number of tourists in sri lanka 2013

Tài liệu Physical health and functional ability of an elderly, population in Sri, Lanka doc

Tài liệu Physical health and functional ability of an elderly, population in Sri, Lanka doc

... present at the time of the interview was identified as an "informant". At each interview where an informant was present, assessment of the informant of the health status of the elderly ... References 1. Ministry of Health and Women's Affairs, Sri Lanka, Population Information Division, Population Information Centre. Population Statistics of Sri Lanka 1992. 2. Jette ... (IADL)" and included ability to travel outside, go shopping, prepare own meals and handle money. A limited number of tests of physical performance for assessing the functioning of upper and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

8 462 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Esculentin-1b(1–18) – a membrane-active antimicrobial peptide that synergizes with antibiotics and modifies the expression level of a limited number of proteins in Escherichia coli doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Esculentin-1b(1–18) – a membrane-active antimicrobial peptide that synergizes with antibiotics and modifies the expression level of a limited number of proteins in Escherichia coli doc

... permeability of the IM of E. coli,4· 10 6 cells were mixed with 1 lm SYTOX Green in NaCl ⁄ P i for 5 min in the dark. After addition of peptide, the increase in fluorescence, owing to the binding of the ... the membrane-permea- bilizing properties of Esc(1–18). Indeed, as no reduc- tion in the number of viable cells was observed within the first 20 min [killing kinetics of Esc(1–18)], but a reduction ... with erythromycin, presumably by increasing the intracellular in ux of this drug, as a result of increased membrane permeability; (c) elicits identical changes in the bacterium’s protein expression...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

18 494 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Prevalence of visual impairment in relation to the number of ophthalmologists in a given area: a nationwide approach" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Prevalence of visual impairment in relation to the number of ophthalmologists in a given area: a nationwide approach" ppt

... probability of selecting an institution was inversely proportional to the number of institutions in its stratum and proportional to its number of beds. Eight subjects were picked at random by the interviewers ... the institution survey, weights included size of strata, the institution occupation rate (number of subjects in the institution /number of available beds), and the answer refusal rate (higher in ... intervals. Table 1: Prevalence of low vision in all populations (persons living at home or in institutions). 95% confidence interval. n.e. not estimable Age (years) Persons living in institution and at...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

8 445 0
Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

Some aspects of American culture and society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through a number of selected short literary works

... anxiety of the young immigrated girl when mistaking snow for bomb, was not only the suffering of a single character in the story but of a number of real American people during the nuclear age in ... any boys in the world walking “lollingly in bare feet, beating tangled vines and bushes with long sticks” (Schorer, p.885), twitting each other in a swimming hole in the woods after playing truant ... what is happening and what is going to happen next or, moreover, the suspense of readers – a type of involvement of the readers in doubting and speculating the coming events of the story. II.1.3....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

49 785 1
Journal of Business Case Studies – November/December 2009  Volume 5, Number 6 13 An Apparel Brand‘s Channel Strategy: The Case of Oliver in Korea

Journal of Business Case Studies – November/December 2009 Volume 5, Number 6 13 An Apparel Brand‘s Channel Strategy: The Case of Oliver in Korea

... publications in Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Dr. Sungmin Ryu is an associate professor of school of business at Sungkyunkwan University. He specializes in the areas of channels of distribution, ... business-to-business marketing, and global supply chain management. He has publications in Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Organization Science, Journal of Business ... Growth Rate of Apparel Sales Source: Daishin Securities Co, Hana institute of finance It is indicated that the portion of infants and children‘s wear has been on the increase in Korea‘s...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 20:23

10 729 1
24,185 OUTLETS - The number of JApAN pOST BANk outlets in Japan docx

24,185 OUTLETS - The number of JApAN pOST BANk outlets in Japan docx

... deposits began to increase once again. In Japan, the ongoing trend toward a declining birthrate and an aging population is making it increasingly dif- cult to maintain the current public pension ... our investments to reduce interest rate risk. We have increased our investment in instru- ments other than Japanese Government Bonds in recent years. With careful risk screening, we have invested ... available in English as well as Japanese.) Internet Banking The Bank is continuously enhancing its service lineup. We o er Internet banking services through the website “Yucho Direct”. In January...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

8 377 0
Urban Battle Fields of South Asia - Lessons Learned from Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan pptx

Urban Battle Fields of South Asia - Lessons Learned from Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan pptx

... Punjab insurgency in the wake of the 1984 raid of militants housed in the sacred Sikh shrine, the Golden Temple. 5 Sri Lanka has been battling a fierce ethnic Tamil insurgency for decades. In the initial ... even during the periods of colonization under the Portuguese (beginning in 1505) and later under the Dutch (beginning in 1656). Rather, there were a number of fragmented Sinhalese Buddhist king- doms ... and high-intensity crime in the densely populated cities of Delhi and Mumbai. India has also faced an ongoing low-intensity conflict with militant elements in the Kashmiri city of Srinagar since...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20

174 393 0
Sri lanka the emerging wonder of asia mahinda Chintana Vision for the future pot

