mycology and myths about the panaeolus mushrooms

101 ielts speaking part two tasks about the past present and future

101 ielts speaking part two tasks about the past present and future

... - What the interior of the building was like - What facilities there were in the building and the local area And say if you would like to study somewhere like that in the future or not, and why ... that place - How long you stayed there - What the good and bad things about it were And say whether you would like to stay in the same place again, and why Talk about one method of learning a foreign ... should say: - What the local landmarks are - What green spaces and natural features there are - What things there are to And say what you would change about the area if you could, and why Describe...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:45

24 1,8K 9
Seawater Purification Experiment and Consideration about Photoreactivation of Coliforms in the Inside of Seawater

Seawater Purification Experiment and Consideration about Photoreactivation of Coliforms in the Inside of Seawater

... impact to the ecosystem Specifications of the purification equipment and the UV disinfector are shown in Tables and 2, respectively The target water qualities in the purification plant and the purification ... to the purification zone caused by the tides and also due to the inflow during the high tide at the end of silt fences located at the water’s edges Concerning to the seawater inflow from the ... days) inside the purification zone The ranked days were 20 point higher inside rather than outside On the other hand, the number of days that was graded as “bathing prohibited” at inside and outside...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

8 388 0
What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods high in saturated fats and other energy-dense foods for preventing and treating obesity? docx

What is known about the effectiveness of economic instruments to reduce consumption of foods high in saturated fats and other energy-dense foods for preventing and treating obesity? docx

... use, and there is considerable data supporting the relationship between pricing and taxing of alcohol products and their consumption The main point of relevance to the question of the impact of these ... both the poor and the rich were small and comparable.5 The authors noted that one goal of price policy would be to reduce the fat intake of the rich but not adversely affect protein intake of the ... for the poor and -0.49 for the rich The greatest elasticities of protein intake were those with respect to pork prices for both the poor (-0.26) and the rich (-0.18) A decrease in fruit and vegetable...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

25 552 0


... Count The table above gave the as the explanation for the differences between the pragmatic and expected account Female students feel threatened when they go round the city during the night rather ... (n4= 100>30), and Other (n5= 41>30) the CLT is valid and the normal distribution is assumed Therefore, the ANOVA test will be the most suitable test in this case Hypothesis: • Null hypothesis: H0: ... x2=distance-public and x3=rent) The scatter diagrams can present the association between two variables at one time (x1 and y; x2 and y; x3 and y; and x4 and y) The intensity of the relationship...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 09:20

46 460 0
photographs from the edge of reality true stories about shooting on location, surviving, and learning along the way

photographs from the edge of reality true stories about shooting on location, surviving, and learning along the way

... fudge and toasted almonds, the shopkeeper disclosed The trio were in the shop for about 15 mins and sat at a table and enjoyed their frozen treats POTUS and the girls received applause from the ... credentials would be the key to the access I needed to my job, whether it was covering the on-air talent calling the game in the press box or accompanying them onto the field before and after the game for ... within about a week he told me I had so many images that they didn’t need to get them from the news agencies Instead, they could get them solely from me, and the entire twopage spread about the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:21

305 437 0
the truth about the music business a grassroots business and legal guide

the truth about the music business a grassroots business and legal guide

... while others go to work for a law firm Still others work for a firm and then set out on their own Whatever the case may be, there are many expenses they must pay to keep the business afloat There’s ... treading water while the sharks are circling; the water is wide and extremely deep, and the current is strong xxvi The Truth About the Music Business: A Grassroots Business and Legal Guide Stop ... from their label and fading into obscurity This is why many songwriters sign publishing deals so that their publisher will handle their copyrights, and why they hire business managers to handle their...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:19

652 298 0
nanotalk. conversations with scientists and engineers about ethics, meaning, and belief in the development of nanotechnology, 2006, p.378

nanotalk. conversations with scientists and engineers about ethics, meaning, and belief in the development of nanotechnology, 2006, p.378

... terms of the motivations and the aggression and the funding and the push—I read the testimonies from this summer to the Senate Subcommittee on Science and Technology and they were all the testimonies ... which they carried, radios and weapons, and flak jackets, and so forth And then he said that he tried to talk to them as they went around the house and it appeared—he said he read into their ... worry about it in the sense that I happen myself to believe that there is an order in the universe and that there are certain things that are natural and appropriate and so on and there are other...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:19

378 445 0
passionate engines what emotions reveal about the mind and artificial intelligence dec 2001

passionate engines what emotions reveal about the mind and artificial intelligence dec 2001

... call all and only the emotions that are pancultural and that fall under the affect program theory the basic emotions But there remains disagreement about what these emotions are Ekman and others ... detected by the verbal system of the left hemisphere, and the overt verbal response of the left hemisphere was basically the same, regardless of whether the command was presented to the right or ... understood in the affect program theory, is the action or motor programs that in part constitute some of them The Central Role of Action and the Parsimony of the Affect Program Theory The linking...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:54

273 234 0
báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" pptx

... exists about the relationships between the radiological findings, the clinical evaluation [6,8,21,23,24] and the location and extent of the rotator cuff tear [10,13-15,20] Nevertheless all these ... the horizontal the acromial index [14]: the distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral border of the acromion was divided by the distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral aspect of the ... of the acromion; 3: the most inferior point of the acromion; 4: the most superior point of the humeral head; 5: the most lateral point of the coracoid basis; 6: the most lateral point of the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

