on becoming the good patient and finding the right doctor

Surviving Health Care A Manual for Patients and Their Families potx

Surviving Health Care A Manual for Patients and Their Families potx

... William S Andereck and Dena M Bravata, physicians for all seasons Contents Contributors Preface page ix xiii Letter to Patients: On Becoming the Good Patient and Finding the Right Doctor Leonard ... for yourself and your family ONE Letter to Patients On Becoming the Good Patient and Finding the Right Doctor – Leonard C Groopman I’m sorry to learn that you’re sick Your doctor has diagnosed ... psychological and social aspects We’re also moving toward a pluralistic conception of the doctor patient relationship, in which there is no one good way to be a patient and in which there is no one right ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

339 8K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Pro/con clinical debate: Life support should have a special status among therapies, and patients or their families should have a right to insist on this treatment even if it will not improve outcome" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Pro/con clinical debate: Life support should have a special status among therapies, and patients or their families should have a right to insist on this treatment even if it will not improve outcome" ppt

... to provide them because they are not ‘futile’ by the strict definition, and if a treatment is not futile by the strict definition then it is ethically and even legally mandated if patient or ... treatment recommendations, and relegate physicians to ‘option presenters’ People should be asked to look no further than the internet and be expected to make decisions on the information they obtain, ... questions among ourselves as health care professionals and with society in general The answers to these questions will help guide us into the next century Available online http://ccforum.com/content/8/4/231...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

3 244 0
Mafiaboy How I Cracked the Internet and Why It's Still Broken

Mafiaboy How I Cracked the Internet and Why It's Still Broken

... help my grandfather launch and run Connaisseur They sold the company in 1997, and my father works at another bus company to this day Because of the hard work of my grandfather and father, my family ... spell the name correctly as they wrote in their notebooks Then the questions continued for Vito and everyone else They interrogated every student they could in 36 Mafiaboy 1.0 order to gather ... I began wondering what they would to me at the police station With me now arrested and in custody, the officers in the van seemed to loosen up As they talked among themselves, one person in particular...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2013, 17:05

274 568 1
Tài liệu How long have you been ? & When? How long? For and Since ppt

Tài liệu How long have you been ? & When? How long? For and Since ppt

... a long time ago / when they were at school Họ gặp lần lâu / họ học A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe Carol biết rồi? B: They’ve known each other for a long time / since they ... learning English for a long time (Ít dùng “I’ve learnt”) Bạn dùng hai present continuous với động từ live (sống) work (làm việc): John has been living / has lived in London for a long time John sống ... điện cho cách hai tuần)             When? How long? For and Since Unit 12 When? How long? For and Since A Hãy so sánh When ? (+ Past simple) How long….? (+present perfect): A: When did it start...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:18

6 545 0
Taming Text: How to Find, Organize, and Manipulate It ppt

Taming Text: How to Find, Organize, and Manipulate It ppt

... verb and another noun phrase The phrase The fox jumped the fence is a clause consisting of the noun phrase, The fox (the subject), and the verb phrase, jumped the fence, which consists of the ... off others in conversation, instantly adapting tone and emotions to convey thoughts on subjects ranging from the weather to politics to the role of the designated hitter Though we often take these ... states, The bank on the left is solid, but the one on the right is crumbling.” What are Robin and Joe talking about? Are they on Wall Street looking at the offices of two financial institutions,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:21

322 1,9K 0
Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100

Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100

... the scientist, there is no future The handsome and the beautiful may earn the admiration of society, but all the wondrous inventions of the future are a byproduct of the unsung, anonymous scientists ... are doing the yeoman’s work of inventing the future They are the ones who are creating the devices, inventions, and therapies that will revolutionize civilization And this book is their story ... predicted the size of the space capsule to within a few percent, the location of the launch site in Florida not far from Cape Canaveral, the number of astronauts on the mission, the length of time the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 08:49

1,1K 2,2K 0
05 the arabic alphabet how to read and write it

05 the arabic alphabet how to read and write it

... these proportions and in the positioning on the line belp to distinguish I'Q.(J ' and zaay on the one band from doaJ and dhaal on the other ears '\ \ :J :J Remitukr about pronunciation • The letter ... representing the long vowels, the letters waaw and yoo' also stand for the consonants w and y How can you tell when a waaw stands for w and when it stands for a longuu , and when ayaa' stands for y and ... is considered long There are various w.ys a syllable can be long: a consonant plus a long vowel; a ODnlOnant plus a diphthong; a consonant followed by a short ¥OWel followed by another consonant...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:40

