oxy fuel combustion technology developments

Tài liệu Welder’s Handbook For Gas Shielded Arc Welding, Oxy Fuel Cutting & Plasma Cutting pptx

Tài liệu Welder’s Handbook For Gas Shielded Arc Welding, Oxy Fuel Cutting & Plasma Cutting pptx

... 90 4.8 2.4 3.2 110 – 130 6.0 3.2 4.8 155 – 175 10 36 WwW.oto-hui.com OXYGEN CUTTING Oxygen -fuel gas cutting Principles Oxygen -fuel gas cutting is widely used to cut: q straight lines and shapes ... is matched to the fuel gas Witt Super 78 and Air Products Flashback arrestors head assembly cutting oxygen pre-heat oxygen pre-heat fuel seatings nut nozzle 38 WwW.oto-hui.com OXYGEN CUTTING Preheat ... nut to connect to torch q cutting and torch hoses q oxygen regulator (14 bar max output) q fuel gas regulator (2 bar max output) flow Oxygen and fuel gas for the preheat flame are mixed in the nozzle...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 10:20

48 662 0


... are derived from combustion, and the bulk of the fuels burned (by mass) are solids, principally wood and coal Unlike gases and liquids , solid fuels require relatively advanced technology to be ... complete combustion The airborne emissions of incomplete combustion products, such as carbon monoxide , particulates , and volatile organic compounds, have been extensive Small-scale combustion ... Human-engendered combustion, thus, has always had many direct and indirect impacts on atmospheric composition and processes Thousands of generations ago, humanity's mastery of fire led to biomass combustion...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

38 407 0
Introduction to fuel cell technology

Introduction to fuel cell technology

... Introduction 2.1 Fuel Cell Basics A fuel cell is a device that uses hydrogen as a fuel to produce electrons, protons, heat and water Fuel cell technology is based upon the simple combustion reaction ... 3.3.2 Fuel and Oxidant Utilization As the fuel cell is operating, oxygen is used and therefore the partial pressure of the oxygen will reduce The partial pressure of the fuel decreases as the fuel ... needed to keep the fuel cell within an operational temperature range 5.1.3 Dissolved Fuel Alkaline Fuel Cells The dissolved fuel alkaline fuel cell is the simplest alkaline fuel cell to manufacture...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 22:24

156 316 0
Decomposition analysis of industry sector CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in kazakhstan

Decomposition analysis of industry sector CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in kazakhstan

... related to fossil fuel combustion In 2005, Karakaya and Ozcag [9] used decomposition analysis to define the driving forces of CO emissions in Central Asia from fossil fuel combustion The study ... reduction of oil presence in the fuel mix of the industry In other words, coal, a fuel with a bigger environmental impact but cheaper cost, have become a main fuel for domestic industry, while ... by consumption of fuel j by i industry, Q is total industrial output (billion Kazakhstani Tenge (bln KZT)), Qi is the output of i industry (bln KZT), Ei is the use of fossil fuel by i industry...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:17

10 180 0
MTU Common Rail Fuel Injection Key technology for clean and economical combustion

MTU Common Rail Fuel Injection Key technology for clean and economical combustion

... The Common Rail Fuel Injection: Key technology for clean and economical combustion | MTU | Fig 4: Injector with integrated fuel reservoir The use of injectors with an integrated fuel reservoir ... system as a standard feature A common fuel pipeline — the so-called rail that gives the system its name — supplies all the engine’s fuel injectors with fuel When fuel is to be injected into a cylinder, ... phase initiates advance combustion to provide controlled combustion of the fuel in the main injection phase This reduces nitrogen oxide emissions, because the abrupt combustion prevents high...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 19:19

4 343 2
Numerical investigation into premixed hydrogen combustion within two-stage porous media burner of 1 kW solid oxide fuel cell system

Numerical investigation into premixed hydrogen combustion within two-stage porous media burner of 1 kW solid oxide fuel cell system

