ngày soạn 22 8 2010 tiết thứ 7

Fast lane to python ebook

Fast lane to python ebook

... 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.10101010101 0.2 0.2 083 33333333 0.3 0.329 670 329 67 0.4 0. 476 190 476 19 0.5 0.6666666666 67 0.6 0.9 375 0 .7 1. 372 54901961 0 .8 2 .222 2222 2222 0.9 4 .73 684 210526 1.1.2 Python Lists How does ... 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.10101010101 0.2 0.2 083 33333333 0.3 0.329 670 329 67 0.4 0. 476 190 476 19 0.5 0.6666666666 67 0.6 0.9 375 0 .7 1. 372 54901961 0 .8 2 .222 2222 2222 0.9 4 .73 684 210526 >>> Here I started Python, ... return float(sum(tmp))/len(tmp) 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 def main(): infile = open(sys.argv[1]) nq = int(sys.argv[2]) nqd = int(sys.argv[3])...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2014, 21:00

167 574 0
Japan''s Built-in Lexicon of English-based Loanwords

Japan''s Built-in Lexicon of English-based Loanwords

... Title PL664.E5D 38 20 08 495.6'2421–dc22 20 070 29 78 8 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue entry for this book is available from the British Library ISBN-13: 9 78 - 1 -84 76 9-030-2 (hbk) ... gairaigo came from English and in 1964, 80 .8% (Shibatani, 1990); in 19 68, 87 % (Seward, 19 68) ; and by 1 975 about 90% (Yazaki, 1 975 ; cited in Kimura, 1 989 ) The recent explosion of konpyuuta tekunorojii ... terrorism kilo- television dollar (11, 584 ) (73 78 ) (61 07) (5114) roshia ajia washinton afuganisutan Russia Asia Washington Afghanistan (5326) (4 070 ) ( 385 5) ( 380 5) tariban busshu binradin usama Taliban...

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2015, 17:45

193 403 0
Báo cáo y học: "Parvovirus B19 Genotype Specific Amino Acid Substitution in NS1 Reduces the Protein’s Cytotoxicity in Culture"

Báo cáo y học: "Parvovirus B19 Genotype Specific Amino Acid Substitution in NS1 Reduces the Protein’s Cytotoxicity in Culture"

... Virol 1994; 68: 8443-6 Munakata Y., Saito-Ito T, Kumura-Ishii K, Huang J, Kodera T, Ishii T, Hirabayashi Y, Koyanagi Y, Sasaki T Ku80 autoantigen 1 18 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ... transplantation for fulminant liver failure Hepatology 1994; 20 :81 3 -8 Int J Med Sci 2010, 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Corcioli F., Zakrzewska K, Rinieri A, ... J Virol 2004; 78 : 77 75 -83 Poole B.D., Zhou J, Grote A, Schiffenbauer A, Naides SJ Apoptosis of liver-derived cells induced by parvovirus B19 nonstructural protein J Virol 2006; 80 :4114-21 Rauschenfels...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:32

10 554 0
Jane Austen’s Romaticism in Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen’s Romaticism in Pride and Prejudice

... (James Edward, 1 985 : 231) As a teenager, Jane Austen showed wit and liveliness in her writing and her stories were shared by all her family and her earliest writing dates from about 1 78 7 During the ... fiction marks the transition in English literature from 18th century neo-classicism to 19th century romanticism She was born on 16 December 177 5, at the rectory in the village of Steventon, near ... Tragically, there was then no cure and Jane died in her sister’s arms in the early hours of 18 July 181 7 She was 41 years old She was buried in Winchester cathedral Summary the novel Pride and Prejudice...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 21:34

10 445 1
EDUS39 600 f3 FXSQ m concealed built in

EDUS39 600 f3 FXSQ m concealed built in

... 14.2 18. 9 18. 9 18. 9 18. 9 18. 9 18. 9 18. 9 18. 9 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 28. 4 28. 4 28. 4 28. 4 28. 4 28. 4 28. 4 28. 4 37. 9 37. 9 37. 9 37. 9 37. 9 37. 9 37. 9 37. 9 7. 4 7. 4 7. 4 7. 4 7. 4 7. 4 7. 4 7. 4 ... 53.1 53.1 53.1 52 .7 51 .8 50.9 50.0 49.1 8. 8 8. 8 8. 8 8. 8 8. 8 8. 8 8. 7 8. 6 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.1 13.1 18. 0 18. 0 18. 0 17. 9 17. 9 17 .8 17 .8 17. 7 21 .7 21 .7 21 .7 21 .7 21 .7 21.6 21.6 21.6 26.1 ... 19 .7 19 .7 19 .7 19 .7 19 .7 19 .7 19 .7 19 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 23 .7 31 .7 31 .7 31 .7 31 .7 31 .7 31 .7 31 .7 31 .7 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 18. 0 18. 0 18. 0 18. 0 18. 0 18. 0 18. 0...

