new headway intermediate test book pdf

New headway intermediate student book

New headway intermediate student book

... WRITING Books and films Work in groups Do you have a favourite book or film? Why do you like it? Tell your group Look at the list of books and films Which do you know? Which are both book and ... Information gap ~‘An amazing thing happened!’ p25 Describing a book or a film you like p28 Books and films ~ people talk about their favourite books and films p28 A narrative (1) p106 ‘A world guide ... eat p50 Discussion ~ restaurants, cities and people you know p52 New York and London — ‘An English couple talks about living in New York; an American gives his impressions of living in London

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2017, 12:44

159 512 0
New headway inter test book

New headway inter test book

... • 12 Unit Tests Each Unit Test revises the corresponding unit in New Headway English Course Intermediate Student’s Book. • Progress Tests Progress Test revises Units 1–4 Progress Test revises ... , Headway adway Intermediate , mediate , and Headw des a comprehensive series for the g e Hea New Headway Intermediate Tests Oxford University Press (2)2 Note to the teacher This Booklet ... (1)New Headway Intermediate Tests orkbook with further onsolidation exercises and writing tasks, a traditional methods

Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2021, 19:10

47 6 0
oxford new headway intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

oxford new headway intermediate teacher039s book 4th edition

... today’s ELT course books New Headway Intermediate is the first of the now six-level Headway, from Beginner to Advanced, to be in its fourth edition Why a fourth edition of New Headway Intermediate? ... accompany the Student’s Book Grammar Reference With answers • Complete tests, with answers and audio: – Entry test revising key grammar from Headway Pre-Intermediate. – Unit tests 1–12, in two ... chosen to scrutinize every aspect of Headway Intermediate in its previous three editions, and write this brand new fourth edition The intermediate level The intermediate level is an interesting

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

160 1 0
New headway advanced test book advanced teacher's book new english course amanda maris

New headway advanced test book advanced teacher's book new english course amanda maris

... Progress test 2 153 Writing 112 PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIALS Photocopiable materials and Extra ideas Units 1-12 119 Progress tests 151 Trang 5 Description of the course The aims of New Headway Advanced ... acquire new vocabulary, but by and large they manage to avoid grammatical areas they are unsure of By a process of circumlocution, they can restrict themselves to tried and tested phrases In New Headway ... Peruvians ‘Spanish ‘iceland Ice landic an 'Icelander the ‘Icelanders lce landic New ‘Zealand New ‘Zealand a New ‘Zealander the New ‘Zealanders ‘English Afghani stan Af ghani an 'Afghan the 'Afghans Farsi,

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2013, 20:21

159 1,9K 3
New headway intermediate 2nd edition teacher book

New headway intermediate 2nd edition teacher book

... test answer keys Trang 5 Introduction Contents of New Headway Intermediate The original Headway Intermediate was the first coursebook we wrote in the series, and inevitably we learned ... of both the Student’s Book and the Workbook for ease of reference There is also systematic pronunciation work in every unit of the Workbook This is a new feature at the intermediate level, although ... activity on SB page 9 Introduction to the unit As you begin New Headway Intermediate, you are ly starting a new course with a new group of s If so, your most important aim is that everyone

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 08:21

169 318 1
New headway intermediate 3rd edition teacher resource book

New headway intermediate 3rd edition teacher resource book

... asnecessary Intermediate Resource Book NewHeadway smoked film salmon director dining room football pitch book case detective story cheque business fire trip work sun chocolate wine NewHeadway Intermediate ... NewHeadway Intermediate Resource Book Lionel/Lynn Glive/Claire Age: Birthplace: Nationality: Lives: Status: Age: Birthplace: Nationality: Lives: Status: Profession: Profession: Philadelphia NewYork ... containsthirty-one photocopiableactivitiesand further ideasfor you to usewith NewHeadwayIntermediate,third edition It is a new component for the Headway seriesand hasbeenwritten with two aims in mind: to give

