on or with the internet

Guidelines for scientists on communicating with the media pdf

Guidelines for scientists on communicating with the media pdf

... and organisations The full report, which summarises the key points arising from these consultations, is available from www.sirc.org/messenger/ There has been complete consensus among those consulted ... While there is a natural temptation to ‘enhance’ the importance of one’s work, this does not serve the interests of either scientists or the public Studies which have revealed correlations, for ... At the time there was some discussion, given wide publicity in the media, of whether there was the possibility of a ‘black hole’ being generated, with the consequent destruction of the planet The...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20

16 385 0
The Cheapest Way to Make Phone Calls, Send Faxes or Use the Internet docx

The Cheapest Way to Make Phone Calls, Send Faxes or Use the Internet docx

... Credit for Bad Connections and Wrong Numbers Whenever you get a poor connection on a long-distance call, hang up right away and inform the operator or the customer service department of the appropriate ... from an electronics store One type can be installed out of the way in the basement, with all the phone lines leading out from the device A different version replaces a phone jack with the device ... To qualify for suspension of service, you will need to meet one or more prerequisites For example, the service must be reestablished at the same location with the same phone number There may be...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

125 363 0
Buy, Lie, and Sell High: How Investors Lost Out on Enron and the Internet Bubble ppt

Buy, Lie, and Sell High: How Investors Lost Out on Enron and the Internet Bubble ppt

... in the short term, they may accomplish in the longer term That is, the markets not accurately incorporate new information in the price of a stock in the short term, but over the longer term they ... competition among the banks to get the best of the bunch to take to IPOs At the end of the Financial Value Chain are the investors, both institutional (such as corporate or public employee pension ... about 180 Then the stock market soured on its shares This could have happened for reasons associated with the company, or with its industry, or for unrelated reasons In Enktomi's case, the share...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20

247 759 0
Buy, Lie, and Sell High: How Investors Lost Out on Enron and the Internet Bubble pdf

Buy, Lie, and Sell High: How Investors Lost Out on Enron and the Internet Bubble pdf

... in the short term, they may accomplish in the longer term That is, the markets not accurately incorporate new information in the price of a stock in the short term, but over the longer term they ... competition among the banks to get the best of the bunch to take to IPOs At the end of the Financial Value Chain are the investors, both institutional (such as corporate or public employee pension ... about 180 Then the stock market soured on its shares This could have happened for reasons associated with the company, or with its industry, or for unrelated reasons In Enktomi's case, the share...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20

248 651 0
mills - buy, lie, and sell high; how investors lost out on enron and the internet bubble (2002)

mills - buy, lie, and sell high; how investors lost out on enron and the internet bubble (2002)

... Investors Lost Out on Enron and the Internet Bubble D Quinn Mills An Imprint of PEARSON EDUCATION Upper Saddle River, NJ • New York • London • San Francisco • Toronto Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore ... Limited Pearson Education Singapore, Pte Ltd Pearson Education North Asia Ltd Pearson Education Canada, Ltd Pearson Educación de Mexico, S.A de C.V Pearson Education—Japan Pearson Education Malaysia, ... $45 million for the first one, and about $7 million for the second, and for some reason, the revenue numbers just were not coming in as he, and Wall Street’s analysts, had predicted With the company’s...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 17:36

287 364 0
Tài liệu Intellectual Property on the Internet: What''''s Wrong with Conventional Wisdom? pdf

Tài liệu Intellectual Property on the Internet: What''''s Wrong with Conventional Wisdom? pdf

... idea of the single creator There is a strong cultural image of creative activity as the work of a romantic individual: the artist in the garret or the inventor in the garage Part of the persuasiveness ... iteration The standard model equates imitation and copying However, when innovation is sequential, imitation is more than copying; it adds important value But the conventional model is based on the ... others have multiple, sequential authors The contribution of additional authors is often unpredictable and the value of each potential contribution is often the private knowledge of that author...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

9 594 1
Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments

Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments

... the information search process is divided into three layers: one layer for the client side of information (information searchers), one for the supply or server side of information (information ... for the dynamic nature of the Internet and the information that can be found on it; The search for information is often limited to a few Internet services, such as the WWW Finding information ... applications were described For more information about collaboration projects on the Internet, see this WWW page: http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HyperNews/get/ww w/collaboration.html More information about...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 15:22

100 811 3
3G Marketing on the Internet

3G Marketing on the Internet

... 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions ... evolves, there will be more uses for the Internet and more points of connectivity for the consumer, helping to further ingrain online life into daily routine As a business, the evolution of technology ... strategy for organic search engine optimization 38 3G Marketing on the Internet For example, with videos, important keywords in the video filename as well as in all the appropriate places on the page...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 10:15

211 381 0
FOCUS ON - phrasal ver bs with the particle off and the adverb right

FOCUS ON - phrasal ver bs with the particle off and the adverb right

... broken off The handle of the coffee cup is broken off break off p.v When you break off relations or contact with someone, you decide to end relations or contact with that person The two countries ... form past tense past^tidple ask for & asks for asking for asked for asked for ask for ask for p.v When you ask for something, you tell someone that you want it We asked the waiter for some more ... write the name of a person, company, or other organization on the check, you make the check out to that person, company, or organization How should I make this check out? There must be a mistake;...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

