Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 15:20
Water and Carbon
... Water and Carbon: The Chemical Basis of Life May 4, 2011 Solid ….ice! 고체…얼음 ወወወ Chất rắn JK LM/ *)&N 2%&@ O/&PI Q7R?)- SAA5I/ T>.)- . Liquid… water! 액체 U#V#"...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2013, 14:42
arsenic contamination in soils, water and plants
... 550 km. from Bangkok to the northeast of Thailand. For the purpose of preventive measure and land use management in near future, the samples of top soils, water and plants were collected from ... lands were engaged in farming and cropping plants such as corns, tapiocas, soybean, and rubber trees. Within sub-catchment area covering the gold mine and villages, there are many small waterways, ... contamination in soil and water. Gold mine Ban Na Nong Bong Ban Huai Phuk 1 Arsenic contamination in soils, water and plants surrounding gold mine in Thailand Thares Srisatit 1 ,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:21
... chromatography Surfactants Water pollution Spectrophotometry Tannin, Lignin Water quality, water pollution Spectrophotometry Vanadium Water quality, water pollution ICP Zinc Water quality, water pollution ... contaminants adsorption Oxygen Water quality Titration, electrochemical Oxygen demand Water quality and pollution Microbiological-titration (biochemical) (chemical) Water quality and pollution Chemical ... CITED 1. “ Data Quality,” Section 1030 in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th ed., Clesceri, Lenore, S., Arnold E. Greenberg, Andrew D. Eaton, and Mary Ann H. Franson, Eds.,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2013, 20:57
Water and energy sustainable management in irrigation systems network
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58
Assessment of source of air, water, and land pollution - Preface
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:20
Tài liệu Conditions of the surface water and ground water resources in the rural area of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam pptx
... an agricultural land use with farms, mainly cropping rice and fruits. Some of the farms maintain small animal husbandries and fishponds. Surface water, rain water and ground water are used for ... consists of middle to coarse sand. 3. Methods For the appraisal of the surface water and ground water resources water sampling and analyses regarding the chemical and microbiological conditions ... amount of suspended solids and hygieni- cally pollutants. 5. Conclusions and Outlook Regarding the ground water and the surface water quality the two study sites Hoa An and An Binh are typical...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Pollutants in urban waste water and sewage sludge doc
... arsenate), deodorants and cosmetics (as zinc chloride and zinc oxide), medicines and ointments (zinc chloride and oxide as astringent and antiseptic, zinc formate as antiseptic), paints and pigments (zinc ... 8 Pollutants in urban waste water and sewage sludge 2. Potentially Toxic Elements Pollutants in Urban Waste Water and Sewage Sludge 37 and it is suggested it may affect the solubility and mobility of other ... Urban Waste Water and Sewage Sludge 10 Figure 1.1: Sources of pollutants in wastewater [after Lester, 1987] A summary of the various inputs, outputs and pathways followed by water and associated contaminants...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Cleaner Water in China? The Implications of the Amendments to China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution pptx
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Run your car on water and gas double mileage! pdf
... requiringnaturalgasorpropaneasasourceofheat;therebysavingvaluable and diminishing naturalresources.Spaceheaters and furnacesareexcellentcandidates.Stoves and other cookingunitssuchasbarbecuegrillscanalsobefueledbythe water hybridsystem.Such applicationsrequireaseparatepowersupplytoconvertyourhomes120voltACpowerintothe 12voltDCpowerrequiredbythe water hybridsystem.Youcanpurchaseaninexpensivepower supplyatanyelectronicsstoresuchasRadioShack,or havesomeonefamiliarwithelectronics buildoneforyousincethedesignisverysimple.Thecostofhomeelectricityusedbythe water hybridsystemisinsignificant,probablylessthan$3permonthinmostcases. Isthe Water hybridsystemdifficulttobuild? No,the water hybridsystemisrelativelyeasytoassemble and veryeasytoinstall,especially comparedwithotherconversionplansonthemarket.Nospecialtoolsarerequired.Theusual tool and equipmentfoundinatypicalhomeworkshopwilldothejob.AssemblingtheHyTronic moduletoachieveitsinherenthighlevelofreliabilityrequirescare and attentiontodetails, alongwithaverageelectronicsskills.Theonlyspecialpieceoftestequipmentyoumaywantto