neurochemical end points of neurotoxicity

Báo cáo y học: "Two-year Outcome of Turkish Patients Treated with Zotarolimus Versus Paclitaxel Eluting Stents in an Unselected Population with Coronary Artery Disease in the Real World: A Prospective Non-randomized Registry in Southern Turk

Báo cáo y học: "Two-year Outcome of Turkish Patients Treated with Zotarolimus Versus Paclitaxel Eluting Stents in an Unselected Population with Coronary Artery Disease in the Real World: A Prospective Non-randomized Registry in Southern Turk

... 16, 17), the rate of MACE ranged from 3.1%,to 12.8%, at the end of the two-year period In our trial, however, the incidence of MACE in the ZES treated group was 10% at the end of the two year follow-up ... al Safety of direct stenting with the Endeavor stent: results of the Endeavor II continued access registry EuroIntervention, 2007; 3: 76–81 Kandzari DE, Leon MB, Popma JJ Comparison of Zotarolimus-eluting ... either the ZES or PES stent that they considered to be best Study End Points and Definitions The primary clinical efficacy end points included major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at two year (MACE:...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:18

6 550 0
The real world of finance

The real world of finance

... evaluations to lenders, creditors, and investors of the financial position of the corporation under review Investment bankers provide professional advice to companies on the structure of their balance ... the fall of 1996, the new chairman of Sunbeam Corporation, Al Dunlap, announced that he would eliminate 6,000 jobs (half of the company’s workforce), close 16 of 26 factories, sell off divisions ... most of these online companies (i.e., Webvan) failed.4 Vague Plans Several dot.coms have had vague business plans, spending tens of millions of dollars trying to find a viable strategy Often...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:12

224 458 0
Tài liệu BUSINESS Undergraduate courses 2013: a university for the real world pdf

Tài liệu BUSINESS Undergraduate courses 2013: a university for the real world pdf

... executive Professional recognition You may be eligible for membership of the Australian Institute of Export, the Logistics Association of Australia and the Chartered Institute of Purchasing, depending ... Diploma of Accounting Diploma of Management Diploma of Marketing Diploma of Music Business Footnotes # Caboolture offers Management and Marketing majors only Note:  AFE/QUT dual awards are not offered ... manager Professional recognition You will meet the academic requirements for professional membership of the Economics Society of Australia 18 For more details check the course table at the back of the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

44 483 0
Agile Project Management and the Real World doc

Agile Project Management and the Real World doc

... Manifesto for Agile Software Development Accessible at Agile Principles Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference ... priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software Manifesto for Agile Software Development Accessible at Agile Principles ... approach • Values: – Individuals and interactions – Working software – Customer collaboration – Responding to change Manifesto for Agile Software Development Accessible at

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

73 523 0


... corner of the editor window Here you will find four small symbols with which you can change your point of view (of course we mean the point of view of the editor window, not your personal point of ... inner points (In the next screenshot you can see an X-ray view of the cube in which you can see the hidden points very well More on “X-ray“ at the end of this chapter) We want to round off the ... to select the points Be careful! If you forget to turn this option off you might select all the points in the front of the object and accidentally select all points at the backside of the object...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

249 731 4
HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World pot

HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World pot

... on Vendor Prefixes In order to use many of the new CSS3 features today, you’ll be required to include quite a few extra lines of code This is because browser vendors have implemented many of the ... other features of HTML5, CSS3, and related technologies? According to one set of statistics,6 about 47% of users are on a version of Internet Explorer that has no support for most of these new ... exist.” Ian Hickson, lead editor of the HTML5 spec, was as surprised as the rest of the Web Having never heard of this trick before, he was happy to report: “This piece of information makes building...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20

377 6,4K 0
HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World docx

HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World docx

... on Vendor Prefixes In order to use many of the new CSS3 features today, you’ll be required to include quite a few extra lines of code This is because browser vendors have implemented many of the ... other features of HTML5, CSS3, and related technologies? According to one set of statistics,6 about 47% of users are on a version of Internet Explorer that has no support for most of these new ... exist.” Ian Hickson, lead editor of the HTML5 spec, was as surprised as the rest of the Web Having never heard of this trick before, he was happy to report: “This piece of information makes building...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 03:20

377 2K 0


... cover all major varieties of English and are designed to be fair to users of all nationalities and linguistic backgrounds Reliable Backed by the largest research programme of its kind, Cambridge ... in accordance with the principles and approaches of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Developed by the Council of Europe, the CEFR is the standard benchmark used ... test more realistic and reliable Each of the five papers carries 20% of the total marks Reading: hour Shows you can deal confidently with different types of text, such as fiction, newspapers and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

12 1,1K 12
applied cryptanalysis - breaking ciphers in the real world

applied cryptanalysis - breaking ciphers in the real world

... first put the plaintext into the rows of an array of some given dimension Then we read the ciphertext out of the columns The key consists of the the number of columns in the array For example, ... index of coincidence I must satisfy 0.03846 I 0.065 The question remains as to how to determine the length of the keyword of a Vigenkre cipher using the index of coincidence The main weakness of ... security of a codebook depends on the physical security of the book itself With the advent of machine cryptosystems, much more ciphertext was available to the cryptanalyst, which changed the nature of...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 11:06

