navier stokes euler and bernoulli equations

Đề tài " Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate stochastic forcing " pdf

Đề tài " Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate stochastic forcing " pdf

... forced Navier- Stokes equations: energy estimates and phase space contraction, Ph.D thesis, Princeton University, 1998 [Mat99] ——— , Ergodicity of 2D Navier- Stokes equations with random forcing and ... stochastic Navier- Stokes equations, In Journ´es Equations aux d´riv´es partielles, Forges-les-Eaux, 2003 e ´ e e [MP06] J C Mattingly and E Pardoux Malliavin calculus and the randomly forced Navier- Stokes ... ERGODICITY OF THE 2D NAVIER- STOKES EQUATIONS 1007 Applications to the stochastic 2D Navier- Stokes equations To state the general ergodic result for the two-dimensional Navier- Stokes equations, we begin...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

41 374 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Remarks on uniform attractors for the 3D nonautonomous Navier-Stokes-Voight equations" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: " Remarks on uniform attractors for the 3D nonautonomous Navier-Stokes-Voight equations" pptx

... In this regard, Kalantarov and Titi [9] investigated the Navier- Stokes- Voight equations as an inviscid regularization of the 3D incompressible Navier- Stokes equations, and further obtained the ... for a 3D non-autonomous Navier- Stokes- Voight Equations, Preprint (2010, in press) Yue, G, Zhong, C: Attractors for autonomous and nonautonomous 3D Navier- Stokes- Voight equations Discret Contin ... uniformly asymptotical compactness in H1 and H2, Yue and Zhong [11] investigated the attractors for autonomous and nonautonomous 3D Navier- Stokes- Voight equations in different methods More details...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

11 293 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Remarks on uniform attractors for the 3D nonautonomous Navier-Stokes-Voight equations" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Remarks on uniform attractors for the 3D nonautonomous Navier-Stokes-Voight equations" ppt

... In this regard, Kalantarov and Titi [9] investigated the Navier- Stokes- Voight equations as an inviscid regularization of the 3D incompressible Navier- Stokes equations, and further obtained the ... for a 3D non-autonomous Navier- Stokes- Voight Equations, Preprint (2010, in press) Yue, G, Zhong, C: Attractors for autonomous and nonautonomous 3D Navier- Stokes- Voight equations Discret Contin ... uniformly asymptotical compactness in H1 and H2, Yue and Zhong [11] investigated the attractors for autonomous and nonautonomous 3D Navier- Stokes- Voight equations in different methods More details...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

11 280 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Global behavior of 1D compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with a non-autonomous external force" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Global behavior of 1D compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with a non-autonomous external force" docx

... uniqueness and regularity for one-dimensional compressible Navier- Stokes equations (Preprint) Yang, T, Yao, Z, Zhu, C: Compressible Navier- Stokes equations with degenerate viscosity coefficient and ... for the Navier- Stokes equations of compressible flow SIMA J Appl Math 51, 887–898 (1991) doi:10.1137/0151043 Fang, D, Zhang, T: Discontinuous solutions of the compressible Navier- Stokes equations ... one-dimensional compressible Navier- Stokes equations with densitydependent viscosity J Differ Equ 184, 163–184 (2002) doi:10.1006/jdeq.2001.4140 11 Yang, T, Zhu, C: Compressible Navier- Stokes equations with...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

19 549 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Regularity Criterion for Weak Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in Terms of the Gradient of the Pressure" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Regularity Criterion for Weak Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in Terms of the Gradient of the Pressure" docx

... solutions of Navier- Stokes equations, ” Archiv der Mathematik, vol 46, no 5, pp 428–439, 1986 L Iskauriaza, G A Ser¨ gin, and V Shverak, “L3,∞ -solutions of Navier- Stokes equations and e backward ... H Kozono and Y Taniuchi, “Bilinear estimates in BMO and the Navier- Stokes equations, ” Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol 235, no 1, pp 173–194, 2000 17 J Chen and X Zhu, “A note on BMO and its application,” ... of the Navier- Stokes equations, ” Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol 9, no 1, pp 187–195, 1962 T Ohyama, “Interior regularity of weak solutions of the time-dependent Navier- Stokes...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

