parkinson s disease example careplan with missing data

báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of optical flow versus attentional strategy on gait in Parkinson''''s Disease: a study with a portable optical stimulating device" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of optical flow versus attentional strategy on gait in Parkinson''''s Disease: a study with a portable optical stimulating device" pptx

... responsiveness of PD subjects to visual Schematization of responsiveness of PD subjects to visual stimuli The diagram represents schematically the responsiveness of PD subjects to different visual ... Controls PD Figure Gait parameters under different conditions in controls and subjects with Parkinson' s Disease Gait parameters under different conditions in controls and subjects with Parkinson' s Disease ... visual stimuli, as a consequence of activation levels of supplementary motor area and other areas (associative, sensory), versus disease progression The results of the present study suggest that...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

9 467 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Serum antibodies from Parkinson''''s disease patients react with neuronal membrane proteins from a mouse " ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Serum antibodies from Parkinson''''s disease patients react with neuronal membrane proteins from a mouse " ppt

... Parkinson' s disease (Hoehn and Yahr, 1967) UPDRS is the unified Parkinson' s disease rating scale IPD patients' brains [6-8] and utilization of mouse models of parkinsonism [9-12] Specifically, roles for ... antibodies in the CSF of Parkinson' s disease cases Neurochem Res 1988, 13:679-684 McRae D, Gottfries C, Karlsson I, Svennerholm L, Dahlstrom A: Antibodies in the CSF of a Parkinson patient recognizes ... scoreWestern analysis (Fig 2) Correlation analysis of clinical score (UPDRS – total) with the sum of the peak areas from the Western analysis (Fig 2) The r2 value was assessed by linear regression...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

9 359 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Endogenous tetrahydroisoquinolines associated with Parkinson’s disease mimic the feedback inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by catecholamines doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Endogenous tetrahydroisoquinolines associated with Parkinson’s disease mimic the feedback inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by catecholamines doc

... cells in substantia nigra in normal subjects and in patients with Parkinson s disease estimated with an unbiased stereological method J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 54, 30–33 55 Bezard E, Gross ... neurodegenerative disease? Insights from an animal model of Parkinsonism Neurobiol Dis 4, 247–253 16 Dauer W & Przedborski S (2003) Parkinson s disease: mechanisms and models Neuron 39, 889–909 ... JM (2003) Presymptomatic compensation in Parkinson s disease is not dopamine-mediated Trends Neurosci 26, 215–221 56 Smissman EE, Reid JR, Walsh DA & Borchardt RT (1976) Synthesis and biological...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

13 487 0
ArticleGait analysis comparing Parkinson’s disease with healthy elderly subjects pot

ArticleGait analysis comparing Parkinson’s disease with healthy elderly subjects pot

... Go” Test in people with Parkinson disease Phys Ther 2001;81:810-818 14 Brusse KJ, Zimdars S, Zalewski KR, Steffen TM Testing functional performance in people with Parkinson disease Phys Ther ... individuals and Parkinson s individuals However, this might have occurred due to the early stages (stage and – H&Y scale) of the Parkinson s disease during the study period In this present study, the stride ... (40.06±6.57), without statistical significance3 These findings agree with re- Gait analysis in Parkinson s disease Roiz et al sults presented here The same happened in the initial contact results of the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

6 468 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Audio-Biofeedback training for posture and balance in Patients with Parkinson’s disease" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Audio-Biofeedback training for posture and balance in Patients with Parkinson’s disease" doc

... minutes in each session Assessments Assessments included standardized tests of balance and, postural control as well as ADL s to evaluate the effects of training Balance tests that were used included: ... extra-pyramidal signs and disease severity, the Unified Parkinson s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) was used [7] and to assess the confidence in daily activities and the level of fear of falling, we used the ... analyses were conducted with SPSS version 16 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) Results All participants completed the 18 training sessions and all evaluations and reported generally high satisfaction...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

7 458 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The effects of high frequency subthalamic stimulation on balance performance and fear of falling in patients with Parkinson''''s disease" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " The effects of high frequency subthalamic stimulation on balance performance and fear of falling in patients with Parkinson''''s disease" docx

... patients' deficits in response to destabilizing visual tilts [9,15-17] In some cases, assessment of quiet stance on a firm surface lacks the sensitivity to distinguish healthy subjects from patients ... improves certain aspects of postural control in Parkinson' s disease, whereas medication does not Mov Disord 2006, 21:1088-1097 Magnusson M, Johansson K, Johansson BB: Sensory stimulation promotes ... seconds BBS: The Berg Balance Scale, best possible score is 56 points [30-32] FES (S) : Falls -Efficacy Scale, Swedish version Best possible total score is 130 points [38] (n = 8) Two patients were...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