47 603 0
Work placement report: Recruitment in Thang Long postal insurance company and recommendations to improve the quality of recruitment

Work placement report: Recruitment in Thang Long postal insurance company and recommendations to improve the quality of recruitment

... problems and give some recommendations Methodology •Analysis and synthesis materials, reports in the company •Observation, and interviews for information Scope of the study •Focuses on the situation ... interview candidates •I sat and listened to interview In the meeting And then… •I gave my opinion on the proposed additional •Employers and director in company evaluate high my opinion group work ... Solutions for case study Solution Boring questions Not expressing themselves The atmosphere in the interview Hiring partner design question for interview Refer to question others company's, on the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2014, 10:14

18 730 0
led zeppelin. the origin of the species how, why and where it all began

led zeppelin. the origin of the species how, why and where it all began

... person rather than the gramophone was the intermission, an opportunity to go to the toilet, talk to friends, buy a soft drink If anyone bothered listening, it was for the wrong reasons as the ... a hand in Mickie Most and the Gear’s 1964 revival of ‘Money Honey’, and, early the previous year, Jet Harris and Tony Meehan’s chart-topping ‘Diamonds’ on the recommendation of tape operator Glyn ... Deffand CONTENT About The Author 11 Prologue: The Borrowers 15 The Crusader 21 The Art Student 41 ‘Little Jim’ 47 The Night-Timer 65 The Blackwater Sideman 87 The Listener 97 The Spider 117 The...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:26

305 454 0
george g. szpiro - the secret life of numbers 50 easy pieces on how mathematicians work and think

george g. szpiro - the secret life of numbers 50 easy pieces on how mathematicians work and think

... the World Coming to an End Soon? Isaac Newton was, as we all know, the most outstanding scientist and mathematician of the 17th and 18th centuries He is considered the father of physics and the ... another story.) From then on I wrote, on and off, about mathematical themes In March 2002 I had the opportunity to make use of my mathematical interests in a more regular fashion The NZZ am Sonntag ... for the one as for the other; and, third, that both machines will be set up in the lecture hall, just to be on the safe side Before the screening of the movie, the house technician gives the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:25

223 333 0
say it better in english  useful phrases for work and everyday life mantesh

say it better in english useful phrases for work and everyday life mantesh

... in Wartestellung setzen, jemanden bitten zu warten beausichtigen, leiten, betreuen, Verantwortung haben, Zuständig sein in der Zeitnot sein, Spät dran sein, Zeit davon rennt Dali-Dali, in die ... (verschwitzt) unter großen Druck, stark unter Druck abgeben, absetzen Haben Sie schon durchkommen, erreichen eine Telefonverbindung bekommen hinnehmen, ertragen, dulden sich abfinden mit, sich gefallen ... vorletzten, vorletzter kommt in , gibt es in ich hätte gern, ich möchte gerne z.B Ich warte schon so lange ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2014, 22:00

377 808 2
the unfinished revolution how a new generation is reshaping family work and gender in america dec 2009

the unfinished revolution how a new generation is reshaping family work and gender in america dec 2009

... reasons for and the consequences of—their parents’ strategies and choices Mothers and Fathers—at Work and at Home As members of the first generation to watch a majority of their mothers join the ... fact, the recent ebbs and flows among working mothers with young children point to the competing pushes and pulls women continue to confront in balancing the needs of children and the demands of ... children and family Yet Josh’s early forays into the worlds of work and dating have also left him worried about the obstacles looming on the horizon On the one hand, the pressure to put in long workweeks...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 21:30

312 381 0
Unit 12 When? How long? For and Since docx

Unit 12 When? How long? For and Since docx

... Sally’s been working here for six months (không nói “since six months”) Sally làm việc tháng Chúng ta dùng since đề cập tới bắt đầu khoảng thời gian (như o’clock, Monday, 1985…): I’ve been waiting ... Thể nghi vấn là: How long is it since…? How long is it since you last saw Joe ? (= When did you last see Joe? = Bạn gặp Joe lần cuối nào?) Đã từ bạn gặp Joe lần cuối ? How long is it since Mrs ... Cũng dùng for câu khẳng định (nhưng câu phủ định bắt buộc) They’ve been maried (for) ten years (dùng for hay không được) Họ cưới 10 năm They haven’t had holiday for ten years (bạn phải dùng for...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20

3 391 0
Introducing ‘Chuppies’ Who they are and how they will change the consumer landscape forever doc

