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Báo cáo khoa học: "Oxford Dictionary of English: Current Developments" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Oxford Dictionary of English: Current Developments" pdf

... natural-language dictionary. 1 Introduction The goal of the project is to enhance the database of the Oxford Dictionary of English (a forthcoming new edition of the 1998 New Oxford Dictionary of English) ... Press, Cambridge, Mass. Judy Pearsall. 1998. The New Oxford Dictionary of English. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 126 matic analysis and grading of defmitions is proving highly productive in ... computational applications. The Oxford Dictionary of English (ODE) is a high-level dictionary intended for fluent English speakers (especially native speakers) rather than for learners. Hence its coverage...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

4 585 0
Từ điển từ viết tắt - Dictionary of English Abbreviations

Từ điển từ viết tắt - Dictionary of English Abbreviations

... (regulatory body) Ofsted Office for Standards in Education (regulatory body) OFT Office of Fair Trading Oftel Office of Telecommunications (regulatory body) Ofwat Office of Water Services (regulatory ... manufacturer OFFER Office of Electricity Regulation (regulatory body) Ofgas Office of Gas Supply (regulatory body) Oflot Office of the National Lottery (regulatory body) Ofrail Office of the Railway Regulator ... recognition OD officer of the day; overdose; overdrawn OE Old English OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OED Oxford English Dictionary OEM original equipment manufacturer OFFER Office...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:27

92 764 2
Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions pptx

Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions pptx

... Burning question Dorking School of English, Bangkok Thailand www.dk -english. com Page 1 Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions By Dorking School of English ~ A ~ A bit much If ... sharing an office for the time being. Forbidden fruit Something enjoyable that is illegal or immoral is forbidden fruit. Foregone conclusion If the result of, say, a football match is a foregone ... it for donkey's years. For England (UK) A person who talks for England, talks a lot- if you do something for England, you do it a lot or to the limit. For kicks If you do something for...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 13:15

87 1,1K 6
Oxford dictionary of idioms

Oxford dictionary of idioms

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 13:21

352 764 2
Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions docx

Tài liệu Dictionary of English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions docx

... Someone who's full of piss and vinegar is full of youthful energy. Full of the joys of spring If you are full of the joys of spring, you are very happy and full of energy. Full swing If ... literature, and often a writer too. Man of means A man, or woman, of means is wealthy. Man of parts A man of parts is a person who is talented in a number of different areas or ways. Man of straw ... directly with a problem. Grain of salt If you should take something with a grain of salt, you shouldn't necessarily believe it all. ('pinch of salt' is an alternative) Grain of salt...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 09:21

87 883 4
Tài liệu OXFORD DICTIONARY OF Biochemistry and Molecular Biology REVISED EDITION Managing Editor Professor pdf

Tài liệu OXFORD DICTIONARY OF Biochemistry and Molecular Biology REVISED EDITION Managing Editor Professor pdf

... Editors Teresa K. Attwood Professor of Bioinformatics, Faculty of Life Sciences & School of Computer Science, University of Manchester Richard Cammack (Managing Editor) Professor of Biochemistry, King's ... catalyses the formation of N-acetyl-L-glutamate (abbr.: AGA) from acetyl- CoA and L-glutamate with the release of CoA. It is responsible for the formation of AGA, an obligate activator of carbamoyl-phosphate synthase ... axis and a very deep major groove. See also C form, Z form. 2 A form of RNA (abbr.: A-RNA); the molecular con- formation of double-stranded regions of RNA that is favoured at low-salt concentrations...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 07:20

738 869 5
Oxford dictionary of music

Oxford dictionary of music

... teacher. Studied Oxford and RCM. Organist Exeter Cath. 1928 33, Christ Church Cath., Oxford, 1933 55. Choragus and lecturer in mus., Oxford Univ., 1937 54. Prin., RAM, 1955 68. Composer of choral ... 75; Prof. of Mus., Oxford Univ. from 1975. Author of books on Monteverdi and G. Gabrieli. Specialist on 16th- and 17th-cent. It. mus. Joint ed. Music and Letters 1976- - 80. Ed., New Oxford ... application to a type of instr. mus. with a good deal of rhythmic freedom and often played on bagpipe (or rustic ob.) and small drum. Alborado del gracioso (Aubade of the Clown). 4th of Ravel's...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:11

1,2K 729 0
Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

... Miss C. F. Forbes 1817-1911 6.55 Gerald Ford 1909— 6.56 Henry Ford 1863-1947 6.57 John Ford 1586-after 1639 6.58 Lena Guilbert Ford 1870-1916 6.59 Thomas Ford d. 1648 6.60 Howell Forgy 1908-83 6.61 ... 1908-83 6.61 E. M. Forster 1879-1970 6.62 Harry Emerson Fosdick 1878-1969 The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations Preface What is a “quotation”? It is a saying or piece of writing that strikes ... familiar with all the quotations in this dictionary. The book can be used for reference or for browsing: to trace the source of a particular quotation or to find an appropriate saying for a special...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:42

1,8K 474 0
Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations ppt

Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations ppt

... McDonald 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and ... the title of neuroses, all those preternatural affections of sense or motion, which are without pyrexia as a part of the primary disease. Quoted on ‘neurosis’ in The Oxford English Dictionary Bishop ... moderation. A rash of dermatologists, a hive of allergists, a scrub of interns, a giggle of nurses, a flood of urologists, a pile of proctologists, an eyeful of ophthalmologists, a whiff of anesthesiologists,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20

225 1,1K 0
Oxford Dictionary of Idioms docx

Oxford Dictionary of Idioms docx

... the US term I for a large wagon able to carry a band of I musicians in a procession. bang bang for your (or the) buck value for money; performance for cost. US informal 1995 ... the prominence and I characteristic form of the jib (a triangular ; sail set forward of the foremast) as the i identifying characteristic of a ship. cut a (or the) rug dance, ... experience of a particular sphere of activity or with a particular organization. ! O The form cut your eye teeth is also found, j i The image is that of the emergence of a j...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 09:20

352 669 0
the oxford history of english sep 2006

the oxford history of english sep 2006

... Mediaeval English eds. A. McIntosh, M. L. Samuels, and M. Benskin (Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1984) LSS Linguistic Survey of Scotland MED Middle English Dictionary OED Oxford English Dictionary RP ... e ¯ : preliminaries: before english 27 Gothic also makes use, in the past tense forms of a group of strong verbs, of what is known as reduplication; that is, the addition at the beginning of a word of a syllable ... primarily by the use of appropriate forms of the words (typically, forms with appropriate ‘endings’). This kind of grammatical device continued into many of the recorded languages. For example, in...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:31

498 332 0
Dictionary of english idioms

Dictionary of english idioms

... unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem. Idioms 1 of 49 Dictionary of English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions Dictionary of English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions 1 ~ A ~ 1 ~ ... the dictionary definitions of the individual words, which can make them hard for ESL students and learners to understand. Here, we have a dictionary of 1059 English idiomatic expressions with ... years. For kicks 99 If you do something for kicks, or just for kicks, you do it purely for fun or thrills. For my money 99 This idiom means 'in my opinion'. For the time being 99 For...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 09:59

49 937 2