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 08:28

80 625 1
New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_1 docx

New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_1 docx

... walk spend meet go A We’ve just booked a trip to the ballet B Oh, what will you/are you going to see? A Swan Lake Why don’t you come too? B OK I’ll/I’m going to book a ticket as well A Have you ... you A Who are you looking at? A Have you found a new job yet? B That baby over there He doesn’t look very B Yes, I’ll/I’m going to work for a new marketing happy I think he company ... our new teacher yet/just? (1 point for each correct answer) ? (2 points for each correct answer) © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 21 20 You can often find about a new

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 575 1
New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_2 doc

New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_2 doc

... tunnel yet? Do you know if the tunnel _ ? 3 The people of the region have chosen a new mayor A new mayor 4 They have made huge improvements in the development of drugs ... words are used. motor traffic agent air paper hair fire book room sun tooth shopping way Example motor racing bike 1 set 5 changing 2 news 6 jam 3 ache 7 conditioning ... for each correct answer) TOTAL 100 10 7 Trang 3Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Progress Test 2 Name: _ 1 Circle the word that is different from the others and say why

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 580 0
New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_3 potx

New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_3 potx

... Some new houses are being designed 5 The bills are paid by cheque 6 The details are being checked now 7 Oranges are grown in the south of Spain 8 A lot of people are employed in marketing 9 New ... they thought of the new art gallery 3 They told us they had to leave early the next day 4 She said she had been travelling a lot for her work 5 He told me he might look for a new flat in a couple ... that she wouldn’t marry him. _ _ 3 They asked me if I knew the bridegroom. _ _ 4 The judge told the man to be

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

11 739 0
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_2 docx

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_2 docx

... to meet him 6 | wish | knew the way But I don't A regret about now — wishing something was different in the present Because it is hypothetical, we use the past form knew to refer to an unreal ... for two years Tenses and verb forms 6 Ask students to close their books and listen to the recording The opening lines are from book extract 3 on SB p17 Ask students in pairs to answer the questions ... English spelling! DON’T FORGET! Writing Unit 2 Story telling (SB pp118-119) Workbook Unit 2 Exercise 4 Listening — A book I enjoyed Exercise 5 A poem Exercises 6-7 Adjectives to describe people

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 708 1
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_3 docx

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_3 docx

... people who are in the news at the moment, pin the pictures to the board, and ask one or two questions about them to get students started: Why are they famous? Why are they in the news? What's the ... interview the stars 4 The film 5 The premiere of a new film All the A list stars were there That model, Angeline, | think it was Angeline, was there with her new boyfriend They've been secretly going ... have been in musicals She won an Oscar for Cabaret in 1972 Other successful films include New York, New York and Arthur Play the first part of the recording Ask students to listen and correct

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 499 1
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_4 docx

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_4 docx

... about his career and how reporting foreign news has changed 54 Unit 6 » Newspeak Distancing the facts Nouns formed from phrasal verbs Responding to news Language aims Distancing the facts This ... English-language newspapers, find a typical tabloid headline about something currently in the news Photocopy the headline and put it on the board, and ask students about it What current news story ... above newspapers above have Sunday | equivalents, with the exception of The Sun and The Guardian, whose approximate equivalents would be | The News of the World and The Observer Sunday newspapers

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 537 2
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_5 ppt

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_5 ppt

... photocopy newspapers Divide students into groups, with four to six people in | each group Write the following ‘roles’ on the board: International news reporter National news reporter Local news reporter ... introduce the news programme Introduce a few key phrases that students may need: It’s 10 o'clock, and here’s the news This is in London And now over to in Moscow is our reporter in New York When ... camcorder, you can make your own TV news in class Otherwise you can prepare a radio broadcast by recording it on audio cassette Bring | in a pile of today’s newspapers If this is a problem, ask

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 480 1
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_6 doc

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_6 doc

... meet at the new bar on the High Street and take it from there What do you think? A OK Nice idea What time ? 2 A Hello The Bedford Hotel Karen speaking How can | help you? B Id like to book a room, ... OK? A Sure B Thanks a lot Bye A Bye Don’t forget! Writing Unit 8 Reviewing a film or book (SB p127) Workbook Unit 8 Exercise 5 Listening — the pictures in my house Exercise 9 Synonyms — break ... foggiest idea II glowing review 12 in deep water OOnA DU Rh Q2 hở — READING AND SPEAKING (SB p75) He knew nothing about it then? How exciting! You bet! When he heard about it, he was over the moon So