haveaccesstouseisanoscilloscope.ItISNOTnecessary,butmayhelpyouobtainpeak efficiencyfromtheHyTronicsmodule.But,youshouldn’thaveanyproblemgettinghelpfroma localelectronicsguruifyoudon’thaveanoscilloscope.Mostfolksaresofascinatedbyunusual electronicsystems and devicesthattheywouldalmostbewillingtopayyoufortheprivilegeof tweakingyourHyTronicsmodule! CanIbuyareadytoinstall Water hybridsystem? Rightnow,thisspecific water hybridsystemisnotbeingcommerciallymanufactured,butthere arevariousdistributorsaroundthecountrywhoofferDIY(Doityourself)partsorfully assembledkitsutilizingsimilartechnologies and principles. Planningisintheinitialstagesforproducing Water hybridconversionkitsformost vehicles and eventuallymanufacturingtheentiresystem,oratleastitsmajorcomponents.We’re hopingtohavesomeprototypekitstestedsoon and deliveryofready‐to‐installkitsshould beginsometimebeforetheendof2008.However,you’llsoonbebuildingyourown! 23 RunaCaron Water 2. ... catorsCircuitschematicisdepictedbyfigure7.Twogauges and four lightemittingdiodes(LED’s)comprisetheIn‐DashIndicatorsassembly.TheGeneratorpressure (GENPRESS)gaugeconnectsviaahosetoitsrespectivefittingontheGeneratoritself(referto figure13).Thecylinderheadtemperature(CHT)gaugeelectricallyconnectstoasensorplaced underanenginesparkplug. WhentheGenerator water levelsensorisactivatedbylow water level,its12VDCsignalissent topin2ofdetectorLM741viaa10Kresistor.Detectoroutputfrompin6triggersthebaseof powertransistorE3055T,completingthecircuittoactivatethe water pump and illuminatethe “PUMPON”LED.The12VDCsensorsignalalsoilluminatesthe“GEN WATER LOW”LED.When Generator water risestoitsnormallevel,thelevelsensoropens;turningoffthepump and both LED’s. Whenthetank water levelsensorisactivatedbylow water level(at1/3tanklevel),its12VDC outputsignalilluminatesthe WATER LOW”LED.Afterrefueling(adding water) ,thelevel sensoropens,turningofftheLED. 3 RunaCaron Water Preface Thisbookpresentscompleteplans and detaileddescriptionssufficienttobuildaworkable water hybridsystemforyourfuel‐injectedorcarburetedmotorvehicle.Thetechnology containedhereinhasnotbeenpatented and hasbeenplacedinthepublicdomain. Thishasbeendoneinhopesofdiscouragingsuppressionofthisknowledgebut,evenmore importantly,toencouragetheopenflowofinformationrelatingto water hybrids.We encourageyoutohelpyourfriends and familywiththeirownconversionsonceyouhave graspedtheprinciples and techniquesyourself. WealsourgeyoutoexploretheFREEresourceswehaveprovidedtoyouonourdownload page,asthesemaygiveyouadditionalideas,particularlyifyouseekamorecustomsolutionor wanttoexploreadditionalwaystoaccomplishyour water hybridgoals. Ifyoudecidetobecomeinvolvedwithyourownconversionproject,orjustwanttooffer advise,anopinion,orconstructivecriticismonhowtoimprovetheseconcepts,pleasefeelfree tocontact,WilliamS.Power,thearchitectoftheoriginalplansthisbookisbasedon. Hewilldohisbesttogetbackwithyou,buthecan’tguaranteeaninstantresponse.Sometimes he’sawayfromtheofficeweeksatatime;testing and perfectingnewconcepts,orjustchasing downparts.Here’swhereyoucanwritehim: PowerProducts,7017NLinchfieldRd.#388,Glendale,AZ85307. Havefunwithyour water hybridproject, and happydriving! ... catorsCircuitschematicisdepictedbyfigure7.Twogauges and four lightemittingdiodes(LED’s)comprisetheIn‐DashIndicatorsassembly.TheGeneratorpressure (GENPRESS)gaugeconnectsviaahosetoitsrespectivefittingontheGeneratoritself(referto figure13).Thecylinderheadtemperature(CHT)gaugeelectricallyconnectstoasensorplaced underanenginesparkplug. WhentheGenerator water levelsensorisactivatedbylow water level,its12VDCsignalissent topin2ofdetectorLM741viaa10Kresistor.Detectoroutputfrompin6triggersthebaseof powertransistorE3055T,completingthecircuittoactivatethe water pump and illuminatethe “PUMPON”LED.The12VDCsensorsignalalsoilluminatesthe“GEN WATER LOW”LED.When Generator water risestoitsnormallevel,thelevelsensoropens;turningoffthepump and both LED’s. Whenthetank water levelsensorisactivatedbylow water level(at1/3tanklevel),its12VDC outputsignalilluminatesthe WATER LOW”LED.Afterrefueling(adding water) ,thelevel sensoropens,turningofftheLED. 3 RunaCaron Water Preface Thisbookpresentscompleteplans and detaileddescriptionssufficienttobuildaworkable water hybridsystemforyourfuel‐injectedorcarburetedmotorvehicle.Thetechnology containedhereinhasnotbeenpatented and hasbeenplacedinthepublicdomain. Thishasbeendoneinhopesofdiscouragingsuppressionofthisknowledgebut,evenmore importantly,toencouragetheopenflowofinformationrelatingto water hybrids.We encourageyoutohelpyourfriends and familywiththeirownconversionsonceyouhave graspedtheprinciples and techniquesyourself. WealsourgeyoutoexploretheFREEresourceswehaveprovidedtoyouonourdownload page,asthesemaygiveyouadditionalideas,particularlyifyouseekamorecustomsolutionor wanttoexploreadditionalwaystoaccomplishyour water hybridgoals. Ifyoudecidetobecomeinvolvedwithyourownconversionproject,orjustwanttooffer advise,anopinion,orconstructivecriticismonhowtoimprovetheseconcepts,pleasefeelfree tocontact,WilliamS.Power,thearchitectoftheoriginalplansthisbookisbasedon. Hewilldohisbesttogetbackwithyou,buthecan’tguaranteeaninstantresponse.Sometimes he’sawayfromtheofficeweeksatatime;testing and perfectingnewconcepts,orjustchasing downparts.Here’swhereyoucanwritehim: PowerProducts,7017NLinchfieldRd.