node js testing with jasmine

Tài liệu Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB, and Node.js pdf

Tài liệu Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB, and Node.js pdf

... 3: CouchDB Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB, and Node. js Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB, and Node. js Mick Thompson Beijing ã Cambridge ã Farnham ã Kửln ã Sebastopol ã Tokyo ... gives a clean way to accomplish parallel tasks. Getting Started with Node. js | 3 Displaying the Data Using Node. js Since the points are now being returned, and a bounds can be ... the shapefile data to GeoJSON. hostname $ ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" 110_lakes.json 110m_lakes/110m_lakes.shp In this command, the format is specified by -f “GeoJSON”. To see a list of available formats,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

66 2,2K 1
CoffeeScript Programming with jQuery, Rails, and Node.js potx

CoffeeScript Programming with jQuery, Rails, and Node.js potx

... not without its many warts. Table of Contents [ iv ] Chapter 5: CoffeeScript and Node. js 95 Node is event-driven 95 Node is fast and scalable 96 Node is not Rails 96 Node ... browser. Node. js, or just Node, is a JavaScript framework designed for writing network-server applications. It's built using Google's V8, an engine that can run JavaScript without a ... PHP, Python, Django, Node. js, and Rails. He currently writes a Ruby and Rails blog at and a CoffeeScript blog at He lives with his wife, Sarah,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21

140 875 2
node js

node js

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2013, 09:20

4 1,2K 23
Tài liệu Simple Java Unit Testing with JUnit 4 and Netbeans 6.1 doc

Tài liệu Simple Java Unit Testing with JUnit 4 and Netbeans 6.1 doc

... (PHP) ◦ Nunit(.NET) Simple Java Unit Testing with Simple Java Unit Testing with JUnit 4 and Netbeans 6.1 JUnit 4 and Netbeans 6.1 Kiki Ahmadi JUG-Bonek Unit Testing Unit Testing  Assign the variable ... Unit Testing in Java Unit Testing in Java  2 most used testing framework in java ◦ Junit ◦ TestNG  This time we used Junit because its embedded in netbeans 6.1. What is Unit Testing What ... used Junit because its embedded in netbeans 6.1. What is Unit Testing What is Unit Testing  Method of testing that verifies the individual units of the code is working properly (Wikipedia).  Test...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 14:20

16 1,6K 12
Tài liệu Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby doc

Tài liệu Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby doc

... here. TESTING FOR FUN AND PROFIT 11 Most answers to that question boil down to “fun” or “profit.” Take, for instance, this quote: Testing is the process of executing a p rogram with the intent ... on this topic, and every other testing book seems to open with the same stats on how many bajillion dollars we’re losing this year. How about this one? The purpose of testing is to make quality visible. 2 This ... and run it with the spe c executable, like this: C:\> spec format specdoc note_spec.rb The main window - launches with a welcome message (PENDING: Not Yet Implemen ted) - exits without a prompt...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 10:20

182 1,7K 0
ProfessionalSoftware Testing with Visual Studio 2005 Team System ppt

ProfessionalSoftware Testing with Visual Studio 2005 Team System ppt

... Page xviii Contents Chapter 3: Unit Testing with VSTEST and VSTESD 41 Overview of Unit Testing 41 Why Unit Test? 41 Approaches to Unit Testing 42 What Unique Unit Testing Features Do VSTEST and VSTESD ... 57 Advanced Unit Testing 58 MSTest Command-Line Tools 60 Unit Test Life Time 65 ASP.NET 69 Data-Driven Testing 69 Test Context 72 Summary 72 Chapter 4: Testing the Database 73 Database Testing Is Different ... computer, load testing has become a much more significant part of the software life cycle. This combined with the primary platform these days being a web-based one, web testing and load testing are...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

405 559 0
Đề Tài : Tìm hiểu về node.js doc

Đề Tài : Tìm hiểu về node.js doc

... triển Node. js chủ yếu tập trung ở hai nhóm google : nodejs và nodejs-dev, một kênh IRC là #node. js trên mạng freenode. Có một hội thảo về Node. js là NodeConf được tổ chức thường niên. Hiện nay Node. js ... 22 6. Đọc thêm Nodejs Docs. 29 IV. Các ứng dụng được xây dựng trên nền Node. js 29 1. Ứng dụng đầu tiên 29 2. HTTP Server 29 3. Xử lý các tham số URL 30 4. Đọc và viết file 31 5. Nodejs với mysql ... lên thì PHP chạy chậm hơn rất nhiều trong khi Node. js có tốc độ đáng kinh ngạc. Sau tất cả thao tác, PHP chậm hơn 93% so với Node. js. 3. Module Node. js sử dụng một kiến trúc mô-đun để đơn giản...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

41 2,6K 37
Continuous Testing with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript potx

Continuous Testing with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript potx

