nash equilibrium strategies in fuzzy games

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Generalizations of the Nash Equilibrium Theorem in the KKM Theory" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Generalizations of the Nash Equilibrium Theorem in the KKM Theory" potx

... point theory In the framework of G-convex spaces, we obtained some minimax theorems and the Nash equilibrium theorems in our previous works 17, 18, 21, 22 , based on coincidence theorems or intersection ... 8.1 and 8.3 imply the Fan minimax inequality The Nash- Type Equilibrium Theorems From Theorem 8.1, we obtain the following form of the Nash- Fan-type equilibrium theorems in 27 with different proofs ... satisfying the partial KKM principle This was simply done in 27 In this paper, we study several stages of such developments from the KKM principle to the Nash theorem and related results within...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20

23 323 0
Existence of nash equilibrium in atomless games

Existence of nash equilibrium in atomless games

... number of points on a line (for example, the unit interval, [0, 1].) On the other hand, when we deal with finite games with infinite (countable) actions and private information, as we in Chapter ... ) An equilibrium (Nash) in behavioral strategies is defined similarly to that in pure strategies More formally, we say, g ∗ = (g1∗ , , gl∗ ) ∈ l i=1 meas(Zi , M(Ai )) is an equilibrium in behavioral ... an equilibrium in pure strategy Chapter Large Games In this chapter, we show the existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibrium for noncooperative games with a continuum of small players Such games...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 22:04

59 164 0
Equilibrium characterization and incentives in large games

Equilibrium characterization and incentives in large games

... focus on large games in this thesis, with insight into equilibrium characterization in the first chapter and dominant strategies in the second chapter The applications of large games have developed ... information about the economy This motivates me to lift the ban by allowing a certain degree of information sharing In this paper, agents in a cohort–a small group of finite agents–may have interdependent ... sharing In this paper, agents in a cohort–a small group of finite agents–may have interdependent signals, though such interdependence no longer exists outside a cohort Since information sharing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 21:28

60 162 0
Marketing strategies in Vinh Son Joint Stock Company

Marketing strategies in Vinh Son Joint Stock Company

... TO ENHANCING MARKETING STRATEGIES IN VINH SON JOINT STOCK COMPANY 23 3.1 Development orientation of the company in the future 23 3.2 Some solutions to building marketing strategies for Vinh Son ... Analysis of the Marketing Strategies at Vinh Son Joint Stock Company Chapter 3: Orientations of Development and Solutions to Enhancing Marketing Strategies in Vinh Son Joint Stock Company However, ... very clearly during my practical period in Vinh Son Joint Stock Company What has been learnt could be used effectively during my field trip After my training trip at Vinh Son Joint Stock Company,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 11:10

35 818 7
Corporate and Marketing Strategies in the High-Tech Industry

Corporate and Marketing Strategies in the High-Tech Industry

... competence in direct marketing while Microsoft has a strong competence in brand building ◗ Services maintain or increase the value of the solution through installation, maintenance, or training WilTel ... main tasks associated with a product include developing and testing new products, modifying or eliminating existing products, managing the product range, formulating a brand name, and creating ... leading more customers to invest in the expansion of the network [15] Increasing returns explain why the cellular phone caught on more quickly in Europe than in the United States in the 1990s In...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 07:20

42 685 1
A study on solidarity strategies in english and vietnamese novels

A study on solidarity strategies in english and vietnamese novels

... Through the findings of the research , or indefinite is regulated by many elements: intralinguistics, the meanings of "we" can be understood in the following table: extralinguistics or paralinguistics, ... two kinds of invitation That is: "exclusive" and "inclusive" but also associate attitudes and definite invitation and indefinite invitation The degree of definite sentiments of two meanings Through ... impulse instead of remaining solidarity in communication The aims of this study is to investigate strategies According to Mouton de Gruyter [45], Solidarity strategies strengthening solidarity in...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 824 3
A discourse analysis of advertisements in terms of persuasion strategies in english and vietnamese

A discourse analysis of advertisements in terms of persuasion strategies in english and vietnamese