10 488 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Interpretation of response categories in patient-reported rating scales: a controlled study among people with Parkinson''''s disease" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Interpretation of response categories in patient-reported rating scales: a controlled study among people with Parkinson''''s disease" pot

... higher mean VAS values) Swedish category wordings used in this study are given in parentheses a a There were two instances of missing VAS data among people with Parkinson' s disease (both involving ... Parkinson' s disease: translation is not enough Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2003, 10:89-92 15 Hagell P, Nilsson MH: The 39-item Parkinson' s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39): is it a unidimensional construct? ... Parkinson' s disease questionnaire; PDQUALIF: Parkinson' s disease quality of life scale; PFS16: 16-item Parkinson fatigue scale; SD: Standard deviation; SF-36: Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

9 384 1
Báo cáo y học: "Cardiac surgery in a patient with retroperitoneal fibrosis and heart valvulopathy, both due to pergolide medication for Parkinson''''s disease" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Cardiac surgery in a patient with retroperitoneal fibrosis and heart valvulopathy, both due to pergolide medication for Parkinson''''s disease" pps

... in Parkinson' s disease: a case-control study Neurology 2006, 67:1225-29 Camp GV, Flamez A, Cosyns B, Goldstein J, Perdaens C, Schoors D: Heart valvular disease in patients with Parkinson' s disease ... dopamine agonists (0%) or controls (5.6%) New evidence from population studies comparing patients with Parkinson' s disease and non-parkinsonian controls suggests that the risk of substantial valve ... Fry A, Singh S, Gunda S, Boustead GB, Hanbury DC, McNicholas TA, Farrington K: Successful Use of Steroids and Ureteric Stents in 24 Patients with Idiopathic Retroperitoneal Fibrosis: A Retrospective...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

3 309 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Connectedness of healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease: a social networks study" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Connectedness of healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease: a social networks study" pot

... patients was based on consensus among the clinical authors of this paper We hypothesized that health professionals treating many Parkinson patients and health professionals in specialized hospital settings ... difference was also significant but lower in professionals with ≥10 PD patients No statistical difference was found for three measures: density, incloseness centrality, and outcloseness centrality ... Cite this article as: Wensing et al.: Connectedness of healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of patients with Parkinson s disease: a social networks study Implementation Science...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

8 289 0
The Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention and Treatment of Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Heart Disease, and Depression

The Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention and Treatment of Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Heart Disease, and Depression

... 11.3 Parkinson s Disease Parkinson s disease (also known as Parkinson disease or PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer s motor skills and speech ... functions, neurotransmitter levels, emotional stress, and progression of neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson s and Alzheimer s diseases (Rahman et al., 2008) 11.4 Heart Disease 11.4.1 Case ... stimulants” (Japanese studies show it stimulates feeding of silkworm larvae; studies with neurological disorders (Parkinson s, ALS, MS) show mixed results) 11 Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 05:20

57 684 0


... studies have demonstrated that mutant a-synuclein, which misfolds, oligomerizes and aggregates, is resistant to UPS-mediated degradation and PARKINSON S DISEASE AND PARKINSONISM PARKINSON S DISESASE ... which slows or stops disease progression ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study was supported by grants from the NIH/NINDS (1 RO1 NS045999-01), the Bendheim Parkinson s Disease Center, and the Morris and ... Pathogenesis of cell death in Parkinson s disease 2007 Movement Disorders, 22, S3 35 S3 42 Olanow, C.W and McNaught, K (2006) The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Parkinson s Disease Movement Disorders,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20

517 553 1
Tài liệu Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders docx

Tài liệu Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders docx

... L.: Sleep disturbances and excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson disease: an overview Arnulf, I.: Sleep and wakefulness disturbances in Parkinson s disease ... congress site and was often seen discussing topics of mutual interest with congress participant s There was an interesting new study presented by Professor Deuschl, Kiel, in which he demonstrates ... patients with ‘‘primary parkinsonism’’ (viz Parkinson s Disease, paralysis agitans or idiopathic Parkinsonism) – a subset of the 263 ‘more closely examined’ They dichotomized these stages into:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20

484 455 3
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Proteomic analysis of dopamine and a-synuclein interplay in a cellular model of Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Proteomic analysis of dopamine and a-synuclein interplay in a cellular model of Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis docx

