... upload models for 3D printing This means you don’t need to purchase expensive 3D printing machinery The Shapeways web site (Figure 1–20) houses a repository of 3D models for 3D printing You will ... involves 3D printing There are several types of 3D printers, including nano printers for printing on the nano scale There are 3D printers that print various types of materials You will find 3D printers ... The second half of the chapter explores the online 3D printing service Shapeways Shapeways is an online platform for uploading models for 3D printing By using Shapeways, you avoid having to purchase...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 13:01
... and $400 for a desktop laser printer 3D printing One of the most advanced printing technologies involves 3D printing There are several types of 3D printers, including nano printers for printing ... start thinking about 3D printing, I’ll introduce the different printing methods for some historical perspective Background Advanced printing technology has been around for many decades now and has ... The second half of the chapter explores the online 3D printing service Shapeways Shapeways is an online platform for uploading models for 3D printing By using Shapeways, you avoid having to purchase...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 2 pps
... upload models for 3D printing This means you don’t need to purchase expensive 3D printing machinery The Shapeways web site (Figure 1–20) houses a repository of 3D models for 3D printing You will ... Shapeways, the online platform for uploading and 3D printing your models Shapeways What makes Shapeways so great is that it is one of the first and only online 3D printing platforms available, allowing ... first saw the cost of the items For online 3D printing, this is actually reasonable, though As the demand for online 3D printed products increases and as new 3D printing technology emerges, the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 3 doc
... don’ts for developing models for 3D printing before constructing the model in SketchUp The chapter will conclude with methods of double-checking the model before sending it off for 3D printing ... CHAPTER ■ 3D MODEL TO 3D PRINT Figure 4–27 The final model before upload to Shapeways Double-Check Before Uploading Now that the lighthouse model is complete, it is almost ready to upload for 3D printing ... the information is voluntary 84 CHAPTER ■ 3D MODEL TO 3D PRINT Table 4–1 Model Upload Form Options Title Description File The file types that Shapeways accepts for upload are stl, dae, x3d, x3db,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 4 docx
... unfold your 3D models and print them effortlessly, saving time and money This is a great way to test your design before sending it off for 3D printing CADspan Plug-in CADspan is great for converting ... your file for 3D printing to another service other than Shapeways In Chapter 12, I discuss a few companies that use STL files for 3D printing their models On top of being a file converter, CADspan ... files for checking before uploading to CADspan Before you see how you can use CADspan in assisting in debugging and converting your models, you will first need to download a copy of the CADspan...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 5 ppsx
... upload it for 3D printing on Shapeways Model a House for 3D Printing Using Match Photo Now that you are all warmed up, it’s time to get down and dirty and develop a model that you can 3D print ... you will prepare the model for 3D printing on Shapeways 3D Printing the House Model Currently if you were to upload the model, it would be too costly and too big for the 3D printer to print Using ... change for each time period 138 CHAPTER ■ BREAKING THE BARRIER Figure 6–38 Sundial watch ready for upload Double-Checking At this stage, you are almost ready to upload the model for 3D printing...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 6 potx
... SYMMETRY Uploading the Model for 3D Printing All that is left to now is scale the model and upload it for 3D printing on to Shapeways Also, remember to double-check your model for any errors Refer to ... an opening into the fender from the inside the model (Figure 8–26) This opening will be filled in with material when you send the model off for 3D printing to Shapeways Make sure there is an opening, ... will upload for 3D printing on Shapeways Unlike the models you constructed in the previous section, there are a few extra steps to consider when developing symmetrical models for 3D printing on...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 7 docx
... Presenting, Sharing, and 3D Printing Alternatives 200 CHAPTER ■■■ Share with the World Google SketchUp for 3D printing would not be complete without a look at the Shapeways Shop, 3D Warehouse, Google ... having to convert it in any other format The Google 3D Warehouse does not 3D print your models; you can only share your models and design models for Google Earth 3D printing your models and selling ... of animating a model is to test the model’s form, function, and performance before even sending it for 3D printing For example, if you were designing a bicycle, you would want to see how the wheels...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 8 doc
... also a way to test the form, function, and performance of the model And it’s a great way to simulate a model before moving forward to 3D printing If you are designing a model for a customer, having ... WITH SKETCHYPHYSICS a b Figure 10–19 SketchyPhysics Inspector boxes For both hinge connectors, enter -90 for min, 90 for max, and for accel To view the controller box, select the Hinge, and select ... another tool that you can use to test the functionality of the models you design in SketchUp and for 3D printing Read these sections to get familiar with the some of the basics of SketchyPhysics Along...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 9 pps
... LayOut first opens You can create a new document, reopen files from the last section, or not open anything You can also select the types of document to open a blank or existing document For now I ... work well together when designing and developing models for 3D printing The ease of using SketchUp and the ability to effortlessly upload and 3D print models are amazing In this chapter, we switch ... Unlike the other software packages, Inkscape is an open source program and is free for download (Figure 12–2) 279 CHAPTER 12 ■ EXPLORING 3D PRINTING ALTERNATIVES Figure 12–2 Inkscape Once the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Apress beginning google sketchup for 3d printing - phần 10 pdf
... converted to stl files using MeshLab, an open source 3D model–editing software (http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/), and then uploaded to the V-Flash for 3D printing If you don’t have a couple of ... services apply different printing methods and use different material See whether any of the services would be a good source for your 3D printing needs 285 CHAPTER 12 ■ EXPLORING 3D PRINTING ALTERNATIVES ... company specializing in printing 3D models It uses ABS and composite materials for printing To order custom-made parts from AlphaPrototypes, the CAD file has to be in the STL format Once uploaded,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo y học: " xGDB: open-source computational infrastructure for the integrated evaluation and analysis of genome features" pptx
