... indicate a file that holds Objective- C code and will be pro- cessed by the Objective- C compiler. File names ending in .c are handled by the C compiler, and .cpp files are the province of the C+ + ... is a sequence of characters, usually human- readable, so you can probably guess (correctly) that an NSString is a sequence of characters in Cocoa. Learn Objective- C on the Mac Penciled by ... use #import , like this: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import is a feature provided by the GCC compiler, which is what Xcode uses when you’re compiling Objective- C, C, and C+ + programs....
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2012, 15:47
... 2003 Abstract While devices that use RS−232 and the serial port to communicate are becoming increasingly rare, it is still an important skill to have. Serial port programming, at its most basic level, consists ... the port, configur- ing the port, reading and writing to the port, and fi- nally, closing the port. It is possible then to create an API that contains the functions necessary to success- fully communicate ... to be changed //CREAD says to enable the receiver options .c_ cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); //apply the settings to the serial port //TCSNOW means apply the changes now //other valid options include: //...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 20:15
Serial Port Complete
... Framework class library can use the SerialPort class to access COM ports. Some USB devices function as virtual COM ports, which applications can access in the same way as physical serial ports. ... other support for serial- port communications. Pro- grammers thus can access ports without understanding every detail of the UART’s architecture. To gain access to a port, an application selects a ... system’s CPU. Any PC with a free expansion slot can add this type of port on an expansion card. ã RS-232 ports on PC Cards (also called PCMCIA cards). Any PC with a free PC-Card slot can use these. ã...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 08:15
Tài liệu chương 5: Hoạt động của port nối tiếp (Serial Port) pptx
... Xóa c ngắt thu (RI=0) ⇒ Vi c thu dữ liệu bắt ñầu: C c xung clock dịch bit ñư c gởi ra chân TxD và dữ liệu từ thiết bị bên ngoài ñư c dịch vào chân RxD bởi c c xung clock dịch bit này (vi c ... SM0: Serial Mode 0 Bit 0 chọn chế độ c a port noái tieáp. C c chế ñộ c a port nối tiếp: Trư c khi sử dụng port nối tiếp c n phải: Chương 5: Hoạt ñộng c a port nối tiếp (Serial Port) . ... KHIỂN PORT NỐI TIẾP (SCON): Thanh ghi SCON (Serial Control Register): chứa c c bit dùng ñể ñiều khiển chế ñộ hoạt ñộng và báo trạng thái c a port nối tiếp. C u tr c của thanh ghi SCON: SCON: Serial...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Learning Objective-C 2.0 pptx
... a Class 119 Defining a Subclass 119 An Example of Subclassing 119 Class Hierarchies 123 A Class Hierarchy Example 124 Abstract Classes 125 Creating Objects 126 Object Allocation 126 Object ... used in Objective- C, and Objective- C 2.0’s newly added Blocks feature. Part I: Introduction to Objective- C n Chapter 1, C, The Foundation of Objective- C, ” is a high-speed introduction to the ... process on some computer. One of the characteristics that distinguishes Objective- C from other common languages, especially C+ +, is that Objective- C is a very dynamic language. “Dynamic” here means...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Programming in Objective-C - Fourth Edition ppt
... language source file .cc, .cpp C+ + language source file .h Header file .m Objective- C source file .mm Objective- C+ + source file .pl Perl source file .o Object (compiled) file Objective- C source files ... NSData to Create Custom Archives 436 Using the Archiver to Copy Objects 439 Exercises 441 20 Introduction to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch 443 Framework Layers 443 Cocoa Touch 444 21 Writing iOS Applications ... more sophisticated iOS applications. Support If you go to classroomM.com /objective- c, you’ll find a forum rich with content.There you can get source code (note that you won’t find the “official” source code...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 12:20
Objective-C 2.0 PHRASEBOOK pot
... 9 Cross-Platform Support 12 Compiling Objective- C Programs 14 2 An Objective- C Primer 17 Declaring Objective- C Typ es 18 Sending Messages 22 Understanding Selectors 26 Declaring Classes 28 Using Protocols 33 Adding ... produced pure C from Objective- C, classes were turned into structure definitions describing the layout of the objects. You can still see some legacy of this in GCC error messages, which will occasionally ... 68 Interoperating with C 70 Using Weak References 71 Allocating Scanned Memory 73 4 Common Objective- C Patterns 75 Supporting Two-Stage Creation 76 Copying Objects 78 Archiving Objects 80 Creating Designated...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 07:20