Sri lanka the emerging wonder of asia mahinda Chintana Vision for the future pot

... Planning ministrY of finanCe and Planning the DeVeLoPMent PoLiCY frAMeWorK GoVernMent of sri LAnKA 16  - The Emerging Wonder of Asia producers.SMEswillalsobeencouragedtoinvest in cultivation,providingnecessaryinputs(eg.land)and creatingaconduciveenvironmentforinvestment. Thus,theimport of theseitemswillbeconnedto meetonlythemarginalrequirements of theconsumers Crops ... by 2015 2020 Promotion of deepsea andoffshoreshing Increasemultiday shingeets No. of deepseamultiday boats(Nos) No. of boatmanufacturing yards No. of Fishinggearfactories 2934 29 6 5250 35 8 8000 45 11 Develop infrastructure facilities No. of modernizedmajor sheryharbours No. of activeiceplants (Nos) Marineshproduction (mt/yr) 8 75 296,000 13 85 625,000 18 100 1100,000 Reduction of post harvestlosses Introducebetter shhandling techniquesand modernlanding facilities. Postharvestlosses(%) Increasetheshare of skilled shhandlers(%) 30 10 15 50 5 100 Promotion of ornamentalsh, inlandsheriesand aquaculture Developinland sheries in reservoirs,tanks andponds Inlandshproduction (mt/yr) Production of ngerlings (million) Coverage of waterbodies withpropermanagement (%) No. of aquaculturecentres No. of ornamentalsh breedingandtraining centres(Nos) No. of newcagefarms 43,000 26 20 4 2 150 80,000 50 40 7 4 2000 130,000 80 80 10 6 5000 Enhancement of processingandvalue addition Increasesh processingzones andstorage capacitiesto reducetheimport of sh No. of shprocessingzones Share of storagecapacity Quantity of import(mt) - 30% 75,500 4 50% 40,000 9 80% 500 Expansion of foreign andlocalmarket Increasethequality of export Quantity of export(mt) ... 40,000   andthehoteltrade.Anyglut in productionduringthe seasonswillbeconvertedintoexportableitemsby modernizingthefruitprocessingindustry in thecountry. Vegetableandfruitpackingcrateswillbeintroducedto reducethepostharvestlossesbyasignicantamount.  Sri Lanka willberecognizedasone of thebest qualityproductioncentresfororicultureproducts in theworld. In cutowerproduction,highquality newhybridvarietiesimportedfromoverseaswillbe usedasmotherplantsanda number of nurserieswill bemodernizedwithtissuecultureapparatus.1,500 oriculturevillageswillbeestablished in theWestern, NorthWesternandCentralProvinces.30,000jobswill begenerated in ruralandsuburbanareas.Withthat, theshare of exports of cutowersandfoliagewill increasesignicantlyduringthedecade.  25,000hectares of herbalfarmswillbeestablished in theEasternandNorthernProvincesunderthe supervision of theMinistry of IndigenousMedicine. In addition,20,000hectares of landwillbenewly cultivatedwithginger,turmericandcitronella in Kilinochchi,Ampara,HambantotaandTrincomalee Districts.Approximately0.2millionhectares of lands willbecultivatedwithpulses,tubersandcereals countrywide.   TheGovernmentseedfarmsatKundasale, Aluththarama,Malwatta,Karadiyanaru,Kantalai, MahaIllupallama,Peedru,Kandapola,Meepilimana, Udaradella,Rahangala,Polonnaruwa,Paranthanand Jaffnawillbedevelopedwithmoderntechnology aimedatincreasingtheyield.Bufferstocks of certied seedswillbemaintainedensuringanuninterrupted supply of seeds. ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

318 361 0
Population Ageing, Elderly Welfare, and Extending Retirement Cover: The Case Study of Sri Lanka potx

Population Ageing, Elderly Welfare, and Extending Retirement Cover: The Case Study of Sri Lanka potx

... staff residing with employers, for example, would comprise a separate independent spending unit. The pooling of income by a spending unit is more accurate in determining the welfare of individual ... that, as individuals and societies age, savings rates decline as the relative share of individuals dis-saving in the population – principally to finance retirement – increases. If savings behaviour ... reference period of 6 months was used to smooth out fluctuations in income. Income is defined here to include that received in cash and in kind. 6 A detailed explanation of income sources and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

104 534 0
Estimating Inflation Expectations with a Limited Number of Inflation-Indexed Bonds ∗ doc

Estimating Inflation Expectations with a Limited Number of Inflation-Indexed Bonds ∗ doc

... measures of in ation expectations over the in ation targeting era. Given the complexity of the model and the limited number of in ation-indexed 138 International Journal of Central Banking June ... M  1,τ )μ 116 International Journal of Central Banking June 2012 2.2 Pricing In ation-Indexed Bonds in the Latent Factor Model We now derive the price of an in ation-indexed bond as a function of the ... value of its stream of coupons and its par value. In an in ation-indexed bond, the coupons are indexed to in ation so that the real value of the coupons and principal is preserved. In Australia, in ation-indexed...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

32 347 0
Cancer Research UK’s strategy 2009–2014: Cancer Research UK’s aim is to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. Our future plans are ambitious, but they are in line with the challenge and the responsibility we face. docx

Cancer Research UK’s strategy 2009–2014: Cancer Research UK’s aim is to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. Our future plans are ambitious, but they are in line with the challenge and the responsibility we face. docx

... future, pioneering the development and provision of relevant training in our Institutes and Centres and working in partnership where possible - Maintain our current investment in training schemes ... generation of scientists. We need to develop excellent schemes for training and career development, particularly in new and emerging areas of research. We have played a key role in training most of ... addressing the continuing regional variations in access to new drugs in the absence of NICE decisions. ã Ensure local action plans are developed to reduce waiting times by increasing capacity in...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21

32 397 0