
Cell Biology and Cancer under a contract from the National Institutes of Health doc

Cell Biology and Cancer under a contract from the National Institutes of Health doc

... school year. Bruce A. Fuchs, Ph.D. Director Office of Science Education National Institutes of Health 1 The National Academy of Sciences released the National Science Education Standards in December ... You may also send your suggestions to Curriculum Supplement Series Office of Science Education National Institutes of Health 6100 Executive Boulevard, Suite 5H01 Bethesda, MD 20892 I hope ... discoveries being made at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their effects on pub lic health. This set is being distributed to teachers around the country free of charge by the NIH to improve...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20

164 578 0
Tài liệu Federal Ministry of Health, National Malaria Control Programme, Abuja, Nigeria. Strategic Plan 2009-2013 doc

Tài liệu Federal Ministry of Health, National Malaria Control Programme, Abuja, Nigeria. Strategic Plan 2009-2013 doc

... Organization NHMIS National Health Management Information System NPHCDA National Primary Health Care Development Agency NPI National Programme on Immunization NMCP National Malaria Control Programme NMEF National ... spraying program ã Information, education and mobilization of authorities and communities ã Preparation of supervision programs and development of supervision checklists ã Preparation of reporting ... are indeed on the threshold of a new health system improvements through the Health System reform. The increased levels of partnerships in the area of malaria control programme provide a solid...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20

71 394 0
Tài liệu The National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs Chartbook 2005–2006 docx

Tài liệu The National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs Chartbook 2005–2006 docx

... other studies of the prevalence of health conditions among Hispanic children. 3,4,5 Prevalence of Children with Special Health Care Needs The National Survey of Children with Special Health Care ... 37 percent of CSHCN in poverty receive services compared to 22 percent of children with family incomes of 400 percent of poverty or more. Health Insurance Coverage The National Survey of Children ... citation: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 11:20

108 435 0
Tài liệu Child Health Guidance Document: Standards, Programs & Community Development Branch Ministry of Health Promotion May 2010 ppt

Tài liệu Child Health Guidance Document: Standards, Programs & Community Development Branch Ministry of Health Promotion May 2010 ppt

... Child Health, Chronic Disease Prevention, Prevention of Injury and Substance Misuse and Reproductive Health program standards. d) Goal of the Child Health Program The goal of the Child Health program ... health. 1. National National data and information sources assist boards of health in monitoring surveillance data for the Child Health program areas. For example: ■ National Longitudinal Survey of ... See Oral Health Guidance Document http://www .health. /program/ pubhealth/oph_standards/ophs/guidance.html Requirement 3 The board of health shall report oral health data...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