425 919 0
Access Control Models: From the real-world to trusted computing potx

Access Control Models: From the real-world to trusted computing potx

... of false data – Disruption Threats: Prevention of correct operation of a service – Usurpation Threats: Unauthorized control of some service  Examples: – Snooping: Unauthorized interception of ... classification of its most sensitive information it contains  Aggregation Problem: Often times the combination of two pieces of data creates a new object that is more sensitive than either of the pieces ... viewed as a collection of sub-objects, some of which are more sensitive than others – Hence, objects may be multilevel in their security context – Level of classification of an object or document...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20

35 494 1
deliberating in the real world problems of legitimacy in deliberative democracy aug 2006

deliberating in the real world problems of legitimacy in deliberative democracy aug 2006

... a person shares some of the characteristics of a class of persons; To indicate that a person symbolizes the identity or qualities of a class of persons Starting at the end of this list and working ... results of a micro-deliberative process recommending one course of action, and a petition of 150,000 signatories demanding another The question of methods of choice is bound up with the question of ... terms of the numbers of people who subscribe to, owe allegiance to, or co-author the contending discourses: a discourse that commands the reflective assent of only some of the people, or only of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 00:01

220 443 0
The Real World of finance pdf

The Real World of finance pdf

... evaluations to lenders, creditors, and investors of the financial position of the corporation under review Investment bankers provide professional advice to companies on the structure of their balance ... the fall of 1996, the new chairman of Sunbeam Corporation, Al Dunlap, announced that he would eliminate 6,000 jobs (half of the company’s workforce), close 16 of 26 factories, sell off divisions ... most of these online companies (i.e., Webvan) failed.4 Vague Plans Several dot.coms have had vague business plans, spending tens of millions of dollars trying to find a viable strategy Often...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 20:20

224 375 0
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 10 docx

giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 10 docx

... method is simply addColorStop(offset, color) The offset is a value between and An offset of is at the starting end of the gradient, and an offset of is at the other end The color is a string value ... starts as blue and begins to blend into white halfway down the gradient, we can specify a blue color stop with an offset of and a purple color stop with an offset of 1: canvas/demo3.html (excerpt) ... y0 represent the starting location of the gradient x1 and y1 represent the ending location To create a gradient that begins at the top of the canvas and blends the color down to the bottom, we’d...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21

88 462 0
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 9 pot

giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 9 pot

... 5MB of space to work with Several of the files we specified to be stored offline are video files Depending on how large your video files are, it mightn’t make any sense to have them available offline, ... work offline”10 ■ Opera’s Offline Application Developer’s Guide11 ... > Work Offline, as shown in Figure 10.4 241 242 HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World Figure 10.4 Testing offline web applications with Firefox’s Work Offline mode While it’s convenient to go offline...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21

23 331 0
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 8 doc

giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 8 doc

... recognize their MIME type, so try adding WOFF and SVG to your list of MIME types (EOT and TTF should be supported out of the box): woff svg application/x-font-woff image/svg+xml Finally, some browsers ... speaking part of HTML5 or CSS3, they’re often bundled together when people speak of these new technologies Plus, they’re a lot of fun, so why not get our feet wet? 10 Chapter Geolocation, Offline Web ... form of a method it calls that gives it access to a set of functionality In this chapter, we’ll walk you through a few of the most useful of these APIs, as well as give you a brief overview of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21

32 373 0
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 7 pdf

giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 7 pdf

... transition-timing-function lets you control the pace of the transition in even more granular detail Do you want your animation to start off slow and get faster, start off fast and end slower, advance at an even keel, ... see, adoption of the unprefixed version of this syntax was very quick; it’s a simple property with a straightforward implementation that was unlikely to change This is a great example of why you ... declaring just the width of the image, the second value will default to auto, and the browser will determine the correct height of the image based on the aspect ratio The default size of a background...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21

32 352 0
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 6 potx

giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 6 potx

... text-shadow: topOffset leftOffset blurRadius color; /* multiple shadows */ text-shadow: topOffset1 leftOffset1 blurRadius1 color1, topOffset2 leftOffset2 blurRadius2 color2, topOffset3 leftOffset3 blurRadius3 ... color, the end color, and any color stops you want to add along that line The browser takes care of the rest, filling the entire element by painting lines of color perpendicular to the line of the ... the type of gradient (linear in this case) as the first parameter The linear gradient then needs both a start and end point to determine the direction of the gradient The start and end points can...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21

30 248 0
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 5 docx

giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 5 docx

... E of its parent This is the same as :nthchild(1) E:last-child The element E that is the last child E of its parent, same as :nth-last-child(1) E:first -of- type Same as :nth -of- type(1) E:last -of- type ... seconds—which could end up being in the hundreds or thousands, depending on the length of the video That’s impractical, to say the least To format the seconds into a more user-friendly time, we’ve ... number of seconds, calculated from the number of seconds passed into the function Next, we need to ensure that a single digit amount of seconds or minutes is expressed using 05 instead of just...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:22

36 320 0

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