... CREATE VIEW command and other normal SQL statements, just as you would to create a view for a relational table Listing 8.19 provides an example of the creation and use of such a view (and some of ... TYPE BODY command In this command, you define the type and name of the member If it is a function, you declare the value type to be returned Following this is the body of a PL /SQL block of code ... the listing above) and then the name of the method You can also create and use a member method in PL /SQL, as demonstrated in the example in Listing 8.15 Listing 8.15: Creating and Using a Method...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
... will load and execute the command, then return to the operating system prompt In BATCH COMMAND mode, you can combine commands in a standard text file, then run them as a sequence of commands To ... available with Oracle8i Enterprise Edition and Oracle8i Personal Edition It is not available with the Standard Edition ASO includes three components: network security, single sign-on, and Distributed ... level, logging and tracing options, the name and location of the listener configuration file, a list of services registered with the listener, and the addresses the listener is monitoring HELP...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P12 pptx
... put the username and password on the command line This is due to a bug in 8.1.6 that was fixed in 8.1.7 If you are running 8.1.7, you can use “system as sysdba” with SQL* Plus, and then respond ... DATAFILE filename END BACKUP command Here is an example: SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE idx BEGIN BACKUP; Tablespace altered SQL> SHUTDOWN ABORT ORACLE instance shut down SQL> STARTUP ORACLE instance started ... d:\oracle_backup\hot, and the archived redo logs are backed up to d:\oracle_ backup\hot\archive Listing 10.3: Running a Hot Backup First, get the tablespace names and filenames and locations SQL> SELECT...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P13 ppt
... command The trace file will contain a CREATE CONTROL file command Review the command and make sure it is suitable Once you are satisfied that the command is correct, connect to the database and ... Administration SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; 486 CHAPTER 10 • PHYSICAL BACKUP AND RECOVERY RESETLOGS and Recovery The use of the RESETLOGS command seems to be an area of confusion for beginning and even ... this exercise SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM time_table; COUNT(*) -4096 PA R T SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE; System altered II SQL> INSERT INTO time_table SELECT * FROM time_table; SQL> SELECT...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P14 ppt
... types of commands: stand-alone commands and job commands The job commands must appear within the confines of the RUN command, which combines multiple commands (or a block of commands) into a ... stream The stand-alone commands don’t require the RUN command (with a few exceptions) Table 13.2 lists the stand-alone commands, and Table 13.3 lists the job commands NOTE RMAN command syntax has ... RMAN commands, like Oracle SQL commands, end in a semicolon Many RMAN commands have a great number of parameters and keywords associated with them We will discuss many of these commands and their...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P15 doc
... tends to be long, messy, and prone to “fat fingering”) In the RESTORE and RECOVER commands, we use the DATAFILE keyword Finally, we again use the SQL command to send a SQL statement to the target ... SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT command, and then backs up the archived redo logs using the BACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL command This is a really important step, and when and how it is done can be critical ... issues the ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command to the database through the RMAN SQL command This will cause the database to be opened and a RESETLOGS command (which is required after incomplete...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P16 doc
... Alameda, CA CHAPTER 15 Oracle8i Performance Monitoring and DatabaseLevel Tuning F E AT U R I N G : Tuning problem Oracle databases 630 Setting Oracle events 632 Using Oracle8i dynamic performance views ... we’ll outline a methodology for monitoring to develop baselines, benchmarks, and trends This is the first of three chapters on monitoring and tuning We’ll address SQL tuning in Chapter 16 Chapter ... immediately and that its execution is unconditional 634 CHAPTER 15 • ORACLE8i PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND DATABASE-LEVEL TUNING Trace Types For the trace type name parameter in the event command, you...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P17 doc
