... economic-managerial (Aaker 1995; Aaker 1997; Leitch and Richardson 2003) aspects of brands The social fabric of “brand systems” that emerge through communication about and through brands were analyzed ... brands instead of attacking particular distributions of capital or inhuman business practices In 1995, Brown summarized this state of affairs as a “mid-life crisis” and as an “air of doubt, directionlessness ... Branding Marketing scholars and practitioners agree that brands play a central role in marketing Therefore and because brands are a central construct of our theory of marketing, this section outlines...
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2016, 12:11
... nature to a data manager which fails to free data, but is easier to detect and prevent • Data manager changes data A malicious data manager may change the value of its data on each cache refresh ... access to cached data than the data manager has permitted (e.g., a write fault on a page made read-only by a pager_data_lock call), the kernel issues a pager_data_unlock call The data manager is ... the cached data The kernel uses the pager_data_write call in response, just as when it initiates a cache replacement A data manager may restrict the use of cached data by issuing a pager_data_lock...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05
Báo cáo khoa học: Construction of a novel detection system for protein–protein interactions using yeast G-protein signaling pdf
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20
The Design and Implementation of a Sequence Database System * docx
... on Management of Data, May 1994 [CS92] RakeshChandmand Arie Segev.ManagingTemporalFinancial Data in anExtensible Database.In Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Databases(VWB), ... supports relational data as well as sequencedata, using a novel design paradigm of enhancedabstractdata types (BADTs ) The systemimplementation basedon this paradigmallows sequence relational queriesto ... valueis created,or determinedautomatically by the system Catalog Management: Each E-ADT can provide catalogs that maintain statisticsand storeschemainformation Further, certain valuesmay be named Query...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20
... accordance with these considerations Ccmputational considerations In a transfer-based MT system, actual translation takes place in transfer and can be described as the ocr~putaticnal manipulation ... influenced by target language considerations: the interface structure between analysis and transfer was defined to take advantage of the similarities between the three languages and to accommodate the ... as well as the German-Italian transfer module Separate French and Italian generation modules use only language specific knowledge to produce the final translation However, the German analysis...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Joint Learning of a Dual SMT System for Paraphrase Generation" pptx
... evaluations of paraphrase quality and rate tend to be incompatible To address the above problems, we propose a metric for tuning parameters and evaluating the quality of each candidate paraphrase ... criteria in paraphrase generation: adequacy measuring the semantic equivalency and paraphrase rate measuring the surface dissimilarity As they are incompatible (Zhao and Wang, 2010), the question arises ... another language F , each translation could have m candidates {e } which may contain potential paraphrases for es Our task is to locate the candidate that best fit in the demands of paraphrasing 39...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20
schaum's outline of feedback and control systems
... directional data once each revolution, an analog or a digital system? 135 What type of control system is involved in the treatment of a patient by a doctor, based on data obtained from laboratory analysis ... Example 1.5 was defined as part of that control system, but a human operator may or may not be a component of a system EXAMPLE 1.6 Most automatic toasters are open-loop systems because they are ... set of mathematical equations characterizing its parts Block diagrams are considered in detail in Chapters and 7, and signal flow graphs in Chapter Mathematical models are needed when quantitative...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:13
Measuring the Economic Value of a City Park System docx