81 393 0
Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

... thepopulation.Thenumberofwomen sherepresentsinthepopulationiscalled hersamplingweight.Sampling weightsmayvaryconsiderablyfromthis averagevaluedependingonthe respondentsrace,theresponseratefor similarwomen,andotherfactors.As withanysamplesurvey,theestimatesin thisreportaresubjecttosampling variability.SignicancetestsonNSFG datashouldbedonetakingthesampling designintoaccount. Nonsamplingerrorswereminimized bystringentquality-controlprocedures thatincludedthoroughinterviewer training,checkingtheconsistencyof answersduringandaftertheinterview, imputingmissingdata,andadjustingthe samplingweightsfornonresponseand undercoveragetomatchnationaltotals. Estimatesofsamplingerrorsandother statisticalaspectsofthesurveyare describedinmoredetailinanother separatereport(13). Thisreportshowsndingsby characteristicsofthewomaninterviewed, includingherage,maritalstatus, education,parity,householdincome dividedbythepovertylevel,andraceand Hispanicorigin.Ithasbeenshownthat blackandHispanicwomenhavemarkedly lowerlevelsofincome,education,and accesstohealthcareandhealthinsurance, thanwhitewomen(14).Theseandother factors,ratherthanraceororiginperse, probablyaccountfordifferencesinthe behaviorsandoutcomesstudiedinthis reportamongwhite,black,andHispanic women(15). TableBshowsafactorthatshould beconsideredininterpretingtrendsin pregnancy-relatedbehaviorintheUnited States:thechangingagecompositionof thereproductive-agepopulation.In 1982,therewere54.1millionwomenof reproductiveageintheUnitedStates;in 1988,57.9million;andin1995,60.2 million(16).Thelargebabyboom cohort,bornbetween1946and1964, was1834yearsofagein1982,2442 yearsofagein1988,and3149years ofagein1995.Theselargebirthcohorts werepreceded(upto1945)and followed(196580)bysmallercohorts. Whiletheoverallnumberofwomen 1544yearsofageroseby6million,or 11percentbetween1982and1995,the numberofteenagewomendroppedby about6percent,thenumberofwomen 2024yearsofagedroppedby 15percent,andthenumberofwomen 2529droppedby6percent(tableB).In contrast,thenumberofwomen3044 yearsofageincreasedsharplyfor example,thenumberofwomen4044 yearsofageincreasedby59percent between1982and1995.Also,women 3044yearsofageaccountedfor 54percentofwomen1544yearsofage in1995comparedwith44percentin 1982.Thesedifferencesinage compositionmayberelevantwhenever timetrendsamongwomen1544years ofagearebeingdiscussed. Publicuselesbasedonthe1995 NSFGareavailableoncomputertape. TheywillalsobeavailableonCompact DiscRead-OnlyMemory(CD-ROM). Questionsaboutthecostandavailability ofthecomputertapesshouldbedirected totheNationalTechnicalInformation Service(NTIS),5285PortRoyalRoad, Springeld,VA22161,703487-4650, or1800-553-NTIS.Questionsregarding theCD-ROMlesshouldbedirectedto NCHSDataDisseminationBranchat 301436-8500. Results T ables117containmeasuresof pregnancyandbirthintheUnited States. ChildrenEverBornandTotal BirthsExpected In1995,women1544yearsof ageintheUnitedStateshadhadan averageof1.2birthsperwoman (table1).Thiscompareswith1.2in 1988and1.3in1982(17).In1995, women1544yearsofageexpectedto nishtheirchildbearingwithan averageof2.2childrenperwoman (table1)comparedwith2.2in1988 and2.4in1982(17). Theproportionwhoreportthatthey haveneverbeenpregnantwasmarkedly higherforcollegegraduatesthanfor thosewhodidnotcompletehighschool (table3).Thissamepatternbyeducation isalsoseenwhendataforlivebirthsare examined(tables45):about49percent ofwomen2244yearsofagewhohad graduatedfromcollegehadhadnolive birthsasofthedateofinterview comparedwithjust8percentofwomen 2244yearsofagewithoutahigh schooldiploma(table4).Withinrace andHispanicorigingroups,thepattern wasthesame:collegegraduateshad markedlyhigherpercentschildlessthan womenwithlesseducation(table5). Table6showsacomparison betweenlivebirthsreportedinthe NSFGandlivebirthsregisteredonbirth certicatesintheyears199194.In eachindividualcalendaryearandfor thesumoftheyears199194,the NSFGestimateofthenumberofbirths isveryclosetothebirthcerticatetotal anddiffersfromitbylessthanthe NSFGssamplingerror.TheNSFG estimateisalsoverycloseforwhite women.TheNSFGestimateforblack womenisslightlylower,andthe estimateforotherracessomewhat higherthanthebirthcerticatedata.A discussionofthisdifferenceisgivenin thedenitionofRaceandHispanic originintheDenitionsofTerms. Overall,andbycharacteristicsother thanrace,however,table6showsthat TableB.Numberofwomen,byage:UnitedStates,1982,1988,and1995 Ageơ ... thepopulation.Thenumberofwomen sherepresentsinthepopulationiscalled hersamplingweight.Sampling