
Dictionary of Engineering Second Edition ppt

Dictionary of Engineering Second Edition ppt

... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science Second Edition McGraw-Hill New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico ... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science provides a compendium of more than 10,000 terms that are central to the broad range of disciplines comprising earth science. The coverage in this Second Edition ... this Dictionary is important for an appreciation of its literature and applications. All of the definitions are drawn from the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

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The oxford picture dictionary

The oxford picture dictionary

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:59

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Dictionary of Engineering - Second Edition doc

Dictionary of Engineering - Second Edition doc

... vı ¯ bra ¯ иshən səpreshиən} əlиəst } 8 How to Use the Dictionary ALPHABETIZATION. The terms in the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering, Second Edition, are alphabetized on a letter-by-letter basis; ... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering provides a compendium of more than 18,000 terms that are central to the various branches of engineering and related fields of science. The coverage in this Second Edition ... mathematical, engineering, and scientific data. It is the editors’ hope that the Second Edition of the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering will serve the needs of scientists, engineers, students,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 11:20

655 434 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 1 potx

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 1 potx

... Development © 2002 Donald Rutherford Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition The most informative dictionary of economics available, the Routledge Dictionary of Economics avoids the tendency ... capacity and K is the capital stock in year t. © 2002 Donald Rutherford Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition Donald Rutherford London and New York © 2002 Donald Rutherford intheChinesecurrency,therenminbi. 2Usuallyanon-votingshareofthe equitycapitalofaUKcompany.These shareshavebeencreatedtoenablethe foundersofacompanytoretaincon- trol.Asharestradeatlowerpricesthan Bsharesastheyareuselesstoother companiesattemptingtogaincontrolof thecompany.Graduallytheseshares havebeenaccordedvotingrightsasthe LondonStockExchangeregardsthem asunfair. AsianDevelopmentBank(G2) Bankfoundedin1966withcapital providedbyAsiancountries,theUSA, Canada,theUKandWestGermany ontherecommendationoftheUnited NationsEconomicCommissionfor AsiaandtheFarEast.Itcovershalf oftheworld’spopulation.Itisbased inManilla,thePhilippines,andis dominatedbytheJapanese,thelargest contributorofitscapital.Itsconserva- tivelendingpolicyhaschieflyfavoured loansforspecificprojects,e.g.tobuild ports,roadsandbridges,ratherthan sectorallendingtorestructuretroubled economies.Ithasincreaseditslending totheprivatesectorandhasajoint venturewithcommercialbanks,the AsianFinanceandInvestmentCor- poration(AFIC). Asianoption(G1) A DERIVATIVEsettledincashwhosepay-off isrelatedtotheaveragepriceofthe underlyingassetinacertaintimeperiod. Alsoknownasanaverageoption. Asiaticmodeofproduction(P0) Themostprimitiveformofproduction, accordingto MARX,inwhichself-sufficient agriculturalcommunitiesaredespotically governed.Thestate,throughtaxation, appropriatestheeconomicsurplusofthe agriculturalsectortofinancethebuilding ofthecountry’sinfrastructure.Thecon- ceptwasdevelopedinthe1950sand1960s toexaminemoreaspectsofstateforma- tionandtheformationofclassesin primitivecommunities. References Krader,L.(1975)TheAsiaticModeof Production,Assen,TheNetherlands: VanGorcum. Marx,K.(1964)Pre-capitalistEconomic Formations,ed.E.Hobsbawm,London: Lawrence&Wishart. O’Leary,B.(1989)TheAsiaticModeof Production:OrientalDespotism,Histor- icalMaterialismandIndianHistory, Oxford: BasilBlackwell. askprice(G0) Thesellingpriceofa SECURITYsetbya financialinstitution. Seealso:bidprice asset(D0,G0) 1Aresourcewithamarketvalue. 2Aunitofwealthcapableofearningan income. 3Alargeenoughestatetodischargethe burdenonanheirorexecutor. Real(ortangible)assetsincludelandand machinery;intangibleassetsincludegood- willandpatents;financialassetsinclude cashandstockmarketsecurities. Seealso:nationalwealth;wealth assetcard(G1) A DEBITCARD. assetmotive(E4) Amotiveforholdingmoney.Toavoid riskyinvestments,peoplearepreparedto sacrificehighreturnsbykeepingtheir portfoliosinaliquidornear-liquidform. Seealso:speculativedemandformoney assetspecificity(G0) Theuniquecharacterofadurableasset, e.g.amachine,askilledworkerora productionsite,whichmeansthatithasa lowreturninotheruses.Formanyspecific assetsthecostofemployingthemisinthe natureofa SUNKCOST. Seealso:economicrent;transferearnings © ... been sweeping developments in economics in the decade since the appearance of the first edition of the dictionary and the new version reflects this by including a wealth of material on additional...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

