origins of the chicken dance

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Purification, characterization, cloning, and expression of the chicken liver ecto-ATP-diphosphohydrolase pot

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Purification, characterization, cloning, and expression of the chicken liver ecto-ATP-diphosphohydrolase pot

... present in the apical membranes of the oxyntic-peptic cells [37]. The distribution of the ecto- ATPDase on these epithelial cells is distinctly different from theotherATPDaseintheE-ATPasefamily,theCD39s [13,17,19]. Molecular ... that of the oviduct ecto-ATPDase. Immunochemical staining demonstrates the distribution of the ecto-ATPDase in the bile canaliculi of the chicken liver. HeLa cells transfected with the chicken ... concentrations of fluoride, vanadate, and pyrophosphate, inhibitors of the purified chicken oviduct ecto-ATPDase [7,31]. Like the other ecto-ATPDases, the ADPase activity of the purified chicken liver...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 04:20

10 694 0
The Dark Side of Universal  Banking: Financial Conglomerates  and the Origins of the Subprime  Financial Crisis

The Dark Side of Universal Banking: Financial Conglomerates and the Origins of the Subprime Financial Crisis

... of the securities and life insurance industries will be brought within the scope of the TBTF doctrine, thereby expanding the scope and cost of federal ‘safety net’ guarantees.” 445 I further ... risky.” 142 2. The Unheeded Lessons of the Dotcom-Telecom Bubble and the Collapse of Enron and WorldCom Further evidence of the risks posed by financial conglomerates appeared during the boom-and-bust ... loans (and therefore shut off their remaining warehouse lines of credit to nonbank lenders) after the outbreak of the subprime financial crisis in August 2007. 286 b. The Riskiness of Nonprime...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:26

89 529 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Glycomics-based analysis of chicken red blood cells provides insight into the selectivity of the viral agglutination assay docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Glycomics-based analysis of chicken red blood cells provides insight into the selectivity of the viral agglutination assay docx

... cRBCs. Defining the glycans present on the surface of cRBCs will allow either for the design of strategies to optimize the agglutination assay or the design of alternative strategies for the detection and ... by the label and independent of the attri- butes of the glycan to which it is attached. Accord- ingly, we aimed to determine the amount of individual cRBC glycans by HPLC through the use of a ... influ- enza A viruses, which require the presence of a2 fi 6 sialylation. The difference in the N-linked glycan repertoire of cRBC and human epithelial cells limits the ability of agglutination assay to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 19:20

14 812 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of deletion of the DNase I hypersensitive sites on the transcription of chicken Ig-b gene and on the maintenance of active chromatin state in the Ig-b locus docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of deletion of the DNase I hypersensitive sites on the transcription of chicken Ig-b gene and on the maintenance of active chromatin state in the Ig-b locus docx

... acetylation of H3 and H4 histones, and the remaining DHSs in the deleted cells were examined to determine the roles of these DHSs on the transcription of Ig-b gene and on the mainten- ance of the active ... levels of b-globin mRNA. However, both the acetylation state of the promoter region of the active b-globin gene [19] and the DNase I general sensitivity in the b-globin locus are the same as the ... Thus, there again has been no description either of the region involved in DNase I general sensitivity or of the region for the formation of DHSs, although chromatin opening activity of the LCR...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

11 639 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure of the matrix attachment region-binding domain of chicken MeCP2 ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure of the matrix attachment region-binding domain of chicken MeCP2 ppt

... one-turn helix on the other face. It is thought that the two inner strands of the b-sheet lie within the major groove of the DNA and that a hydrophobic pocket formed by the side chains of Y123 and ... [18]. The structure of the helical coil a 2 /a 3 allows us to interpret the consequences of the six mutations. As P153(152) and G162(161) are buried in the protein core, replacement of each of these ... cluster in these two regions. Know- ledge of the structure of a larger portion of MeCP2 including the transcriptional repression domain would resolve these speculations and clarify the role of the helical...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

8 467 0
The Origins of Interlace in Romanesque Sculpture potx

The Origins of Interlace in Romanesque Sculpture potx

... Around the Southern littoral of the Mediterranean it has long been a familiar motif. Here the roots come from the Copts of Egypt who had acquired them from the Levant. Neither the Greeks nor the ... confirm the popularity of the pattern for chancel screens at that time. It is perhaps worthy of note that the use of the 39 relegated to the margins of main sculptures or to parts of the structure ... status of the abbey, would have made use of those observations and thus spread the use of the motif. King Solomon’s Knot At the crossing of the church of Jou sous Montjou, in the Haute...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 13:20

