or low oil volume circuit breakers

Báo cáo y học: "Open lung approach associated with highfrequency oscillatory or low tidal volume mechanical ventilation improves respiratory function and minimizes lung injury in healthy and injured rats" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Open lung approach associated with highfrequency oscillatory or low tidal volume mechanical ventilation improves respiratory function and minimizes lung injury in healthy and injured rats" ppt

... compliance with the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care formulated by the National Society for Medical Research and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals prepared by the National ... inflammatory response should be taken into account when evaluating lung injury induced by different ventilatory treatments Furthermore, the systemic response appears to be more correlated with factors ... lung injury score was higher in SW and LPS compared to UI In UI, ventilatory mode did not affect the histological total lung injury score In SW, the total lung injury score was higher for LP-CMV...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21

14 330 0
Effects of longterm ingestion of cd polluted rice or low dose cd supplemented diet on the endogenous cop

Effects of longterm ingestion of cd polluted rice or low dose cd supplemented diet on the endogenous cop

... Cadmium, World Heath Organisation, Geneva 2) WHO (1992b) Environmental Health Criteria 135 Cadmium-Environmental Aspect, World Heath Organisation, Geneva 3) Friberg, L., Piscator, M., Nordberg, ... consisting of 28% purified and 72% ordinary rice (unpolluted or Cd-polluted rice prepared by Oriental Yeast Co Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Group I was fed a mixture of purified and ordinary rice and was used ... for 16 hr or more prior to death The experiment was terminated at month 22 because the total number of surviving animals in the 20-ppm CdCl2-treated group reached the minimum necessary for subsequent...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07

5 249 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Profiles, Haematology and Pregnancy Outcomes of Late Pregnant Holstein Dairy Heifers Sired by Bulls Giving a High or Low Incidence of Stillbirth" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Profiles, Haematology and Pregnancy Outcomes of Late Pregnant Holstein Dairy Heifers Sired by Bulls Giving a High or Low Incidence of Stillbirth" ppt

... substrate supply This was reported to be a major factor of altered or reduced foetal growth in sheep (McMillen et al 2001) In addition, a number of hormones and growth factors including progesterone, ... calving performance sorted by groups is presented in Table The post-mortem examination of the stillborn calves (from animals nos 145 and 465) revealed no pathological changes or malformation, while ... these hormonal parameters might be used for monitoring of the foetal well being (for a review, see Kindahl et al 2002) Measurements of bovine pregnancy specific protein (bPSPB) may be useful for prediction...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20

22 195 0
Báo cáo y học: " Low tidal volume, high respiratory rate and auto-PEEP: the importance of the basic" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Low tidal volume, high respiratory rate and auto-PEEP: the importance of the basic" ppt

... increase the expiratory time by increasing the inspiratory flow rate and decreasing the plateau time However, a reduction in inspiratory time and in the ratio of inspiratory to expiratory time may have ... Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network: Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome N Engl J ... using a low Vt strategy? Vieillard-Baron and coworkers [5] stated that increasing the respiratory rate is not an efficient strategy for improving carbon dioxide clearance This is true if a low Vt/high...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:22

3 292 0
ACB masterpact (Circuit Breakers)

ACB masterpact (Circuit Breakers)

... several times; c Icw : short-time withstand current for circuit breakers belonging to category B (category B refers to circuit breakers with time discrimination and category A to those without ... connecting rods for or stack-mounted breakers This involves: c or Masterpact circuit breakers and /or switch-disconnectors; c an adaptation fixture on the right side of each breaker; c or sets of connecting ... lower terminals of the circuit breakers Due to their small size, Masterpact circuit breakers can replace most existing circuit breakers continuity of service Masterpact circuit breakers are designed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2015, 13:47

72 929 1
Compact 80 1250 (Circuit Breakers)

Compact 80 1250 (Circuit Breakers)

... characteristics protection of low- voltage distribution networks (cont.) E29210 circuit breakers for power distribution switchboards, single-pole and two-pole circuit breakers Compact circuit breakers number ... for an extended period; c in their original pack, Compact circuit breakers may be stored at temperatures ranging from -50° to +85°C pollution degree Compact circuit breakers are certified for ... installations; c Long cable lengths for IT and TN; c Motors and motor starters E26988 circuit breakers for motor protection 0.37 … 37 1.1 … 220 110…250 160…670 051162 motor rating power (kW) page 40...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2015, 13:50

356 2,3K 0
MCB MCCB (Circuit Breakers)

MCB MCCB (Circuit Breakers)

