olympic sport neo colonialism and alternatives



... had to be imported Australia and New Zealand sent meat and butter, and the economies of countries like Ireland and Denmark were geared to an English demand for bacon and dairy products.19 Fortunately, ... their lands, hunger, and illnesses through 1848 Capitalism, Colonialism, and Cuisine 217 caused the death or migration of between one and a half and two million people – a loss from which Ireland, ... brought coffee and its production back to its home continent in places as diverse as Ethiopia, Kenya, Angola, and Uganda Today, in the aftermath of colonialism, Ethiopia and Uganda continue among...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

12 254 0
the postcolonial enlightenment eighteenth-century colonialism and postcolonial theory may 2009

the postcolonial enlightenment eighteenth-century colonialism and postcolonial theory may 2009

... peoples in the period and themes of savagery and primitivism, see Peter Hulme, ‘The Spontaneous Hand of Nature: Savagery, Colonialism, and the Enlightenment’, in Peter Hulme and and Ludmilla Jordanova ... the French, English, and Dutch colonial endeavours in the New World, as well as expanding trade and settlement networks in East and South East Asia and the Indian subcontinent and the nineteenth ... canonical writers ranging from Defoe and Behn to Burke and Diderot, and draw on a body of less familiar works in order to expand our understanding of the texture and scope of eighteenth century literature...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 06:27

393 395 0
a world history of nineteenth-century archaeology nationalism colonialism and the past jan 2008

a world history of nineteenth-century archaeology nationalism colonialism and the past jan 2008

... Chapters 4, 7, and 10 was initially drafted during a and Sa ´ lecture tour in Mexico (Mexico City, Xalapa, and Merida), organized by Enrique Florescano and Alain Schnapp in December 1997, and other ... Chapters and were delivered at the conference British Island Stories: History, Identity and Nationhood organized in 2002 and published in 2004 Finally, my greatest thanks to my family—my husband Angel ... single meaning There are, and there were, alternative understandings of what archaeology is and was, as well as complex and multi-layered identities of the actors who practised and practise it It could...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:40

501 473 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 1 ppt

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 1 ppt

... thermal, hydro, and nuclear generation and wind power, such as different generation systems and the difficulty in controlling the primary movement of a wind turbine, due to the wind and its random fluctuations ... optimization models invented by Holland (1975) (Holland, 1975) and firstly implemented by Goldberg (1989) and Hopgood (2001) (Goldberg, 1981) to solve both constrained and unconstrained optimization ... penetration and to improve the reliability and security of the network (Tsili & Papathanassiou, 2009) The most important aspects are related to active and reactive power regulation, power quality and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 424 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 2 potx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 2 potx

... by Vmax at the right hand side, by PGmin, line capability and QGmax at the top, and by Vmin on the left hand side For a particular system the above limits may well change, and will also be influenced ... thecnical requirements and regulation Renewable and Sustainability energy reviews, Vol 11, No 8, (Oct 2007), pp 1858-1872, ISSN 1364-0321 20 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve ... supplies and price of oil On the other hand the growing need for energy consumption cannot be stopped or even limited as it is directly related to the rate of development and the standard of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 421 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 3 pot

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 3 pot

... included in this Standard for voltages of 230 V In that document the fixed limits for compatibility are Pst = and Plt = 0.8 for LV and MV networks, and the emission limits Pst = 0.9 (0.8) and Plt = 0.7 ... (Tande, 2002) In this case, the extreme situations to be taken into account are the turbine maximum power generation and minimum power consumption (by other of users), and minimum wind power and ... Minister for Communications, Marine & National Resources of Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland under the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation References Abdelkader, S.(1995) Power system...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 472 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 4 potx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 4 potx

... presents new challenges in relation to understanding the nature, propagation and effects of the harmonics 66 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Power ... System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration submarine cable, L2 represents the inductive part of the submarine cable, (C1=C2) represent the capacitive part of the submarine cable and (L3 and ... in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration (a) (b) Fig 23 Harmonic voltages at the PCC: With feeders F1-F2 (black) and with feeders on each primary winding F1-F2 and F1’-F2’ (red)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 456 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 5 pptx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 5 pptx

... interface between the electrical source and the electrical load The electrical source and the electrical load can, and often do, differ in frequency, voltage amplitudes and the number of phases Power ... transmission but also generation, distribution and utilization Deregulated markets are imposing further demands on generating plants, increasing their wear and tear and the likelihood of generator instabilities ... between active and reactive power (a) and reactive power generated in function of wind speed and nodal voltage (b) Wind integration study case: FACTS role Digital software for analysis and control...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 475 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 6 docx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 6 docx

... is determined by the accumulation of volume available in the past and the provided and discharged volume at the time • Turbine and pump are the two alternate functions The storage system, which ... The economic and financial needs have to meet the profitability of the system Because, despite technological and techniques progress in recent decades, the economic incitements and the trend ... is based on predictions such as: weather forecast (wind data, temperature ) and the network demand (power, energy and / or curve of electricity prices), the actual generation capacity of each...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 441 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 7 pot