Introducing ‘Chuppies’ Who they are and how they will change the consumer landscape forever doc

... parents and four grandparents With “six pockets and one mouth” these families spend considerable attention and funds on their only child The children have grown up without siblings so they lack the ... at the forefront of the Chinese consumption revolution and predicted to be the most powerful consumer group in the world within the next 15-20 years, ‘Chinese yuppies’ or as they are affectionately ... wheels of an economy, and this will assist in the Chinese government’s vision of becoming consumption rather than investment driven The Importance of ‘Face Consumption’ According to Li and Su (2006),...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

10 294 0
Anh văn lớp 7 - Unit five: Work and play. B/ It’s time for recess. (B1,2) docx

Anh văn lớp 7 - Unit five: Work and play. B/ It’s time for recess. (B1,2) docx

... to the aim of the listening, For the listening, teacher speaks the and listen to the tape aim of it, and then play the tape Compare the keys with a partner, (Can ask students to read these and ... listening Have them read passage aloud in front Read aloud in front of the class of the class Check for pronunciation and make any necessary corrections Use each picture to make questions for students: ... these students doing at recess? They are playing games -What are they playing? Answer the teacher’s question They are playing catch Work in pairs Let students to work in pairs One asks and other...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:21

4 3,2K 3
Anh văn lớp 7 - Unit five: Work and play. B/ It’s time for resess. (B3+ B4 + B5) pptx

Anh văn lớp 7 - Unit five: Work and play. B/ It’s time for resess. (B3+ B4 + B5) pptx

... individually, read the text again and answer the questions in your book Have them compare Read the tex again and answer the with partner, then read the answers a questions Give the correct answers: ... front of the class front of the class and correct their mistakes if they have Then ask them to work in pairs Work in pairs about the part Questions Listen to students’ keys and give Give answers ... recess, now let’s read part (page Open the books and look at it 57) Have students look at the picture and answer the questions: -What Answer the teacher’s questions is he doing? ( can answer by Vietnamese)...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:21

6 770 0
When? How long? For and Since pdf

When? How long? For and Since pdf

... When did Joe and Carol first meet? Joe Carol gặp lần vậy? B: They first met a long time ago / when they were at school Họ gặp lần lâu / họ học A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe ... A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe Carol biết rồi? B: They’ve known each other for a long time / since they were at school Họ biết từ lâu / từ họ học B Ta dùng for since để ... Sally’s been working here for six months (không nói “since six months”) Sally làm việc tháng Chúng ta dùng since đề cập tới bắt đầu khoảng thời gian (như o’clock, Monday, 1985…): I’ve been waiting...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 17:20

7 379 0
When? How long? For and Since pptx

When? How long? For and Since pptx

... When did Joe and Carol first meet? Joe Carol gặp lần vậy? B: They first met a long time ago / when they were at school Họ gặp lần lâu / họ học A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe ... A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe Carol biết rồi? B: They’ve known each other for a long time / since they were at school Họ biết từ lâu / từ họ học B Ta dùng for since để ... Sally’s been working here for six months (không nói “since six months”) Sally làm việc tháng Chúng ta dùng since đề cập tới bắt đầu khoảng thời gian (như o’clock, Monday, 1985…): I’ve been waiting...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 17:20

7 327 0
When? How long? For and Since potx

When? How long? For and Since potx

... When did Joe and Carol first meet? Joe Carol gặp lần vậy? B: They first met a long time ago / when they were at school Họ gặp lần lâu / họ học A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe ... A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe Carol biết rồi? B: They’ve known each other for a long time / since they were at school Họ biết từ lâu / từ họ học B Ta dùng for since để ... Sally’s been working here for six months (không nói “since six months”) Sally làm việc tháng Chúng ta dùng since đề cập tới bắt đầu khoảng thời gian (như o’clock, Monday, 1985…): I’ve been waiting...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 17:20

7 293 0
When? How long? For and Since docx

When? How long? For and Since docx

... When did Joe and Carol first meet? Joe Carol gặp lần vậy? B: They first met a long time ago / when they were at school Họ gặp lần lâu / họ học A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe ... A: How long have Joe and Carol known each other? Joe Carol biết rồi? B: They’ve known each other for a long time / since they were at school Họ biết từ lâu / từ họ học B Ta dùng for since để ... Sally’s been working here for six months (không nói “since six months”) Sally làm việc tháng Chúng ta dùng since đề cập tới bắt đầu khoảng thời gian (như o’clock, Monday, 1985…): I’ve been waiting...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 17:20

7 255 0