of land use rights

The Effects of Land Use on the Mobility of Elderly and Disabled and Their Homecare Workers, and the Effects of Care on Client Mobility: Findings from Contra Costa, California pdf

The Effects of Land Use on the Mobility of Elderly and Disabled and Their Homecare Workers, and the Effects of Care on Client Mobility: Findings from Contra Costa, California pdf

... based on land use and travel characteristics not help much because so many other factors must be considered in the land use- transportation relationship, such as income, degree of land use mixing, ... 1: The Effect of Land Use Variables on Consumer Mobility………81 Hypothesis 2: The Effect of Land Use Variables on Provider Travel Challenges 95 Hypothesis 3: The Effect of Provider Travel ... Department of City & Regional Planning, Director of the University of California Transportation Center, for, among other things, her help with survey design and thinking about the interaction of land use...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

236 491 0
Effect of land use change on water discharge in Srepok watershed, Central Highland, Viet Nam

Effect of land use change on water discharge in Srepok watershed, Central Highland, Viet Nam

... Srepok slope map Land use map of Srepok watershed in 2000 and in 2010 were collected from UMD land cover classification of Global Land Cover Facility Similar to other map, land use map was divided ... and the other in 2010 by ArcGIS software Table showed the change of area of land use types between 2000 and 2010 The area of Agriculture Land- Generic, Agricultural Land- Row Crops and Forest-Deciduous ... Relationship between land use change and water discharge in Srepok watershed To define the change of land use types between two different scenarios, we overlaid two land use map, one in 2000...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:01

13 306 0
An evaluation of land use development processes for the knowledge based urban development (KBUD) using agent based modelling

An evaluation of land use development processes for the knowledge based urban development (KBUD) using agent based modelling

... requires allocation of actors in space in terms of land use compatibility in order to exhibit positive land use externality Secondly, (2) ‘One north’ is a ~200-hectare planned mixed -use development ... participatory ‘actors’ via land- use zoning As large-scale knowledge-based clusters have a variety of participants demanding different types of land uses (>10), the question of how to formulate a socially ... mix of land uses to facilitate that development project as an integrated live-work-play-learn physical environment 38 Table 2.2 Illustration of horizontal and vertical land- use zoning approach of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:10

198 313 0
towards sustainability of land use in a highly vulnerable and degraded

towards sustainability of land use in a highly vulnerable and degraded

... erosion and soil nutrient depletion because of overuse of agro-chemicals and intensive use of agricultural land, and, therefore, decreasing productivity of the cultivated soils (Toan et al., 2001, ... 19th (2009) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of VietNam, land- use planning at district and provincial level is implemented every consecutive years The land- use map of Yen Chau ... patterns of Yen Chau The land use map of Yen Chau was obtained from the Technical Centre for Natural Resources and Environment of Son La province The map was most up-to-date land use map of Yen...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 15:45

230 583 0
The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county  1

The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county 1

... Amendment of the Constitution of the PRC to legalize the paid transfer of land use rights Amendment of the LAL to legalize the paid transfer of land use rights Implementation of the collection of land ... and land use rights, land use plan, protection of cultivated land, land used for construction, supervision and inspection of land use and so on.32 The leading government agency overseeing land ... Loss of around 36.8 million mu of arable land Enactment of the Land Administration Law (LAL) Establishment of the State Bureau of Land Administration The first paid conveyance of land use rights...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:11

26 656 0
The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county  2

The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county 2

... rational choice model in its analysis of factors that contribute to disparities in regional trends of land use conversion A Model of the Determinants of Land Use Conversion Drawing from the hypotheses ... tap on undeveloped land resources for income Improvements in public infrastructure bring about an appreciation in land price Part of the profits from the conveyance of land use rights through auction, ... situation, path of industrialization, history of governance, land resources, interact with officials’ cost-benefit calculations to determine local patterns of land use change.36 While officials seek...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:11