... b.extents 668 CHAPTER 15 • ORACLE8i PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND DATABASE-LEVEL TUNING WHERE owner=a.owner AND segment_name=a.segment_name) AND a.owner != ‘SYS’ AND a.owner=b.owner AND a.segment_name=b.segment_name; ... this performance Monitoring and Tuning the Library Cache The library cache is where Oracle stores object definitions, SQL statements, and PL /SQL objects for use in areas called namespaces For monitoring ... databases and a large amount of memory installed on the system, it may be okay to use 50 percent of available memory 650 CHAPTER 15 • ORACLE8i PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND DATABASE-LEVEL TUNING While tuning...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P18 docx
... “/ as sysdba” /nolog SQL> SPOOL d:\oracle\spcreate.log SQL> @spcreate .sql SQL> REM $Header: statscre .sql 06-dec-99.18:33:17 cdialeri Exp $ SQL> REM statscre .sql SQL> REM SQL> REM Copyright (c) ... (pre-8.1.7) and the new names in 8.1.7: Pre-8.1.7 Name 8.1.7 Name statspack.doc spdoc.txt statscre .sql spcreate .sql statsrep .sql spreport .sql statsauto .sql spauto .sql statsdrp .sql spdrop .sql TI P ... CA CHAPTER 16 Oracle8i SQL Performance Monitoring and Tuning F E AT U R I N G : Overview of SQL statement processing 700 The Oracle optimizer 705 Oracle execution plans 720 Tuning SQL statements...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P19 docx
... STATEMENTS 749 Tuning SQL Statements You studied database tuning in general in Chapter 15, and SQL statement tuning is just one part of the overall tuning process Nevertheless, SQL tuning generally ... reduce the SQL statement’s I/O, which is what tuning is all about 754 CHAPTER 16 • ORACLE8i SQL PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND TUNING NOTE We can’t overemphasize the importance of indexes, and DBAs ... responsible for principle tuning tasks How come? Consider that working through the process of tuning SQL makes a better writer of SQL And who writes the most SQL (and certainly the SQL with the most...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P20 ppt
... CHAPTER 16 • ORACLE8i SQL PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND TUNING Other Tuning Suggestions Some of the following miscellaneous tuning suggestions apply only to RBO, and some apply to both RBO and CBO Using ... CHAPTER 16 • ORACLE8i SQL PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND TUNING 3068 25736 1391187 212546 1913 physical reads redo size bytes sent via SQL* Net to client bytes received via SQL* Net from client SQL* Net ... Management An Addendum on Database Monitoring 788 CHAPTER 16 • ORACLE8i SQL PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND TUNING The dynamic performance view you’re most interested in is V $SQL It contains several statistics...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P21 pdf
... tuning for latch contention Tuning Locks, Latches, and Waits Tuning for latches, locking, and waits is all about reducing I/O to the disks and improving database usage When you latch tuning and ... D:\ORACLE\ORA816\RDBMS\ADMIN>sqlplus “sys as sysdba” 830 CHAPTER 17 • MONITORING AND TUNING LATCHES, LOCKS, AND WAITS • DBA_DML_LOCKS: Information on DML locks in the database Also provides the owner and name of ... 17 • MONITORING AND TUNING LATCHES, LOCKS, AND WAITS How Do We Monitor Latching? For the most part, monitoring for latch contention issues requires the V$LATCH view Listing 17.7 is a basic monitoring...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P22 docx
... Coordinator SQL Results SQL Results SQL PX slave process Database CPU2 SQL PX slave process CPU3 SQL area Here’s how the query is handled behind the scenes: The client process sends the SQL statement ... reusable SQL and how to determine if SQL needs to be rewritten You may also want to take advantage of cursor sharing in Oracle8i, which is also discussed in Chapter 16 838 CHAPTER 17 • MONITORING AND ... Alameda, CA PA R T III Beyond Simple Database Management NOTE 840 CHAPTER 17 • MONITORING AND TUNING LATCHES, LOCKS, AND WAITS Tuning Buffer Block Waits Data block waits listed in the V$WAITSTAT view...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P23 ppt
