name all the instruments in a orchestra

The Convention in a Marxist light

The Convention in a Marxist light

... the flat was helped by the fact that the Minister of Finances was the nephew of her husband. They think that corruption stained both the administrative and the judicial proceedings in Romania. The ... Mr and Mrs Dragoi came back over and over again to a conspiracy theory. I reassured them, as no doubt their lawyer will have done too, that nothing as sordid as what they were imagining explained ... the system they support is alienating. Human emancipation: Found neither in human rights nor, of course, in the Stalinist gulag The anthropologist Talal Asad urges us today to ‘examine critically the assump- tion...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

41 542 0
The Convention in a feminist light

The Convention in a feminist light

... where they had chosen the woman’s name as their family name (Bur- ghartz). When they came back to Switzerland, the authorities initially insisted that their family name should be the husband’s name, ... Switzerland, 164 the applicant was a teacher in an infant school in Geneva. When she was in her mid-twenties and already teaching, she converted to Islam and married an Algerian national. Mrs Dahlab continued ... toabortion:dissentingopinionofJudgesPettiti,RussoandLopesRocha,approved byJudgeBigi,intheOpenDoorcase. 134Theotherapplicantswerefourindividuals:twotrainedcounsellorswhoworkedfor DublinWellWomanCentreLtdandtwowomenofchild-bearingage. 135Para.68ofthejudgment. 136Para.72ofthejudgment. 137Para.73ofthejudgment. 138Para.77ofthejudgment.Theconsequentialismofthereasoning(seeChapter4)is striking,asistherecognitionthatsomeindividualsaremoreequalthanothers(see Chapter5). 139Para76ofthejudgment. 140Point8ofhisdissentingopinion. 141ThisparticularphraseisfromJudgeCremonasdissentingopinion. 142Inawiderandinsightfulanalysis,Siobha nMullalyplacesOpenDoorinthecontext ofanIrishhistorywherethenationisconstructedaroundCatholicismandin oppositiontoitsneighbour:Siobha nMullaly,Debatingreproductiverightsin Ireland(2005)27HumanRightsQuarterly78104. 143Para.41ofthejudgment. 144Para.46ofthejudgment. 145Para.12ofthejudgment,emphasisadded. 146InOpenDoor,fourdissentingjudgessimilarlyargued:Itisouropinionthatthe effectofthecriminalprovisionsinquestionshouldhavebeenexaminedasifitwere atypicalproblemofcriminallaw.Theywentontoconsiderwhatwouldbethe positionifIrelandsneighbouringStatesweretoadoptlegislationdecriminalising drugs,whilstinIrelanditselftheyremainedprohibitedunderthecriminallaw: DissentingopinionofJudgesPettiti,RussoandLopesRocha,approvedbyJudge Bigi. 147AspointedoutbySusanMillnsandSallySheldon:Deliveringdemocracyto abortionpolitics:Bowmanv.UnitedKingdom(1999)7FeministLegalStudies63 73,at68. 148Para.24ofthejudgment. 149Para.49ofthejudgment. 150Para.44ofthejudgment. 151Para.45ofthejudgment. 152Para.2ofconcurringopinionofJudgeRess,joinedbyJudgeKuris. 153ConcurringopinionofJudgeGreve,noparagraphsgiven. 154Para.7ofthejointdissentingopinionofJudgesWildhaber,Bratza,Bonello, Loucaides,CabralBarreto,TulkensandPellonpa ă a ă ,emphasisadded.Thedissenting opinionhighlightsthefactthattheapplicantinOdie ` vrelostbecausethesocial interestwasdeemedabsolutebythemajority,asinAv.UnitedKingdom17 December2002,ECHR2002-X,(2002)36EHRR917,discussedinChapter4. 155...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

