... (q) All other words and expressions used in these rules but not defined, and defined in the Act and rules made under clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 209 of the Act shall have the same ... registered office address of the company) (hereinafter referred to as the company), have examined the books of account prescribed under clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 209 of the said Act, and ... incomes not considered in the cost records or statements so as to ensure accuracy and to reconcile the profit of all product groups with the overall profit of the company The variations, if any,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
... acetate, and 10.8 mM IPP and 10.8 mM DMAPP, respectively; *, internal standard (acetate) FMN, we observed the appearance of the signals of both methyl groups and of the methine group of the enzymatically ... affinity of the enzyme for that cofactor and the apparent absence of a redox process as part of the catalytic cycle The substrate binding site of the type II enzyme remains veiled However, a patch of ... proteobacteria group 10) are devoid of genes for the biosynthesis of IPP and DMAPP The same is true for the genome of the archaeon N equitans No putative orthologs of the type II isomerase were found...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 13:20
1818. Knox, S. (1998), Loyalty‐based segmentation and the customer development process, European Management Journal, Vol. 16 No. 6, pp. 729‐737.
... properties which they had stayed in They were then asked to indicate which of these hotels they considered they would stay at again in the future and which (if any) they considered themselves to ... range of positive attitudes towards the organisation which results in them spreading many of the other benefits of customer loyalty, such as positive word of mouth (Dick & Basu, 1994) Customers ... depending on the extent of their repeat patronage (high versus low) and their relative attitudinal attachment towards the service (high versus low) The position of a customer in the resultant...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2014, 15:18
International consensus recommendations on the aesthetic usage of botulinum toxin type A (Speywood Unit) – part II: wrinkles on the middle and lower face, neck and chest pdf
... zygomatic arch and inserts into the ramus of the mandible and the side of the mandibular angle Its deep portion originates from the bottom or inside of the zygomatic arch and inserts ª 2010 The Authors ... Anatomy The orbicularis oris is a sphincter muscle of the mouth and a major muscle in the perioral region The fibres of this muscle control the direct closure and protrusion of the lips The lack of ... two lower parts of the muscle are vertical and run down each side of the nose Contraction of the nasalis moves the nose and controls the size of the nostrils Figure Treatment of lower eyelid...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "enetic control of stiffness of standing Douglas fir; from the standing stem to the standardised wood sample, relationships between modulus of elasticity and wood density parameters. Part II" docx
... excluded from the study of the modelling of the boards and of the standard investigate parameters, a samples MOE (but not from the trunk MOE study, where the used profiles were the biomass profiles) ... in the frame of the earlywood-latewood modelling of the ring density profile, the most relevant part of the is the latewood Figure3 shows two density proone from a stiff sample, and the other ... Figure illustrates these parameters Dcu is the surface between the dc threshold and the high density segment of the profile The energy (Ene) of a density profile x is i , Σxi and is treatment...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo y học: "Low self-esteem and psychiatric patients: Part II – The relationship between self-esteem and demographic factors and psychosocial stressors in psychiatric patients" ppt
... psychiatric patients Of these, the most significant were the presence of a psychiatric disorder, the exact psychiatric diagnosis, the age of the patients, and the gender of the patient Educational ... control the variances related to the other factors and to measure interaction between the factors ANCOVA is an extension of ANOVA that allows the removal of additional sources of variation from the ... between self-esteem and a number of demographic and psychosocial factors in a large sample of psychiatric outpatients, with the aim of clarifying the relative strength of each of these associations...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:23
Báo cáo y học: "Anatomic and functional leg-length inequality: A review and recommendation for clinical decision-making. Part II, the functional or unloaded leg-length asymmetr" ppt
... ilium The degree of torsion (if any) would be dependent on the tension in the QL and the freedom of movement of the pelvis, and any pre-existing pelvic torsion due to anatomic LLI However, if the ... times for the erector (Biering-Sorensen test) and quadratus lumborum muscles [18] Further, the side of LLAA significantly correlated with the side of the QL muscle quickest to fatigue One of the causes ... providing further evidence that LLAA is a pathological process distinct from LLI When standing, the actions of the QL depend on whether the spine or the pelvis is stabilized If the pelvis is...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo y học: " Determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among children and adolescents: a review of the literature. Part II: qualitative studie" doc
... quality of the paper, a count of quality criteria met and the evaluators' overall assessment of the quality of the paper Step III: Synthesis of findings The third step was extraction of all key ... collection and analysis and lack of discussion of study limitations, transferability of findings and the contribution of the study However, for two of these studies a thorough description of the qualitative ... participated in the design of the analysis and in the selection of papers for inclusion and analysis of the papers included, contributed to the interpretation of data and revised the manuscript...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:21
Part 1 total synthesis and biological evaluation of antillatoxin and fragments part II synthetic studies towards the total synthesis of cytochalasans and tuberostemonine
... control the two chiral centres at C4 and C5 Especially noteworthy is the convergent nature of this synthetic strategy and the incorporation of all the necessary functionalities in the early stages of ... confirm the stereochemistries of C4 and C5 In our group, we have been working on the synthesis of the isomers of C4 and C5 as NOE studies of large rings is known to be unreliable.9 Later, the NMR ... reflect the natural antillatoxin that was isolated by Gerwick and co-workers On the basis of the assumption that the stereochemistries of the amino acids are secure, the stereochemistry at C4 and...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31
The Social Web Analytics
