... vòng lặp PL /SQL? Các kiểu vòng lặp có sẵn PL /SQl là: • Lệnh loop-exit • Lệnh while-loop • Lệnh for-loop Phân biệt trỏ (cursor) ngầm trỏ tường minh? Cursor ngầm đòa không đặt tên lệnh SQL xử lý ... trỏ tường minh? Cursor ngầm đòa không đặt tên lệnh SQL xử lý Oracle và/hay chế thực thi PL /SQL Mọi lệnh SQL thực cursor ngầm, bao gồm lệnh update, insert, delete lệnh select không thực cursors...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:51
... Oracle giới thiệu thương phẩm SQL SQL cài đặt hệ quản trị CSDL DB2 IBM SQL/ DS Ngày nay, SQL sử dụng rộng rãi đuợc xem ngôn ngữ chuẩn để truy cập CSDL quan hệ 1.1.2 Chuẩn SQL Năm 1989, viện tiêu chuẩn ... Trang Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net Oracle - SQL PL /SQL Chương GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG 1.1.NGÔN NGỮ SQL 1.1.1 Lịch sử phát triển ngôn ngữ SQL Mô hình sở liệu (CSDL) quan hệ - RDBMS, E.F Codd ... đảm bảo tính xác quán SQL (Structured Query Language, đọc "sequel") tập lệnh truy xuất CSDL quan hệ Ngôn ngữ SQL IBM sử dụng hệ quản trị CSDL System R vào năm 70 Hệ ngôn ngữ SQL (SEQUEL2) IBM công...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 05:20
Oracle và SQL cơ bản - GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG
... đương đối tượng Program unit Tập hợp câu lệnh thực viết ngôn ngữ SQL PL /SQL, bao gồm Procedure, function, package 1.2.3 Các nhóm lệnh SQL Tên lệnh Diễn giải SELECT Là lệnh thông dụng nhất, dùng để ... Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net Oracle - SQL PL /SQL Primary Key thiết phải có số liệu Foreign Key Là column tập columns có tham chiếu tới bảng ... tác liệu DML (Data Manipulation Language) Trang Quyển sách upload tại: hutonline.net Oracle - SQL PL /SQL CREATE ALTER DROP RENAME TRUNCATE COMMIT ROLLBACK SAVE POINT Là lệnh dùng để thiết lập,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 05:20
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P5
... PL /SQL programs even between client and server PL /SQL programs Prior to PL /SQL Release 2.3, you would have had to fetch all data from the cursor, store it in PL /SQL variables (perhaps a PL /SQL ... look at how you define, raise, and handle exceptions in PL /SQL Previous: 7.7 Tips for PL/ SQL Loops 7.7 Tips for PL /SQL Loops Oracle PL /SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 8.2 The Exception ... approach, let's review the difference between the implicit looping of the SQL set-at-a-time approach and the PL /SQL loop SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE work on a set...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P6
... recently executed SQL statement through SQL cursor attributes The SQL cursor has the same four attributes as an explicit cursor: SQL% FOUND SQL% NOTFOUND SQL% ROWCOUNT SQL% ISOPEN 6.9.6 Differences Between ... list In native SQL, this select list may contain both columns and expressions (SQL functions on those columns, constants, etc.) In PL /SQL, the select list of a SELECT may contain PL /SQL variables, ... "Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes" later in the chapter You can reference cursor attributes in your PL /SQL code, as shown in the preceding example, but you cannot use those attributes inside a SQL statement...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P7
... of options in PL /SQL for executing SQL, and all of them occur as some type of cursor Generally, there are two types of SQL that you can execute in PL /SQL: static and dynamic SQL is static if ... 6.2 Cursors in PL /SQL When you execute a SQL statement from PL /SQL, the Oracle RDBMS assigns a private work area for that statement This work area contains information about the SQL statement and ... the content of the SQL statement is determined at compile time A SQL statement is dynamic if it is constructed at runtime and then executed Dynamic SQL is made possible in PL /SQL only through the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Oracle PL/SQL Programming
... showstub .sql and you can then call it as follows to show a module's stub: SQL> start showstub calc_totals The following is an example of the output from this showstub program: SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> ... Clearing the PL /SQL Table .374 376 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 376 10.8.1 PL /SQL Tables of Records 377 10.8.2 PL /SQL Table ... Data to Minimize SQL Access .876 25.3.2 Call PL /SQL Functions in SQL to Reduce I/O 877 25.3.3 Avoid Client−Side SQL .880 25.3.4 Take Advantage of DBMS _SQL Batch Processing...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 15:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P8
... RDBMS /SQL language offers features not found in PL /SQL, such as the Oracle SQL DECODE construct PL /SQL, on the other hand, has a few tricks up its sleeve which are unavailable in native SQL One ... category are all subtypes of NUMBER They are provided in ORACLE's SQL and in PL /SQL in order to offer compatibility with ANSI SQL, SQL/ DS, and DB2 datatypes They have the same range of legal values ... constructs of PL /SQL to the underlying database (accessed through SQL) NOTE: PL /SQL also offers the %ROWTYPE declaration attribute, which allows you to create anchored datatypes for PL /SQL record structures...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P9
... Previous: 3.2 Formatting SQL Statements 3.2 Formatting SQL Statements Oracle PL /SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 3.4 Formatting PL/ SQL Blocks 3.4 Formatting PL /SQL Blocks The Oracle ... Formatting Control Structures 3.2 Formatting SQL Statements Because PL /SQL is an extension to the SQL language, you can place SQL statements directly in your PL /SQL programs You can also define cursors ... lines inside a sql statement when you are coding that sql from within a pl/ sql block You may not, on the other hand, embed white space in sql statements you are executing from the sql* Plus command...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P10