15 309 0
The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county  3

The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county 3

... of land use rights of stateowned land. 8 The conveyance of the right to use state-owned land – defined as the process by which the State, as landowner, grants land use rights to the land user for ... state allocated land To seek rent from artificially low price land, land buyers may use bribery in gaining the land use rights of these two types of land As mentioned earlier, land use rights may ... the conveyance of the land use rights of state-owned land through tender, auction and bidding’ (tentative) and ‘Regulations on the conveyance of the land use rights of state-owned land through...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:14

32 1,1K 0
The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county  4

The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county 4

... From 2003 to 2005, 60 out of the 87 zones conveyed land use rights for 78.73 square kilometres of land at unlawfully low prices, amounting to a loss of land conveyance fee of 5.57 billion yuan Some ... widespread duplicate construction of basic infrastructure and industries, taking up vast areas of cultivated land Under the nationwide land use plan, the land use quotas of railways, airports, industrial ... that land sales, or the leasing of land use rights, which constitute 30 to 70 percent of local revenue in many cities, have become a vital source of capital for urban development “This new land- centred...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:14

36 1,6K 0
The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county  5

The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county 5

... requisition Land certificates Right to use state-owned land Right to use collectively-owned land Ownership of collectively-owned land Proof of other rights to land Construction of houses by villagers Land ... Appendix A for a breakdown of the land use distribution in each town).5 According to Sihui’s land use plan, over the period of 1996-2010, agricultural land and unused land in the entire county shrink ... mu of land in a development zone in Xiamao town had paid 110 million yuan for rights to the use of land alone, investing a total sum of 600 million measures for rewarding the bringing in of foreign...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:14

28 618 0
The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county  6

The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county 6

... Handling of Sihui City’s Idle Land, ” Sihui Land Bureau dealt with 108 cases of idle land Construction on 242 mu of land was expedited and put into use; the land use rights of 1,045 mu of land were ... 80 percent of the total arable land Construction land represents 5.7 percent of Xiamao’s land area while unused land, which comprises of grassland, ridges between fields and tidal land, makes ... The Predatory State in Land Use Conversion EXTERNALITIES Idle Land and Wastage of Resources Land use conversion carried out with the aim of reaping short term gains has often resulted in the wastage...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:14

26 649 0
The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county  7

The politics of land use conversion in china case study of a guangdong county 7

... needs as well as the land use quota imposed from top-down Legalize the direct circulation of land use rights of collectively-owned land Within the parameters of the local land use plan, allow village ... of buying land quotas from a less developed neighbouring region, of breaking down a tract of land into smaller parcels to bypass higher level approval, of substituting arable land with land of ... failings of China’s land use regime Some of these are outlined below:10 Define and clarify collective ownership of land and corollary rights Among the issues to be established are: who owns the land, ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:14

12 293 0
Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper mekong deltas deep flooding area

Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper mekong deltas deep flooding area

... approach for land use planning and adaptation of houses 152 5.4.1 An approach for land use planning 152 Land use planning and livelihoods 154 Land use planning ... adaptation of land use and houses in the Mekong Delta’s deep flooding area First, it examines the adaptation of land use and houses in the current context and discusses the limitations of the adaptation ... impact on land use and houses in the studied area Based on an understanding of the complexity of the problem, the thesis suggests an integrated approach for land use planning, in which land use is...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:59

88 335 0
Changes of land use, associated livelihood, plant biodiversity in traditional tea agroforestry in yunnan, china

Changes of land use, associated livelihood, plant biodiversity in traditional tea agroforestry in yunnan, china

... All household survey data (16 missing data for 2012) were used to analyze the change of livelihoods in terms of land use, profitability of agricultural production and income Only 78 household ... level, the change of abundance and the change of occurrence were used The occurrence referred to the occurrence of species in one plot Because of non-normality of majority of data, which was ... less important land use types Rubber had become an increasing new land use in last three years especially in village MH (see Figure 4.4) It was found that the land use of tea agroforests was stable...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14

106 228 0
Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper mekong deltas deep flooding area 2

Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper mekong deltas deep flooding area 2

