object oriented concepts case study

Chapter 33: Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts s sThe object table itself is not mentioned in the pps

Chapter 33: Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts s sThe object table itself is not mentioned in the pps

... if they were referenceable row objects within an object table. with object identifier (Customer_ID) as NOTE The with object identifier clause replaces the with object OID clause used in earlier ... CUSTOMER_CALL. Object views of column objects enable you to work with tables as if they were both relational tables and object- relational tables. When extended to row objects, object views enable ... Composite Default screen Objects in the Database The features available in Oracle—column objects, row objects, and object extensions to PL/SQL— enable you to implement objects in your database

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20

102 449 0
Phân tích thiết kế hướng đối tượng - Object oriented design: A case study ppt

Phân tích thiết kế hướng đối tượng - Object oriented design: A case study ppt

... Trang 1 Object oriented design Trang 2 NT Trò chơi xúc xắc =m Người chơi tung 10x2 XÚC XắC m Nếu tổng điểm ... lớp Player (from Use Case View) Rolls " Die - name : String &faceValue :int=1 Trang 13 Player di: Die (from Use Case View) Rolls Die Trang ... nghĩa kiên trúc logic Trang 32 tite Reference gw Slides of Prof Pascal Molli, Loria, France = Object oriented Design, JEDI,

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 12:20

32 396 1
Bài giảng: Phân tích thiết kế hướng đối tượng - Object oriented design: A case study

Bài giảng: Phân tích thiết kế hướng đối tượng - Object oriented design: A case study

... Trang 1 Object oriented design Trang 2 NT Trò chơi xúc xắc =m Người chơi tung 10x2 XÚC XắC m Nếu tổng điểm ... lớp Player (from Use Case View) Rolls " Die - name : String &faceValue :int=1 Trang 13 Player di: Die (from Use Case View) Rolls Die Trang ... nghĩa kiên trúc logic Trang 32 tite Reference gw Slides of Prof Pascal Molli, Loria, France = Object oriented Design, JEDI,

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2021, 00:15

32 11 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P13 pdf

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P13 pdf

... feed we’ll pass its URI to the simplexml_load_file func- tion and create a SimpleXMLElement object. This object has four built-in methods and as many properties or data members as its XML source ... interac- tions with XML files you’ll have to use the Document Object Model (DOM) or the Simple API for XML (SAX) extensions. In any case, by providing the SimpleXML extension, PHP 5 has stayed ... a SOAP client, you won’t find implementing the server intimidating. In cases where a WSDL file exists—and that is the case with the Google API—we don’t really need to know much about a SOAP

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 301 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P14 pot

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P14 pot

... attribute of your newly cloned object is changed, and the output shows that this change does not affect the original object. In PHP 5, cloning an object makes a copy of an object just as the assignment ... value and use up memory when, in most cases, all that’s wanted is a reference? To summarize, in PHP 5, when an object is passed to a function or when one object is assigned to another, it is ... before an object is serialized. Conversely, __wakeup is invoked by unserialize and restores the object. __clone Like the constructor, __clone is invoked by a PHP operator, in this case clone.

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 223 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P15 pptx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P15 pptx

... that PHP 5 returns a reference to an object rather than a copy may have serious implications for aggregate objects written under PHP 4 and running under PHP 5. Objects formerly returned by value ... ReflectionObject extends ReflectionClass, and ReflectionException extends Exception. Our concern is with objects, so we won’t spend any time on the method ReflectionFunction. ReflectionObject ... getMethods returns an array of ReflectionMethod objects. Invoking getProperties returns an array of ReflectionProperty objects. These methods and the objects returned make it possible to fully describe

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 365 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P16 ppt

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P16 ppt

... inherited from the ReflectionClass to create an array of ReflectionProperty objects. You then query each ReflectionProperty object to create arrays of public, private, and protected data members. ... $msg ); } return $description; } You want to ensure that only ReflectionMethod objects or ReflectionProperty objects are passed into this method so you use the operator, instanceof. This ... show_methods(Documenter $d, $type, $arr) One of the parameters of this function is an object. In PHP 4 you would want to ensure that this object was passed by reference by preceding the variable with &