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 416 1
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_7 pptx

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_7 pptx

... scrap of paper | could use to write down this phone number before | forget it? (Also: a scrap book full of newspaper and magazine cuttings, and he got into a scrap (a physical fight) 6 To ramble is ... and replies following the examples in the Student’s Book Ask a few pairs to act out their conversations for the class ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Workbook Unit 10 Exercises 1-2 Intensifying adverbs Exercise ... each other The other student(s) have to decide which sentences are true and which are false Workbook Unit 9 Exercises 1—4 Verb patterns Exercise 6 Jokes based on homophones and homonyms THE LAST

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 394 2
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_8 ppt

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_8 ppt

... Answers 2 saving; saved 3 Taking; Taken 4 booked; Booking 5 hurting / injuring: hurt / injured 6 Breaking: Broken 7 Giving; given 8 worn; wearing Workbook Unit 11 Exercises 1-3 Relative clauses ... here: Bill Bryson was born in the US He has written books about his travels in many different countries > Born in the US, Bill Bryson has written books about his travels in many different countries ... knee replacement operation I've had to wait eighteen months 5 | really wanted to stay at home for New Year, but my in-laws are insisting that we go to stay with them 6 When | go abroad, | make sure

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 460 0
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_9 pptx

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_9 pptx

... there is a sensational story in the newspapers Frankly they shouldn’t because they exploit newspapers to get famous 3 c Celebrities ctaim it’s difficult to make new friends Obviously / Naturally ... UNITS 1-12 Unit | Song An Englishman in New York 1 You are going to listen to a song called An Englishman in New York Why might an Englishman feel ‘alien’ in New York? 2 Look at the words describing ... students to choose a film, play or book, then follow the advice to prepare their review Ask students to write the review for homework EXTENSION ACTIVITY Get a scrapbook or a file, and paste or put

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 320 0
New Headway Intermediate Testes Booklet: Intermediate Workbook New English Courses ppt

New Headway Intermediate Testes Booklet: Intermediate Workbook New English Courses ppt

... teacher This Booklet consists of • 12 Unit Tests Each Unit Test revises the corresponding unit in New Headway English Course Intermediate Student’s Book. • 3 Progress Tests Progress Test 1 revises ... Trang 1New Headway Intermediate Testsorkbook with further onsolidation exercises and writing tasks, a traditional methods of language teaching and more recent communicative approaches Headway ... 100. These tests may be photocopied freely for classroom use They may not be adapted, printed, or sold without the permission of Oxford University Press New Headway Intermediate Test Booklet Trang

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 23:20

47 850 0
New headway beginner students book

New headway beginner students book

... lteh — sandwiche: [ag ` P| books | Listen and check GRAMMAR SPOT 3 Listen and repeat Singular Plural | one book two books st Đế hai one sandwich ten sandwiches books cars sandwiches Trang ... Trang 4 YOCABULARY What's this in English? It's a book Everyday things book, computer, car p10 OE ys EVERYDAY ENGLISH Numbers 1-10 Plural nouns cars, books, houses pl Countries Australia, France ... Tuesday p47 Prepositions of time at nine o'clock on Monday inthe morning p47 Opposite adiectives new ~ old expensive - cheap Adjective + noun Irish music old buildings p53 Adjectives nice, old,

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2017, 12:43

144 211 0
Matura success intermediate  test book with keys

Matura success intermediate test book with keys

... both reading PG Wodehouse books at the moment b aren’t reading any PG Wodehouse books at the moment c are difficult teenagers d don’t like their parents LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 1A UNITS 1-2 COMMUNICATION ... Wodechouse’s a life b books ¢ country estates d friends 3 The guest has read a all of PG Wodehouse’s books b everything that PG Wodehouse wrote c everything about PG Wodehouse dover seventy books by PG ... read PG Wodehouse books in the future ¢ The children are in their teens d The parents don't want to read their children PG Wodehouse books at the moment LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 1B UNITS 1-2

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2018, 03:45

56 234 0

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