6 435 0
The immersed boundary method for the (2d) incompressible navier stokes equations LUANVAN TH s

The immersed boundary method for the (2d) incompressible navier stokes equations LUANVAN TH s

... the Navier- Stokes/ Brinkman equations An extra (forcing) term in the Navier- Stokes 5.2 Discrete forcing approach 15 equations contains the permeability ( ) of the medium, i.e zero for a solid and ... numerical study and the construction of a 2D IBMs code for the steady Navier- Stokes equations, including grid generator These three parts form the main structure of this report The fourth and last part ... meshes and alternative ways to incorporate the boundary conditions in the (discrete) governing equations The simple grids and data structure are very well suited to handle complex geometries and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 23:20

122 422 0
Greens function of 2 d compressible navier  stokes equations on the half space

Greens function of 2 d compressible navier stokes equations on the half space

... temporal and spatial decay rate Zeng’s work paved a brand new way for analyzing the nonlinear stability of compressible Navier- Stokes Equation and their large-time asymptotic behavior On the other hand, ... Nishida and Kawshima In [21] and [22], Matsumura and Nishida proved the existence and uniqueness of Cauchy problem of (1.1) in D space based on the assumption of initial data sufficiently smooth and ... Navier- Stokes Equations in 2-D half space under the zero Dirichlet boundary condition around a constant state And without loss of generality, we assume µ1 = and Chapter Introduction µ1 + µ2 = Thus equations...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:06

81 239 0
Một số nghiên cứu về hệ phương trình g navier stokes hai chiều

Một số nghiên cứu về hệ phương trình g navier stokes hai chiều

... vic nghiờn cu h phng trỡnh g -Navier- Stokes, c bit l trng hp hai chiu: 10 H phng trỡnh g -Navier- Stokes hai chiu xut hin mt cỏch t nhiờn nghiờn cu h phng trỡnh Navier- Stokes ba chiu mng g = ì (0, ... trỡnh g -Navier- Stokes hai chiu s giỳp ớch cho vic nghiờn cu h phng trỡnh Navier- Stokes mng ba chiu (xem [54, 55]) V mt toỏn hc, h phng trỡnh ny l mt dng tng quỏt ca h phng trỡnh Navier- Stokes ... chuyn nhng kt qu ó bit i vi h phng trỡnh Navier- Stokes cho h phng trỡnh g -Navier- Stokes t nhng toỏn hc lớ thỳ Do ú nhng nm gn õy, h phng trỡnh g -Navier- Stokes ó c nhiu nh toỏn hc quan tõm nghiờn...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 22:55

112 478 0
Tài liệu 02 Ordinary Linear Differential and Difference Equations docx

Tài liệu 02 Ordinary Linear Differential and Difference Equations docx

... y(0+ ) = and y(0+ ) = Setting t = in the above equations and substituting the initial conditions yields c1 + c2 − 15 = − c1 − 2c2 + 45 = and Solution of these equations yields c1 = −8 and c2 = ... 2.25 are yo (0) = and yo (0) = Setting t = in the above ˙ equations and using the initial conditions, we obtain K + K2 = − K1 − 2K2 = and Solution of these equations yields K1 = and K2 = −1 Therefore, ... Setting k = and in Eq 2.59 and substituting h[0] = 0, h[1] = yields = + A1 + A2 = A1 + 2A2 and Solution of these two equations yields A1 = −3 and A2 = Therefore, h[k] = δ[k] − + 2(2)k and from Eq...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 03:20