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 319 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P20 ppsx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P20 ppsx

... referred to as CamelCase. Class names use upper CamelCase (as in DirectoryItem) and methods use lower CamelCase (as in getName). T type hinting The ability to restrict the kind of object passed ... parent class; also called a child class or subclass Document Object Model (DOM) The representation of an HTML or XML document in object- oriented fashion E encapsulation A process that allows implementation ... and get_parent_class In PHP 5 these methods return a case- sensitive result. functionName(ObjectType $o) N/A In PHP 5 you may type hint object parameters to functions. As of PHP 5.1 you may

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 172 0
OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P21 pptx

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P21 pptx

... using __toString, 78 returned by reference, 121 reusability of, 7–8, 63, 74 object method, calling, 22 OOP (object- oriented programming) assumptions of, 7 as collaborative endeavor, 7 different ... N name/value pairs, 50, 51, 60, 63, 71, 73 natcasesort function, 134 next, iterator method, 85, 86, 87 numeric array, 29, 31 NuSOAP, 13, 104 O object( s) attribute of, 17 copying, 14 definition, ... getArraySlice, 58, 62, 64 DirectoryIterator class, 89 displaying objects, using __toString,78 document element of an RSS file, 101 Document Object Model (DOM). See DOM documentation of built-in classes,

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 07:20

10 210 0


... the object- oriented development. Booch introduces two main concepts about objects in his object- oriented method. First there is the client-server concept between objects. A client object is an object ... on object- oriented design methods: Object- oriented design is a method of design encompassing the process of object- oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical (class and object ... and Mellor, 1988). OBJECT- ORIENTED DESIGN FOR TEMPORAL GIS 30 incisive and comprehensive prospect of an object- oriented design method. His method improves the concepts of object orientation and

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23

14 478 0


... well-defined concepts and representations developed in Time Geography and object- oriented approaches. The spatio-temporal data model offers much practical guidance, and implies the OBJECT- ORIENTED ... CONCLUSIONS Object orientation is an important related interdisciplinary research domain that can uphold the task of incorporating time in GIS. The fundamental concepts encountered in the object- oriented ... versions of an object within an object- oriented database. The first strategy consists of version numbers or time stamps being associated with every attribute or relationship of an object. These

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23

14 351 0


... temporal and spatial objects into spatio-temporal objects in databases. Spatio-temporal objects describe the temporal behaviour of ‘moving’ points and regions within the model. OBJECT- ORIENTED DESIGN ... 199 1, Object Data Management: Object- Oriented and Extended Relational Database Systems, Reading MA: Addison-Wesley CHANCE, A., NEWELL, R.G and THERIAULT, D.G., 199 0, An object- oriented ... models are often modelled using an object- oriented approach. An object encapsulates state and provides a well-defined interface to the rest of the system. Objects interact by invoking operations

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23

14 345 0


... charting 10 O2 30 object 36 active object 34 client object 34 passive object 34 server object 34 object identifier 51, 82 object identity (OID) 43 object key 83 object maker 32, 55 object management ... KIM, W., 1991, Object- oriented database systems: strengths and weakness. Journal of Object- Oriented Programming, July/Aug, 21–3. KIM, W. and LOCHOVSKY, F.H., 1989, Object- Oriented Concepts, Applications ... object- oriented analysis methods 31 object- oriented analysis and design methods 32 choosing a method 32 literature review 27 main modelling constructs 36 object- oriented database systems 30 object- oriented

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:23

10 416 0
slide cơ sở dữ liệu tiếng anh chương  (26) object-oriented dbmss – concepts and design transparencies

slide cơ sở dữ liệu tiếng anh chương (26) object-oriented dbmss – concepts and design transparencies

... No one agreed object data model. One definition: Object- Oriented Data Model (OODM) – Data model that captures semantics of objects supported in object- oriented programming. Object- Oriented Database ... Persistent and sharable collection of objects defined by an ODM. Object- Oriented DBMS (OODBMS) – Manager of an ODB. © Pearson Education Limited 1995, 2005 5 Object- Oriented Data Model  Zdonik and ... 1 Chapter 26 Object- Oriented DBMSs – Concepts and Design Transparencies © Pearson Education Limited 1995, 2005 2 Chapter 26 - Objectives  Framework for an OODM.  Basics