... magnetic solid state protection for distribution for motor starters for people standard networks generator fed networks long distance networks direct current networks ELCB's Vigicompact Vigirex ... %Ir I for distribution Ih t Io xIn i T th TFR for motor starters for people connected ted disconnec standard networks generator fed networks long distance networks direct current networks ELCB's ... Im tr tm for distribution 105 %Ir I Ih t Io xIn i T ■ th TFR for motor starters for people Compact C801H with motor mechanism standard networks generator fed networks long distance networks direct...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2015, 13:56

9 543 2
SM6 switchgear (Circuit Breakers)

SM6 switchgear (Circuit Breakers)

... factory-built cubicles Switch cubicle Circuit breaker cubicle Contactor cubicle Fluarc SFset or SF1 circuit breaker Rollarc 400 or 400D contactor incorporating SF6 switchgear Switch-disconnector ... SFset or SF1 circuit breaker 17 c Rollarc 400 or 400D contactor 18 c control/monitoring and 19 protection functions unit selection c for connection to the network 20 c for protection 21 to 26 c for ... containing fixed or withdrawable metal-enclosed SF6 switchgear, including: c switch-disconnectors; c Fluarc SF1 or SFset circuit breakers; c Rollarc 400 or 400D contactors; c disconnectors SM6 units...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2015, 13:59

51 1,1K 1
Circuit breakers - Máy cắt

Circuit breakers - Máy cắt

... start the motor with 80% normal voltage for D.C and 85% of normal voltage for A.C circuits Once on load they will operate on voltages down to 2/3 of normal and in some cases even lower With an ... breaker can then be tested Circuit breakers are normally fitted with under voltage protection and tripping is accomplished by shorting or open circuiting the no-volt coil which releases the latching ... terminals are to be provided for connecting hull to shore earth c An indicator for shore side connection energised is to be provided d A means for checking polarity or phase rotation is to be provided...

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2016, 22:07

85 754 0
Condition Monitoring of Circuit Breakers

Condition Monitoring of Circuit Breakers

... Spring Open/ Close Current interruption Ideal Interruption of Current Resistance Circuit Inductance Circuit Reactor Switching Line/ Filter Switching TRV Recovery Voltage and build up of dielectric ... Interrupter flanges and not on PIR or grading Capacitor flanges DCRM case Studies Case Study-1   400kV SF6 CB commissioned in 1997 was controlling Bus Reactor CB had given about years service ... VARIATION IN FINGER PRINT OF DCRM INDICATE PROBLEM IN ARCING AND MAIN CONTACTS NEED FOR DCRM     DURING NORMAL CONTACT RESISTANCE MEASUREMSENT, HEALTHINESS OF MAIN CONTACTS IS INDICATED Req...

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2016, 22:22

64 533 0


... for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers ANSI Standard C37.4-1953 Alternating-Current Power Circuit Breakers ANSI Standard C37.6-1971 Schedules of Preferred Ratings for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers ... Satisfactory performance of circuit breakers carrying loads based on ratings established by this report are dependent upon adequate maintenance Page 10 of 24 TABLE I - TEMPERATURE LIMITATIONS FOR CIRCUIT ... max (C) Emergency Allowable Maximum Temperature Rating maxe (C) Hours or Less maxe4 15 Minutes or Less maxe.25 Breakers manufactured prior to 1964 Contacts in oil, oil and bushings 30 70...

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2016, 22:23

24 516 0
Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design With Low Noise Oscillators

Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design With Low Noise Oscillators

... and hence error correction is applied with the detailed equations for one port error correction xvi Preface Chapter describes to a large extent a linear theory for low noise oscillators and shows ... the original input signal and therefore this equation should be normalised by dividing by V/VT The order of the amplitude term is therefore one order below the order of the distortion Therefore ... Error Correction 171 3.10.1 Network Analyser 171 3.10.2 Test Jig 172 3.10.3 Calibration and Error Correction 173 3.10.4 Bipolar Transistors 3.9.2 3.14 166 3.9.1 3.10 DC Biasing One Port Error Correction...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2013, 10:50

308 699 6
Low- or Medium-pressure UV Lamp Inactivation of Microcystis aeruginosa

Low- or Medium-pressure UV Lamp Inactivation of Microcystis aeruginosa

... is damaged, those organisms can not reproduce themselves and therefore the growth is inhibited However, when UV-damaged DNA is repaired by photoreactivation process, the microorganisms can reproduce ... extraction was performed according to the protocols provided by Qiagen, with a minor modification The extracted DNA was concentrated by using centrifugal filter devices (Centricon; Millipore) and resuspended ... Trihalomethane precursors J Am Water Works Assoc 72: 344-350 10) Oppenheimer, J A., J G Jacangelo, J -M Laine, and J E Hoagland (1997) Testing the equivalency of ultraviolet light and chlorine for disinfection...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

