... 1733 hand-hoer n. 1744–50 hand-hold v. 1963 hand-held adj. 1923 hand-jive v. 1958 hand-jive n. 1958 hand-kill v. c. 1575 ––– hand-pick v. 1831 hand-picking n. 1879 hand-pollinate v. 1918 hand-pollination ... hand-pollination n. 1954 hand-punch v. 1967 hand-punch n. 1962 hand-rear v. 1893 hand-reared adj. 1894 hand-rub v. 1859 hand-rubbing n. 1846 hand-sew v. 1919 hand-sewn adj. 1887 hand-tuft v. 1906 hand-tufted ... 1922 hand-wave v. 1641 hand-waving n. 1791 hand-weed v. 1664 hand-weeding n. 1664 56 One Language, Two Grammars? 2 Compound verbs PETER ERDMANN 1 Introduction Among the differences that exist between...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
One Language, Two Grammars? - part 3 pot
... results of this study. 114 One Language, Two Grammars? 5.2 The relation between style and complexity The collapsed figures for all twenty -one adjectives according to style and national variety are ... exceptions are therefore apt, proud and sore. 96 One Language, Two Grammars? adjectives in present-day English are inflectional. (Kytoă and Romaine 2000: 172f.) While the American preference for the ... ‘Grammatical differences between British and American English . 108 flexible variety. The following studies will bring to light further incompa- tibilities between these two descriptive generalizations. 2.1.2...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
One Language, Two Grammars? - part 4 pptx
... will reveal significant differences between British and American usage, a surprising reason for the differences, and useful insight into the relationship between register and syntax. A problematic ... notwith- standing from two different angles. It begins by investigating British American differences and then looks at the similarities between the two varieties. This binary perspective involves two ... 34.8% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % of NP + notwithstanding BrE AmE Figure 6.2 Postpositional notwithstanding in a set of present-day British and American newspapers 134 One Language, Two Grammars? scholarly uses make...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
One Language, Two Grammars? - part 5 ppsx
... brackets distinguish between to organize (organise) and all remaining uses. 176 One Language, Two Grammars? rule-based components, uses multiple large-scale dictionaries and r uns under Windows. ... concerned. 220 One Language, Two Grammars? 9 Noun phrase modification DOUGLAS BIBER, JACK GRIEVE AND GINA IBERRI -SHEA 1 Introduction Written registers in English have undergone extensive stylistic ... adequately represent the distribution of 184 One Language, Two Grammars? * The differences between the three classes of NP distinguished in Table 10.13 (for AmE) and perhaps also in Table 10.14 are well...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
One Language, Two Grammars? - part 6 ppt
... significant difference between American and British English Higher score: American English British English Sums Present perfect 01818 Preterite 12 1 13 Sums 12 19 31 10 The one apparent exception ... (1995: 13) and Hundt (1998b: 91). Table 14.1 The Longman corpus of news writing: British and American Corpus British News American News Words 5,549,133 5,688,310 258 One Language, Two Grammars? ... BrE AmE BrE AmE BrE AmE BrE AmE Mandative Non-mandates Figure 14.4 Mandates and non-mandates in adjective triggers in British and American news writing The mandative subjunctive 267 illustrates...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
One Language, Two Grammars? - part 7 docx
... adjective trigger mandates in British and American news writing 272 One Language, Two Grammars? and Norheim 1988, Hundt 1998a: 95, 1998b: 167, Peters 1998: 93, Moessner 2005a). 24 Two accounts have ... Distribution of noun trigger mandates in British and American news writing 270 One Language, Two Grammars? subjunctive and its competitors. Some relevant results of these two sets of studies are highlighted ... selected British and American newspapers (cf. Table 15.2) 29 This discrepancy is also statistically significant: 2 ẳ 5.89 ,dfẳ 1,pẳ 0.015 (*). 300 One Language, Two Grammars? British American...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
One Language, Two Grammars? - part 8 ppsx
... lexico-grammatical differences between American and British English will be the alternation between try and and try to before a following verb, as seen in (4) and (5): (4)Itry and look as if I’ve got money ... discussing reasons for differences between American and British grammar, but even so I have probably raised more problems and asked more questions than I have 362 One Language, Two Grammars? omission ... labels I retain. See below. How different are American and British English grammar? 343 18 How different are American and British English grammar? And how are they different? 1 GUNNEL TOTTIE 1...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
One Language, Two Grammars? - part 9 doc
... rivalry between many and much in the type many/ much fewer (books) in selected British and American newspapers (database: t90–00,g90–00,d91–00,m93–00,L92–95,D92–95, W90–92) 372 One Language, Two Grammars? ... big/high/ good and following nouns in selected British and American newspapers (data supplied by Andre´ Schaefer) (database: t00,g00,d00,m00, BNC, W90–92,D92–95,L93) 394 One Language, Two Grammars? ... (unmodified) Figure 19.4 Adverbial uses of likely in four matching British and American English corpora 370 One Language, Two Grammars? emerged in the nineteenth century, but has practically...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
What are the differences between British English and American English? pptx
... When you write the date in numbers British and American English differ. To write the date 7th of September 2007 a Brit would write dd/mm/yy (07/09/07) and an American would write mm/dd/yy (09/07/07). ... vest flannel windscreen postcode zip Notes: 1 - When used to talk about roads and motorways. Someone I know took over 4 hours to complete a 25 minute drive, because he didn't know ... garbage knapsack sedan report card Scotch tape stocks free time garters panty hose can candy apple bathroom flashlight pants undershirt rubber boots windshield zipper rubber...
Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 09:21
The 10 Most Significant Differences between C# and C++
... programming language constructors and, 382–383 global data or functions and, 380 interface and, 383–384 memory allocation and, 380 multiple inheriting and, 383 overview of, 379–380 pointer variables and, ... 251 destructor and, 271–272 HAS_A relationship and, 259–261 hierarchy, restarting, 296–299 importance of, 253–254 interface and, 316–319 invalid cast and, 262–263 is operator and, 263–264 IS_A property and, ... 133–134 auto-complete feature and, 179–180 AverageAndDisplay(), 137–138 built-in, 177–179 C++ programming language and, 380 calling initialization, 233 calling themselves, 280–281 class and, 163 concept and, 135 defining...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2013, 21:20