24 417 0
Đề tài " Quasilinear and Hessian equations of Lane-Emden type " docx

Đề tài " Quasilinear and Hessian equations of Lane-Emden type " docx

... u≥0 in Ω, were studied in detail by B´nilan and Brezis, Baras and Pierre, and Marcus and e V´ron analytically for < q < ∞, and by Le Gall, and Dynkin and Kuznetsov e using probabilistic methods ... Adams and Pierre [AP], Baras and Pierre [BP], Berestycki, CapuzzoDolcetta, and Nirenberg [BCDN], Brezis and Cabr´ [BC], Kalton and Verbitsky e [KV] It is worth mentioning that related equations ... operators, and distributed singularities, and develop the theory simultaneously for quasilinear equations and equations of Monge-Amp`re type e Introduction We study a class of quasilinear and fully...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

58 375 0
stochastic integration and differential equations 2ed - protter

stochastic integration and differential equations 2ed - protter

... J A Trujillo Ferreras, R Williams, M Yor, and Yong Zeng Th Jeulin, K Shimbo, and Yan Zeng gave extraordinary help, and my editor C Byrne gives advice and has patience that is impressive Over the ... semimartingales in the expanded filtration We next present the more difficult theory of progressive expansion, which involves expanding filtrations to turn a random time into a stopping time, and then analyzing ... each n , and Xt(w) = limn,, &(w) Since P ( M ) = 0, X and Y are indistinguishable Corollary Let X and Y be two stochastic processes which are c&dl&g X If is a modification of Y, then X and Y are...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:25

430 567 0
quasilinear degenerate and nonuniformly elliptic and parabolic equations of second order

quasilinear degenerate and nonuniformly elliptic and parabolic equations of second order

... Ladyzhenskaya and N N Ural'tseva, Linear and quasilinear equations of elliptic type, and with the monograph of A Ladyzhenskaya, V A Solonnikov, and N N Ural'tseva, Linear and quasilinear equations ... for degenerate and nonuniformly elliptic and parabolic equations of second order and to the investigation of differential and certain qualitative properties of the solutions of such equations The ... degenerate and nonuniformly elliptic and parabolic equations of second order, and also to the investigation of differential and certain qualitative properties of solutions of such equations A...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:37

300 391 0
hệ phương trình navier stokes hai chiều

hệ phương trình navier stokes hai chiều

... 2-D NAVIER- STOKES EQUATIONS Nguyen Danh Thao, Nguyen The Duy University of Technology, VNU-HCM ABSTRACT: This paper applies and develops a numerical model based on the two-dimensional vertical Navier- Stokes ... đạo Hệ phương trình Navier- Stokes hệ phương trình chủ đạo học lưu chất dựa định luật bảo toàn Đối với dòng chảy rối chất lỏng mặt phẳng thẳng đứng xz , phương trình Navier- Stokes viết sau: ∂u ... profile and water particle velocities, standing wave pressures at the wall are examined Numerical results of the present model are compared with laboratory data and with existing empirical and theoretical...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 18:22

10 416 1
Nghiệm kì dị tại một điểm cho phương trình navier stokes

Nghiệm kì dị tại một điểm cho phương trình navier stokes

... Ruzicka and V Sverak, On self – similar solutions of the NavierStokes equations, IMA preprint, 1995 [RA] R A Adams, Sobolev Spaces, Academic Press, 1975 [CF] P Constantin and C Foias, NavierStokes ... trình NavierStokes \ p , với p điểm Qua giới thiệu số kết sau: Trình bày cấu trúc nghiệm kì dị điểm phương trình Navier – Stokes; Trình bày cấu trúc nghiệm tự đồng dạng phương trình Navier – Stokes; ... 771 – 837 [CP] M Cannone and F Planchon, Self – similar solutions for NavierStokes Equations in R3, Comm Patial Differential Equations 21 (1991), 179 – 193 [GK] Y Giga and R Kohn, Characterizing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 18:22

32 516 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Abstract Differential and Difference Equations" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Editorial Abstract Differential and Difference Equations" docx

