parameter quantization and low sensitivity digital filters

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Mixed-Signal Architectures for High-Efficiency and Low-Distortion Digital Audio Processing and Power Amplification" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Mixed-Signal Architectures for High-Efficiency and Low-Distortion Digital Audio Processing and Power Amplification" doc

... circuital complexity and cost The overall amplifier often requires multiple chips for the digital part (including digital signal processor and/ or ASIC and/ or FPGA), plus ADC and highorder analog ... different analog and digital techniques The resulting architecture aims at achieving optimal performance in terms of low- distortion and high power efficiency while still allowing a low- cost implementation: ... complexity and the architecture sensitivity to parameter changes The input signals are PCM samples with a bit size n from 16 to 24 and a sample frequency FIN between 44 kS/s and 96 kS/s (the lower...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

11 360 0
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 5: Design and Implementation of FIR Filters

Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 5: Design and Implementation of FIR Filters

... Magnitude response of ideal filters: (a) lowpass, (b) highpass, (c) bandpass, and (d) bandstop INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL FILTERS 185 region !a ! !b is called the passband A bandpass filter passes all ... realizable Instead we must compromise and accept a more gradual cutoff between passband and stopband, as well as specify a transition band between the passband and stopband The design is based on magnitude ... Magnitude response of bandpass filter with narrow bandwidth 188 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FIR FILTERS where !a and !b are the lower and upper cut-off frequencies, respectively The bandwidth is the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 22:15

59 591 0
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 6: Design and Implementation of IIR Filters

Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 6: Design and Implementation of IIR Filters

... …6:3:15† This condition can hold for lowpass and bandpass filters, but not for highpass and bandstop filters MATLAB supports the design of impulse invariant digital filters through the function impinvar ... Chebyshev type II, and elliptic filters, respectively The parameters Wp and Ws are the normalized passband and stopband edge frequencies, respectively The range of Wp and Ws are between and 1, where ... and Wp < Ws For highpass filters, the normalized frequency range of stopband is < F < Ws, the passband is Wp < F < 1, and Wp > Ws For bandpass and bandstop filters, Wp and Ws are two-element vectors...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 05:15

62 722 0


... response masking (FRM) IIR digital filters is done in detail FRM IIR digital filters are designed by FIR masking digital subfilters together with IIR interpolation digital subfilters The FIR filter ... more efficient wide-band FIR systems The two-rate based structure is appropriate for so called left-band and right-band systems, which have dont-care bands at the low- frequency and high-frequency ... systems, and implemented in different areas and applications Digital filters and signal processing are used with no costs and they can be adapted to different cases with great flexibility and reliability...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

320 480 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A characteristic Glu17 residue of pig carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 is responsible for the low Km for carnitine and the low sensitivity to malonyl-CoA inhibition of the enzyme docx

Báo cáo khoa học: A characteristic Glu17 residue of pig carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 is responsible for the low Km for carnitine and the low sensitivity to malonyl-CoA inhibition of the enzyme docx

... H128P, PigE17DCPT1B and HumanD17ECPT1B, and from to 500 lm for D18PigCPT1B and D28PigCPT1B) The assay was performed at mm carnitine as standard To analyze PigE17DCPT1B and HumanD17ECPT1B mutants, ... determinant for the low malonyl-CoA sensitivity of pig CPT1B, we generated two new CPT1B mutants, pig E17D and human D17E, and analyzed the affinity for the substrate carnitine and malonyl-CoA sensitivity ... PigE17D–pHW010, and HumanD17E–pHW010 These constructs were linearized in the GAPDH gene promoter by digestion with AvrII (constructs P50H, P128H and PigE17D) or BspMI (constructs H50P, H128P and HumanD17E),...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

9 551 0
mohamed najim  -  digital filters design for signal and image processing

mohamed najim - digital filters design for signal and image processing

... Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing This page intentionally left blank Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing Edited by Mohamed ... method Low- pass filters High-pass filters 5.3 Optimal approach of equal ripple in the stop-band and passband 5.4 Bibliography ... for k ≥ and x(k) = for k < and y(k) = x(k-m) where m is a natural integer 30 Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing [ ] X z (z ) = Ζ e −αk = −α 1− e z −1 for z > e α and Y z...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 12:05

386 819 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A New Method for Least-Squares and Minimax Group-Delay Error Design of Allpass Variable Fractional-Delay Digital Filters" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A New Method for Least-Squares and Minimax Group-Delay Error Design of Allpass Variable Fractional-Delay Digital Filters" pdf

... Signal Processing and the respective inner iterations are three and two in the first and second outer iterations, and one in the others Figure 3(d) presents the final group-delay errors, and the errors ... the minimax design took eighteen outer iterations, and the respective inner iterations are three and two in the first and second outer iterations, and one in the others The final maximum pole radius ... [8] H Zhao and J Yu, “A simple and efficient design of variable fractional delay FIR filters,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol 53, no 2, pp 157–160, 2006 [9] T B Deng and Y Lian,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