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2013, 18:22

41 396 0
A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

... - Translation by omission - Translate by illustration 2.2.2 Translation methods Newmark (1 988 b) [ 18, p81] mentions the difference between translation methods and translation procedures He writes ... semantic strategies Strategy Tokens Percentage Translation by using omission 83 48. 5% Translation by using a more neutral/less 37 21.6% expressive word Translation by using a more general word 19 11.1% ... syntactic strategies Strategy Tokens Percentage Structural-shifts 17 22% Class-shifts 39 51% Unit-shifts 0% Intra-system-shifts 21 27% The table above indicates the frequency order of the strategies...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 710 1
Tài liệu Alternate Data Streams – What’s Hiding in Your Windows NTFS? pdf

Tài liệu Alternate Data Streams – What’s Hiding in Your Windows NTFS? pdf

... it appears to create the thumbnail as an ADS These files have names similar to {4c8cc155-6c1e-11d18e41-00c04fb9 386 d} Very informative, as you can see Note that we are not certain that this is the ... copy, we a dir command and see that the date-time stamp on calc-ads.exe is 08/ 04/2004 03:00 AM and the size is 114, 688 bytes We then the type command to place the notepad.exe executable behind ... of calc-ads.exe has changed to 05/26/2005 06: 17 PM Note that it now shows the time we created the ADS; however, the file size is unchanged at 114, 688 bytes Copyright ©2006 NetIP, Inc All rights...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15

10 586 0
Tài liệu It’s All in a Day’s Work docx

Tài liệu It’s All in a Day’s Work docx

... 0 070 0 080 0090 00a0 00 00 01 ff 70 78 63 65 69 72 64 05 95 03 ff 65 2d 6f 6e 6e 64 6d 5d da 09 84 3a 77 64 67 3d 3d 3d 4a 6c 73 c7 20 77 65 74 74 72 a2 40 1f 00 61 77 64 68 65 65 32 00 90 00 70 ... 3a 73 74 00 80 60 43 70 66 0a 20 74 73 02 06 87 6f 6c 6f 43 33 65 65 3f 9b bd 6e 69 72 6f 38 72 74 23 b6 99 74 63 6d 6e 0d 26 26 6a c0 fe 65 61 2d 74 0a 70 53 6d a8 0a 6e 74 75 65 0d 61 51 08 ... MD5 value of 6a26f5 488 31e6a8c26bfbbd9f6ec61e0, while the word help has a digest of 657f8b8da628ef83cf69101b 681 71 50a HELP and the word is turned into 4fc963e213bba36 277 8f5c 175 eb4d5ff This makes...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 02:15

66 587 0
A study on second   year student's difficulties in reading esp materials at automobile technology departement in vietnam korea technical college

A study on second year student's difficulties in reading esp materials at automobile technology departement in vietnam korea technical college

... difficulties 54 3 .7. 3 Causes of difficulties 55 3 .7. 3.1 The reading materials 56 3 .7. 3.2 The teachers 57 3 .7. 3.3 The students 58 3 .7. 4 The students’ expectation in terms of materials 59 3 .7. 5 The students’ ... specialized texts 75 4.5 Summary 75 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 77 5.1 Summary of the findings 77 5.2 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further study 78 REFERENCES 79 APPENDICES APPENDIX A (Questionnaire ... specialist background knowledge 37 2.6 Summary 37 CHAPTER III: THE STUDY 38 3.1 Research questions 38 3.2 The context of the study 38 18 3.2.1 The institution 38 3.2.2.The students 39 3.2.3 The...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

101 637 0
Motivating student's interest in english listening lessons at thai hoa high school

Motivating student's interest in english listening lessons at thai hoa high school

... 67 4.1.4 Suggested Extra Activities 70 4.2 Suggestions for Students to Learn English Listening Skill Effectively 70 4.3 Recommendations 72 CHAPTER 80 CONCLUSION ... CONCLUSION 80 5.1 Summary .80 5.2 Limitations of the Study 82 5.3 Suggestions for Further Study 83 REFERENCES 84 APPENDIX ... 26 Pre-listening .26 While-listening 27 Post-listening 28 2.3 Listening Activities at Thai Hoa High School in the Author’s View .29 CHAPTER...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:46

