... (bundles of features) B and C, and we find all nonterminals A for which A -~ B C is a production in the grammar. This is accomplished by using the unfication operation and checking that the ... Roukos, S., San- torini, B., and Strzalkowsld, T A Procedure for Quan- titatively Comparing the Syntactic Coverage of English Grammars. Proceedings of Fourth DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, ... the feature-based grammar to the nonterminal labels of the treebank grammar. For example, our grammar main- tains a fairly large number of semantic classes of singular nouns, and it is natural...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20
... Lexicon and grammar in probabilistic tagging of written English. Andrew David Be, ale Unit for Compum" ~ on the English Languase Univenity of ~r Bailngg, Lancaster England LAI 4Yr ... (1982). Frequency ã Analysis of English Usage: Lexicon and Granmu~, Houghtoo Boston. Knut Hofland and Stig Johansson (1982). Word Frequencies in BriOJh and Ismerican EnglisS. Norwegian ... (19873, Lonmman Group I.imig~ I-Iar~w and l~Jnelmld Randolph Quirk, Sidney G~mn: Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartv~ (19853. A Compre.hens~ Grammar of the English Language, Longm~ Inc., New Yor~...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Acquisition and Application of Context Sensitive Grammar for English" docx
... np and art np , up. Subsequently the p and n were shifted onto the stack and then reduced to a pp; then the np and pp on the stack were reduced to an np, followed by the shifting of v and ... msterdam, Netherlands, 1985. McClelland, J.L., and Kawamoto, A.H., "Mechanisms of Sentence Processing: Assigning Roles to Con- stituents," In McClelland J. L. and Rumelhart, D. ... context-sensitive grammar to enable preference parsing and rapid acquisition of CSG from example parsings of newspaper stories. Chomsky[1957] defined a hierarchy of grammars in- cluding context -free and...
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