52 419 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Origins of DNA replication in the three domains of life pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Origins of DNA replication in the three domains of life pdf

... of DnaC [14]. Rather the role of ATP in the reaction is to serve as a switch that controls the activity of the helicase. The ATP bound form of DnaC severely inhibits the heli- case activity of ... found in the three domains of life: the Bacteria, the Eukarya and the Archaea. Furthermore, although there are mechanistic parallels, even within a given domain of life, the way origins of replication ... immediate chromatin environment of the intergenic region, and also at the level of topological status of the DNA as a result of transcription of the adjacent genes. Origins in higher eukaryotes Although...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

10 504 0
The Dance Festivals of the Alaskan Eskimo pdf

The Dance Festivals of the Alaskan Eskimo pdf

... the recognized abode of all spirits visiting the kásgi. Then the men bring in their harvest of bladders.[17] They tie them by the necks in bunches of eight to the end of their spears. These they ... "wipe off" any uncleanness (wahok) that might offend the shades of the dead. Then the namesakes of the dead troop into the kásgi, and take their places in the center of the room between the ... advent of the Great Feast to the Dead. The essence of the offerings of food and drink are supposed to satisfy the wants of the dead until they can be properly honored in the Great Festival. In the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

22 330 0
Rugby’s Great Split Class, culture and the origins of rugby league football pdf

Rugby’s Great Split Class, culture and the origins of rugby league football pdf

... Wakefield Trinity in the final of the Yorkshire Cup. 19 Other than the church and the factory, the pub was the most important medium for the entry of working-class players into rugby. Of the forty-five ... about the levels of violence in the game in the early years of the NU. All of these topics were dealt with briefly in the original edition but the new edition presents the opportunity to explore them ... customs officer and a future Justice of the Peace. 37 The narrowness of the social strata upo n which these clubs were based can also be seen from the family relationships of many of the clubs’...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

289 389 0


... the value creation logic of a company. VI. CONCLUSION In this paper we outlined the origins, the different understandings, and the evolution of the business model concept. We showed that the ... a specific company. The meta-model then defines the words and sentences that we use to describe this view. ORIGINS To detect the origins and particularly the surge of the business model discussion ... Tucci and the future of the business model concept, particularly in the Information Systems domain. To do so, we first discuss the concept by itself and then, trace the possible areas of contribution,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20

43 515 0
origins and history of the dulcimer

origins and history of the dulcimer

... Origins and History of The Dulcimer The dulcimer is a member of the string family. It is further categorized into the Psaltrey family, a group of instruments that are comprised of strings stretched ... drumming. The only difference, in fact, between the dulcimer and the psaltrey is the fact that one is plucked and the other is drummed. The dulcimer family is divided into two sections. The dulcimers ... hammer to strike the string. The most improved instrument in the keyed dulcimer section is the piano. Dulcimers that are played without the aid of a key are usually in the unusual shape of a trapezoid....

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:48

2 436 0
THE ORIGINS OF MODERN PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Fourth Annual PMI College of Scheduling Conference potx

THE ORIGINS OF MODERN PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Fourth Annual PMI College of Scheduling Conference potx

... formalise the way organisations managed their projects. The popularity of ‘methodologies’ grew rapidly from the beginning of the 1970s into the 1980s. However, since the turn of the century, the ... etc. By the end of the war OR was well established in the armed services both in the UK and in the USA. Following the end of the war OR took a different course in the UK as opposed to in the ... back to the Protestant reformation of the 15 th Century and most of the ideas implicit in the early days of our profession (from the 1960s to 1980s) are firmly rooted in the ideas of Scientific...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

22 422 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Comparative metal binding and genomic analysis of the avian (chicken) and mammalian metallothionein potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Comparative metal binding and genomic analysis of the avian (chicken) and mammalian metallothionein potx

... evolution of the spectra when the indicated number of Cd(II) was added. (B) CD spectrum of the acidification of the final solution of the Cd(II) titration of Zn–ckMT, the arrow shows the evolution ... elements, the scarcity of retrogenes in the chicken genome [2], the existence of a corresponding chicken EST in the databases, and the identification in the 5¢-ckMT2 region of canonic cis regulatory sequences, ... obvious from the results of the biosyntheses in Cu-rich media, as M 10 –ckMT com- plexes are obtained instead of the theoretical M 12 – ckMT that would result from the addition of the major M 6 –ackMT...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:20

13 383 0