44 453 0
The Convention in a particularist light

The Convention in a particularist light

... to the arrogance and abuse of universalism, rather than as a call for anything and everything to be tolerated. Where cultural relativism has remained acceptable in anthropology is in its antiracism ... relativism WehavealreadyseenthatHandysidev.UnitedKingdom,decidedon4November 1976, 23 wasthefirstcasewherethedoctrineofthemarginofappreciationwas usedbytheCourt.Theappearanceofthedoctrineintherulingwaslinkedtothe observationthatthereisnouniformconceptofmoralsinEurope.Considering thattheabsenceofauniversalmoralityispreciselythepremiseonwhichcultural relativismisbased,Handysidecanbeexpectedtobehighlyrelevanttoour discussion.Itisthereforediscussedinsomedetailinthissection.Ifitispossible toconnecttheappearanceofthedoctrineofthemarginofappreciationin Handysidewithculturalrelativism,itshouldnonethelessbesaidattheoutset thatsuchanembodimentofculturalrelativismisanabusedratherthanagenuine formofthedoctrine.Thiswillbediscussedinthenextsection. At ... generally, rather than the ‘morality’ prevailing in England and Wales, which the Court was seeking to protect in Handyside? On the face of it, the doctrine of the margin of appreciation makes...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

33 331 0
The Convention in a realist light

The Convention in a realist light

... theextentthattheyhavebeenenshrinedinpositivelaw.Hewouldnodoubthave thoughtthatwedeludeourselvesifwebelievetherightsoftheConventiontobe theexpressionofnatural,self-evidentrights.TheconstructionoftheConvention, containingjusticiablerightsinscribedwithinasystemwherecomplaintsareheard inaverylegalisticway,mayvindicatethisview. OnepointonwhichBenthamwaswrongwastofearthatadocumentsuchas theFrenchDeclarationwouldleadto‘perpetualinsurrection’.However,thismay wellbebecausehewascorrecttodenythatrightscouldbeabovethestate .The doctrineofthemarginofappreciationandthepossibilityofderogatingfromthe ConventionunderArticle15bothindicatethatstatistconsiderationsassumea positionofchoiceundertheConvention.Indeed,somecommentatorswould arguethathumanrightslawdoesnotmakeitpossiblefortheauthorityofthe statetobesufficientlyquestioned. ThiswouldcomeasnosurprisetoIRrealists.Thoseamongthemwhothink thatthestateshouldnotabandonitsowninterestsinfavourofauniversal moralitymayevenwelcomesuchaconclusion.Otherswouldsimplypointout thatstateinterestsandpowerplayarolewhichmustbeacknowledgedratherthan ignoredininternationalaffairs,includinghumanrightsinternationallaw .The Strasbourgcaselawoffersampleevidenceinsupportofthisargument,ashas beenillustratedinthischapter. Realism,however,shouldnotbeexaminedonitsown.Itismoreusefulto considerhowrealismandidealism,statismandsupranationalism,areintension witheachother.Indeed,inthecaselaw,theCourtcanbeseenbothtoconcur withandtostanduptothestate.Inconclusion,theConventionoffersneither ‘real’nor‘imaginary’rights,butwhatcouldbereferredtoastherelativeprotec- tionofthesandbag. Notes 1Thisisnottodenythattheutilitarianandrealistaspectsofhisthoughtaredirectly related ... theory are not generally regarded as complementary to each other. 50 Bentham was principally interested in the internal conduct of a government; as its name indicates, international relations is interested ... entitling his critique ‘Anarchical Fallacies’ Bentham indicated that the Declaration was in his opinion conceptually fallacious: a nonsensical flow of words amounting to nothing more than a bundle...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

38 360 0
The Convention in a utilitarian light

The Convention in a utilitarian light

... what rights shall be maintained, what abrogated – what laws kept in force, what repealed. 130 Bentham’s ire against French arrogance and imperialism 131 went hand -in- hand with an important theoretical ... the other hand. 53 On the facts of the case, the Court had no difficulty finding that the order to maintain the medical data confidential for only ten years and the publication of the applicant’s ... necessary or appropriate to treat homosexual practices of the kind now in question as in themselves a matter to which the sanctions of the criminal law should apply Itcannot be maintained that there...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