... by an average of $250 a year McKinley Park, Sacramento PARK VALUE IN ACTION Promoting Human Health in Sacramento Sacramento has 5,141 acres of parks that provide a multitude of ways to stay healthy ... green space in parks First, land cover data are obtained through analysis of aerial photographs This reveals forested as well as open grassy areas and also water surface; it also reveals impervious ... quadrangles, and corporate campuses.) Third, the amount and characteristics of rainfall are calculated from U.S weather data The model (which Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation combines aspects...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 08:20
semitic languages outline of a comparative grammar
... Clauses 511 A Particular Types of Main Clauses 511 B Parallel Clauses 515 C Subordinate Clauses a) Relative Clauses b) Temporal/Causal Clauses c) Final/Consecutive Clauses d) Substantival Clauses ... as Palaeosyrian, Old Akkadian, Assyro-BabyIonian, Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic, and Epigraphic South Arabian, as well as Arabic, Neo-Aramaic, and the con temporary languages of Ethiopia and Eritrea ... ) (Angas, Goemai ) (Ron, Kulere ) (Bade, Ngizim ) (Warji, Pa 'a ) (Zaar, Boghom ) (Tera, Ga'anda ) (Bura, Margi ) (Higi, Bana) (Mandara, Lamang ) Matakam Sukur (Matakam, Gisiga ) (Sukur) (Daba,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:45
Báo cáo hóa học: "Dynamics of a two-dimensional system of rational difference equations of Leslie–Gower type" doc
... other than u1 and u2, then the interior of 〚u1, u2〛 is either a subset of the basin of attraction of u1 or a subset of the basin of attraction of u2 Kalabušić et al Advances in Difference Equations ... subset of the basin of attraction of E All orbits that start below this curve are attracted to E1 All orbits that start above this curve are attracted to E (A1 − A2 − β1 + γ2 ) 4B2 R13 A1 = β1 , A1 ... global stable manifold W s(E3) that separates the positive quadrant so that all orbits below this manifold are attracted to the equilibrium point E1, and all orbits above this manifold are attracted...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Local existence and uniqueness of solutions of a degenerate parabolic system" pptx
... equations of parabolic type Translation of Mathematical Monographs American Mathematical Society, Providence 23 (1968) 15 Friedman, A: Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type Prentice-Hall ... Global and nonglobal weak solutions to a degenerate parabolic system J Math Anal Appl 324(1), 177–198 (2006) doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2005.12.012 Okubo, A: Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Mathematical ... this article as: Zhang et al.: Local existence and uniqueness of solutions of a degenerate parabolic system Advances in Difference Equations 2011 2011:12 Submit your manuscript to a journal and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Dynamics of a Predator-Prey System Concerning Biological and Chemical Controls" ppt
... involves an active human role Natural enemies of insect pests, also known as biological control agents, include predators, parasites, and pathogens Virtually all pests have some natural enemies, and ... fundamental matrix Φ t and the constant matrix M which we call the monodromy matrix of 2.5 corresponding to the fundamental matrix of Φ t All monodromy matrices of 2.5 are similar and have the ... perturbations have been illustrated to substantiate our mathematical results and to show that the system we have considered in this paper gives birth to various kinds of dynamical behaviors Actually,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Asymptotic Behavior of a Periodic Diffusion System" pot
... 1983 24 O Ladyzenskaja, V Solonnikov, and N Uraltseva, “Linear and quasilinear equations of parabolic type,” in Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol 23, American Mathematical Society, ... “Global existence and blow-up for a nonlinear reaction-diffusion system, ” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 212, no 2, pp 481–492, 1997 Journal of Inequalities and Applications ... Theory, Methods & Applications, vol 60, no 5, pp 977–991, 2005 19 V A Galaktionov, S P Kurdyumov, and A A Samarski˘, A parabolic system of quasilinear ı equations I,” Differential Equations, vol 19,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
... Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 318 (2006), no 1, 63–76 [7] M Kipnis and R M Nigmatulin, Stability of trinomial linear difference equations with two delays, Automation and Remote ... stability of solutions of certain linear differential equations with a lagging argument in the Banach space, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 111 (1956), 770–773 (Russian) Mikhail Kipnis: Department of ... A Kuruklis, The asymptotic stability of xn+1 − axn + bxn−k = 0, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 188 (1994), no 3, 719–731 [9] S A Levin and R M May, A note on difference-delay...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Robust Parametric Technique for Multipath Channel Estimation in the Uplink of a DS-CDMA System" pot