... description by adding incentives, creating more convincing reasons, finding more of some persuasion strategies in English and Vietnamese credible source, and so on Advertisements Omega Strategies ... by adding incentives, creating more convincing reasons, finding more persuasiveness credible source, and so on In English 4.1.1 Making Messages more Persuasive more expert or attractive to increase ... strategies in English and Vietnamese An investigation into coherence in persuasive strategies in English and Vietnamese advertisements - An investigation into culture influences on persuasive strategies...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:29

13 1,1K 2
A study of politeness strategies in requests in the course book ''streamline english departures and connections'' by b hartley & p viney

A study of politeness strategies in requests in the course book ''streamline english departures and connections'' by b hartley & p viney

... politeness strategy not only in writing form but also in speaking and communicating In this study, we focus on the politeness strategies that are often used in requests in daily interaction Moreover, ... instruction Strategy 6: Instances in which the threat is minimized implicitly Strategy 7: Doing the FTA is in the interest of the hearer Strategy 8: Instances in which threat minimizing does not occur ... politeness strategies in requests Positive and negative politeness play important roles in interaction We find in 12 Bald On-record strategies in requests in the course book: (1) Speaking as if...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

68 717 6
Using compensation strategies in listening for 10th form students a case study at the high school for gifted students of vinh university

Using compensation strategies in listening for 10th form students a case study at the high school for gifted students of vinh university

... e Using mime or gestures f Avoiding communication g Selecting the topic h Adjusting/ Approximating Speaking Speaking Speaking, Writing Speaking, Writing Speaking, Writing the message i Coining ... Compensation Strategies Oxford (1990) classified compensation strategies into two sets: Guessing intelligently in listening and reading and overcoming limitation in speaking and writing Guessing intelligently ... Creating structures for Centering learning Arranging and planning learning Evaluating learning Lowering anxiety Encouraging oneself Taking emotional temperature Guessing intelligently Overcoming...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26

99 806 0
A first course in fuzzy and neural control

A first course in fuzzy and neural control

... motion Since the cart can only move around in a horizontal line, we are only interested in obtaining the equation by summing the forces acting on the cart in the horizontal direction Summing the ... objective in this control scheme is to maintain a desired level of òuid in the tank by opening or closing the valve controlling the output Such opening and closing operations either increase or ... talking about approximating functions The many ways of approximating an unknown function include using training samples (neural networks) and linguistic If then rules (fuzzy logic).2 In both...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 17:41

306 638 0
Tài liệu Novel Strategies in Ischemic Heart Disease Edited by Umashankar Lakshmanadoss pdf

Tài liệu Novel Strategies in Ischemic Heart Disease Edited by Umashankar Lakshmanadoss pdf

... cardiovascular disease in the Indian subcontinent Indian J Med Res 2006; 124:235 [8] Critchley J, Liu J, Zhao D, et al Explaining the increase in coronary heart disease mortality in Beijing between 1984 ... CK-MB is within normal limits The relative index is only clinically useful when both the total CK and the CK-MB levels are increased Timing of Release: Creatinine Kinase starts rising in the blood ... modified albumin (IMA) using the albumin cobalt binding test (ACB) for assessment of myocardial ischemia IMA occurs in forms: 1 .in which human serum albumin (HAS) binds mostly copper and 2 .in which...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 08:20

462 650 0
Joint Review of Maternal and Child Survival Strategies in China ppt

Joint Review of Maternal and Child Survival Strategies in China ppt

... health in China has been continuously improving, it is lagging behind the economic development of the country The decline of infant and child mortality is slowing down, and great disparities in m ... priorities include reducing or remitting MCH service fees in poor rural areas, piloting interventions for congenital malformation, reducing MMR and eliminating neonatal tetanus, promoting safe ... resources, including addressing the inadequate MCH funding in certain areas, the central area and the underdeveloped rural areas will certainly create a bottleneck in 25 the realization of China’ maternal...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