... patterns of houses in terms of land forms and cropping patterns It discusses how land forms affect the 105 Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper Mekong Delta’s deep flooding area choice of ... their needs of different levels in the house As a result, in a house, the levels of the main house, back house, bathroom, and water floor can be different 116 Adaptation of land use and houses in ... Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper Mekong Delta’s deep flooding area Types of houses in the studied area a Type A ‐ traditional house on stilts This type of house is popular...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:36

65 481 0
Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper mekong deltas deep flooding area 3

Adaptation of land use and houses in the upper mekong deltas deep flooding area 3

... kilometers of farmland to a depth of about 20 centimeter, which uses roughly billion cubic meters of water (about 1.5 percent of discharge of Mekong 142 Adaptation of land use and houses in the ... security 5.2 Limitations of adaptation of land use and houses 5.2.1 Land use At the land use scale, the master plan for 2020 in the Mekong Delta is examined to see the area’s level of preparation for ... uncertainties of the future context and limitations of current adaptation of land use, houses and livelihoods This section suggests a potential approach for land use planning and adaptation of houses...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:36

115 442 0
Soil attribute changes along chronosequences of land use in the

Soil attribute changes along chronosequences of land use in the

... Christian Dold List of Tables List of Tables Table Altitude, duration of land use, number of years of land exposure to aerobic conditions, and time and duration of last inundation of five chronosequence ... Level) in each of the three land use situations (lacustrine cropland, lacustrine and alluvial pasture) representing transects of chronosequence positions (durations of land use) of 1, 15, 20, ... carbon, and regression line of soil organic carbon against duration of land use (t) (here: using the mean values of n = for pastures and n = for cropland) on all three land use situations along the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2015, 15:20

132 345 0
Tài liệu Some Pre-Analysis Techniques of Remote Sensing Images for Land-Use in Mekong Delta docx

Tài liệu Some Pre-Analysis Techniques of Remote Sensing Images for Land-Use in Mekong Delta docx

... Delta With many kinds of land use distributing in the same regions, their management will be complex when status of land use changes very strongly The fast identification of landuse areas will be ... Definition of training areas Field trips Supervised classification Post-classification Ground truth Accuracy assessment Maps of status of landuse Figure 6: Diagram of the steps to identify landuse status ... Techniques of Remote Sensing Images for Land- Use in Mekong Delta Figure 9: The final land- used map in Ca mau (4/2001) with the method in Figure Legends for color of figure: Aquaculture land; Mixed...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 06:16

9 534 2
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Evaluation of ASTER Data Use in Land Use Study in the Mekong delta " pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Evaluation of ASTER Data Use in Land Use Study in the Mekong delta " pptx

... Evaluation of ASTER data use in land use study in the Mekong Delta 29 discrimination capacity of ASTER data in land use mapping of such a dynamic area as the Mekong ... by a large diversity of land use practice with a land cover of small size, the discrimination capacity of the data is essential ASTER data with a spatial resolution even of 15m are still limited ... processing of Landsat-5 TM data for land use land cover regional mapping São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil [4] Hazarika, M.K et al (2000), Monitoring and impact of shrimp farming in the East coast of Thailand...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 12:20

11 491 0
An application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Analysis of Agricultural Development-Induced Changes in Land Use: A case study in Lao PDR pdf

An application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Analysis of Agricultural Development-Induced Changes in Land Use: A case study in Lao PDR pdf

... In each map was classified into 11 categories of land use /land cover types Land covers 1999 Land covers 2004 Intensive of changed areas 11 1999 land use classes 2004 Km2 % Km2 % Dark evergreen ... in land use and land covers by despoilment of forest covers and traditional farming system • The problems above due to lack of an appropriate tool in terms of integrated spatial data on land use /land ... paddy Bare land Shrub land/ other Hectares 14000 Irrigated paddy (dry season) 12000 Area (ha) 1999 Land use types Land use /land cover changes from 1999 to 2004 Reservoir 10000 Bare land/ wet soil...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

24 897 0