... Web is the most important channel to these targets forming an opinion of your brand and products, and if search is the way they get around the Web, then QED search is the ultimate measure of marketing ... How does the licensing address the copyright of both the reports generated by the service and of the material it collates? Do they indemnify you for the use of their service for any claims made ... nothing The content say nothing The delighted spread their delight Many brands and products spend most of their time in the middle of this spectrum Consider your own bank for example, or broadband...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 13:51
Publish Outlook Web Access Exchange 2003 server qua ISA 2004 (Part II)
... site Tiếp theo click Configure button + Trong OWA Forms-Based Authentication dialog box, tích chọn vào check box : Clients on public machines, Clients on private machines Log off OWA when the user ... Trên tab Preferences tab, click Authentication button + Trong Authentication dialog box, bỏ chọn check box Integrated click OK, sau ISA 2004 thống báo bạn authentication cấu hình + Sau tích chọn ... * Tiếp theo thực Public OWA Exchange server 2003 máy ISA firewall dùng Outlook Web Acces Publishing Winzard Sau bước thực hiện: + Truy cập vào Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15
Information Security: The Big Picture – Part II
... call, they would contact the operator at the central office and tell them the name of the person they wanted to talk to The operator would then connect the caller’s plug to the plug of the person ... Like the can, the telephone picks up the voice of the person making the call It then transmits that voice over the copper wire medium to the receiving phone on the other end Just like the Cans and ... your voice make the can vibrate That vibration is transferred through the string and sent to the other can The receiving can then repeats the vibrations from the string and replicates the sound of...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15
Duke Geoffrey, Henry II and the Angevin empire
... meant  that the remainder of Constance's inheritance, the barony of Treguier and the honour of Richmond, fell into the king's hand The possession and enjoyment of the constituent parts of this endowment ... records that Geoffrey has damaged the vineyard of the priory of Saint-Cyr de Nantes by extending the forti®cations of the city This extension of the walls, from the northeastern corner of the Roman ... returned to the city the next day The body was then placed in a lead cof®n, and after a funeral service conducted by the bishop of Paris and all the clergy of the city, was buried in front of the high...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
The revolution in philosophy (II) - autonomy and the moral order
... agents) and the notion of respecting the inherent “dignity” of all agents (treating people as ends-in-themselves and willing from the standpoint of the “kingdom of ends”) gave Kant, so he thought, the ... a conception of freedom of choice under the rule of law, the private moral order, on the other hand, is a conception of virtue, of each autonomously willing the right maxim for the right reason ... philosophy, and particularly in both the Critique of Practical Reason and the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals In the Groundwork, Kant claims that the categorical imperative “contains only the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
Eutocius’ Commentary to On the Sphere and the Cylinder II
... ratio composed of the of the on B to the on X and of the of BZ to ZX is the same as the composed of the of BZ to ZX and of the of XZ to Z ... to be the same as the ratio of BZ to Z,334 (2) and the same ratio (of BZ to Z ) is the same also as the composed of the of BZ to ZX and of XZ to Z , (3) therefore, also, the ratio ... is the ratio of M to MH, (11) is the same as the composed of both the ratio of the on AM to the on MH and the of AM to MH (12) But the ratio composed of both the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
On the Sphere and the Cylinder, Book II
... r i i the cone BA is the of H to ,208 (5) while the of the cone to the cone is the of A to ,209 (6) and the of the cone B to the segment B is the of A to ... having the base the same as the segment, and an equal height, as: both the radius of the sphere and the perpendicular of the remaining segment, taken together, to the perpendicular of the remaining ... that is the of A to 206 each of AZ, H be set equal to the radius of the circle (3) And the ratio of the segment BA to the B is combined of: that which the segment BA has to the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Exchange 2000 and the Web Storage System pdf
... Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A and/ or other countries Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks ... be able to: ! Describe the main features of the three versions of Exchange 2000 and describe the data structure of Exchange 2000 ! Describe the features and functionality of Web Storage System ... Directory Users and Groups Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers Expand the domain node, and then select the Users directory...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 26 and the end): Further Reading doc
... other commercially successful drugs are sold under more than 20 different brand labels The number of proprietary names, therefore, greatly exceeds the number of available drugs For the sake of ... Anabactyl(A) Anabolin Anacaine Anacin-3 Anacobin Anaesthesin Anamid Anarexol Ancef Ancotil Andriol Andro Androcur Androcyp Android Androlone Andronate Androviron Anectine Anergan Anethaine Anexate Ang-O-Span ... names, the trade name of the original manufacturer will be listed; in the case of some frequently prescribed generics, some proprietary names of other manufacturers will also be listed Brand names...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Voice over IP Open-Source Platforms and the Session Initiation Protocol doc
... BRI) Process and application layer: Part of the TCP/IP model that performs the same functions as the application, presentation, and session layers of the OSI model Processor: brain of the computer ... uses a set amount of network capacity on a continual basis; used when the arrival of the information is time-sensitive Convergence: the merging and sometimes clashing of voice and data networks ... together with the LCN (in the X.25 packet header), identifies the actual logical channel number of the DTE-DCE link; a 4-bit field representing a number between and 15 Line layer: layer of the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18
Tài liệu Voice over IP Open-Source Platforms and the Session Initiation Protocol pptx
... matter of time before the steady improvement of these software platforms will threaten the equipment vendor’s market share of large businesses The Impact of Voice over IP (VoIP) in Telecom VoIP: the ... first, the business community didn’t pay much attention to VoIP because the early versions of the technology had very poor quality much of the time However, over the last 10 years, the world of voice ... next-generation mobile wireless standard, called cdma2000 The 3GPP2 is in the process of adopting the 3GPP IMS framework, which means they also see the significance of SIP They refer to their IMS innovation...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20