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2014, 10:18

82 416 0
Digital business models: Concepts, models and the alphabet case study - Bernd W. Wirtz

Digital business models: Concepts, models and the alphabet case study - Bernd W. Wirtz

... tool containing a set of objects, concepts and their relationships with the objective to express the business logic of a speci fi c fi rm Therefore, we must consider which concepts and relationships ... been using UML, a stan- dardized object- oriented modeling language Business modeling occurs as a three-step process (Eriksson and Penker 2000): 1 The business objectives and available resources ... egories divided into conceptual studies, case studies, and complex empirical studies While the distribution between conceptual papers (46%) and case study- based research or other basic empirical

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2024, 17:07

252 1 0
Object-oriented Design

Object-oriented Design

...  Objects and object classes An object- oriented design process Design evolution ©Ian Sommerville 2004 Software Engineering, 7th edition Chapter 14 Slide Object- oriented development     Object- oriented ... create objects Object classes may inherit attributes and services from other object classes ©Ian Sommerville 2004 Software Engineering, 7th edition Chapter 14 Slide Objects and object classes An object ... Chapter 14 Slide 35 Object identification    Identifying objects (or object classes) is the most difficult part of object oriented design There is no 'magic formula' for object identification

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 11:27

19 524 0
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

... 50 Session Objectives ■ Discuss the following: • The Object- Oriented approach • Drawbacks of traditional programming • Object- Oriented programming ■ Discuss basic Object- Oriented concepts such as: • Objects • Classes • Properties ... 200 //to object_ data object1 .member_function1(200); //call member function to display data object1 .member_function2(); object2 .member_function1(350); object2 .member_function2(); } Object Oriented ... Session 1/ 39 of 50 Defining Objects ■ exampleclass object1 ,object2 ; defines two objects, object1 and object2 , of class exampleclass. ■ The definition actually creates objects that can be used...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

50 814 0
Tài liệu A Case Study on the Implementation of A Knowledge Management Strategy Oriented to Innovation pdf

Tài liệu A Case Study on the Implementation of A Knowledge Management Strategy Oriented to Innovation pdf

... results of the case study are articulated as a series of key factors. Finally, the study closes with a discussion of the main conclu- sions reached. CASE STUDY The company analyzed in this study is ... & Case Study A Case Study on the Implementation of A Knowledge Management Strategy Oriented to Innovation Francisco J. Forcadell 1 * and Fa ´ tima ... essential cultural value. At Irizar, participation is the Knowledge and Process Management CASE STUDY A Knowledge Management Strategy Oriented to Innovation 169 series of essential factors in the success of the process...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

10 1,1K 1
No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

... Friday, May 5, 2006 2:25 PM 2 BASICS OF OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING This chapter is aimed at an audience unfamiliar with the basic concepts of object- oriented programming (OOP). The intent ... xiii Introduction xv Chapter 1: What a Tangled Web We Weave 1 Chapter 2: Basics of Object- Oriented Programming 5 Chapter 3: Object- Oriented Features New to PHP 5 11 Chapter 4: Show a Little Class 17 Chapter ... 2006 2:25 PM Object- Oriented Features New to PHP 5 15 This is perfectly acceptable behavior for primitives, but it incurs far too much overhead with objects. Making a copy of a large object by...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 15:45

210 471 0
Engineering Concepts in Industrial Product Design With A Case Study of Bicycle Design

Engineering Concepts in Industrial Product Design With A Case Study of Bicycle Design

... harmonize these aims and reflect to the object. He should translate his interpretations of the object to the object language in giving a physical appearance to the object. With this language designer ... (Criteria): People set up empathy while they approach to objects. Roughly they like the object, or not, and to do this they try to find something in the object that means something to themselves. They ... form of the object, and the form of the object should fit the chosen material (two directed determination, active-passive). If more than one material is going to be used in the object, the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:08

167 348 0