... 64 2.8 Multiple Access Performance of Frequency-Hopped Code Division Multiple Access 67 2.9 Summary 71 3. Cellular Code Division Multiple Access 73 3.1 Principles of Cellular Code Division Multiple ... difference be- tween CDMA and more widely understood orthogonal access techniques such as time division multiple access and frequency division multiple access. Additionally, random access schemes such ... MOBK023-Buehrer.cls September 28, 2006 15:54 2 CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS (CDMA) Multiple access techniques Contention-based Conflict-free Random access Collision resolution TREE, WINDOW, etc. TDMA, CDMA,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 14:20
Luận văn kỹ thuật cdma (code division multiple access) luận văn, đồ án, đề tài tốt nghiệp
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 09:39
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) phần 1 doc
... Conflict-Free Medium Access Control 2 1.1.1 Time Division Multiple Access 3 1.1.2 Frequency Division Multiple Access 5 1.1.3 Code Division Multiple Access 6 1.1.4 Traffic Engineering and Trunking Efficiency ... 22 2. Spread Spectrum Techniques for Code Division Multiple Access 23 2.1 Forms of Code Division Multiple Access 23 2.2 Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access 24 2.2.1 Power Spectral Density ... Performance of Frequency-Hopped Code Division Multiple Access 67 2.9 Summary 71 3. Cellular Code Division Multiple Access 73 3.1 Principles of Cellular Code Division Multiple Access 73 3.1.1 Interference...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
BÀI BÁO CÁO -Công nghệ WCDMA(wideband code division multiple access) và tình trạng triển khai
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2015, 17:26
... and polymer resin agents CONTENTS Preface xi 1 Introductory Remarks 1 1.1. Equilibrium Separation and Kinetic Separation / 2 1.2. Commercial Sorbents and Applications / 3 1.3. New Sorbents and ... al. (1963 and 1965), and reviewed in Yang (1987). The model by Grant and Manes (1966) has been discussed in detail by Yang (1987). A simple and explicit model has been proposed by Doong and Yang ... Cyclic Processes, and Sorbent Selection Criteria 17 3.1. Equilibrium Isotherms and Diffusion / 18 3.1.1. Langmuir Isotherms for Single and Mixed Gases / 18 3.1.2. Potential Theory Isotherms for Single and...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Iterative Pilot-Layer Aided Channel Estimation with Emphasis on Interleave-Division Multiple Access Systems Hendrik Schoeneich and Peter Adam Hoeher" docx
... INTRODUCTION Spread-spectrum multiple access is a popular technique al- lowing several users to share the same bandwidth at the same time. Spread spec trum is often equated with direct-sequence code- division multiple access ... suitable for interleave -division multiple access (IDMA) systems are presented. Training and data are superimposed. Training-based and semiblind linear channel estimators are derived and their performance ... on Source and Channel Coding, Munich, Germany, April 2006. [8] H. Schoeneich and P. A. Hoeher, “Adaptive interleave -division multiple access a potential air interface for 4G bearer ser- vices and wireless...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
Foam Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications docx
... disciplines of science and engineering, but all are leading experts in their fields and all are active in developing the science and technology of foam fundamentals and applications. It is very ... 246 References 247 12 Froth Flotation of Oil Sand Bitumen 251 Laurier L. Schramm and Randy J. Mikula 12.1 Introduction 251 12.2 Oil Sands 251 12.3 Mining and Slurrying 253 12.4 Froth Structure 265 12.5 ... : fundamentals and applications / [edited by] Paul Stevenson. – 1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-470-66080-5 (hardback) 1. Foam. 2. Foam–Industrial applications. ...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 17:20
Fundamentals and Applications of Biophotonics in Dentistry Vol.4 doc
... 287 26 Fundamentals and Applications of Biophotonics in Dentistry where E x and E y are the components of light vector along the x and y directions with amplitudes A x and A y and additional ... Concept of stress. Vol.4 Series on Biomaterials and Bioengineering Fundamentals and Applications of Biophotonics in Dentistry 30 Fundamentals and Applications of Biophotonics in Dentistry image. ... splitter and each of the waves travel different paths to mirrors Mi and M 2 and are recombined on reflection from the mirrors. Assume that the light-travels distances z x and Fundamentals and Applications...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:21
GraphITA 2011: Selected Papers from the Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Graphene pptx
... both G and 2D bands vs strain in tension and compression is presented for two different excitation energies. The splitting effect of both bands is also presented and the interpretation of 2D band ... the G − and G + sub-bands follow almost perfectly linear trends up to the maximum applied strain. The sensitivity of the individual G bands in Fig.2 is −8.9 and −29.5cm −1 /% for G + and G − respectively, ... of energy. Panels a and b correspond to perfect edges when N =20 and N =21, respectively. Panels c and d correspond to N =21when 1% and 10% of pairs of edge carbon atoms are removed randomly, respectively a...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:20
adsorbent-fundamentals and applications
... Introductory Remarks 1 1.1. Equilibrium Separation and Kinetic Separation / 2 1.2. Commercial Sorbents and Applications / 3 1.3. New Sorbents and Future Applications / 6 References / 7 2 Fundamental ... B., and Haller, G. L. (1973) AlChE J. 19, 1052. Yang, R. T. and Doong, S. J. (1985) AIChE J. 11, 1829. Yon, C. M. and Turnock, P. H. (1971) AIChE Symp. Ser., No. 117, 67, 3. Yongsunthon, I. and ... hydrogen storage and CO removal (from hydrogen, to <1 ppm) for fuel cell technology, desulfurization of transportation fuels, and technologies for meeting higher standards on air and water pollutants. These...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:07
nonlinear and mixed integer optimization fundamentals and applications topics in chemical engineering
... feasibility of heat and mass transfer, performance requirements, and bounds on availabilities and demands. The logical conditions provide the connection between the continuous and integer ... e S if and only if -/(*) is upper semicontinuous atjc° € S. Remark 2 f(x) is continuous at jc° E S if and only if it is both lower and upper semicontinuous atjc° 65. Fundamentals ... problems is referred to the books by Nemhauser and Wolsey (1988), Parker and Rardin (1988), and Schrijver (1986). 1.3 Illustrative Applications Mixed-integer nonlinear optimization...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:35