46 415 0
modeling of the conduction in a wo3 thin film as ozone sensor

modeling of the conduction in a wo3 thin film as ozone sensor

... a small contact surface allowing a great porosity. Each grain is bathed by theatmosphere to becontrolled. This simplified model allows at the same time to easily deter- mine the electrical features ... and finally, the combined action of the two mixed gases on the sensor layer. This model takes into account the fundamental mechanisms implied in the gas detection and the results obtained are in ... of a grain and to take into account the various mechanisms taking part in electric conduction. Indeed, by supposing that the film consists of an homogeneous stacking of identical spherical grains...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:04

8 662 0
Gynecological Malignancies: Epidemiological Characteristics of the Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India doc

Gynecological Malignancies: Epidemiological Characteristics of the Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India doc

... Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India Madhutandra Sarkar 1 *, Hiralal Konar 2 , DK Raut 3 of the cervical cancer cases occur in the developing countries (Sankaranarayanan & Ferlay, 2006) ... gynaecological cancers in Australia. Breaking the silence: a national voice for gynaecological cancers. Canberra: The Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs. Sankaranarayanan R, Ferlay J ... in Larkana, Pakistan (Siyal et al., 1999) had reported that the average age of the patients with gynecological cancer was 46.5 years and the peak age group was in the fourth decade. All these...

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BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION in COSTA RICA Learning the Lessons in a Seasonal Dry Forest pptx

... and the impor- tance of native ants in managing pest outbreaks in natural and managed systems. Also needed is an increased awareness of invader species and ways in which they gain access to an ... dragonflies. In the last half of the rainy season, most but not all P. variabilis wasps abandon their small nests in the dry forest in the ACG lowlands (in which caterpillar prey is sparse) and ... trends in seed and fruit production in plants in natural habitats to assess how natu- ral communities are being affected by an overall decline in pollinators. Furthermore, alterations in mating patterns...

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353 388 0
All the World’s a Cage: Animal Entertainment pdf

All the World’s a Cage: Animal Entertainment pdf

... World’s a Cage: Animal Entertainment 81 The media explained that Moe had been an orphan brought back by the Davis family from a vacation in Africa. The story didn’t share that almost all baby ... Stories Tarzan and Jane Goodall Fans of Extras can laugh at the way Ricky Gervais and his sorry cast of characters are treated compared to the A- list stars. But at least they aren’t kept in cages ... when interest waned, according to London’s Daily Mail, “Oliver spent the next decade passing from trainer to trainer, appearing in jungle parks, circuses and, eventually, in roadside freak shows.”...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20

5 492 0
not a suicide pact the constitution in a time of national emergency sep 2006

not a suicide pact the constitution in a time of national emergency sep 2006

... unless that measure is taken and so we cannot be certain that it will actually increase safety. Most safety measures are aimed at reducing risks rather than eliminating cer- tainties, but that doesn’t ... the marginal approach equates to decision making guided by a standard and its rejection to decision making guided by a rule. Negligence is a standard, applied in par- ticular cases by balancing ... justices are not final because they are infallible, but infallible because they are final), the justices are free from even the loose constraints under which other how are constitutional rights created? [...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 23:24

186 1K 0
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– QUESTIONS – Set 23 (Answers begin on page 126.) 360. All the tulips in Zoe’s garden are pptx

... attack the information systematically. Make a diagram outlining all the given informa- tion. There’s always at least one fact that can serve as your starting point, the place to begin eliminating possibilities. Answer ... Which of the following is true about the other actors who may appear? a. M, N, and O must all appear. b. M may appear and N must appear. c. M must appear and O may appear. d. O may appear and N may appear. e. ... usually to draw a quick diagram or take notes. 380. Taking the train across town is quicker than taking the bus. Taking the bus across town is slower than driving a car. Taking the train across...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

23 485 1
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... southern England. There may be little change in average annual rainfall, but more rain may fall in winter, with less rain in summer, particularly in the south of England. Coupled with increased ... habitats 12 4 Managing our other climate risks 15 Regulating business and waste 15 Land quality 16 Recreation and navigation 17 Sustainable Place 18 Business continuity and managing our facilities ... significantly more rain to fall in the winter and more of it to fall in short and heavy bursts. Heavier downpours are also likely in the Environment Agency Managing the environment in a changing...

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