new insight into ielts 3

new insight into ielts

new insight into ielts

... posters 23 (your / your own) progress 24 (real) patient 25 key terms 26 case studies 27 study questions 28 D 29 E 30 C 31 G 32 A 33 F 34 B 35 C 36 A 37 alarm bells 38 dial locks 39 ... Questions 32 36 Look at the following features (Questions 32 36 ) and the list of languages below. Match each feature with the correct language, A–E. Write the correct letter, A–E, in boxes 32 36 on ... sheet. 32 the importance of the relative age of speakers 33 the use of adjectives to distinguish the names of objects or things 34 a need to use some numbers with the correct gender 35 a relationship...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 06:43

38 2,2K 17
Insight into IELTS

Insight into IELTS

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 13:35

194 1,9K 19
Insight into IELTS part 1

Insight into IELTS part 1

... FOR? Insight into IELTS has been designed as a course book for an IELTS preparation course. However, it is equally appropriate as a self-study resource book for students wishing to improve their IELTS ... to understand? IELTS Section 3 task - note completion and labelling a diagram UNIT 7 Being aware of stress, rhythm 25 and intonation How do intonation and word stress help us to understand? IELTS ... sub-headings Paragraphs UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 UNIT 7 UNIT 8 UNIT 9 Skimming/scanning for specific information and detail 28 29 33 Short-answer questions IELTS task - labelling a diagram IELTS task ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 22:15

15 636 2
Insight into IELTS

Insight into IELTS

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 23:17

194 855 12
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 2 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 2 pptx

... as you come to the end of the whole number. 5849 37 14 *612 99 83 4721 *012 23 460278 *33 76 49 52 98 *0412 6 136 12 Speakers normally use an upward intonation if they have more to add and let their voice ... Supplementary activity on page 109. Listening UNIT 6 EXTRACT 2 IELTS Listening Section 3 Note completion and labelling a diagram IELTS Section 3 Listening takes the form of a conversation between two ... done for you as an example. Listening UNIT 7 EXTRACT 3 IELTS Listening Section 4 Table/flow chart completion and multiple choice Questions 1 -3 Complete the table below using NO MORE THAN THREE...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 667 7
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 3 doc

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 3 doc

... UNIT 3 IELTS Reading Questions 10- 13 Complete the notes below. Choose ONE OR TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 10- 13 on your answer sheet. For further IELTS ... Reading UNIT4 Writers make use of paragraphing to divide a text into manageable sections for the reader. A new paragraph usually introduces a new point, theme or angle to the text and as a reader you ... addition to house 1.5 million books - an average cost of $30 per volume. The price of disk storage, in contrast, has fallen to about $2 per 30 0-page publication and continues to drop. From "Going...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 1,9K 5
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 4 pptx

... boy. I knew if I were to live to be a man, I would have to find some protection against my grandmother. IELTS Reading Read the following extract from a book review and answer Questions 11- 13. Astonishing ... life of the antibiotics. Reading UNIT 4 D The wind farm is connected to the power station by a 33 -kilovolt powerline, and a radio link between the two allows operators to monitor and control ... passage. Prehistoric insects spawn new drugs by Steve Connor, Science Correspondent A Insects entombed in fossilised amber for tens of millions of years have provided the key to creating a new generation of antibiotic...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 1,9K 9

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