... its children The BookProduct class should handle the $numPages argument and property, and the CdProduct class should handle the $playLength argument and property To make this work, I will define ... data and functionality through classes rather than objects • Abstract classes and interfaces: Separating design from implementation • Error handling: Introducing exceptions • Final classes and ... functions Static Methods and Properties All the examples in the previous chapter worked with objects I characterized classes as templates from which objects are produced, and objects as active components,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 20:15
... produced: XmlParamHandler and TextParamHandler, extending the abstract base class ParamHandler’s write() and read() methods // could return XmlParamHandler or TextParamHandler $test = ParamHandler::getInstance( ... watermark CHAPTER ■ OBJECTS AND DESIGN class XmlParamHandler extends ParamHandler { function write() { // write XML // using $this->params } function read() { // read XML // and populate $this->prams ... responsibility for handling tasks away from client code and toward the objects in the system In this section I’ll set up a simple problem and then analyze it in terms of both object-oriented and procedural...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15
PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P4
... CostStrategy objects are responsible solely for calculating cost, and Lesson objects manage lesson data So, composition can make your code more flexible, because objects can be combined to handle tasks ... relationships of your objects More simply, these patterns show how you combine objects and classes Task-Oriented Patterns These patterns describe the mechanisms by which classes and objects cooperate ... between collections and components in our code The Problem Managing groups of objects can be quite a complex task, especially if the objects in question might also contain objects of their own...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15
What Objects are and Why They''''re Useful
... instances of a class of objects can perform If you think of VCRs as a class of objects, methods of that class would include the abilities to play, record, stop, rewind, fast forward, and pause The syntax ... It's important to realize that when building your Flash projects, you create and use instances of various classes of objects, rather than placing the actual class in your project It's a subtle ... You will usually work with instances (also known simply as objects) in Flash, as opposed to the actual class (although this can be done, and you will learn how in Lesson 7, "Creating Custom Classes")...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 14:15
PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P5
... operand orExpr andExpr eqExpr variable ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= operand (orExpr | andExpr )* ( '(' expr ')' | | variable ) ( eqExpr )* 'or' operand 'and' operand 'equals' operand ... SplObserver, SplSubject, and SplObjectStorage SplObserver and SplSubject are interfaces and exactly parallel the Observer and Observable interfaces shown in this section’s example SplObjectStorage is ... Here’s a concrete Command class: abstract class Command { abstract function execute( CommandContext $context ); } class LoginCommand extends Command { function execute( CommandContext $context...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 10:15
PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P6
... amount of work that must go into acquiring and applying metadata that describes the relationships between command and request, command and command, and command and view For this reason, I tend to implement ... $this->viewMap[$command][$status]; } return null; } function addForward( $command, $status=0, $newCommand ) { $this->forwardMap[$command][$status]=$newCommand; } function getForward( $command, $status ... venue addition and the start of a space addition) If each of your commands is only used once, in one relationship to other commands, and with one view, then you should hardcode your commands’ relationship...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 10:15
PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P7
... objects The ObjectWatcher class now provides a mechanism for updating and inserting objects The code is still missing a means of adding objects to the ObjectWatcher object Since it is these objects ... Collection independently of the mapper package Domain objects hint for woo\domain\VenueCollection objects and not woo\mapper\VenueCollection objects, so that, at a later date, the mapper implementation ... Mapper objects pure and simple In light of all this, the Venue class can be extended to manage the persistence of Space objects The class provides methods for adding individual Space objects...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P8 pptx
... Adding megaquiz/command Adding megaquiz/command/Command.php Adding megaquiz/command/FeedbackCommand.php Adding megaquiz/command/CommandContext.php Adding megaquiz/command/LoginCommand.php Adding megaquiz/tags ... megaquiz-branch1.0.0/command A megaquiz-branch1.0.0/command/Command.php A megaquiz-branch1.0.0/command/CommandContext.php A megaquiz-branch1.0.0/command/FeedbackCommand.php A megaquiz-branch1.0.0/command/LoginCommand.php ... for the Command class I created in Chapter 11 phpDocumentor is smart enough to recognize that Command is an abstract class, and that it is extended by FeedbackCommand and LoginCommand Notice also...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P9 docx
