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Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... Therefore, a set of parameters for assessment is necessary. Among the various criteria and models for translation quality assessment, House s model is chosen in this study because it is deemed ... characteristics of legal translation will also be presented. Chapter 2 – Application of House s model for translation quality assessment In this chapter, House s model for translation quality assessment ... linguistic features of Vietnamese and English legal languages. The second part discusses different aspects of translation: definition, methods and strategies, and equivalence and assessment. Basic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 904 5
Tài liệu New Hacker''''s Dictionary doc

Tài liệu New Hacker''''s Dictionary doc

... highly flame-suggestive usages. See, for example, asbestos longjohns and asbestos cork award. Node:asbestos cork award, Next:asbestos longjohns, Previous:asbestos, Up:= A = asbestos cork award ... by Usenet posters just before emitting a remark they expect will elicit flamage. This is the most common of the asbestos coinages. Also `asbestos underwear', `asbestos overcoat', ... Romania Nicolae Sfetcu Ro Translators Anticoruptia Business Links DeskTop Services Free Books Free Advertising Free Gifts Sons, ISBN 0-471-11709-9) he introduces a table of dramatis personae headed...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 00:15

1,1K 451 1
Tài liệu Biến điện thoại 3G thành modem kết nối Internet cho máy tính pptx

Tài liệu Biến điện thoại 3G thành modem kết nối Internet cho máy tính pptx

... 10 ngày SMS 3.000 đồng 50.000 đồng 400 Mb 18 ngày SMS 5.000 đồng 100.000 đồng 850 Mb 40 ngày SMS 15.000 đồng 200.000 đồng 1,7 Gb 85 ngày SMS 20.000 đồng 300.000 đồng 2,5 Gb 130 ngày SMS 25.000 ... *99***1# • User Name : mms • Password : mms • APN : m-wap • Authentication : CHAP VINAPHONE: • Connection Name : Vinaphone • Phone Number : *99***1# • User Name : mms • Password : mms • APN : m3-world • ... 10 Kbytes) 2.1 Kích hoạt Mobile Internet: - Soạn tin GPRS ON gửi 333 hoặc 888. - Sau đó, Bạn có thể chọn các gói cước sau và kích hoạt tương ứng bảng bên dưới: Cú pháp soạn tin SMS S phone...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 08:16

16 773 0
Show Dad How (Parenting Magazine): The Brand-New Dad's Guide to Baby's

Show Dad How (Parenting Magazine): The Brand-New Dad's Guide to Baby's

... situation, or purpose, and assumes no responsibility for er rors or omissions. You assume the risk and full responsibility for all your actions, and the publishers will not be held responsible ... juices. S tir until gelatin dissolves. Ba ke, slice, and ser ve.Get sill y wi th toppings.Spr inkle on cheese.Spr ead sauce on pi t as. cr eate fun gelatin shapes snack on a pi t a pizza ser ve ... baby s poo stock your diaper bag handle diaper disasters use baby stuff in everyday life sponge-bathe a newbor n bathe a baby clip nails safely prevent diaper rash dress a baby remove stubborn stains soup...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 12:11

20 493 0
Tài liệu New Programmer’s Survival Manual pdf

Tài liệu New Programmer’s Survival Manual pdf

... AverageCustomerAge.rb def test_parse_xml stats = CustomerStats.parse_xml( canned_data_from 'customers.xml') assert_equal 2, stats.length assert_equal 'Alice', stats.first[:name] end From ... AverageCustomerAge.rb class CustomerStats def initialize @customers = [] end def self.load xml ='customer_database.xml') stats = CustomerStats .new stats.append parse_xml(xml) stats end def ... any customers play with it—that all system components are cooperating like they should. Load Testing Load tests put the product under realistic stress and measure its responsiveness. A we b s i...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 15:20

246 1K 0
Tài liệu New Programmer’s Survival Manual ppt

Tài liệu New Programmer’s Survival Manual ppt

... ReadStudentGrades3.rb def test_import_from_csv File.expects(:open).yields('Alice,99') Student.expects( :new) .with('Alice', 99) Student.import_csv(nil) end This illustrates two points about testing ... t so many programs have bugs. What gives? Before w e get into detailed discussions of day-to-day prac- tices for assuring code quality, let s discuss what it means to write solid code. It s not ... Bugs Quick Fixes increases culture responds with increases Features increases Complexity increases Code Size Figure 1—The complexity death spiral necessary complexity. At some point, things devolve...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

246 805 0
A Terminal Market System New York''''s Most Urgent Need docx

A Terminal Market System New York''''s Most Urgent Need docx

... World&apos ;s Most Modern Distribution Center for Foodstuffs. [Pg 21] Steam fishing boats using the market quays pay 48 cents for 24 hours' use, seagoing sailing cutters 24 cents, river sailing ... traffic. Most of the tenants at Smithfield are commission salesmen, who pay weekly rents for their shops and stalls at space rates, all the fittings being supplied. Last year these rents brought ... cutters 6 cents, and small boats 3 cents, in which charges the use of electric and other hoists is included. From these markets almost the whole of Germany receives its sea fish supplies, for...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

42 249 0
Sustaining New York’s and the US’ Global Financial Services Leadership doc

Sustaining New York’s and the US’ Global Financial Services Leadership doc

... 2007, Congress should create a National Commission on Financial Market Competitiveness to assess long-term, structural issues that affect the health, competitiveness, and leadership of US financial ... increasing global competition. Recommendation 8 – Modernize financial services charters. Regulators and Congress should assess and, where appropriate, modernize US financial services charters, ... financial services sector and improving responsiveness and customer service, should be an optional federal charter for insurance, based on market principles for serving customers. This review should...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

142 530 0


... the historical, structural and functional differences between legal systems within states and the international legal system as the necessary starting point of analysis. A horizontal system of law ... relations of states does not work like any internal legal system of a state. After all, there is no reason to assume that the international legal system must, or should, follow the historical models ... collective security system was somewhat more successful, of course, under its own terms and historical conditions. The Treaties of Paris created the Holy Alliance of Christian nations between...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

472 1,4K 2
Explaining nEw ZEaland’s MonEtary policy pot

Explaining nEw ZEaland’s MonEtary policy pot

... business cycle works is as follows. If the overall demand for goods and services exceeds the ability of the economy to sustainably supply them, then there will be shortages of goods and services. ... reviews and re-weights them, using data obtained from its annual Household Economic Survey. This is necessary because the basket of goods and services purchased by the average household ... interest on their loan, and save more, because their savings get a higher rate of interest. When consumers and firms borrow less and save more, they spend less money on consumption and investment...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

24 231 0
Wisconsin’s Model Academic Standards for Personal Financial Literacy pot

Wisconsin’s Model Academic Standards for Personal Financial Literacy pot

... Jaffray Eau Claire, Wisconsin Jason Fields State Representative Wisconsin State Assembly Madison, Wisconsin Jim Flora Social Studies Teacher New Holstein High School New Holstein, Wisconsin Mary Joy ... Makes.” Journal of Staff Development on Assess- ment, Winter (1), 2006. Stiggins, Rick. 2004. New Assessment Beliefs for a New School Mission. Phi Delta Kappan, 86(1), 22–27. WISCONSIN S MODEL ... the responses were discussed and grouped into categories of likeness. The titles assigned to the clusters became the seven draft content standards. The DPI staff team was assigned the task of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

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new year's resolutions

new year's resolutions

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 10:42

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