98 314 0
Viewpoint Fund distribution strategies in Asia Pacific ppt

Viewpoint Fund distribution strategies in Asia Pacific ppt

... outward-looking, expanding markets like Hong Kong and Singapore, to the emerging giants of India and mainland China Adding to this diversity, investors in some Asia PaciÕc markets prefer to invest in ... 2010 saw negative net fund sales in several key markets, including India, mainland China and South Korea1, as investors reacted to indifferent equity performance In India, demand was further weakened ... challenges These include changing customer demand, the need to innovate, downward margin pressure, the rising tide of regulation and investors’ increasing focus on governance In response, the industry...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

8 360 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Comparison of Rule-Invocation Strategies in Context-Free Chart Parsing" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Comparison of Rule-Invocation Strategies in Context-Free Chart Parsing" pot

... of Rule-Invocation Strategies This section surveys the fundamental rule-invocation 227 strategies in context-flee chart parsing In a chartparsing framework, different rule-invocation strategies ... significantly increase efficiency in chart parsing by fine-tuning the rule-invocation strategy Fine-tuning however also requires that the characteristics of the grammars to be used are borne in mind Nevertheless, ... realized by performing a dictionary lookup of the words before actually building the corresponding inactive edges, storing the results in a table Being analogous to the filter used in the directed...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

8 356 0
The evolution of host use and unusual reproductive strategies in Achrysocharoides parasitoid wasps pot

The evolution of host use and unusual reproductive strategies in Achrysocharoides parasitoid wasps pot

... parasitising leafmining insects of deciduous trees in Britain Biol J Linnean Soc 6: 289–335 Askew, R.R 1994 Parasitoids of leaf mining Lepidoptera: what determines their host ranges? In: Parasitoid ... consistency index excluding uninformative characters; HI: homoplasy index excluding uninformative characters; Model: best-fit model selected by hierarchical likelihood ratio tests (hLRTs) in Modeltest ... pelagic and demersal species in parallel (Schluter, 2000) In a more closely related example, male wing loss has evolved in parallel in different fig wasp lineages in response to the availability...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

13 620 0
Stress symptoms and coping strategies in healthy elderly subjects pot

Stress symptoms and coping strategies in healthy elderly subjects pot

... differences in strategies of coping and defense across the life span Psychol Aging 1996;11(1):127-39 Whitty MT Coping and defending: age differences in maturity of defense mechanisms and coping strategies ... the other hand, it is interesting to direct coping actions at the control of the emotional impact deriving from the waiting time(15) In the same way, when dealing with inexorable situations, ... and coping strategies in healthy elderly subjects Souza-Talarico JN, Caramelli P, Nitrini R, Chaves EC Answers to all assessment instruments were obtained on the basis of an individual interview,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

7 617 0
Game strategies in network security potx

Game strategies in network security potx

... Jeannette M Wing: Game strategies in network security 2.1 Stochastic game model Fig A network example in our network example In Sect 3, we explain the concept of a Nash equilibrium for stochastic games ... both attacker and administrator play their Nash strategies We explain the strategies for some of the more interesting states here For example, in the state Httpd_ hacked (row in Table 6), the attacker ... administrator Using the nonlinear program NLP-1, we computed multiple Nash equilibria, each denoting best strategies (best responses) for both players For the first Nash equilibrium, we explained...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

16 445 0
Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions Fifth Edition doc

Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions Fifth Edition doc

... interested in students’ learning and finding meaning in their education Teachers as learners: staying current in the discipline and teaching strategies, and continually updating and refreshing courses ... the student in enhancing predominant styles or in cultivating additional dimensions of thinking and responding For example, a student who is predominantly impulsive in decision making should be ... verbal information, cognitive strategies, and attitudes For example, within the category of intellectual skills are the following stages: • Discrimination learning: distinguishing differences in...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 06:20

625 1,5K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating Response Strategies in a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue Agent" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating Response Strategies in a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue Agent" pdf

... shown in Table 1.3 Tasks (dialogue fragments (2) and (3)) and led to queries that yielded no matching trains In Task users were told to find the closest train Since only CT included this extra information ... a query where the 3rd of matching trains was the desired answer Since only LT included this train in its initial response (by luck, due to the train's position in the list of matches), we predicted ... information in its response, we predicted that it would perform better than LT In Task users were told to find the shortest train within a new departure interval Since neither LT nor CT provided this information...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20

7 273 0