... SQL statements and PL /SQL programs Improve the performance of your SQL statements SQL is a nonprocedural language, yet application requirements often demand procedural logic in your SQL The SQL ... two versions of PL /SQL: q q PL /SQL Release 1.1: a client-side PL /SQL engine that allows the application to execute local PL /SQL programs PL /SQL Release 2.X: the server-based PL /SQL engine that executes ... of stored functions inside SQL statements, and offers dynamic SQL with the DBMS _SQL package With Version 2.1, you can now execute SQL DDL statements from within PL /SQL programs Please purchase...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P11
... written in SQL* Forms, SQL* Reportwriter, SQL* Plus, and SQL* Menu While their PL /SQL skills have progressed to meet the needs of specific applications, most could expand both their PL /SQL knowledge ... PL /SQL is integrated tightly into Oracle's SQL language: you can execute SQL statements directly from your procedural program Conversely, you can also call PL /SQL functions from within a SQL ... outermost PL /SQL block (whether it is an anonymous block in SQL* Plus or a stored procedure in the database) contains a WHEN OTHERS clause in its exception section 8.6.3 Using SQLCODE and SQLERRM in...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P12
... and Modifying PL /SQL Table Rows Filling the Rows of a PL /SQL Table Clearing the PL /SQL Table PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 Working with PL /SQL Tables A PL /SQL table is a one-dimensional, ... PL /SQL Tables Chapter 10 PL /SQL Tables Next: 10.4 Declaring a PL/ SQL Table 10.3 PL /SQL Tables and DML Statements Tables are PL /SQL constructs PL /SQL is a linguistic extension of the Oracle SQL ... Characteristics of PL /SQL Tables 10 PL /SQL Tables Contents: PL /SQL Tables and Other Collections Characteristics of PL /SQL Tables PL /SQL Tables and DML Statements Declaring a PL /SQL Table Referencing...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P13
... Rows of a PL /SQL Table Chapter 10 PL /SQL Tables Next: 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 10.7 Clearing the PL /SQL Table What happens when you are done with a PL /SQL table and ... Rows of a PL /SQL Table 10.6 Filling the Rows of a PL/ SQL Table Oracle PL /SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements ... Previous: 10.7 Clearing the PL /SQL Table Chapter 10 PL /SQL Tables Next: 10.9 Working with PL /SQL Tables 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 PL /SQL Release 2.3 offers significantly...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P14
... two spaces between each repetition LPAD ('Why I Love PL /SQL' , 53, 'DRAFT-ONLY '); ==> 'DRAFT-ONLY DRAFT-ONLY DRAFT-ONLY Why I Love PL/ SQL' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com ... lines, depositing those separate lines into a PL /SQL table The procedure also contains calls to the built-in DBMS_OUTPUT package so it can display a trace of the way it performs the analysis to break ... be broken up into the paragraph format: /* Filename on companion disk: testwrap .sql */ DECLARE /* Declare a PL /SQL table to hold the lines of the paragraph */ loc_para wrap.paragraph_tabletype;...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Oracle PL/SQL For Dummies P2 pdf
... versions The purpose of SQL and PL /SQL SQL is the industry standard language for manipulating DBMS objects Using SQL, you can create, modify, or delete database objects This part of SQL is called Data ... environments You should probably know SQL before trying to use PL /SQL This book assumes that you already know SQL If you haven’t mastered SQL, take a good long look at SQL For Dummies, 5th Edition, by ... Ada What makes PL /SQL unique is its tight integration with SQL It is easier and more natural to embed SQL in PL /SQL than to so in any other programming language This makes PL /SQL ideal for writing...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu Oracle PL/SQL For Dummies P1 doc
... The Scoop on SQL and PL /SQL 16 The purpose of SQL and PL /SQL 17 The difference between SQL and PL /SQL 18 What’s new in Oracle SQL and PL /SQL? 18 What Is PL /SQL Good For? ... can’t be a good PL /SQL programmer without understanding a bit about SQL, so Chapter discusses how SQL and PL /SQL can work together and introduces cursors (If you don’t know any SQL, this isn’t the ... Part I: Basic PL /SQL Concepts .7 Chapter 1: PL /SQL and Your Database Chapter 2: The PL /SQL Environment .23 Part II: Getting Started with PL /SQL 39 Chapter 3: Laying...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P15 pptx
... END; 13.3.5 The SQLCODE function The SQLCODE function returns the number of the exception raised by PL /SQL The specification for this function is: FUNCTION SQLCODE RETURN INTEGER SQLCODE returns ... call SQLERRM, it uses the value returned by SQLCODE (see the preceding section) If SQLCODE returns 0, then SQLERRM returns the following message: ORA-0000; normal, successful completion If PL /SQL ... 13.3.6 The SQLERRM function The SQLERRM returns the error message associated with the specified code The specification for this function is: FUNCTION SQLERRM (code_in IN INTEGER := SQLCODE) RETURN...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P16 ppt
... in a PL /SQL table You can also store the date masks in a PL /SQL table (PL /SQL tables are explained fully in Chapter 10, PL /SQL Tables) The PL /SQL table structure, available only with PL /SQL Version ... understood and least utilized features of PL /SQL Chapter 17, Calling PL /SQL Functions in SQL, describes how you can construct PL /SQL functions and call them from SQL Previous: 14.3 Conversion Function ... the PL /SQL table: Initialize the date masks in the PL /SQL table structure, and revamp dm_convert to rely on the PL /SQL table These are described below: Initialize the date masks in the PL /SQL table...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15