70 358 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 2 doc

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 2 doc

... Proxymeasuresofutility,e.g.theamount ofmoneywhichapersonispreparedto giveuptoobtainxamountofagood, haveallbeenconsideredtooindirect. Seealso:ordinalutility;revealedprefer- ences;utility References Majumdar,T.(1961)TheMeasurementof Utility,LondonandNewYork:Mac- millan. carer(I3) Anunpaidfamilyworkerwhoprovides nursinganddomesticcaretoyoung,in- firmorelderlyrelatives.Moralobligation isthebasisforundertakingthiswork. CaribbeanBasinInitiative(F0) Anarrangementagreedin1984togive exportsofcountriesoftheCaribbean regiontariff-freeaccesstotheUSA. CaribbeanCommunity(F0) Acommonmarketwithagriculturaland industrialintegrationfoundedin1973in successiontotheCaribbeanFreeTrade Area(1968–73).ThemembersareAngu- illa,Antigua,Barbados,Belize,Dominica, Grenada,Guyana,Jamaica,Montserrat, StKitts-Nevis,StLucia,StVincent,Trini- dadandTobago. CaribbeanDevelopmentBank(G2) DEVELOPMENTBANKfoundedin1970con- sistingofseventeenmembercountries fromtheCaribbeanregionaswellas CanadaandtheUK. caringsociety(D6,P0)seealtruism; welfarestate carry-back,carry-forwardsystem(H2) Ataxsystemwhichpermitsbusinessesto carrynetoperatinglossesbackorforward againstpastorfuturegainsinincomeor capitalappreciation. carryingcapacity(J1) Theabilityofaparticularareatosustaina populationataspecifiedlevelofsubsis- tence,usuallyspecifiedasthenumberof personsperunitofland. cartalist(E4) Apersonbelievingthatthevalueofa currencydependsonthepowerofthe issuingauthorityandnotonitsintrinsic valueoritsconvertibilityintogold. Seealso:BankingSchool;fiatmoney; metallist carte ... Lon- don: Methuen. Hollander, S. (1987) Classical Economics, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. O’Brien, D.P. (1975) The Classical Econo- mists, Oxford: Clarendon Press. classical model (E1) A formal macroeconomic ... Brazilian economy. Collor I was launched in 1990, Collor II in 1991. The plans included wage and price freezes to combat inflation rising at 1,800 per cent; they were named after Fernando Collor, President...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

69 417 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 3 pps

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 3 pps

... relative freedom to develop a variety of financial instruments, unlike the MONO-BANKS of Soviet-type economies whose role was limited through subservience to a system of central planning. The Second ... Rutherford andunfilledvacancies.Indicatorsofout- putshowthegrowthofproductionof principalindustries;indicatorsofexternal tradeincludeindicesofexportandimport volume,thevisibleandcurrentbalances andthetermsoftradeplusthesizeofthe officialreserves;financialindicatorsin- cludechangesinvariousmeasuresofthe MONEYSUPPLY.Inflationindicatorsinclude thoseforretailprices,basicmaterialsand wholesalepricesofmanufacturedpro- ducts. Seealso:coincidentindicators economicinstitution(P0) 1Anorganizationwhichisacomponent ofaneconomy. 2Asystemof PROPERTYRIGHTS. 3Anormofeconomicbehaviour. 4Adecision-makingunit. 5Atypeofcontract,e.g.aformof insurancetocoveraparticularsortof risk. References Wiles,P.J.D.(1977)EconomicInstitutions Compared ,Oxford: BasilBlackwell. economicintegration(F0) Thejoiningtogetherofeconomicactiv- ities,especiallythetradeofseveralcoun- tries.Thiscantakedifferentforms, including FREE- TRADEAREAS,CUSTOMSUN- IONS ,COMMONMARKETSandfederationsof nationaleconomies.Differentformsof integrationcanbedistinguishedbythe extenttowhichindividualnationalgov- ernmentsretainindependenceindecision making. Seealso:EuropeanMonetarySystem economicjournals(A1) Thelearnedacademicperiodicals,mostly publishedquarterly,containingarticles andbookreviews,which,bypresenting theresearchfindingsoftheeconomics profession,givetheclearestindicationof thepresentstateofthesubject.Someof them,e.g.theAmericanEconomicReview, attempttocoverallbranchesofeconom- ics,butincreasinglyjournalsspecializing inaparticularbranchofthediscipline havebeenfounded.Manyeconomistsonly publisharticlesandavoidpublishing booksbecauseofthegreatstatusthe journalshaveattainedintheeconomics profession.Recentlymanyoftheseperiod- icalshaveaddedassessmentsofcomputer softwaretotheirbookreviews.Thelead- ingacademicjournalsofeconomicsin- cludeAmericanEconomicReview,Bankof EnglandQuarterlyReview,Economica, EconomicJournal,JournalofIndustrial Economics,JournalofPoliticalEconomy, ManchesterSchoolofEconomicandSocial Studies,NationalInstituteEconomicRe- view,OxfordEconomicPapers,Quarterly JournalofEconomics,ReviewofEconomic Studies,ReviewofEconomicsandStatis- tics. Seealso:financialjournalism economicjustice(D6) Distributivejusticebasedonfullyin- formedandvoluntarytransactions.Since Aristotle’sNicomacheanEthicsmanyeco- nomicwritingshaveassertedtheimpor- tanceofensuringthatexchangeisfairto bothpartiesandthatthefruitofproduc- tionshouldbedistributedtofactorsof productionaccordingtotheirrelativein- puts. Seealso:Rawlsianjustice economic ... primary sector with better jobs and a secondary sector with inferior jobs. The primary sector consists of large firms offering training and high remuneration but the secondary sector has many small...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