... a pipe DBMS_PROFILER Provides an interface into PL /SQL that allows for debugging and performance profiling DBMS_RANDOM Provides seed-based random number generation DBMS_REFRESH Allows for the ... installed by running the dbmspool .sql • DBMS_IOT, which is installed by running the dbmsiotc .sql script • DBMS_RANDOM, which is installed by running the dbmsrand .sql script If the package you want ... well not be Altering and Dropping Dimensions The ALTER DIMENSION command allows you to manage your dimensions This command allows you to: • Add or drop hierarchy, levels and attributes to the...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P24 docx
... at the SQL* Plus command line or when using the EXP and IMP utilities, you will need to include the ID and privilege in double quotation marks, as in this example: D:\ORACLE\admin\recover>sqlplus ... Roles and PL /SQL If you are going to access a database object in your PL /SQL (for example, issue SELECT statements against it), you must be aware of the interaction of roles, users, and PL /SQL ... that is done, and then move onto the procedures for setting up and managing user accounts, profiles, and roles NOTE There is a subtle, but distinct, difference between the terms schema and user in...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P25 doc
... being attached to the SQL statement, it makes tuning that SQL statement much more difficult The complete SQL statement, with the predicate, doesn’t show up in the V $SQL view, and the predicate doesn’t ... file and data files), the “output” (bad file, discard file, and log file), and the types of data loads possible (direct, conventional, and parallel) Conventional and Direct Path Loads With SQL* Loader ... CHAPTER 22 SQL* Loader F E AT U R I N G : Introduction to SQL* Loader 974 The input files 979 The “output”: discards and rejects 991 SQL* Loader log files 994 Loading objects, collections, LOBs, and partitioned...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P26 pptx
... table Running SQL* Loader SQL* Loader from the Command Line Command-line execution of SQL* Loader is easy From the system prompt, you enter sqlldr with the required series of keywords and values (Refer ... Executing SQL* Loader from a script file is similar to using the command line and the parameter file Within the script, you call SQL* Loader (sqlload), and then you designate a combination of command-line ... to have spaces between the equals sign and the parameter value SQL* Loader Script File Execution /load _sql. sh contents of load _sql. sh sqlldr mark/mark _sql \control=1461c1.ctl log=servtype.log...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P27 docx
... on the standby host, which reads the stream from the primary database, writes the archive logs, and updates the standby control file The standby database reads the standby control file and applies ... and Replication option • Run catrep .sql (in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/) as INTERNAL • Establish the same passwords for REPSYS and REPADMIN on the master and master definition sites • Set up mandatory ... (OPS), and Oracle Fail Safe This chapter covers the use of the standby database, OPS, and Oracle Fail Safe Replication is discussed in Chapter 25, and Net8 is covered in Chapter Using a Standby...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu ORACLE8i- P28 docx
... PL /SQL, and PL /SQL and SQL can call Java Java programs call their SQL and PL /SQL counterparts using the JDBC driver, which is embedded into the Java Virtual Machine architecture residing in the Oracle8i ... of SQLJ as “Pro*Java.” • The JDeveloper tool integrates JDBC and SQLJ into a complete development environment Integration of Java into Oracle8i is a two-way street Java can call SQL and PL /SQL, ... CANCEL 1089 PA R T IV SQL> RECOVER CANCEL SQL> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE Next, start the standby database and put it in MOUNT mode: SQL> STARTUP NOMOUNT SQL> ALTER DATABASE MOUNT STANDBY DATABASE; Then,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
mastering oracle 8i
... www.sybex.com THE ORACLE SQL INTERFACE TOOLS Using SQL* Plus PA R T NOTE A SQL* Plus command is different from a SQL statement A SQL* Plus command is one of the commands that controls the SQL* Plus interface ... Same as RESTRICT and 2, but also restricts the use of GET and START commands SQL* Plus will not execute the login .sql file, and the glogin .sql file will be read but restricted commands will fail ... the commands and how the processes work is not enough to become a good DBA In addition, you need to know about backup and recovery You need to know about tuning the database and tuning the SQL running...
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:48