... porous media, Combustion Science and Technology, 130 (1997) 335-364 [11] Tseng C J and Howell J R., Combustion of Liquid Fuels in a Porous Radiant Burner, Combustion Science and Technology, 112 ... Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell November 14-15, 2008, Tainan, Taiwan (2008) [5] Trimis D., Durst F., Combustion in a Porous Medium - Advances and Applications, Combustion Science and Technology, 121 ... effect At higher combustion temperatures, the products in the combustion reaction dissociate and form many additional compounds For example, the compounds produced in hydrogen / oxygen combustion include...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

18 402 0


... more efficient and envi ronmentally sound combustion technologies that utilise renewable fuels to be continuously developed and adopted New fuels and combustion technologies are designed to deliver ... dependence on petroleum fuels Set against this background, the central theme of the book is two-fold: advances in internal combustion engines and ad vanced fuel solutions for combustion systems The ... Internal Combustion Engines and Fuel Technologies As the technology advances, the number of engine actuators increases and so does the number of variables that may potentially modify the combustion...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20

318 692 0
Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion

Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion

... and Flame Fuel Fuel and Energy Abstracts Fuel Processing Technology International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Fueifirst (httD://www.fuelfirst.cam) ... 2.3.4 Reaction mechanisms for simple fuels 2.4 Simple Fuels-Nt-02 Flames 2.4.1 Hydrogen-oxygen-nitrogen flames 2.4.2 Hydrogen-H20-CO-02-N2 flames 2.4.3 Methane-oxygen-nitrogen flames 2.4.4 Methanol-air ... turbine, furnace or jet engine Under good combustion conditions, they leave relatively little combustion deposits as compared with other fuels However, gaseous fuels for automotive equipment necessitate...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:43

870 486 0
Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion P1 pps

Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion P1 pps

... and Flame Fuel Fuel and Energy Abstracts Fuel Processing Technology International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Fueifirst (httD://www.fuelfirst.cam) ... 2.3.4 Reaction mechanisms for simple fuels 2.4 Simple Fuels-Nt-02 Flames 2.4.1 Hydrogen-oxygen-nitrogen flames 2.4.2 Hydrogen-H20-CO-02-N2 flames 2.4.3 Methane-oxygen-nitrogen flames 2.4.4 Methanol-air ... Contents vi i xvii Acknowledgements Preface CHAPTER I : COMBUSTION FUNDAMENTALS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Energy Sources 1.2.1 Fuels 1.2.2 Fuel cells 1.3 Some Related Thermodynamic Fundamentals 1.3.1...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 04:20

30 172 0
Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion P2 pps

Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion P2 pps

... turbine, furnace or jet engine Under good combustion conditions, they leave relatively little combustion deposits as compared with other fuels However, gaseous fuels for automotive equipment necessitate ... and vaporizing the fuel particles in the primary combustion air to obtain complete combustion in combustors or combustion devices Pure hydrocarbon fuels are compounds of two elements only, carbon ... clean and efficient fuels with small sized furnaces where solid fuels cannot compete with liquid and gaseous fuels But because they are cheap and easily available, solid fuels still supply approximately...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 04:20

20 294 0
Process simulation of oxy combustion for maximization of energy output using ASPEN plus

Process simulation of oxy combustion for maximization of energy output using ASPEN plus

... operating conditions required in an industrial-scale oxy- fuel plant to increase combustor efficiency and to assess the feasibility of deploying oxy- fuel combustion as an economically viable solution ... system Figure Schematic of the oxy- fuel combustor model in ASPEN Plus The ASPEN Plus simulations are conducted with both air and oxygen as the primary oxidant The mass of oxygen required for the stoichiometric ... the oxy- fuel combustor model at all temperatures The most significant products are carbon dioxide and steam Although the mass of oxygen was prescribed in the stoichiometric ratio, some unused oxygen...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:32