69 332 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 4 ppsx

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 4 ppsx

... UK in which six freeport schemes were launched in 1984. Freeports were popular as far back as the Middle Ages, when they were known as ‘staples’. Seealso:in-bondmanufacturing free rider (D1, ... goods the free- rider problem has resulted in the finance of such goods by general taxation; under trade unionism, the existence of free riders has led to demands for a UNION or CLOSED SHOP . free ... Press. Corden, W.M. ( 1974) Trade Policy and Economic Welfare, Oxford: Clarendon Press. free- trade area (F1) A group of independent nations with free trade among them, but not necessarily with a joint...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

69 304 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 5 potx

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 5 potx

... Sadowski, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. —— (1987) Selected Essays on Economic Planning, Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press. Osiatinsky, J. (1990 onwards) The Col- lected Works of M. Kalecki, Oxford: Oxford ... society. Seealso:Ginicoefficient;Lorenzcurve References Atkinson, A.B. (1982) The Economics of Inequality, 2nd edn, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Sen, A. (1997) On economic inequalilty, 2nd edn, Oxford and New York: Clar- endon Press. Silber, J. (ed.) (1999) ... The Structure of the American Economy, 2nd edn, New York: Oxford University Press. —— (1986) Input-Output Economics, 2nd edn, New York: Oxford University Press. input trade (F1) International trade...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

69 373 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 6 doc

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 6 doc

... rates could freely move to estab- lish their market values was limited by the intervention of CENTRAL BANKS. Seealso:dirtyfloat managed trade (F1) The abandonment of a free market and FREE TRADE ... Reader, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Freedman, R. (ed.) (1962) Marx on Eco- nomics, Harmondsworth: Penguin. Junankar, P.N. (1982) Marx’s Economics, Oxford: Philip Allan. McLellan, D. (1973) ... the slope of an INDIFFERENCE CURVE. References Hicks, J.R. (1939) Value and Capital, ch. 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press. marginal rate of transformation (D2) The reduction in the amount of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

69 392 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 7 doc

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 7 doc

... A.B. (1983) The Economics of Inequality, 2nd edn, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Phelps Brown, E.H. (1977) The Inequality of Pay, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. personal sector liquid ... Firm, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. © 2002 Donald Rutherford precise formulation to MARSHALL, although the idea was present in the works of MUN and John Stuart MILL. price flexibility (D0) Complete freedom ... of product prices. There has been a variety of such policies in France: price freezes, target average prices with freedom to vary indi- © 2002 Donald Rutherford stability of this distribution...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

69 349 0
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 8 doc

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 8 doc

... for his works on EXPECTATIONS. After an education at New College, Oxford, and the London School of Economics, he worked at the Oxford Institute of Statistics and, during the war, in the Economic ... the returns to schooling. References Roy, A.D. (1951) ‘Some thoughts on the distribution of earnings’, Oxford Eco- nomic Papers, New Series 3: 135–46. Selective Employment Tax (H2, O4) A tax designed ... G.C. (1988) Joan Robinson, Brighton: Wheatsheaf. Robinson, J. (1951–80) Collected Economic Papers, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. —— (1969) The Accumulation of Capital, 2nd edn, London: Macmillan. —— (1969)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

69 401 0
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