... and then Shortcut In the input line, write cmd and click on the button Next If nothing happens (mainly in older versions of Windows), try writing command instead In the next window, assign this ... space in the memory of your computer For the beginning you will often use two data types, integer and real, the former of which is commonly used for counting loops and the latter contains the ... formatted The former simply allows you to write data in a file or in the standard output (terminal) without specifying the format in the command write For example, write(*,*) number prints the value...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 20:53
... Reading Comprehension: 2.1.1 Definition of Reading: Joe Cortina and Janet Elder (2000) defined reading as a form of thinking in Opening Doors – Understanding college reading: “It is your brain ... Reading is making meaning from print It requires: identifying the words in print (word recognition), constructing an understanding from it (comprehension), coordinating identifying words and making ... purpose for reading For example, he might be reading for enjoyment, information, or to complete a task If he is exploring or reviewing, he might skim a document If he is searching for information,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 23:04
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Edited pptx
... shape representations in "real" visual tasks, starting from visual inputs and transforming them into representations upon which reasoning and planning programs act In this way "action" is linked ... geometry A survey of the literature (including background information for this chapter) highlighting thc shortcomings of many existing approaches, is included in Appendix A under bibliographical ... of surface features make dcscribing and inferring geometric information about 3D curved objects from visual cues a challenging problem in computer vision Developing theories and methods to recover...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20
discrete math in computer science - bogart , stein
... comparisons does the following code make? for i = to n − minval = A[i] minindex = i for j = i to n if (A[j] < A[i]) minval = A[j] minindex = j exchange A[i] and A[minindex] for i = to n if (A[i] < ... rather dreary) proof of this formula by plugging in our earlier formula for binomial coefficients into all three terms and verifying that we get an equality A guiding principle of discrete mathematics ... 1.1 by plugging in the formula for n k Find the following a (x + 1)5 b (x + y)5 c (x + 2)5 d (x − 1)5 Carefully explain the proof of the binomial theorem for (x + y)4 That is, explain what each...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:58
dynamic reconfiguration architectures and algorithms (series in computer science)
... planar points Example of supporting line for two convex hulls Partitioning a set of points using four extreme points Angles among points and the Points in labeled with Illustration of contact points ... Proximity indexing Euler tour of a tree Preorder-inorder traversal Merging preorder and inorder traversals Finding distances in a directed graph List ranking with a balanced subset Embedding a list in ... Broadcasting on an R-Mesh Permutation routing Adding bits addition on an R-Mesh Examples of and Neighbor localization example Chain sorting Concatenating lists in chain sorting Maximum finding example...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 07:46
Lecture Notes in Computer Science potx
... substitution when applied to strings Now we are in position of introducing families of 2D languages, but since we are mainly presenting languages based on tiling we remind some notions on Wang tiles ... semirings Fundamenta Informaticae 86, 19–40 (2008) Conway, J.H.: Regular Algebra and Finite Machines Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton (1971) Droste, M., Kuich, W.: Semirings and formal power series In: ... with discounting Information Processing Letters 108, 23–28 (2008) Esik, Z., Kuich, W.: Equational axioms for a theory of automata In: Martin-Vide, C., Mitrana, V., Paun, G (eds.) Formal Languages...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20
... learner in order to help him/her forming a good learning style For providing comfortable Advanced in Computer Science and Engineering surroundings, we improve the ULS system by utilizing data ... Techniques, Innovations in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Applications and Advances in Applied Modeling The first section Applied Computing Techniques presents new findings in technical ... and Engineering, The University of Aizu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Department of Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University 1Japan China Introduction...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P1 docx
... Science+ Business Media springer.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008 Printed in Germany Typesetting: Camera-ready by author, data conversion by Scientific Publishing Services, Chennai, India Printed ... for spending an enormous amount of effort in coordinating the local arrangements In fact, we would like to thank the entire conference Organizing Committee for their hard work in putting together ... of Computer Science, United Kingdom E-mail:{frederick.li, rynson.lau}@durham.ac.uk Jianmin Zhao Zhejiang Normal University, College of Mathematics, Physics and Information Engineering, P.R.China...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P2 pps
... Methodology for Supporting Novel Model of E-Learning Platform in Grid Architecture Tianding Chen 314 Multimedia Technologies for Learning Constructing ... (WBPCLS) for Computer Science Courses Zhenlong Li and Xiaoming Zhao 434 Semantics and Ontology An E-Learning System Engineering Ontology Model on the Semantic Web for Integration ... Jeon Introductory C Programming Language Learning with Game-Based Digital Learning Wen-Chih Chang and Yu-Min Chou XI 208 221 Game-Based Learning Interactive...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P3 pptx