weightsmayvaryconsiderablyfromthis averagevaluedependingonthe respondentsrace,theresponseratefor similarwomen,andotherfactors.As withanysamplesurvey,theestimatesin thisreportaresubjecttosampling variability.SignicancetestsonNSFG datashouldbedonetakingthesampling designintoaccount. Nonsamplingerrorswereminimized bystringentquality-controlprocedures thatincludedthoroughinterviewer training,checkingtheconsistencyof answersduringandaftertheinterview, imputingmissingdata,andadjustingthe samplingweightsfornonresponseand undercoveragetomatchnationaltotals. Estimatesofsamplingerrorsandother statisticalaspectsofthesurveyare describedinmoredetailinanother separatereport(13). Thisreportshowsndingsby characteristicsofthewomaninterviewed, includingherage,maritalstatus, education,parity,householdincome dividedbythepovertylevel,andraceand Hispanicorigin.Ithasbeenshownthat blackandHispanicwomenhavemarkedly lowerlevelsofincome,education,and accesstohealthcareandhealthinsurance, thanwhitewomen(14).Theseandother factors,ratherthanraceororiginperse, probablyaccountfordifferencesinthe behaviorsandoutcomesstudiedinthis reportamongwhite,black,andHispanic women(15). TableBshowsafactorthatshould beconsideredininterpretingtrendsin pregnancy-relatedbehaviorintheUnited States:thechangingagecompositionof thereproductive-agepopulation.In 1982,therewere54.1millionwomenof reproductiveageintheUnitedStates;in 1988,57.9million;andin1995,60.2 million(16).Thelargebabyboom cohort,bornbetween1946and1964, was1834yearsofagein1982,2442 yearsofagein1988,and3149years ofagein1995.Theselargebirthcohorts werepreceded(upto1945)and followed(196580)bysmallercohorts. Whiletheoverallnumberofwomen 1544yearsofageroseby6million,or 11percentbetween1982and1995,the numberofteenagewomendroppedby about6percent,thenumberofwomen 2024yearsofagedroppedby 15percent,andthenumberofwomen 2529droppedby6percent(tableB).In contrast,thenumberofwomen3044 yearsofageincreasedsharplyfor example,thenumberofwomen4044 yearsofageincreasedby59percent between1982and1995.Also,women 3044yearsofageaccountedfor 54percentofwomen1544yearsofage in1995comparedwith44percentin 1982.Thesedifferencesinage compositionmayberelevantwhenever timetrendsamongwomen1544years ofagearebeingdiscussed. Publicuselesbasedonthe1995 NSFGareavailableoncomputertape. TheywillalsobeavailableonCompact DiscRead-OnlyMemory(CD-ROM). Questionsaboutthecostandavailability ofthecomputertapesshouldbedirected totheNationalTechnicalInformation Service(NTIS),5285PortRoyalRoad, Springeld,VA22161,703487-4650, or1800-553-NTIS.Questionsregarding theCD-ROMlesshouldbedirectedto NCHSDataDisseminationBranchat 301436-8500. Results T ables117containmeasuresof pregnancyandbirthintheUnited States. ChildrenEverBornandTotal BirthsExpected In1995,women1544yearsof ageintheUnitedStateshadhadan averageof1.2birthsperwoman (table1).Thiscompareswith1.2in 1988and1.3in1982(17).In1995, women1544yearsofageexpectedto nishtheirchildbearingwithan averageof2.2childrenperwoman (table1)comparedwith2.2in1988 and2.4in1982(17). Theproportionwhoreportthatthey haveneverbeenpregnantwasmarkedly higherforcollegegraduatesthanfor thosewhodidnotcompletehighschool (table3).Thissamepatternbyeducation isalsoseenwhendataforlivebirthsare examined(tables45):about49percent ofwomen2244yearsofagewhohad graduatedfromcollegehadhadnolive birthsasofthedateofinterview comparedwithjust8percentofwomen 2244yearsofagewithoutahigh schooldiploma(table4).Withinrace andHispanicorigingroups,thepattern wasthesame:collegegraduateshad markedlyhigherpercentschildlessthan womenwithlesseducation(table5). Table6showsacomparison betweenlivebirthsreportedinthe NSFGandlivebirthsregisteredonbirth certicatesintheyears199194.In eachindividualcalendaryearandfor thesumoftheyears199194,the NSFGestimateofthenumberofbirths isveryclosetothebirthcerticatetotal anddiffersfromitbylessthanthe NSFGssamplingerror.TheNSFG estimateisalsoverycloseforwhite women.TheNSFGestimateforblack womenisslightlylower,andthe estimateforotherracessomewhat higherthanthebirthcerticatedata.A discussionofthisdifferenceisgivenin thedenitionofRaceandHispanic originintheDenitionsofTerms. Overall,andbycharacteristicsother thanrace,however,table6showsthat TableB.Numberofwomen,byage:UnitedStates,1982,1988,and1995 Ageơ ... 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Vital Health Stat Series 2 (in preparation). 14. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Statistical abstract of the United States, 1996. Washington: U.S. Department of Commerce....