#388,Glendale,AZ85307. Havefunwithyour water hybridproject, and happydriving! ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Plant physiology - Chapter 3 Water and Plant Cells docx
... about 0.2 MPa. The water pressure in home plumbing is typically 0.2–0.3 MPa. The water pressure under 15 feet (5 m) of water is about 0.05 MPa. Transport and Translocation of Water and Solutes UNIT I
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu fishery and utilisation of mesopelagic fishes and krill in the north atlantic potx
Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 12:20
Water and Nature pot
... relatively still fresh or salt water of considerable size, localized in a basin that is surrounded by land. Lakes are inland and not part of the ocean, and are larger and deeper than ponds. Lakes ... sources are evaporation from the lake, surface and groundwater flows, and any extraction of lake water by humans. As climate conditions and human water requirements vary, these will create fluctuations ... of water on Mars and Earth The evolution of water (H 2 O) on either planet needs be understood in the context of the other terrestrial planetary bodies and their current water status. Water...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 11:21
Ground Water and Surface Water A Single Resource-U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1139 pot
... between water and chemically reactive geologic materials. CHEMICAL INTERACTIONS OF GROUND WATER AND SURFACE WATER IN STREAMS, LAKES, AND WETLANDS Ground -water chemistry and surface -water chemistry ... Ground Water and Surface Water in Different Landscapes Ground water is present in virtually all landscapes. The interaction of ground water with surface water depends on the physiographic and ... common water- resource issues where under- standing the interconnections of ground water and surface water is fundamental to develop- ment of effective water- resource management and policy. WATER...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21
Environment and Heritage Service Water Pollution Incidents and Enforcement 2004 doc
... coastal waters and groundwaters. Groundwaters are vulnerable from, and affected by, leaching of pollutants from the land surface and from areas of contaminated land, while surface waters are ... duty to conserve, protect and where possible improve both the freshwater and marine aquatic environment in Northern Ireland.Under the terms of the Water (Northern Ireland) Order 1999, it is an ... current and past land use in both agricultural and urban environments. It can also include atmospheric deposition. Diffuse water pollution is mainly related to the way we use and manage land and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20
... dropped, making it more and more costly to catch fewer and fewer fish. “Fished out” local waters and upwardly spiraling fuel costs are what drove the Andrea Gail further and further from Gloucester. ... a swordfish fishery, and in the 1900s a trawl fishery, which replaced the hook -and- line fishery. The 1950s and 1960s were highly productive throughout the Northwest Atlantic, and the cod catch, for ... they were fished vigor- ously with longlines by fishers from New England and Nova Scotia. A Brief History of the North Atlantic and its Resources 15 N006_Pauly_Ch_1 10/22/02 2:18 PM Page 15 Figure...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:21
... number for reporting all environmental incidents relating to air, land and water in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. ENVIRONMENT & HERITAGE SERVICE SCOTTISH ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ... techniques available to prevent and mitigate damage to the water environment caused by fires and major spillages. They are jointly produced by the Environment Agency for England and Wales, the Scottish ... occur. b. Most industrial and commercial sites have the potential to cause significant environmental harm and to threaten water supplies and public health. Spillages of chemicals and oil are obvious...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20