7 380 0
Tài liệu The Botanical Magazine - Or, Flower Garden Displayed, Volume Viiii (illustrated Edition) By William Curtis ppt

Tài liệu The Botanical Magazine - Or, Flower Garden Displayed, Volume Viiii (illustrated Edition) By William Curtis ppt

... SEMPERFLORENS EVER-BLOWING ROSE [285]—JASMINUM ODORATISSIMUM SWEETEST JASMINE [286]—PORTLANDIA GRANDIFLORA GREAT-FLOWERED PORTLANDIA [287]—GOODENIA LÆVIGATA SMOOTH GOODENIA [288]—PASSIFLORA CILIATA ... Magazine; or, Flower-Garden Displayed, Volume VIIII No257 16 The Botanical Magazine; or, Flower-Garden Displayed, Volume VIIII The single sort may be increased by parting its roots in autumn, but more ... 11 The Botanical Magazine; or, Flower-Garden Displayed, Volume VIIII [256] IXIA LONGIFLORA LONG-FLOWER’D IXIA Class and Order TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA Generic Character Cor 6-partita, campanulata,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20

111 362 0
Vision Rehabilitation for Elderly Individuals with Low Vision or Blindness pot

Vision Rehabilitation for Elderly Individuals with Low Vision or Blindness pot

... personnel (low- vision therapists, rehabilitation teachers, or orientation and mobility specialists) Efforts supported by a number of organizations are currently underway in the state of New York to ... therapists, physical therapists, low- vision therapists, rehabilitation teachers, and orientation and mobility trainers) Information on state statutory or regulatory requirements governing both ... Report.” Low Vision and Blindness Definitions of Low Vision and Blindness There is no universal consensus on the definitions for low vision and blindness.(2,3,21,41) In its broadest sense, low...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

257 231 1
The Sterling Bond Markets   and  Low Carbon or Green Bonds -  A report to E3G  ppt

The Sterling Bond Markets   and  Low Carbon or Green Bonds -  A report to E3G  ppt

... green guarantee or insurance policy for the coupon and principal from the government or GIB and  allow the borrower to receive funds at lower rate than they would normally whilst also giving the  investor a higher return and the government or GIB a fee for insuring the bonds.  ... index), Barclays (1%) and HSBC (0.8%). The securitized or asset backed sector 29  and industrial sector  is even more broadly based with no issuers holding more than 0.4% of the index. The utility sector  has slightly more concentration with issuers like EDF (0.5%) and EoN (0.4%) having reasonable  ...  Claire Woods “Funding Climate Change: how pension fund fiduciary duty masks trustee inertia and  short‐termism” http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/research/transformations/wpapers/wpg09‐13.html  23      Green or Low Carbon Bonds  4.1 History  The major issuers in the green bond arena are the World Bank and the EIB with additional ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

38 503 1
Guide for Completing Form 8823, Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition pot

Guide for Completing Form 8823, Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition pot

... The following pages refer to instructions for Form 8823, Low- Income Housing Credit Agencies Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition If you are unable to read the form on the following ... noncompliance, or provide evidence to support adjustments to the tax return In some cases, the workpapers may be the only evidence While there are no requirements for the form or style of workpapers or documentation, ... not corrected until after the end of the correction period *If corrected within three years after the end of the correction period,* a Form 8823 *must be* submitted to the IRS to report the correction...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

200 971 0
Land suitability and feasibility study for oil palm and rubber plantations in south-wést Cameroon Volume 1 Main report pot

Land suitability and feasibility study for oil palm and rubber plantations in south-wést Cameroon Volume 1 Main report pot

... Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England KT6 7DY 1982 43>5 Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils The purpose is to make a safe depository ... 14.17 for estate rubber; 9.49 and 13.19 for estate oil palm; 18.15 and 20.16 for smallholder oil palm; and 8.63 and 13.68 for the total project KEYWORDS Environment, land capability, soil survey, ... establishment of oil palm and rubber plantations, and an accompanying smallholders' oil palm scheme, for the Cameroon Development Corporation (CAMDEV) Information that is of interest to the corporation...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

123 504 0


... sacred forests, for ritual use by secret male or female societies In one town visited for this study, for example, a holy woman referred to as a ‘zoe’ spoke of one such sacred forest for women ... sufficient information to allow a stakeholder to identify their interest in the proposed project.30 For projects that will or are likely to have a significant impact, or for projects whose scope or size ... state whether they have been incorporated into national law or not Relevant international legal instruments formally incorporated into domestic law include the following as confirmed at the time...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

35 438 0