105 726 1
Tài liệu Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference pdf

Tài liệu Oracle Developer Built-in Package Reference pdf


Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16

134 489 1
Tài liệu Built-In Object Classes ppt

Tài liệu Built-In Object Classes ppt

... object: var mySocket:XMLSocket = new XMLSocket(); mySocket.connect("", 80 80); This script creates a new instance of the XMLSocket class and opens up a connection with a ... you to be informed of when the asset has finished loading NOTE This class will be used in Lesson 18, "Loading External Assets." NetConnection Class (Instances) The NetConnection class is used together ... Video (FLV) files NOTE You will see more on the NetConnection and NetStream classes in Lesson 18, "Loading External Assets." Number Class (Top-Level) You can create a Number class instance by...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:17

15 316 0
Tài liệu Alternate Data Streams – What’s Hiding in Your Windows NTFS? doc

Tài liệu Alternate Data Streams – What’s Hiding in Your Windows NTFS? doc

... it appears to create the thumbnail as an ADS These files have names similar to {4c8cc155-6c1e-11d18e41-00c04fb9 386 d} Very informative, as you can see Note that we are not certain that this is the ... copy, we a dir command and see that the date-time stamp on calc-ads.exe is 08/ 04/2004 03:00 AM and the size is 114, 688 bytes We then the type command to place the notepad.exe executable behind ... of calc-ads.exe has changed to 05/26/2005 06: 17 PM Note that it now shows the time we created the ADS; however, the file size is unchanged at 114, 688 bytes Copyright ©2006 NetIP, Inc All rights...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20

10 540 0
Tài liệu It''''s Happening in the Hub pdf

Tài liệu It''''s Happening in the Hub pdf

... Website: From North America, Call Toll Free: 1 -80 0-366- 389 1 • Outside of North America: +1-952-9 38- 8 080 Fax: +1-952-9 17- 32 37 • For a listing of ADC’s global sales office locations, ... be covered by one or more U.S or foreign patents An Equal Opportunity Employer 105057AE 8/ 07 Original © 20 07 ADC Telecommunications, Inc All Rights Reserved ... downstream from the FDH FDH enclosures support a range of termination field sizes (144-, 216-, 432-, 576 -, 81 6- or 1152-terminations) The termination field provides easy access to both sides of the adapter...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 11:20

8 424 0
Tài liệu It’s All in a Day’s Work ppt

Tài liệu It’s All in a Day’s Work ppt

... 0 070 0 080 0090 00a0 00 00 01 ff 70 78 63 65 69 72 64 05 95 03 ff 65 2d 6f 6e 6e 64 6d 5d da 09 84 3a 77 64 67 3d 3d 3d 4a 6c 73 c7 20 77 65 74 74 72 a2 40 1f 00 61 77 64 68 65 65 32 00 90 00 70 ... 3a 73 74 00 80 60 43 70 66 0a 20 74 73 02 06 87 6f 6c 6f 43 33 65 65 3f 9b bd 6e 69 72 6f 38 72 74 23 b6 99 74 63 6d 6e 0d 26 26 6a c0 fe 65 61 2d 74 0a 70 53 6d a8 0a 6e 74 75 65 0d 61 51 08 ... MD5 value of 6a26f5 488 31e6a8c26bfbbd9f6ec61e0, while the word help has a digest of 657f8b8da628ef83cf69101b 681 71 50a HELP and the word is turned into 4fc963e213bba36 277 8f5c 175 eb4d5ff This makes...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 18:20

66 649 0
Tài liệu Healthgrades 2012 Trends in Women’s Health in American Hospitals  pptx

Tài liệu Healthgrades 2012 Trends in Women’s Health in American Hospitals  pptx

... 33 .8%   Maryland  33.6%  Massachusetts  32.4%  California  32.2%  Pennsylvania   31.5%  North Carolina  31.0%  Rhode Island  30.6%  Washington  29 .8%   Oregon  29.5%  Arizona  28. 7%   Iowa  28. 7%   ... New Jersey 2010 as in 2009.   Florida   0% 5  © Copyright 2012 Health Grades, Inc. All rights reserved.     10% 20% 30% 40%     % C‐section  Florida  38. 3%  New Jersey  37 .8%   Texas  35 .7%   Virginia  ... compared to vaginal deliveries  Massachusetts ( 38. 3%,  37 .8%  and 35 .7%   Maryland respectively). States with the  New York lowest rate of C‐section  Nevada deliveries were Utah, Wisconsin  and Colorado  (22. 2%, 25.1% and  Virginia...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

37 390 0