... Continuous Testing? • 2 much of a sin as adding too few, there is certainly an optimal amount of testing that ensures correctness without crossing into overspecifying our system with ... our tests that can be improved with continuous testing. As we examine these four attributes in depth, think about problems you’ve had with tests in the past and whether testing continuously would ... second discusses the application of continuous testing in a Rails environment. A good portion of the second part is devoted to continuous testing with JavaScript, a topic we believe deserves particular attention. In...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21

162 704 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Grammar Prototyping and Testing with the LinGO Grammar Matrix Customization System" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Grammar Prototyping and Testing with the LinGO Grammar Matrix Customization System" pot

... conse- quences of different linguistic analyses within the platform. We anticipate that it will, as a result, en- courage users to develop more complex grammars within the customization system (before ... encoding a predicate string, a label, and one or more argument positions that can be filled with variables or with labels of other elementary predications. 6 Each variable can fur- ther bear features ... stored predicate strings with ones selected from among those provided by the user. Figure 1a shows an MRS produced by a grammar fragment for English. Figure 1b shows the MRS with the variable properties...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

6 564 0
Professional Node.js: Building Javascript Based Scalable Software potx

Professional Node.js: Building Javascript Based Scalable Software potx

... book covers Node. js v0.8, Express .js v2.5, 0.9, Node- mysql v0.9, Nano v3.1, and Mongoose v2.7. HOW THIS BOOK IS STRUCTURED The book starts with setting up and introducing Node. js. It then ... explained, all complemented with practical examples. After covering core Node concepts, the book continues with some best practices for developing applications with Node. js, such as testing modules, debugging ... INSTALLING NODE Running Node Now you are ready to start using Node. First you can simply experiment running Node as a command-line interface (CLI). For that you need only to call the Node executable with...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

412 5,9K 0
Node.js for PHP Developers: Porting PHP to Node.js ppt

Node.js for PHP Developers: Porting PHP to Node.js ppt

... and since Node. js is Java‐ Script, it supports Node. js. But because the .njs file extension is nonstandard, Eclipse PDT does not recognize a .njs file as a Node. js file. So if a .njs file (e.g., ... argument, the name of your main Node. js source file. For example: node hello .js The node executable will interpret the Node. js code within the source file (hello .js in this case), execute the code, ... instead of using the hello .js file given earlier, I would use hello.njs: node hello.njs The remainder of this book will use the .njs extension for Node. js files. A simple hello.njs looks like: console.log('Hello...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

286 818 1
Continuous Testing with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript doc

Continuous Testing with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript doc

... first place. 1.4 Continuous Testing and Continuous Integration You might be familiar with the practice of continuous integration (CI) and wonder how it fits with continuous testing. We view them as ... our tests that can be improved with continuous testing. As we examine these four attributes in depth, think about problems you’ve had with tests in the past and whether testing continuously would ... What Is Continuous Testing? To accomplish this goal, we use a combination of tools and techniques we collectively refer to as continuous testing, or simply CT. A continuous testing environment...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 18:20

162 1,4K 0
Web Services Testing with soapUI ppt

Web Services Testing with soapUI ppt

... Performance Testing with soapUI 99 Non-functional testing of web services 100 Performance testing 101 Planning for web service performance testing 102 Using soapUI for performance testing 103 Working with ... Getting started with REST Testing. Web Services Testing with soapUI Build high quality service-oriented solutions by learning easy and efcient web services testing with this ... provides agility to testing processes. We can identify a set of common approaches for testing web services as follows: ã Unit testing ã Functional testing of web services ã Integration testing of web...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 07:20

332 7,1K 5
Dispensing Equipment Testing With Mid-Level Ethanol/Gasoline Test Fluid docx

Dispensing Equipment Testing With Mid-Level Ethanol/Gasoline Test Fluid docx

... pieces of used subassemblies completed the testing with fully compliant results. In all cases, if legacy dispensers were to be exposed to fuel blends with higher ethanol content, effective supervision, ... same compatibility with different fuel compositions. This program systematically evaluated the response of fuel dispensing equipment to exposure to ethanol/gasoline fuels with higher ethanol ... such as leakage during the testing that was able to be performed as a part of this research program. b Includes swivels integral to hose assemblies. For equipment with noncompliant test results,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:20

29 397 1
Web penetration testing with kali linux

Web penetration testing with kali linux

... equaling less cost for Penetration Testing services. An internal security group usually performs white box testing. Gray box testing falls in between Black and White box testing. It is when the client ... associated with each method used to compromise a target prior to executing the attack to level set expectations. This is also one of the reasons we recommend targeted Penetration Testing with a ... than systems. Examples are interviewing for a position within the organization and walking out a week later with sensitive data offered without resistance. This type of deliverable may not be...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:37

342 3,8K 1

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