... [http://xgdb.sourceforge.net/] Apache Web Server [http://www.apache.org/] PHP [http://www.php.net/] PERL [http://www.perl.org/] CPAN [http://www.cpan.org/] xGDB project at Sourceforge [http://sourceforge.net/projects/ ... available open source software All distributed modules and required software run well on a variety Genome Biology 2006, 7:R111 http://genomebiology.com/2006/7/11/R111 Genome Biology 2006, xGDB software ... a generic framework for the integration of gene-prediction data by dynamic programming Genome Res 2002, 12:1418-1427 Gilbert D: Bioinformatics software resources Brief Bioinform 2004, 5:300-304...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22
sybex 3d for iphone apps with blender and sio2, your guide to creating 3d games and more with open-source software (2010)
... in this book 10 Dear Reader, Thank you for choosing 3D for iPhone Apps with Blender and SIO2: Your Guide to Creating 3D Games and More with Open- Source Software This book is part of a family ... creation of 3D for iPhone Apps with Blender and SIO2, and I hope you will enjoy it and find it as useful as we — Romain Marucchi-Foino A uthor of SIO2, the free, open- source 3D game engine for the ... interactive 3D content for the iPhone or iPod Touch Just the fact that you can is reason enough to want to! But there are a number of options for 3D content creation for the iPhone platform, and...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 13:17
intech-a method for project member role assignment in open source software development using self organizing maps
... for Project M Member Role Assig gnment in elopment A Method for Project Member Role Assignment in Open Source Software Deve using Self-Organizing Development using Self-Organizing Maps Open Source ... Method for Project Member Role Assignment in A Method for Project Member Role Assignment in Open Source Software Development using Self-Organizing Development using Self-Organizing Maps Open Source ... Method for Project Member Role Assignment in A Method for Project Member Role Assignment in Open Source Software Development using Self-Organizing Development using Self-Organizing Maps Open Source...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:14
intech-a method for project member role assignment in open source software development using self organizing maps
... Fig Standstill test results for inductance at 15 Fig Standstill test results for inductance at 30 Experimental setup When transformed to discrete-time state space form, the states, input, output, ... Columbus, OH From 1967 to 1969, he worked for Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, CA, on the computer-aided design of electronic transformers From 1970 to 1973, he worked for Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric ... Equation and Torque Computation Fig Based on the inductance model described before, the phase voltage equations can be formed and the electromagnetic torque can be computed from the partial derivative...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:17
Tài liệu Identifying and Analyzing Knowledge Management Aspects of Practices in Open Source Software Development pdf
... biggest Open Source software development website – SourceForge – currently hosts almost eighty thousand projects (Sourceforge 2004) Having a such great amount of already developed open source ... acceptance for the term Open Source an open source definition was proposed at the inception of the Open Source Initiative (Initiative 1997) This definition is focused on the technical aspects of open source, ... of open source projects, and previous experience of open source projects Those experiences were complemented by the observation of open source project collaboration tools, like SourceForge (Sourceforge...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Red hat -Why Open Source Software pptx
... accessibility of the source code The open source development model is underpinned by the assurance that source code for an open source project will be made generally available Why Open Source Software Can ... single source for a number of open source programs, it takes a responsible position by providing a single source for security notifications and updates Software vendors need to be accountable for software ... 2Clipper chip, Four forms of digital watermarking, etc Why Open Source Software Can Help Create a More Secure IT Infrastructure The Open Source Position The fundamental nature of open source development...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu How Open Is the Future- Economic, Social & Cultural Scenarios Inspired by Free & Open-Source Software (Crosstalks) pdf
... There are Open- Source P (calculating Pi), Open- Source Movies, OpenSource Recipes, Open- Source Propaganda, Open- Source Crime Solving, Open- Source Curriculum There is WOWEM or Women’s Open World ... into the culture of open- source developers There, for instance, we come across two opposing definitions of open source, one in terms of ‘free software and the other open- source software Several ... bioinformatics In the US, NASA has adopted open- source principles as part of its Mars mission, there is open- source publishing with library efforts like Gutenberg Project, and there are open- source...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Open Source Toolkit for Phrase-based and Syntax-based Machine Translation" docx
... IBM-version BLEU4 For the phrase-based system, phrases are of at most words on either source or target-side For the hierarchical phrase-based system, all SCFG rules have at most two variables For the syntaxbased ... state-of-the-art translation performance The next version of NiuTrans will support ARPA-format LMs, MIRA for weight tuning and a beam-stack decoder which removes the ITG constraint for phrase decoding In ... parse trees on source- language side and/or target-language side Also, two or more minimal rules can be composed together to obtain larger rules and involve more contextual information For unaligned...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 20:20
Producing Open Source Software - How to Run a Successful Free Software Project pptx
... is required in open source, or conversely, that the same management practices used for in-house development will work equally well on an open source project Management in an open source project ... meant that Stallman's efforts could benefit the enemy—proprietary software The GPL can be thought of as a form of protectionism for free software, because it prevents non-free software from taking ... fly in corporate boardrooms In their own words: The Open Source Initiative is a marketing program for free software It's a pitch for "free software" on solid pragmatic grounds rather than ideological...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:22