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

125 760 0
Tài liệu Standards, Programs & Community Development Branch Ministry of Health Promotion May 2010 pdf

Tài liệu Standards, Programs & Community Development Branch Ministry of Health Promotion May 2010 pdf

... the Child Health, Chronic Disease Prevention, Prevention of Injury and Substance Misuse, and Reproductive Health program standards. d) Goal of the Reproductive Health Program The goal of the ... but not limited to, the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Ministry of Education) helps support shared reproductive health goals, outcomes ... provision of mandatory health programs and services by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. Ontario’s 36 boards of health are responsible for implementing the program standards including...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

71 504 0
Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth doc

Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth doc

... reproductive health of U.S. women 15–44 years of age, based on Cycle 6 of the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), conducted in 2002. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National ... and women’s health outcomes: Contextual data. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 23(23). 2003. statistics; no 238. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. ... Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 1995. population aged 15–44: Results of the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth. Advance data from vital and health statistics. Hyattsville, MD: National...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

174 933 0
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents pdf

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents pdf

... years of schooling, yet 71% of females and 73% of males aged 15–19 had completed no more than seven. Only 23% of females and 22% of males aged 15–19 had attended secondary school at the time of ... Reproductive Health in Malawi 14 not withstanding, as a national survey on aspects of sexual and reproductive health, the 2004 MNSA pro- vides detailed information on sexual and reproductive health of ... than 90% of the respondents reported having heard about HIV/AIDS. Adolescents were aware of ways of reducing HIV transmission with 88% of fe- males and 91% of males citing abstinence, 68% of fe- males...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

152 658 0
National Public Health Performance Standards Program - Orientation to the Essential Public Health Services docx

National Public Health Performance Standards Program - Orientation to the Essential Public Health Services docx

... addressing each ES National Public Health Performance Standards Program Orientation to the Essential Public Health Services Monitor Health to Identify and Solve Community Health Problems ... assessment of the community’s health status, including:  Identification of health risks  Attention to vital statistics and disparities  Identifications of assets and resources  Utilization of ... Assessment of the public health and personal health workforce  Maintaining public health workforce standards  Efficient processes for licensing / credentialing requirements  Use of public health...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

22 287 0


... coastline of 4,810 km. Her marine waters consist of a continental shelf of 148,307 km 2 and an Exclusive Economic Zone of 450,000 km 2 . Economic Setting Malaysia consists of a federation of ... abundance of trash fish landings is an indicator that the West C O N T E N T S Page Chapter 1 : NATIONAL REPORT OF MALAYSIA ON THE BAY OF BENGAL LARGE MARINE ECOSYSTEM PROGRAMME ... With a gross National Product (GNP) of RM310.8 billion and a GNP per capita of RM13,361 (US$3,516), Malaysia enjoys a reasonable standard of living with low poverty (9.6 per cent of households)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21

88 582 0
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