... Notice that each command is divided into three parts: command, target, and value These subdivisions are also known as actions, accessors, and assertions Essentially, a command then instructs the ... keep them and feel the lasting benefit! I created a test case implementation, and I covered the available assertion methods I , examined constraints, and explored the devious world of mock objects ... fileset elements (and in others), there is a danger that you will begin to repeat groups of exclude and include elements In my previous example, I defined patterns for test files and regular code...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P10 docx
... protected function invokeHandler( Scanner $scanner ) { if ( ! empty( $this->handler ) ) { $this->report( "calling handler: ".get_class( $this->handler ) ); $this->handler->handleMatch( $this, $scanner ... you won’t be up and running with a build and test cycle any time soon phpuc comes to the rescue, though, with the project command This creates the required files and directories, and amends any ... made throughout the book: • PHP and objects: How PHP continues to increase its support for object-oriented programming, and how to leverage these features • Objects and design: Summarizing some...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P11 ppt
... )->discard(); $and- >add( $this->operand() ); $and- >setHandler( new BooleanAndHandler() ); return $and; } function operand() { if ( ! isset( $this->operand ) ) { $this->operand = new \gi\parse\SequenceParse( ... $this->operand() ); $or->setHandler( new BooleanOrHandler() ); return $or; } function andExpr() { $and = new \gi\parse\SequenceParse(); $and- >add( new \gi\parse\WordParse( 'and' ) )->discard(); $and- >add( ... operand orExpr andExpr eqExpr variable ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= operand (orExpr | andExpr )* ( '(' expr ')' | | variable ) ( eqExpr )* 'or' operand 'and' operand 'equals' operand...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P12 docx
... of, 407 PHP and objects, 11 PHP and objects, 12 PHP and var keyword, 17, 35 PHP and objects, 13 PHP 5, release features, 453 PHP 5.3 and namespaces, 14, 71 PHP and objects, 14 PHP as a loosely typed ... pass-by-reference rather than pass-by-value, 12–13 PEAR and object-oriented programming, 13 PHP and, 11 PHP and, 12 PHP and, 13 PHP 5.3 and namespaces, 14 PHP and, 14 properties, setting dynamically, 18 ... well-designed objects as self-enclosed, 454 write(), 102 See also design patterns object-relational impedance mismatch, 276 objects casting an object to a string, 16 classes and objects, understanding,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu Module 4: Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores docx
... Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores 23 # Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores Topic Objective To explain how to create a storage group, create and configure stores, and move ... Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores 31 Planning Multiple Storage Groups and Stores Topic Objective To plan for the use of multiple stores and storage groups ! Planning Multiple Storage Groups ... Creating Storage Groups ! Creating Stores ! Managing Storage Groups and Stores Your ability to create and manage storage groups and stores will give you added flexibility in managing data and performing...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P1 pptx
... This chapter will cover • Classes and objects: Declaring classes and instantiating objects • Constructor methods: Automating the setup of your objects • Primitive and class types: Why type matters ... inheritance and how to use it • Visibility: Streamlining your object interfaces and protecting your methods and properties from meddling Classes and Objects The first barrier to understanding object-oriented ... general, and objects in particular, was extended in the PHP manual, and object-oriented coding began to bubble up to the mainstream Objects in PHP were not uncontroversial (then, as now, no doubt), and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P2 pdf
... its children The BookProduct class should handle the $numPages argument and property, and the CdProduct class should handle the $playLength argument and property To make this work, I will define ... data and functionality through classes rather than objects • Abstract classes and interfaces: Separating design from implementation • Error handling: Introducing exceptions • Final classes and ... functions Static Methods and Properties All the examples in the previous chapter worked with objects I characterized classes as templates from which objects are produced, and objects as active components,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P3 pdf
... produced: XmlParamHandler and TextParamHandler, extending the abstract base class ParamHandler’s write() and read() methods // could return XmlParamHandler or TextParamHandler $test = ParamHandler::getInstance( ... watermark CHAPTER ■ OBJECTS AND DESIGN class XmlParamHandler extends ParamHandler { function write() { // write XML // using $this->params } function read() { // read XML // and populate $this->prams ... responsibility for handling tasks away from client code and toward the objects in the system In this section I’ll set up a simple problem and then analyze it in terms of both object-oriented and procedural...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice- P1 doc
... This chapter will cover • Classes and objects: Declaring classes and instantiating objects • Constructor methods: Automating the setup of your objects • Primitive and class types: Why type matters ... inheritance and how to use it • Visibility: Streamlining your object interfaces and protecting your methods and properties from meddling Classes and Objects The first barrier to understanding object-oriented ... general, and objects in particular, was extended in the PHP manual, and object-oriented coding began to bubble up to the mainstream Objects in PHP were not uncontroversial (then, as now, no doubt), and...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 09:20