10 490 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Complexity-Aware Quantization and Lightweight VLSI Implementation of FIR Filters" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Complexity-Aware Quantization and Lightweight VLSI Implementation of FIR Filters" docx

... framework and other methods We first generate the ideal coefficients for a 28-tap low- pass FIR filter using Parks-McClellan’s algorithm The stopband and passband frequencies are set at 0.3π and 0.5π, ... Parks-McClellan’s algorithm [41] and represented in the IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point format The passband and the stopband frequencies are at 0.4π and 0.6π, respectively The coefficients ... next quantization level Hence, the new SF exploration avoids the possibility of stepping through multiple candidates with identical quantization results or missing any candidate that has new quantization...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

14 454 0
Báo cáo y học: "The V1-V3 region of a brain-derived HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein determines macrophage tropism, low CD4 dependence, increased fusogenicity and altered sensitivity to entry inhibitors" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "The V1-V3 region of a brain-derived HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein determines macrophage tropism, low CD4 dependence, increased fusogenicity and altered sensitivity to entry inhibitors" ppsx

... tropism but also had significantly lower CD4 dependence, higher fusogenicity and lower sensitivity to the T-1249 fusion inhibitor and BMS-378806 Interestingly, most low CD4-dependent, macrophage-tropic ... compared to the spleen-derived Env Furthermore, low CD4 dependence and reduced sensitivity to the anti-CD4 mAb, and increased fusogenicity and reduced sensitivity to peptide fusion inhibitors seem ... fusogenicity and an improved ability to use low levels of CD4 on the target cell membrane for fusion and infection (low CD4 dependence) [49-51], which correlated with higher avidity and affinity...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21

22 273 0
Design and implementation of computationally efficient digital filters

Design and implementation of computationally efficient digital filters

... evenlength prototype filter Hpro (z) with the passband and stopband edges at times of desired passband and stopband edges The passband and stopband ripples of Hpro (z) are the same as the desired ... Low Pass FIR Filter Length Estimation The length of a linear phase low pass FIR filter, N , is affected by four parameters: passband ripple δp , stopband ripple δs , passband edge fp and stopband ... negative and its square is positive, a stopband is formed The sum of a cosine function and its square results in an acceptable stopband attenuation Lian and Lim’s prefilter can provide 18 dB stopband...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:11

184 275 0
AN0852   implementing FIR and IIR digital filters using PIC18 microcontrollers

AN0852 implementing FIR and IIR digital filters using PIC18 microcontrollers

... were designed for low- pass and highpass filters with three BIQUAD sections The following are the filter coefficients include files and response plots of these filters EXAMPLE 5: LOW- PASS FILTER ... of digital filters to adapt to changes in the characteristics of the signal However, the dynamic range of digital filters is drastically low compared to analog filters because of the finite quantization ... The disadvantages of FIR filters over IIR filters are: • FIR filters take relatively more memory and computation time • FIR filters cannot give sharper cut-off than IIR filters for the same number...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 14:29

46 309 0
Báo cáo y học: "Strength training improves muscle quality and insulin sensitivity in Hispanic older

Báo cáo y học: "Strength training improves muscle quality and insulin sensitivity in Hispanic older

... choices and physical activity, and compliance with medications and doctor’s visits [24] Subjects in this group received phone calls every other week and came to the HNRCA for testing at baseline and ... measures at baseline was less than 10% Upper and lower body strength at baseline and 16 weeks was calculated as the sum of 1RM measures for each upper and lower body exercise performed Muscle quality ... changes in biochemical parameters known to influence insulin sensitivity including increased adiponectin levels and decreased FFA and CRP levels The improvements in muscle quality and metabolic control...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 15:28

9 500 0
Windows Home Server Protect and Simplify Your Digital Life

Windows Home Server Protect and Simplify Your Digital Life

... helped thousands of students and clients get more out of their computers in areas from DOS to Windows Vista, as well as (X)HTML and Web development Working for clients and students — and just out ... provide easy-to-follow instructions and recommendations that will allow you to bring a Windows Home Server into your home, connect it to your home network, and make the most of your digital life by ... differential, and full backups Windows Home Server presents backup and restore functionality in a manner that provides a sensible and usable default experience, and also offers flexibility to handle...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 16:48

311 394 0
Tài liệu Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business ppt

Tài liệu Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business ppt

... users are assigned to roles and roles are given rights The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) RBAC pattern follows the NIST standard [21] and allows access to resources based ... ngerprint, hand geometry, vein patterns of the retina, patterns of the iris, and DNA and the behavioral characteristics dynamics of handwriting (e.g., handwritten signatures), voice print, and gait ... Privacy spaces in the digital world are possible (and needed) and should be established instead of trying to gather and store trac data for a longer period of time at high costs and for (very) limited...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20

