overview of corporate social responsibility in the world

The Implication of Corporate Social Responsibility in Procurement As Part of Corporate’s Risk Management

The Implication of Corporate Social Responsibility in Procurement As Part of Corporate’s Risk Management

... of the theory supports the empirical part of the study, which will be presented in the end of the study 6 Figure Theoretical Framework After the introduction, Chapter defines the corporate social ... society has at a given point in time In this century there has been a little change in thinking and social dimension of business have been integrated in to the definition of CSR (Niskala & Tarna, ... mitigating the risk is their main task (Lemke & Petersen, 2013) The risen complexity of the supply chain has increased the value of acting responsibly throughout the supply chains Supply chain failures...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2016, 20:32

60 420 0
research on awareness and implementation of corporate social responsibility in a multinational company in vietnam case study nestle vietnam

research on awareness and implementation of corporate social responsibility in a multinational company in vietnam case study nestle vietnam

... the social Social accounting in the world is not new; it has been the subject of extensive debate The last major interest in the area was occurred in the 1970s For instance, according to Lindsey ... exploitative of another, making somewhat of a mockery of the ethical lineage of the CSR concept The managerial brands of stakeholder theory argues that the alternative of responding to all equally of stakeholders, ... customers in the world Companies use CSR as a tool to spread their reputation in the worldwide market Investors use CSR as a main factor to consider in the decision of enterprises to invest responsibility...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

73 706 2
the impact of corporate social responsibility about the environment issue of vietnamese limited companies

the impact of corporate social responsibility about the environment issue of vietnamese limited companies

... mention the satisfactory of the general expectation of the community, to maintain the balance for all sustainable companies and also gain the good image in the market place In contrast, the managers ... positively inclined toward CSR and environment duties because all of finding above These findings are generally along with the increasing awareness of CSR and its component in Vietnam, and therefore, the ... in the way of operation to promote the ability of each individual and creating motivation to develop the economy to increase the wealth and standard life of the society, however, the target of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

67 560 0


... considered the domain of governments The more powerful business becomes in the world, the more responsibility for the well-being of the world it will be expected to bear‖ In 1999, Carroll defined a new ... are in the same way of inconsistent concerning the relationship between CSR and short run financial impact The second type is the examining of the relation between measurement of corporate social ... PaperlinX, Gunns which have been established in Australia In 1990s, the CSR continued to influence in global as the function of business while the influences of government continued to haze In 1997,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2015, 04:35

38 467 0
analyse the importance and impacts of corporate social responsibility (csr) in business towards the social and environmental issues in vietnam

analyse the importance and impacts of corporate social responsibility (csr) in business towards the social and environmental issues in vietnam

... the pursuit of business activities and they are the shareholders of the enterprises In the view point of stakeholders to some extent is affected by the behavior of managers In the substance of ... services are the needs of the company, from the interests of the company While companies in many developing countries is often argued that environmental costs are not included in the price of the product ... supporting more than 1% of profits Charity fund was supported of the 14 companies at the bottom of the list less than 0.01% of the profits It is not fun is total revenues in 2004 of the charity, the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

64 783 4
DSpace at VNU: An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Lean Production and Corporate Social Responsibility in Vietnamese SMEs

DSpace at VNU: An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Lean Production and Corporate Social Responsibility in Vietnamese SMEs

... developed principles of social responsibility for _ ISM, the short name of Institute of Supply Management - the first supply chain management organization in the world, established in 1915 Through ... ensuring social safety Beside enterprises in the industrial zone, the number of SMEs which are dispersed in different locations in the cities is quite high However, the solid waste of these business ... to a certain extent Findings and discussion After analyzing the information from the in- depth-interviews, some initial findings from our qualitative study are presented as the following: Firstly,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 19:26

11 246 0
Management perception of the impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate reputation in Vietnam

Management perception of the impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate reputation in Vietnam

... employees coordinate their private and professional lives Incorporate the interests of all employees into business decisions EMP Incorporate the interests of all employees into business decisions ... researches examining the impact of CSR activities on the organization performance in the world They are investigated not only in developed countries but also in developing countries The result of these ... (2003), financial performance is considered one of the most importance indicators of the strategic value of CSR Financial performance is the main objective which is used by investor to examining corporate...

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 15:59

97 296 0
Social Responsibility in the Growing Handmade Paper Industry of Nepal potx

Social Responsibility in the Growing Handmade Paper Industry of Nepal potx

... spread of socially responsible institutions in the industry The main purpose of the paper is to present the findings of an exploratory study looking at recent social dynamics in the handmade paper industry ... to promote the handmade paper industry This allowed us to reflect on the behavior of past development actors in influencing the growth of the industry and their role in influencing the initiation ... are not institutional innovations emanating from the project; rather, they are a range of innovations emerging from within the wider industry The awarding of the first FSC certification in Asia...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

23 564 0
corporate social responsibility in viet nam a study of its importance for vietnamese investors

corporate social responsibility in viet nam a study of its importance for vietnamese investors

... about Corporate Social Responsibility as the result of the economic boom There are not so many researches on that field; therefore, the understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility in Viet ... context, individual investment decision is just the same thing by which the investors make decision to allocate their scarce resources to gain in the future Investing in firms is one of the most ... Measurement The researcher takes into account not only the researches and studies within in the border of Viet Nam but also in some other places in the world to have better supporting sources Using the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

64 736 0
corporate social responsibility in viet nam a study of stakeholders’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility

corporate social responsibility in viet nam a study of stakeholders’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility

