... 2.2 Self ignition 2.2.1 Self ignition and gas-phase ignition Self ignition and piloted or auto-ignition of wood have totally different mechanism To research on the propensity of self ignition, ... ignition Self ignition occurs at relatively low temperatures (100 to 200 °C or even below) after a long period of heat generation [9] Self ignition is also called spontaneous ignition or spontaneous ... Technology Hong Kong, 2007 (Poster presentation) N Q A Hoang and M Y L Chew, "Propensity of low- temperature and anaerobic and aerobic wood chars to self ignition " in Fire and Material Conference...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:36
... traits and processes such as organ formation (e.g root or flower induction), (ii) systematic comparison of in vitro regeneration vs in vivo development, (iii) understanding genomic adaptation processes ... between 500 and 3000, moderate (M) – between 3000 and 5000, strong (S) – between 5000 and 10,000, very strong (VS) – more than 10,000 aCell colony stage on ZZ medium months after transformation bDifferentiation ... colonies showing baseline LUC activity (BLA) at room temperature after two months of transformation were discarded One month later, LUC activation patterns of the remaining cell colonies were monitored...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20
STM investigations of self assembled bismuth nanostructures and ultra fine gold nanparticles
... nanoribbons at Å Bi deposition, and (d) a line profile across several Bi ribbons 112 Fig 6.1 STM images of (a) 3D Au islands on clean MoS2 after Å deposition as reference islands, and ... (nanoribbons) and thin films on MoS2(0001) and STS study of electronic structures of Bi nanobelts on HOPG Other measurements such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and low- energy electron diffraction ... nano-technology On one hand, investigating the nanostructures of Bi can extend the understanding of self- assembly behavior and help to improve the synthesis method Moreover, new approaches for fabrication and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:16
tribology of organic self assembled monolayers (SAMs) and thin films on si surface
... component of friction arises from the plastic flow and fracture induced sub-surface deformation depending upon the polymer’s mechanical response under the contact conditions The ploughing component ... Satyanarayana, H C Chen and S K Sinha, “Influence of bonding type of selfassembled monolayers with silicon substrate on tribological properties”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Advanced ... bearing, and seals The invention of new characterization techniques such as SFA [Tabor and Winterton 1969 and Israelachvili and Tabor 1972] and AFM/LFM [Binnig et al 1986 and Mate et al 1987] and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 12:11
Ion beam bombardment induced self assembled nanopatterns fabrication and application
... the ECR ion beam source is given in Subsection 2.1.1, followed by description of important ion beam parameters and the construction of the ion beam system in Subsection 2.1.2 and Subsection 2.1.3 ... area self- assembled nanopatterns by ion beam bombardment and fabrication process optimization The fabrication of the self- assembled nanostructure and optimization for better uniformity and ordered ... Optimized ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ion beam parameters and processes have been performed on a home designed ion beam system in DSI for experimental demonstration of self- ordered nanodots...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 17:09
operator expectation values, self-energies, cutting rules, and higher-order processes
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:17
Effect of low temperature plasma on bacteria observed by repeated AFM imaging
Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2014, 20:33
báo cáo hóa học: "Effect of obesity and low back pain on spinal mobility: a cross sectional study in women" pptx
... deeper understanding of the relationship between obesity and cLBP and contribute to the identification of different subgroups as the standard deviation values seems to suggest [34] Conclusion Our data ... distribution, and then parametric (one-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc analysis LSD test) or non-parametric (Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA followed by Mann-Whitney U-test with Bonferroni correction) tests ... a non-invasive clinically useful technique for functional investigation in various spinal conditions and evaluation of effectiveness in rehabilitation Author details Orthopaedic Rehabilitation...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of low-temperature capping on the optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells" doc
... grown at different temperatures of 200, 350, 450, and 580°C one monolayer (ML) per second and As4 flux of × 10-5 Torr was used Only for the capping at 200°C, we used migration enhanced epitaxy ... morphological changes and interdiffusion 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Abbreviations ML: monolayer; PL: photoluminescence; RHEED: reflection high-energy electron diffraction; QDs: quantum dots; ... Liliental-Weber Z, Leon R, Rek ZU: Stoichiometryrelated defects in GaAs grown by molecular-beam epitaxy at low temperatures J Vac Sci Technol B 1989, 7:710 Look DC: On compensation and conductivity models...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Self-Assembled Local Artificial Substrates of GaAs on Si Substrate" docx
... and exposed surfaces, the well-defined shape and the low thermal budget requirements make these islands good candidates for the fabrication of LAS and the integration of III–V nanostructures on ... temperature and amount of supplied Ga The islands expose large portions of surface with a slope compatible with {111} and {113}, and the aspect ratio reaches 0.5 for larger islands The control on size, ... with diffraction vector [220] Right panel: (220) Bragg spot on diffraction pattern from a single island on sample A 123 size and reaches 0.5 for the larger islands, i.e when height and radius have...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
Fabrication of large area and precisely located nanostructures on silicon by interference lithography
... Scanning-electron-micrographs of (a) silicon nanowires, (b) silicon nanofins and (c) silicon nanowires with elliptical cross-sections, obtained through interference lithography with different conditions ... aligned silicon nanowire arrays on single-crystal silicon wafers has been reported [25]-[29] In this technique, metal particles were deposited on the silicon wafer, and then the silicon substrates ... to the low catalytic ability of the silicon surface for the reaction, the etching of silicon is slow in a HF–H2O2 solution However, etch rate of silicon becomes much faster when the reaction is...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:29
