminal domain is correctly folded in each of the mutant proteins and that the b domain is correctly folded in the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

23 491 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Concept Unification of Terms in Different Languages for IR" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Concept Unification of Terms in Different Languages for IR" docx

... Transliteration using Multiple Unbounded Overlapping Phoneme Chunks In Proc of COLING Kim, S.-H et al 1994 Development of the Test Set for Testing Automatic Indexing In Proc of the 22nd KISS Spring Conference ... occurred within the special marks including quotation marks and parenthesis Because English phrases within these markers reveal their significance in information searching to some extent In addition, ... translations contained at least one Korean and Chinese translations, respectively The errors were brought in by containing additional related information or incomplete translation For instance, the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20

8 333 0


... l e , in ~ respectively construction involving a conjoined subject arid a conjoined predicate, e a c h conjunct of t h e former is s e m a n t i c a l l y combined with t h e corresponding conjunct ... a g e s with indefinite t e r m i n a l vocabularies, is intended in the s a m e spirit The allure of identifying formal l a n g u a g e theoretic cor~cepts with linguistic ones in the s i m ... additional facts as the frequency of copying in child l a n g u a g e , we m a y be t e m p t e d to take copying as one of the basic linguistic operations Copying in English It should now be noted...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20

5 326 0


... satisfying the body of the quantification, so this reading involves five computers and five buying events The operator set is introduced during scoping since collective/distributive distinctionsmlike ... Paperclip(p) ) ) ) In reasoning about kinds, the simplest approach possible would be to have a rule of inference stating that if a "kind individual" has a certain property, then all "real world" individuals ... qterm(every, sing, v, Art(v)))) Quantifier scoping determines the scopes of quantifiers and operators, generating scoped logical forms in a preference order The ordering is determined by a set...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20

8 317 0
o'reilly - .net windows forms in a nutshell

o'reilly - .net windows forms in a nutshell

... document window is active Windows Forms is able to manage MDI menus correctly for us, including automatically merging a child window’s menu into the main application window The details of menu merging ... need to define a Main method at all The Main function turns out to be trivial in the majority of applications because most interesting initialization takes place inside individual forms All that ... Chapter 3Forms, Apps, Containers Forms, Containers, and Applications Any interactive application must have at least one window through which to present its user interface In the Windows Forms framework,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:38

42 724 0
differential forms in geometric calculus

differential forms in geometric calculus

... (2.9) can be calculated from (2.7) using (2.6) Instead of beginning with coordinate systems, the coordinate-free approach to vector manifolds in [5] begins by assuming the existence of a pseudoscalar ... attaching Stokes’ name to the theorem is brevity and custom His only role in originating the theorem was setting it as a problem in a Cambridge exam after learning about it in a letter from Kelvin ... concerned with quadratic forms, just one more algebra among many other algebras We should not bow to such a myopic view of our discipline I invite you, instead, to join me in proclaiming that Geometric...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:49

17 234 0


... of choosing the right verb tense in order to convey the exact meaning a sentence is intended to express has aroused the interest of linguists, philosophers, logi- - 125 - At the beginning of each ... the meaning of a sentence is constituted by temporal information Every complete sentence must contain a main verb and this verb, in all IndoEuropean languages, is temporally marked The tense of ... to the tense selection process and which must be inferred through some form of reasoning Our interest in this topic focuses on developing a system for tense selection capable of covering most...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20

6 396 1
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) pot

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) pot

... needed to handle such tasks include the following: Recalling, sorting, synthesizing, organizing, interpreting, and applying informationpresented in course lectures, readings,and class discussions(for ... and knowledge; selecting, interpreting,and connectingrelevantideas; reflecting;imagining (for personal essays, creative writing) Relating concepts presented in course reading (and lectures, discussions) ... selecting sources that work well together 626 TESOL QUARTERLY d Skimming, scanning, and close reading; taking notes-to record information, aid understanding, and prompt own thinking; distinguishingmore...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

33 640 0
lindell i. differential forms in electromagnetics (wiley,2004)

lindell i. differential forms in electromagnetics (wiley,2004)

... to work in 1854 The foreword bears the date 29 August 1861 Grassmann had it printed on his own expense in 300 copies by the printer Enslin in Berlin in 1862 [29] In its preface he complained the ... Grassmanns way of thinking and eventually developed into the algebra carrying his name In the beginning of the 19th century, the classical analysis based on Cartesian coordinates appeared cumbersome ... move forward ISMO V LINDELL Koivuniemi, Finland January 2004 Differential Forms in Electromagnetics Differential Forms in Electromagnetics Ismo V Lindell Copyright 2004 Institute of Electrical...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:51

262 220 0
windows forms in action 2nd edition

windows forms in action 2nd edition

... Windows Forms in Action Windows Forms in Action Second Edition of Windows Forms Programming with C# ERIK BROWN MANNING Greenwich (74° w long.) For online information and ordering of this and other ... 22.1 Binding lists 638 The IBindingList interface 638 22.2 Editable objects ✦ Creating a binding list 640 643 The IEditableObject interface object 644 22.3 Simple data binding 644 ✦ Creating an ... Understanding automatic completion 341 Using auto-completion in a combo box 344 12.4 Item formatting 345 The formatting interfaces 345 ✦ Implementing an IFormattable interface 346 ✦ Using formatting in...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:35

841 8,4K 10