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 7 pot

... observer and the reference model In section 4, robust fuzzy fault tolerant algorithms are proposed, to close the feedback loop and the stability and robustness conditions for WECS are derived and ... controller is of the following format: Controller Rule i: q1(t) is Ni1 ANDAND qψ(t) is Niψ 154 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Then (14) u(t)=ui(t) nx1 ... norm for vectors and l2 induced norm for matrices, ΔA i ≤ ΔA i max and D ≤ D max , H ∈ κ T nxn S E ≤ S E ⋅ , max is a stable matrix to be designed and T choosing S so that S=E and S = S S , D...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 416 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 8 pot

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 8 pot

... Design and application of fault observer for variable speed wind turbine system Computer Engineering and Applications, vol 45, no 14, 2009, pp 223-227 170 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives ... geographical, economic and political reasons These systems face particular problems associated with safety and reliability during the design and operation procedure associated with safety and reliability ... etc.) and wind farms (size and technology of the wind turbines, dispersion of wind turbines on the island, etc.) It is often the case that the limit set by the system operator for the instantaneous...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 568 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 9 potx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 9 potx

... in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration and the capability of modern wind farms to provide auxiliary frequency control is demonstrated Frequency definitions and protection ... 202 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Figure 40 and Figure 41 show respectively the rotor speed deviation and the change in active power output for ... agents in the system and the level of uncertainty in the balance between generation and load The access of more and bigger RES electricity producers can increase the risk of fail and decrease the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 334 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 10 pot

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 10 pot

... conditions, the into band one when the output power is within the offset band, Po (t) ∈ P ± Δ, and the converse out band condition when the output power is outside this offset band Po (t) ∈ P ± Δ ... electronic, electrical and mechanical) that allows the storage and recovery processes The driver subsystem is an abstract wrapper of a complex 218 10 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives ... feed to the grid It detects the in band and out band states according to the Δ parameter, which is defined in the Regulatory Norms of the Electricity Authority, and the planned power for each Market...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 377 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 11 pptx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 11 pptx

... distribution with mean zero and variance one 250 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration This transformation is used in both the fitting and prediction processes ... prediction, for both the fitting and prediction processes Figures and show the histograms and time series, respectively, for both the actual (Weibull) wind speed X and Normal wind speed Xn The shape ... Integration Claudio A Canizares, Massimo Pozzi, Sandro Corsi, Edvina Uzunovic,(2003), “STATCOM modelling for voltage and angle stability studies”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol.25,pp.431-441...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 504 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 12 potx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 12 potx

... Planning, Reliability, and Operations” Prepared for:The New York State 270 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Energy Research and Development Authority ... Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration     a2   a2  a1    K in     180  (13) In witch a1, a2-maximum and minimum angles in degrees and a, b, c-switching ... tip speed ratio varies, and depends both on wind speed and rotor speed For maximum rotor efficiency, the tip speed ratio must be 282 Wind Farm – Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 353 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 13 potx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 13 potx

... y (4) where xi and yi are elements of the first and second time series respectively,  x and  y are the mean values of the first and second time series,  x and  y are the standard deviations ... under the D criterion Alternatives 4, and are acceptable using the D-P method Alternatives 2, 4, and are candidate planning schemes using the P method Method D P D-P Selected Alternatives 1, 2, ... Pc of 50 SM/yr and a Rc of 10 SM/yr were selected as system criteria in this study Table shows that the system SI for Alternatives 1, and exceed 50 SM/yr in Stage Alternatives 1, and were, therefore,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

25 371 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 14 pptx

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 14 pptx

... hourly mean wind speed μh , the hourly standard deviation σh , the standard deviation σα of the {αt } process and the AR and MA coefficients φ1 φ4 and θ1 θ4 , respectively The output generated ... On and Off states, and by the corresponding rates of the MTBF and MTTR in the case of transitions to and from the Failure state, respectively The MTBF is used for both transitions from the On and ... temporal variation of the power injected by this production type and thus has direct effects on the production-demand balance and the grid stability One of the challenges of wind speed simulators...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

17 465 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 8 doc

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 8 doc

... zone included between 6.8 m/s and 11.2 m/s for the AE-32, between 7.7 m/s and 10.25 m/s for the AE-46, between 6.5 m/s and 11.25 m/s for the AE-52 and between 7.8 m/s and 10.45 m/s for the AE-61 ... AE-52 and AE-61) and it blows sufficiently to obtain the full efficiency during % (respectively 2%, 9% and 1.5%) of the annual time The remaining time of value 72 % (respectively 88%, 83% and 89%), ... Regulations, Potential Estimation and Siting Assessment 16 to 45 m and a nominal output ranging from 60 ÷ 750 kW and large wind turbines with a blade diameter from 45 to 128 m and a nominal output of the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

20 366 0
Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 9 doc

Wind Farm Impact in Power System and Alternatives to Improve the Integration Part 9 doc

... conservation of nature and landscape Therein, the face of the landscape is defined (§ 12) as a natural, cultural and historic characteristics of a particular site or region The face of the landscape is ... the face of the landscape, impacts on the migration routes and bird nesting, impacts on the fauna, flora and ecosystems, stroboscopic effect, impacts on the soil, surface water and ground water, ... its aesthetic and natural value Interference with the face of the landscape, particularly as for locating and approving structures, may occur only with regard to keeping significant landscape elements,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20

20 325 0