... for learning languages [4] makes an interesting proposal for the use of music as background to the textual contents in elearning For example, musical theme, called leitmotif, may be defined for ... challenges that force people to think at various steps in computer games may be injected at various points in learning a sequence of concepts [8] This may take the form of exercises to force the learners ... E-learning is learning without the presence of a human instructor in class Advances in technologies have made e-learning possible E-learning can complement the traditional in- class learning However,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P4 ppt
... networking sites and information sharing sites for the express purpose of receiving and giving help to other e-learners by joining communities, or special interest groups, and interacting with ... controversy, etc saving and organizing lists of learning contents (for future viewing and sharing with “friends”) forming and joining special interest groups Members of the same interest group can ... e-learning website in their learning processes As an innovative learning method, the adoption of e-learning involves the adoption of information technology, and changing learning approaches Therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P5 pps
... richness in modeling technology adoption decision As an innovative learning method, the adoption of e-learning involves the adoption of information technology and modification of learning approach ... control over selection of learning topics in e-learning than in learning in conventional classrooms Hence, this investigation compares the explanatory powers of TAM and PCI in order to understand factors ... modeling analysis approach PLS is appropriate for predicting highly complex models [7] and maximizing the variance explained for the constructs in a model [9] Moreover, the sample size in the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P6 docx
... of Computer Information Systems 46(1), 17–24 (2005) 23 Moore, G.C., Benbasat, I.: Development of an instrument to measure the perceptions of adopting an information technology innovation Information ... Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008 Exploring a Computer- Assisted Managing System with Competence Indicators 19 words, teachers or students have to manually search for the learning units indexed ... learning components again in the system for learning activities in order to find out the tips for passing the evaluation Fig illustrates the proposed system architecture 2.2 CIs and the Index...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P7 pdf
... unified form for the users The teachers can surf, check and cite the teaching components for the use of teaching and the students can check and surf teaching components according to current teaching ... for the component in the database, and transmits the Exploring a Computer- Assisted Managing System with Competence Indicators 23 component to the teacher’s computer screen After students login ... 0.05) It indicates that the system is not helpful for students in the teaching of mathematical concepts After Subtest Two’s original scores are transformed into percentage scores The scores in the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P8 pot
... responsible, persistent in achieving goals, thinking and planning in detail before acting, controlling his impulses, with consolidated points of view According to the intensity of these characteristics, ... modified in order to be capable of storing affective information According to this point of view, we developed the MENTOR which is an Affective Educational Module capable of supporting the learning in ... Affective Computing in Education, Pedagogical Issues Introduction During the learning process in the real class, a creative teacher usually invests a significant amount of his efforts and time...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P9 pot
... being attached to an Educational System providing the system with the essential “emotional” information in order to determine the strategy of learning in collaboration with the cognitive information ... optimizing the effectiveness of the learning process and enhancing the personalized teaching The main purpose of MENTOR is to create the appropriate learning environment for the student, taking into ... affective information is stored Ontology of emotions is used for the formal representation of emotions Ontology is a technique of describing formally and explicitly the vocabulary of a domain in terms...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P10 pdf
... taken into account in the integration of modern educational environments In this paper, we presented the MENTOR Affective Module which is responsible for inferring students emotions and providing ... Center, Tsinghua University Beijing, China {wxin,yf,qili}@cic.tsinghua.edu.cn Abstract Recommendation in education portal is helpful for students to know the important learning resources in schools ... 59–67 Oxford University Press, Oxford (1984) 10 Keller, J.M.: Using the ARCS Motivational Pro-cess in Computer- Based Instruction and Distance Education In: Theall, M (ed.) Motivation in Teaching...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P11 pot
... Recommendation in Education Portal by Relation Based Importance Ranking 41 The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in section 2, we formalize the recommendation of education portal in this paper In ... (1) Where R indicates resource, which is a core element for recommendation; U indicates user, C indicates category, T indicates tag, and D indicates a department in the university In practical ... to our formalization by turning entities into nodes and relations into edges Relation Based Importance Ranking In this section, we will present our approach in detail Firstly, we will introduce...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P12 pps
... association rule mining In: WebKDD workshop (2000) Zan, H., Wingyan, C., Hsinchun, C.: A graph model for e-commerce recommender systems Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology ... scheduling algorithm is proved effectiveness and stable in E-learning Service Platform Keywords: learning objects, Organization model, scheduling algorithm Introduction As an opening learning form, ... prepared by extracting the keywords from the papers in the following two approaches: the first one is to extract the words in the “keyword” section in the paper If the paper doesn't contain the “keyword”...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20