202 1,9K 0
Tài liệu Theory and Problems of Digital Principles pdf

Tài liệu Theory and Problems of Digital Principles pdf

... equipment and controls, and office, medical, military, and communications equipment This expanding use of digital circuits is the result of the development of inexpensive integrated circuits and the ... those encountered in standard textbooks Schuiini’s Outline of Digital Principles, Third Edition, begins with number systems and digital codes and continues with logic gates and combinational logic ... rnultivibrators, and sequential logic, followed by counters and shift registers Next semiconductor and bulk storage memories are explored Finally, niul tiplexers, demultiplexers, latches and buffers, digital...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20

362 528 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulatory modes of rod outer segment membrane guanylate cyclase differ in catalytic efficiency and Ca2+-sensitivity ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulatory modes of rod outer segment membrane guanylate cyclase differ in catalytic efficiency and Ca2+-sensitivity ppt

... HEK293 cells and COS cells Cell membranes were reconstituted with D6SGCAP-1 and GCAP-2 and the EC50 and IC50 values were determined EC50 values were similar as described previously [25,44] and maximal ... or GCAP-2 for SDS/PAGE and Western blotting were determined from GCAP specific protein standard curves These curves were created as follows: purified preparations of GCAP-1 and GCAP-2 were used to ... efficiency and Ca2+ -sensitivity First, how does the interaction with GCAP-1 and GCAP2 influence kcat/Km of ROS-GC1? ROS-GC1 in washed ROS membranes was reconstituted with a constant amount of myr- and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

8 505 0
The Sterling Bond Markets   and  Low Carbon or Green Bonds -  A report to E3G  ppt

The Sterling Bond Markets   and  Low Carbon or Green Bonds -  A report to E3G  ppt

... complex to understand and can therefore be a disincentive to ownership. Demand for these types of bonds  tends to be lower, because of these time, cost and demand overheads.  14  Liquidity is essential, as it allows the fund manager to change the structure of their portfolio in the  ... months the size of the non‐gilt market has fallen, mainly due to significant maturing bonds, slower  growth and deleveraging.    Figure 2: Total value of the UK bond market end February 2010  Sizes and proportions of UK Gilt and EuroSterling Market and proportions 100% ... because of its flexibility (the markets are above country markets and regulation and therefore lack  national barriers to entry and are subject to less political risk), the Euromarkets, and in the UK’s case  the EuroSterling market, continue to grow and be the market of choice for issuance. ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

38 503 1
Bank Risk-Taking, Securitization, Supervision, and Low Interest Rates: Evidence from Lending Standards pptx

Bank Risk-Taking, Securitization, Supervision, and Low Interest Rates: Evidence from Lending Standards pptx

... policy) and long-term interest rates on lending standards – and especially on loan risk-taking – depends on securitization activity and banking regulation supervision standards Second, Lown and Morgan ... Bernanke and Kuttner (2005), Rigobon and Sack (2004), Manganelli and Wolswijk (2009), Axelson, Jenkinson, Strömberg and Weisbach (2007), Den Haan, Sumner, and Yamashiro (2007), and Calomiris and Pornrojnangkool ... “over-lend” the extra-liquidity and finance projects with negative net present value Allen and Carletti (2009) and Allen and Gale (2007 and 2004) connect ample liquidity with a low short-term interest...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 14:20

57 466 0
Báo cáo khoa học: MicroRNA-143 reduces viability and increases sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil in HCT116 human colorectal cancer cells potx

Báo cáo khoa học: MicroRNA-143 reduces viability and increases sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil in HCT116 human colorectal cancer cells potx

... were transfected with the indicated plasmids and 50 or 100 nM anti-miR inhibitors, and analyzed at 48 h post-transfection (A) Cells were lysed and firefly and renilla luciferase activities were determined ... 72 h, and cell viability and cell death were 6692 evaluated by the MTS metabolism and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assays The results obtained indicated that mature miR-143 enhanced sensitivity ... overexpressing cells express lower levels of ERK5, NF-jB and Bcl-2 proteins compared to control and parental HCT116 cells Furthermore, 5-FU potentiated ERK5, NF-jB and Bcl-2 expression knockdown...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

12 368 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Engineering and characterization of human manganese superoxide dismutase mutants with high activity and low product inhibition potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Engineering and characterization of human manganese superoxide dismutase mutants with high activity and low product inhibition potx

... by digestion with NcoI and PstI This vector backbone was excised from an agarose gel and purified For both standard and error-prone PCR amplification of hMnSOD genes, the following primers were used: ... screening Error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling were separately used to create a randomized library of protein variants based on the Q143A hMnSOD template One hundred and fifty thousand QC774 transformants ... evolution of hMnSOD mutants 72 °C The PCR products were gel-purified, and this was followed by restriction digestion with BspHI and PstI and subcloning into the pTrc99A plasmid backbone created by NcoI...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

9 416 0