... theory of ordinary and delay differential equations lead to investigations of functional differential equations of various types see the books by Hale and Verduyn Lunel, Wu, and articles by Liang, ... kata, Benchohra, Lizama, Hernandez, etc and the references e e therein On the other hand, the theory of fractional differential equations is also intensively studied and finds numerous applications ... theory developed by J Nunziato, M E Gurtin, and A C Pipkin, the internal energy and the heat flux are described as functionals of u and ux An abstract and more general version of neutral system...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

2 292 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article From Newton’s Equation to Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article From Newton’s Equation to Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations" pptx

... T and space inversion P 43 This analysis of the fractional wave, diffusion, and Dirac equations, fits in the general context of establish bridges between fractional calculus and the classical and ... AYA2009-14212-C05-05 and by FCT and POCI 2010 Project MAT/58321/2004 with participation of FEDER References S G Samko, A A Kilbas, and O I Marichev, Fractional Integrals and Derivatives: Theory and Applications, ... Classical a and Quantum Aspects, F Kh Abdullaev and V V Konotop, Eds., pp 129–133, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, NY, USA, 2004 12 L V´ zquez and D Usero, “Nonlocal equations and fractional...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

13 313 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Variational-Like Inclusions and Resolvent Equations Involving Infinite Family of Set-Valued Mappings" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Variational-Like Inclusions and Resolvent Equations Involving Infinite Family of Set-Valued Mappings" pdf

... · is the pairing between E and E∗ , d is the metric induced by the norm · , 2E resp., CB E is the family of nonempty resp., nonempty closed and bounded subsets of E, and H ·, · is the Housdorff ... ·,u z A Jη,M ·,u where ρ is a constant and Rη,M ·,u and I is the identity mapping Equation 2.17 is called the resolvent equation problem z Fixed Point Theory and Applications In support of problem ... xn−1 , yn−1 ρ m an − m an−1 By using the Lipschitz continuty of A, g, and m with constants λA , λg , and λm , respectively, and by Algorithm 3.3, we have A g un − m an − A g un−1 − m an−1 ≤ λA...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

13 267 0
Báo cáo hoa học: " Research Article On Connection between Second-Order Delay Differential Equations and Integrodifferential Equations with Delay" pdf

Báo cáo hoa học: " Research Article On Connection between Second-Order Delay Differential Equations and Integrodifferential Equations with Delay" pdf

... Mathematics and Its Applications, Hindawi, Cairo, Egypt, 2007 N V Azbelev and P M Simonov, Stability of Differential Equations with Aftereffect, vol 20 of Stability and Control: Theory, Methods and Applications, ... Difference Equations, vol 2009, Article ID 671625, 15 pages, 2009 N V Azbelev, V P Maksimov, and L F Rakhmatullina, Introduction to the Theory of Functional Differential Equations: Methods and Applications, ... inequality and a linear delay equation Similar in a sense problems for delay difference equations were studied in 5, as well This paper aims to investigate the problems of the existence, uniqueness and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

8 231 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Whispering gallery modes in photoluminescence and Raman spectra of a spherical microcavity with CdTe quantum dots: anti-Stokes emission and interference effects" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Whispering gallery modes in photoluminescence and Raman spectra of a spherical microcavity with CdTe quantum dots: anti-Stokes emission and interference effects" ppt

... the spherical microcavity and electronic states of CdTe QDs can be achieved simultaneously in both Stokes and anti -Stokes spectral regions (Fig 2, curve 2) Although anti -Stokes PL was reported for ... substrate and the corresponding interference images The dark cross indicates the excitation position anti -Stokes spectral regions (Fig 6) Both down and up-converted PL emissions from QDs and WGM ... the Stokes and Fig Room temperature spectrum of a single PS/CdTe microsphere on a Si substrate Excitation by HeNe laser k = 632.8 nm before (a) and after (b) PL background subtraction 123 anti-Stokes...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

6 329 0