... concerning about the Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical business as the result of the economic boom So, there are a lot of researches on that field; however the understanding of Corporate Social ... understanding and evaluating of the term and usage of CSR decision making In order, the first question was used to access the understanding of investors about the term of “responsible investment” The ... individual investment decision is just the same thing by which the investor make decision to allocate their scarce resources to gain in the future In order to make investment, the invested in the firm...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

74 835 2
corporate social responsibility in vietnam; a study of its importance

corporate social responsibility in vietnam; a study of its importance

... debated finding the definition of social responsibility of doing business Two decades ago, Neli Chamberlain( 1953) defined social responsibility in terms of action that the leadership in business ... management In the process of CSP model, Wood presents the outcomes of bringing principles into practice within the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary domains, categorizing them in terms of social ... as: reading all information, limiting the needed information, classification the finding information, analyst information, and the final stage is to evaluate the finding information in order...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

68 646 0
the effect of corporate social responsibility on company’s financial performance

the effect of corporate social responsibility on company’s financial performance

... activities As the result, balancing the interests of stakeholders is set as a content key in business administration The managers of the enterprises must find the way to balance the interests of stakeholders ... in the USA with H R Bowen The spread of model Ford - Taylor in corporate governance and the development model of the welfare state (instead of the employer‟s charity) has obscured the issue of ... downsize the operations thus narrowing down profits to survive Shrinking profits will lose business reinvestment, thereby leading to reduce competitiveness, and undermine the attractiveness of the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

61 645 1
the impact of corporate social responsibility (csr) on business performance

the impact of corporate social responsibility (csr) on business performance

... managers in implementing the business objectives with the interests of the employees work for managers, customer benefits, the partners and the interests of the community in general” So when doing ... to the health of customers Chemical also is the field that involved in the unsafe products with many case find out the 3-MCPD in the products More than that, many medicines in Vietnam is the ... However, if they forget the environment and society, so how long can they make profit, remain profit So they should also take care about the environment and social line to make profit in the durable...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

66 744 1
the impact of corporate social responsibility (csr) on the company’s financial performance

the impact of corporate social responsibility (csr) on the company’s financial performance

... the betterment of society 2.2 The definition of CSR The definition of corporate social responsibility is not abstruse According to Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), corporate social responsibility ... and finance performance?  The role of CSR to increase profit of the company  The outcome of adopted CSR in Vedan and Miwon in Vietnam 1.3 Structure of Study The thesis will be divided to main ... possibly invested to some projects for the main purpose of increasing a firm‘s reputation In terms of the continuing debate over the relationship between CSR and financial performance and the lack of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

46 867 0
the importances and impacts of corporate social responsibility activities of hanoi construction & investment company (hacinco)

the importances and impacts of corporate social responsibility activities of hanoi construction & investment company (hacinco)

... students in HSV The other was a member of the online forum for students living in HSV This is the representative bulletin channel of the HSV Administrative Department in informing the HSV internal ... feet in Hanoi, Hacinco also involved in building many of the other local hospitals in Dien Bien, traffic control centers in the city of Thai Nguyen, Binh Minh Hotel in Ha Long… The dynamics of ... with them, that is in their world Society there are other people with other professions that not like business They not have the talent as the business should not need a "director of business", they...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

47 588 1
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Investment Recommendations ppt

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Investment Recommendations ppt

... on the cost of being socially responsible in investing The Journal of Investing, 6(4): 31-36 Guerard Jr, J B 1997 Is there a cost to being socially responsible in investing? The Journal of Investing, ... at the London Business School All remaining errors are our own   INTRODUCTION In recent years, there has been a growing interest, both in the academic as well as the business world, around the ... implementation of such strategies by the same firm or by other firms in the same industry Another interesting extension of this study would be to examine the association between CSR ratings and investment...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

46 482 1
Tài liệu tiếng anh tham khảo the impact of corporate social responsibility on employees

Tài liệu tiếng anh tham khảo the impact of corporate social responsibility on employees

... internal stakeholders - employees, and the degree of their involvement in the selection of social campaigns While the difficulties of running a business that has lost legitimacy in the eyes of ... consider their requests Marketing science developed the concept of internal marketing, which involves targeting the marketing efforts within the company to its employees In this context, promoting corporate ... known, there isn`t as much understanding on the extent to which managers and non-profit partner are considering the opinions of employees, and involve them in choosing the causes It was investigated...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 08:25

6 497 2
the institutional promotion of corporate social responsibility reporting

the institutional promotion of corporate social responsibility reporting

... continue to use to promote their standards There is no evidence pointing to the direct involvement of the IASB or the US FASB in the promotion of CSR reporting The diffusion of CSR reporting ... determined by their current actions, by interviews with representatives from the institutions, and by considering the role the institutions have played in the promotion of financial reporting THE ... because of the significant global influence they have on reporting standards US Financial Accounting Standards Board The FASB is the primary authority in establishing GAAP in the US The inclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 22:20

18 295 0


... that business is a part of large society They also went beyond the view of profit maximization in the short-run They understand the complexity of social responsibility in the new era; hence the second ... companies were in charge of supplying goods and services to society at a profit They emphasized on the cost of social involvement of business and only considered profit as the measurement of business ... regardless of legality CSR is the deliberate inclusion of PI into corporate decision-making that is the core business of the company or firm, and the honoring of a triple bottom line: people,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2015, 04:35

61 609 2