8 344 0
Formulas from combustion Analysis

Formulas from combustion Analysis

... gam cacbon – s gam hydro = 0.360 – 0.111 – 0.0279 = 0.221 g O mol c a oxy S mol oxy c xác nh t kh i l = 0.221 g O x ng c a oxy: mol = 0.0138 mol O 16.00 g Xác nh công th c kinh nghi m b ng vi ... hydro = 0.0666 mol H x 1.008 g = 0.0672 g H mol gram oxy = g h p ch t – g cacbon – g hydro = 1.000 – 0.4003 – 0.0672 = 0.5325 g = 0.5325 g S mol Oxy = ng hydro + kh i l c s mol c a C H sau ó m i ... g CO2 x gam C ng cacbon + kh i l mol = 0.03328 mol O 16.00 g Trang ng oxy ng c a C H Tìm công th c phân t formulas from combustion analysis tìm c t s t i gi n b ng cách chia s mol cho s mol có...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:18

4 586 0
Giáo trình oxy hóa nhiệt.pdf

Giáo trình oxy hóa nhiệt.pdf

... họ Bá Hà 24 Cám ơn theo dõi !!! Mọi góp ý, bổ sung xin gửi đến: Dr Le Tuan Hanoi University of Technology Institute of Engineering Physics Dept of Electronic Materials 2nd Floor, C9 Building...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 10:11

25 1,2K 2
Ứng dụng chuẩn độ oxy hóa khử

Ứng dụng chuẩn độ oxy hóa khử

... c a Fe(II) có xu ng b oxy hóa b i không khí Ph ng pháp ã c ng d ng cho vi c xác nh ion nitrat, clorat, permanganat, dicromat, c ng nh i v i peroxit h u c nhi u tác nhân oxy hóa khác Iot M t s ... dung d ch c a Iot tác nhân oxy hóa y u mà chúng tác nhân kh m nh I3- + 2e- 3I- c dùng xác nh E0 = 1.33V Các dung d ch chu n Iot có ng d ng t ng i h n ch so v i ch t oxy hóa khác, ph i nên xét ... cách l c dung d ch tr c ti n hành chu n S oxy hóa không khí c a iot có th gây s thay i phân t l ng c a dung d ch iot 4I- + O2(khí) + 4H+ 2I2 + 2H2O oxy hóa không khí t ng lên có m t c a axít,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2012, 00:16

4 1,9K 10
Future Developments

Future Developments

... Future Developments 321 Figure 9.1 Cellular market in Africa mid-2000 deployment of the INMARSAT-4 satellites in 2004 will further emphasise the importance of geostationary satellite technology ... inter-satellite link technology Such a scenario would enable the satellite network to achieve autonomy from the terrestrial network infrastructure It has already been seen that IRIDIUM employs ISL technology ... state-of-the-art technology, in order to maximise the flexibility and service lifetime of the satellite; † Bearing the above in mind, the relationship between on-ground and space-borne technology will...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 11:26

22 358 1
Thực phẩm chống oxy hóa

Thực phẩm chống oxy hóa

... QUÁ TRÌNH OXY HÓA VÀ CÁC GỐC TỰ DO I.1 Quá trình oxy hóa I.2 Gốc tự I.3 Ảnh hưởng gốc tự tới thể I.4 Chất chống oxy hóa II THỰC PHẨM CHỐNG OXY HÓA II.1 Định nghĩa II.2 Các chất chống oxy hóa thực ... tự do, oxygen chất chống oxy hóa thí dụ Những phân tử có liên hệ với ảnh hưởng tới thể người nhiều, giai đoạn cuối đời I QUÁ TRÌNH OXY HÓA VÀ CÁC GỐC TỰ DO 1.1 Quá trình oxy hóa Quá trình oxy hóa ... tự gây hại cho thể II THỰC PHẨM CHỐNG OXY HÓA 2.1 Định nghĩa Chất chống oxy chất giúp ngăn chặn làm chậm trình oxy hóa chất khác làm giảm tác dụng trình oxy hóa nguy hiểm cách liên kết với với...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2012, 17:46

37 654 5