Development of lead free electroless nickel plating systems and metal thin films on silicone and nafion membranes
... anodes in PEMFC 183 7.4 Conclusion Chapter 185 Conclusions and Recommendations 187 8.1 Conclusions 187 8.2 Suggestions for the future work 189 viii 8.2.1 Application of environmental-friendly stabilizers ... methionine, as the stabilizer in ENP bath The relationship between nickel deposition rate and concentration of two amino acids was set up and the critical concentrations for cysteine and methionine ... three-way correlation between deposit properties, deposit structure and deposition conditions, for example, bath composition, concentration of different components, pH, temperature, agitation, etc Therefore...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:01
Báo cáo hóa học: " Self-assembled GaInNAs/GaAsN quantum dot lasers: solid source molecular beam epitaxy growth and high-temperature operation" pptx
... expectation to achieve the same long wavelength emission with relatively lower N content; an effect assisted by the wavelength extension ability of the strained 3D islands The high N content needed ... thickness on N composition show obvious fluctuations with respect to theoretical expectation In general, the critical thickness required for spontaneous SK island formation is inversely proportional ... GaInNAs deposition, the reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) pattern transformed from streaky to spotty characteristic, indicating initiation of the self- organized islanding process...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Novel a-conotoxins from Conus spurius and the a-conotoxin EI share high-affinity potentiation and low-affinity inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors doc
... been found in l-conotoxins, x-conotoxins, j-conotoxins, jA-conotoxins, aA-conotoxins, w-conotoxins, e-conotoxins, v-conotoxins, r-conotoxins, jM-conotoxins, d-conotoxins, and I-conotoxins [17] ... d-conotoxins, and lO-conotoxins; the M superfamily, containing l-conotoxins, w-conotoxins, and jM-conotoxins; the S superfamily, containing r-conotoxins and aS-conotoxins; the T superfamily, containing ... unambiguously defined 12 and 13 residues, respectively Low glutamine signals at positions 12 and 15 of SrIA and at position 15 of SrIB Fig Purification of SrIA and SrIB (A) Fractionation of the crude venom...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20
Morphology and growth mechanism study of self assembled silicon nanowires synthesized by thermal evaporation
... formation of a sucient amount of silicon atoms and/ or silicon oxide clusters in gas phase from the target powders of silicon or silicon oxide by laser ablation or high temperature evaporation A ... are nucleated on the surface of SiO matrix particles, followed by phase separation and successive silicon precipitation due to the disproportionation or oxidation± reduction reaction of amorphous ... vapor-phase silicon atoms and/ or silicon oxide clusters When the Ni(Fe)Si2 droplet reaches supersaturation after dissolving sucient silicon atoms from the gas phase, precipitation of silicon nanowires...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:06
Novel 2d self assembled arrays of siox nanowire bundles
... SEM observation and EDS analysis, an interweaved network was formed on the bottom of the selfassembled structures and a small amount of elemental Ga was detected in the spacing region on the substrate ... liquid Ga droplets on the substrate surface, consequently leading to a dense growth and self- assembly of SiOx nanowires Conclusions In summary, novel 2D ordered arrays self- assembled by SiOx nanowire ... spectroscopy (EDS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Hitachi H-800) and selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) For SEM observation, the products together with the silicon wafer were put into...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:11
hybrid metal oxide and multiwall carbon nanotube films for low temperature gas sensing
... sensor responsiveness heavily depends on the amount of MWCNTs dispersed on the metal oxide matrix Sensors based on TiO2 and carbon nanotubes (samples E and F) showed the lowest responsiveness ... on the other two metal oxides considered, since those employing MWCNTs functionalized at 100 W showed higher responses A typical response of a SnO2 and MWCNT sensor to successive concentrations ... Sensors based on WO3 and carbon nanotubes (samples C and D) showed some responsiveness towards NO2 Operated at room temperature, their responsiveness reached a value of 0.8 after the injection of 100...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:48
hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of self - assembled h - wo3
... magnification) and (c) h (lower magnification), and urchin-like structure synthesized at 180 ◦ C (d) h, and (e) h, and (f) the EDX spectrum of h-WO3 mation of highly self- assembled nanostructures, ... preparation of self- assembled tungsten oxide nanostructures In another approach, experiments have revealed that reactions carried out with ammonium tungstate and a NH4 + ion-based EDTA salt solution and ... bundles and urchin-like structures, requires a minimum reaction time to form a stable coordination complex with EDTA in aqueous solution It is clear that a strong ligand (EDTA) is not only needed...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:48
wo3 thin film sensor prepared by sol–gel technique and its low-temperature sensing properties to trimethylamine
... different concentrations Fig The relationship between the gas sensitivity and TMA concentration at 70◦ C NH3 , gasoline, C2 H5 OH, CH4 and CO at the same concentration of 1000 ppm and to water ... 1s peak, and (c) W 4f5/2 and W 4f7/2 peaks that the WO3 thin film can be used to detect TMA at low temperature Fig shows the relationship between the gas sensitivity and TMA concentrations at 70◦ ... operating temperature Fig shows the relationship between the gas sensitivity and the operating temperature of WO3 thin film sensor to TMA gas with various concentrations As shown in Fig 3, to 100 and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:12
nano science and technology - novel structures and phenomena - ping sheng & zikang tang - crc press - 2003
... Sample Silicon Nitride RIr (Cl 1,iticor`iiride f'f,.i?-y Silicon Nitride Rlf_ , i L Al A A1 A } +∎ Silicon Nitride Silicon Nitride Silicon Nitride Silica., Nil, ;.I e# Kil 44 h l iH Silicon -Nil ... to many different processes which now allow work on metal, semiconductor and insulator substrates and etching, growth and evaporation We have also made progress in registration and alignment of ... trillions of dots, holes, posts of semiconductors and metals are produced on conventional semiconductor wafers We describe the basic concept of the pattern formation and the technology of the transfer...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:48