Objective-C Fundamentals pot
... Cocoa Touch, that can be used to store multiple pieces of related data. Chapter 5 covers how to create your own custom classes and objects. Learning how to create your own classes is an important ... from a common base class. This concept is provided with a language construct called a protocol. Chapter 8 looks deeply at some of the aspects of Objective- C that make it unique. The important ... Objective- C application. Since no automatic garbage collector is available, simple rules are discussed which will allow you to expertly craft applications without introducing memory leaks. Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20
Objective-C Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach pptx
... ã ằ c- a. -c r+ , CD ::r 0 CD ~ a C& apos;" co _. 3 < 0 I CD en Dl 0 I - 0 3 c: :: + _. \J 0 ti CD - ~ JJ » CD "&apos ;C - "&apos ;C 0 ... At its core, this book is about exploring Objective- C in the language's natural environment. Objective- C has a story to tell in code that is about computer science and ... can feel clumsy at times, Objective- C will show you its power and reach with grace. Problems that seem intractable in other programming languages melt away in Objective- Co...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20
Hướng dẫn giao tiếp Serial port sử dụng VB.Net 2008 qua một số ví dụ pot
... SerialPort1.Close() End If 'Lấy danh sách c c cổng c trên máy' For i As Integer = 0 To My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames.Count - 1 ComboBox1.Items.Add(My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames(i)) ... Chat giữa hai máy tính qua c ng Com TextBox1 TextBox RichTextBox RichTextBox1 SerialPort SerialPort1 1.2: Lập trình Để lập trình cho c c đối tượng bạn double click vào c c ... Sonbui1903 Chat giữa hai máy tính qua c ng Com II: C c ví dụ C c câu lệnh sử dụng với Serialport c thể xem tại: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.ports.serialport.aspx#Y3078...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 20:20
Objective-C Recipes doc
... point number in scientific notation) %c Unsigned char (unsigned 8-bit character) %C Unichar (16-bit character) %p Pointer (printed in hexadecimal) %% Escape character so you can print the ... your Mac application. You can use Xcode to create command line apps or Cocoa apps; there are also other options. NOTE: Cocoa Mac applications have the user interface that consumers expect (the ... CHAPTER 1: Application Development 31 Choose Mac OS X ➤ Application ➤ Cocoa Application to set up a Mac application. Click Next and you will be directed to another dialog box where you can...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20
Praise for Learning Objective-C 2.0 potx
... Control) 220 Access Control for Methods 221 Namespaces 221 Security 222 Calling C Functions from Objective- C 224 Tec hni cal 225 Practical 225 Philosophical 225 Summary 226 Exercises 226 12 Properties ... possible to mix Objective- C and C+ + code in the same program. The result is called Objective- C+ +. Objective- C+ + code must be placed in a file with a .mm filename extension: AnObjectiveCPlusPlusProgram.mm For ... Defining a Subclass 119 An Example of Subclassing 119 Class Hierarchies 123 A Class Hierarchy Example 124 Abstract Classes 125 Creating Objects 126 Object Allocation 126 Object Initialization...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
Beginning Objective-C pot
... that in Objective- C a class is also a type of object; the compiler creates exactly one object for each class at compile-time. By convention, class names begin with an uppercase letter, such as ... classes. The only remaining change Objective- C makes to plain C is the addition of square braces around Objective- C method calls: [someObject doSomething]. Since no valid pure -C statement can ... used to scope the contents of functions and loops in C, and are used to enclose the contents of certain types such as structures or, in Objective- C, a class’s instance variables. In C, the keywords...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
Objective-C Fundamentals pptx
... from scratch for each application, Apple includes in the SDK a set of support libraries collectively called Cocoa Touch. If you’re an existing Java or . NET developer, you can view the Cocoa ... categories 138 6.7 Subclassing in your demo application 138 Creating and subclassing CTLease 139 Creating CTPeriodicLease as a subclass of CTLease 140 Creating CTFixedLease as a subclass of CTLease ... user interface concepts by swapping controls around and reconnecting them to the class. If Xcode refuses to make a connection between a user interface control and an object, the most probable cause...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20
Beginning Mac Programming Develop with Objective-C and Cocoa doc
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20
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