... CRB APPENDIX APPROXIMATE DIAGONALITY OF THE INVERSE MAI COVARIANCE MATRIX In this appendix, we prove that the inverse of the MAI covariance matrix Rη = E[ηηH ] has a high degree of diagonal dominance ... that the elements of the off-diagonal blocks Rη and Rη −1) are negligible compared to the main diagonal elements of Rη Hence, the MAI covariance matrix Rη can be approximated as a block diagonal ... Least Squares Problems, o chapter 9, SIAM, Philadelphia, Pa, USA, 1996 [20] A A Rontogiannis, A Marava, K Berberidis, and J Palicot, “Efficient multipath channel estimation using a semiblind parametric...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Analysis and simulation of the architecture of a growing root system: application to a comparative study of several tree seedlings" ppsx
... were used, oaks and several acacias, which show marked differences in shoot growth and ramification Materials and Methods Acorns of oaks (Quercus petraea Liebl., Q rubra du Roi) and seeds of acacias ... Statistical studies of these ture are data allow the determination of elongation laws and branching patterns They may then be integrated into a deterministic three-dimensional model (Pages and ... entire duration We have recently developed a new method which allows a detailed analysis of growing root system with all its dynamic aspects (Belgrand et al., 1987) It is also a a a root is defined...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:21
Development of a liposomal nanodelivery system for nevirapine ppsx
... was added and placed on a carbon coated grid The excess water was absorbed using a filter paper and uranyl acetate stain was added The grid was then washed with water to remove excess uranyl acetate ... Pharmacological Sciences 2005, 26:2558-2264 13 Fiala M, Murphy T, MacDougall J, Yang W, Luque A: HAART drugs induce mitochondrial damage and intracellular gaps and gp120 causes apoptosis J Cardiovascular ... myristate loaded liposomes J Pharmazie 2005, 60:840-843 37 Uma Maheswari K, Ramachandran T, Rajaji D: Interaction of cisplatin with planar model bilayers - Dose dependent change in electrical characteristics...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21
Báo cáo y học: "Validation of a microwave radar system for the monitoring of locomotor activity in mic pptx
... we wanted to revalidate the locomotor monitoring system that our research group designed and validated several years ago The new apparatus allows easier recording of animals by means of a battery ... complete apparatus The apparatus was evaluated by several tests using both mechanical objects with standardized movement and laboratory animals Test The aim of the first test was to verify the ability ... of locomotor activity The locomotor activity of the animal is recorded automatically by means of microwave radar based on the Doppler effect Microwave radar systems operate at the frequency of...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Introduction of a rapid response system: why we are glad we MET" pps
... Smith G, Prytherch D, Parr M, Flabouris A, Hillman KM: A comparison of antecedents to cardiac arrests, deaths and emergency intensive care admissions in Australia and New Available online http://ccforum.com/content/10/1/121 ... hospital mortality and quality of care Minerva Anesthesiol 2002, 68:25-35 Fresco C, Carinci F, Maggioni AP, Ciampi A, Nicolucci A, Santoro E, Tavazzi L, Tognonia G: Very early assessment of risk ... minutes and to offer resuscitation expertise that would form part of patient co-management during a crisis How the MET has changed the culture of managing acutely unwell hospital patients Uptake of...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21
Báo cáo y học: "Childhood adversity, mental ill-health and aggressive behavior in an African orphanage: Changes in response to trauma-focused therapy and the implementation of a new instructional system" ppt
... 16) at t2 The Tanzanian and German board of the organization managing the orphanage gave their consent and ethical approval Materials The interview sets were basically identical for both assessments ... Childhood adversity, mental illhealth and aggressive behavior in an African orphanage: Changes in response to trauma-focused therapy and the implementation of a new instructional system Child and Adolescent ... situated near a small village in a rural area The orphanage consists of four houses with nine to twelve children of different ages and sexes with two caretakers for each house The caretakers had...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:22