21 533 0
FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the particle down

FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the particle down

... Go off is the opposite of come on It was so cold that the heat came on last night When you open the refrigerator door, the light comes on automatically come on p.v When a television or radio program ... gave the health inspector $200 to ignore the rats in the kitchen What did the restaurant owner to the health inspector? 14 In Question 13, what was the $200 that the restaurant owner gave the ... power or energy Don't leave the car lights on for too long when the car isn't running or the battery will run down What time is it? My watch ran down last night rundown part.adj A person or thing...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

25 759 3
FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the verb  turn

FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the verb turn

... pronunciation of phrasal verbs with the particle into As we saw in Section 6, three-word phrasal verbs are normally accented on the second, or middle, particle whether they are separable or nonseparable ... air conditioning put in p.v When you cause people to be in a situation, position, or condition, you put them in that situation, position, or condition You've put Jim in a very awkward situation ... out make for & makes for making for made for made for make for p.v When something causes another thing, situation, or event to have a certain quality or characteristic, it makes for the other thing,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

25 914 1
A discourse analysis of advertisements in english and vietnamese on the internet

A discourse analysis of advertisements in english and vietnamese on the internet

... provide descriptive information about the product From the function of informing, the name of the brand is very important Therefore, the name of the product or service is usually at the beginning of ... referential and conative function in English ads Vietnamese on the Internet ads normally concentrated on the information and the merit of the Similarities product only Firstly, the referential ... Vietnamese ads on the internet employed the existence of “wow” Secondly, the expressive function is used to express the to show the satisfaction of utilizing a product The imperative form emotion or attitudes...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:29

15 2,3K 3
Tài liệu 3G Marketing on the Internet docx

Tài liệu 3G Marketing on the Internet docx

... 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions ... evolves, there will be more uses for the Internet and more points of connectivity for the consumer, helping to further ingrain online life into daily routine As a business, the evolution of technology ... strategy for organic search engine optimization 38 3G Marketing on the Internet For example, with videos, important keywords in the video filename as well as in all the appropriate places on the page...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 14:15

211 456 0
CEHv6 module 45 privacy on the internet

CEHv6 module 45 privacy on the internet

... Checkout Information they collect and how they use it Registration information - When you sign up for Google Checkout, they ask for your personal information so that they can provide you with the service ... Privacy on The Internet Exam 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker additional questions to help verify your information The information they collect is stored in association with your Google Account Information ... information with the help of the proxy servers Anonymous Guest gives a full spectrum of opportunities to work with proxy-servers It allows you to be connected to the Internet and work with the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 21:04

79 335 0
Gender identities among teenage bloggers on the internet

Gender identities among teenage bloggers on the internet

... and adolescents These are the reasons that urge the thesis author to conduct the research on ‘LANGUAGE USE AMONG TEENAGE BLOGGERS ON THE INTERNET In the following sections, various aspects of ... express themselves online, or that Internet users might adhere to an existing set of standards or norms in online communication Emoticons form an important part of blog expressions, with more than ... Dictionary.com: “Ex Cathedra With the authority derived from one's office or position: the pope speaking ex cathedra; ex cathedra determinations.” 19 Self-Reference: Words that express first-person references,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:44

36 266 0


... calculating the local dimension In Section 3, we prove the maximal sequences, it is used to find the lower local dimension The proof of the Main Theorem will be given in the last section The formula for ... Hausdorff dimention of the self - similar sets with overlaps,J London Math Soc ( to appear) 11 Le Xuan Son, Pham Quang Trinh and Vu Hong Thanh Local Dimension of Fractal Measure associated with the ... found α, α and E for some concrete values of a for which µ is singular But for each of them, the way to find α, α and E is quite different It is conjectured that the way to find them in the general case...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 04:20

18 458 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " The Calder´on problem with partial data " doc

Tài liệu Đề tài " The Calder´on problem with partial data " doc

... Here we use the straight forward scalar products between tensors of the same size (2 or 3) and consider that the first index in the tensor ∂x G is the one corresponding to the differentiations ∂xj ... to the exterior conormal cone of supp (q) at z0 and we get a contradiction between (6.24) and the fact that all such exterior conormal directions have to belong to W Fa (q) (This is the wavefront ... (x)2 is the square of the norm of the differential for the metric dual to e0 , the induced Euclidean metric Now (4.8) is a standard eikonal equation on G and we can find solutions of the form g(x)...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

26 387 0
Tài liệu Freedom of Expression on the Internet - A study of legal provisions and practices related to freedom of expression, the free flow of information and media pluralism on the Internet in OSCE participating States ppt

Tài liệu Freedom of Expression on the Internet - A study of legal provisions and practices related to freedom of expression, the free flow of information and media pluralism on the Internet in OSCE participating States ppt

... wellbeing of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health of morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others Furthermore, any restrictions need ... 1,000 monthly calculation indices, or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of five months to one year, or by correctional work for up to two years, or ... society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

238 2,7K 0
Tài liệu Safety and security on the Internet Challenges and advances in Member States docx

Tài liệu Safety and security on the Internet Challenges and advances in Member States docx

... adolescents using the Internet for learning or improving skills, there is obviously a need for regulation or restrictions on the sites they are accessing and the amount of personal information they are ... literacy’, Internet literacy’, ‘search engine*’, ‘online OR Internet health information accessibility’, ‘assess online OR Internet information’, and ‘evaluate online OR Internet information’ The literature ... four questions and invited to elaborate on their responses These questions covered the general regulation of Internet pharmacy operations within their country as well as the online ordering of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

92 973 0