... from SWISS 2D-PAGE database dehydrogenase and to mitochondrial ATP synthase a subunit by comparison with 2D electrophoresis (2-DE) maps available in the SWISS 2D-PAGE database ( ... correctly cluster them in the two classes described above (data not shown) Statistically-significant (P < 0.05) functional association with GO classifications was obtained from ppi spider starting ... network, as well as statistically significant functional association with GO classifications [16] Western blotting Expression of a-synuclein and HSP70 was determined by western blotting Proteins (80...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 01:20

11 776 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Emerging pathways in genetic Parkinson’s disease: Autosomal-recessive genes in Parkinson’s disease – a common pathway? docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Emerging pathways in genetic Parkinson’s disease: Autosomal-recessive genes in Parkinson’s disease – a common pathway? docx

... oxidative stress [77] and Drosophila Parkin mutants show increased sensitivity to oxidative stress [78] Implication of PINK1 in oxidative stress processes has also been strongly suggested: inactivation ... patients with mutations in PARK2 suffer a slow progression of the disease commonly associated with early-onset dystonia and are l-Dopa responsive [3] Pathological studies on AR-JP patients with ... is associated with cellular vesicles J Neurochem 78, 42–54 Autosomal recessive genes in Parkinson s disease 10 Wood-Kaczmar A, Gandhi S & Wood NW (2006) Understanding the molecular causes of Parkinson s...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

9 776 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Emerging pathways in genetic Parkinson’s disease: Potential role of ceramide metabolism in Lewy body disease pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Emerging pathways in genetic Parkinson’s disease: Potential role of ceramide metabolism in Lewy body disease pptx

... glycosyltransferase; CK, ceramide kinase; CS, ceramide synthase; DES, desaturase; GALC, galactosylceramidase; GBA, glucosylceramidase; GCS, glucosylceramide synthase; SMS, sphingomyelin synthase; ... disease This is based on what we have learned from other neurodegenerative diseases with inclusion pathology For Alzheimer s disease, when pathology was used as a basis to understand the disease, pathways ... Niemann–Pick disease type C1 Hereditary sensory neuropathy type I (HSN1) Kufor–Rakeb syndrome Parkinson s disease Parkinson s disease FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 5767–5773 Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS No...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

7 652 0


... have parkinsonism, but not every person with parkinsonism has Parkinson s disease Parkinsonism has many possible causes, and Parkinson s disease is only one of the possibilities For example, parkinsonism ... What Is Parkinson s Disease? • What are the symptoms of Parkinson s disease? • What causes these symptoms? • What is the difference between Parkinson s disease and parkinsonism? • When should ... Symptoms 43 Moderate Parkinson s Disease 59 Advanced Parkinson s Disease 82 Behavioral Changes and Psychiatric Symptoms 104 Young-Onset Parkinson s Disease 121 PART III Diagnosing Parkinson s Disease...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

383 391 3


... these motor systems For example, in patients with atypical parkinsonism (so-called parkinsonism plus syndrome), the clinical diagnosis is based on the additional systems involved If signs of parkinsonism ... disorder is associated with other signs, such as parkinsonism or ataxia Most hyperkinetic disorders arise outside conscious awareness and are entirely involuntary Some, however, are responses ... affected muscles One caveat, however, is that disuse atrophy can occur with CNS processes if the weakness is severe Sometimes pes cavus, perhaps with hammer toes, is a clue to a long-standing polyneuropathy...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

490 443 2
Surgical Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and Other Movement Disorders pot

Surgical Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and Other Movement Disorders pot

... disorders These diseases are conventionally categorized into either hypokinetic disorders, such as Parkinson s disease, or hyperkinetic disorders such as hemiballism or drug-induced dyskinesias ... disorders such as Huntington s disease (HD) or dystonia, which seem to cross the boundary between these diseases Another common misconception is that movement disorders are basal ganglia diseases ... pathology should therefore come as no surprise 3.1 Parkinson s Disease Early idiopathic Parkinson s disease (PD) is a well-circumscribed pathologic entity whose pathologic hallmark is loss of dopaminergic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

352 6,2K 2
Báo cáo khoa học: Parkinson’s disease: genetic versus toxin-induced rodent models pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Parkinson’s disease: genetic versus toxin-induced rodent models pot

... models that recapitulate key symptoms and the slow progression of the disease as accurately as possible Because the disease is not known in any animal species, except perhaps mild parkinsonism ... Animal models of Parkinson s disease putamen and at least 50% of the dopamine neurons in the SN are already lost Although slow in most cases, progression of the disease is irreversible, and different ... Slight loss of dopamine neurons in the SN Slow loss of TH-IR fibers No reduction in DA levels Reduced DA release No aggregate formation Massive loss of TH-IR fibers in the striatum Massive loss...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

8 419 0