7 448 0
báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?" docx

... exists about the relationships between the radiological findings, the clinical evaluation [6,8,21,23,24] and the location and extent of the rotator cuff tear [10,13-15,20] Nevertheless all these ... the horizontal the acromial index [14]: the distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral border of the acromion was divided by the distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral aspect of the ... of the acromion; 3: the most inferior point of the acromion; 4: the most superior point of the humeral head; 5: the most lateral point of the coracoid basis; 6: the most lateral point of the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

7 521 0
Scientific report: "The awareness of people about the risks of plant protection drugs in vegetable production: case studies in Hanoi and Thai Binh" ppsx

Scientific report: "The awareness of people about the risks of plant protection drugs in vegetable production: case studies in Hanoi and Thai Binh" ppsx

... risks and the current status of human and environmental risks caused by pesticides in the the selected distinct case studies of vegetable production in Hanoi city and Thai Binh province The overall ... (Table 3) Applicators were also asked about whether they have felt uncomfortable after spraying during the last cropping season There were 46% of them in Hanoi city and 65% of those in Thai Binh province ... and 17 pesticide sellers (Table 1) These sampled respondents were asked to express their perception of pesticide human and environmental risk groups, status of human and environmental risks and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:22

13 372 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Developing and evaluating stereotactic lung RT trials: what we should know about the influence of inhomogeneity corrections on dose" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: " Developing and evaluating stereotactic lung RT trials: what we should know about the influence of inhomogeneity corrections on dose" doc

... evaluated by the ratio of the volume of the prescription isodose (60 Gy) and the PTV (V100%/VPTV) For evaluation of the low dose spillage, the ratio of the 50% isodose volume (30 Gy) and the PTV was ... for The broadening of the dose distribution is reflected in the ratio of the volume of the 50% isodose and the PTV (V50%/ VPTV) which is plotted as a function of the PTV in Figure For the UD and ... ratio of the volume of the prescription isodose and the PTV, which is a measure for the conformity of a plan The conformity for the UD and EPL plans was slightly better compared to the CC plans,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:22

8 300 0
Báo cáo y học: "Clinical and neuropathological study about the neurotization of the suprascapular nerve in obstetric brachial plexus lesions" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Clinical and neuropathological study about the neurotization of the suprascapular nerve in obstetric brachial plexus lesions" potx

... muscle The subcutaneous tissue and the platysma were divided and then the adipolymphatic tissue was dissected The jugularis vein, the carotis and the phrenic nerve were identified Then, on the scalenus ... assessed the shoulder joint by measuring the range of motion, assessing the presence of contractures and the articular mobility We stabilized the scapulothoracic joint with one hand and used the other ... minifascicles in the perineurium, which indicates the presence of a neuroma The higher the presence of minifascicles in the perineurium and epineurium, the more important is the neuroma Therefore, the presence...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

11 399 0
cáo khoa học: " Barriers and facilitators to the dissemination of DECISION+, a continuing medical education program for optimizing decisions about antibiotics for acute respiratory infections in primary care: A study protocol" potx

cáo khoa học: " Barriers and facilitators to the dissemination of DECISION+, a continuing medical education program for optimizing decisions about antibiotics for acute respiratory infections in primary care: A study protocol" potx

... observations (e.g., the type and location of the FMG), data about the participants (their number, their reactions), and information on any events that occur during the course of the interview She ... study and validated the methods ASA wrote the first draft and revised the protocol FL, ML, AG, JG each reviewed and modified various versions of the protocol All authors have read and approved the ... behaviour It derives from the consequences of the behaviour and from positive and negative judgments about these consequences Subjective norms are the individual’s belief that another person or a group...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

6 406 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Training community resource center and clinic personnel to prompt patients in listing questions for doctors: Follow-up interviews about barriers and facilitators to the implementation of consultation planning" potx

báo cáo khoa học: " Training community resource center and clinic personnel to prompt patients in listing questions for doctors: Follow-up interviews about barriers and facilitators to the implementation of consultation planning" potx

... to each theme Both data analysts (CA and BE) then discussed and agreed upon the creation of subcategories within each theme One of the data analysts (BE) re-coded the transcripts using the finalized ... from three workshops, learn about their post-training experiences, and generate hypotheses about whether and how to promote implementation of CP Our inquiry addresses the following questions: 1) ... interest to us in addressing the questions Then, both the interviewer and his supervisor (CA) read the transcripts and engaged in thematic coding [23,24] After discussion, they established consensus...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22

10 306 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Training community resource center and clinic personnel to prompt patients in listing questions for doctors: Follow-up interviews about barriers and facilitators to the implementation of consultation planning" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Training community resource center and clinic personnel to prompt patients in listing questions for doctors: Follow-up interviews about barriers and facilitators to the implementation of consultation planning" pdf

... to each theme Both data analysts (CA and BE) then discussed and agreed upon the creation of subcategories within each theme One of the data analysts (BE) re-coded the transcripts using the finalized ... from three workshops, learn about their post-training experiences, and generate hypotheses about whether and how to promote implementation of CP Our inquiry addresses the following questions: 1) ... interest to us in addressing the questions Then, both the interviewer and his supervisor (CA) read the transcripts and engaged in thematic coding [23,24] After discussion, they established consensus...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21

10 599 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Trends in beliefs about the harmfulness and use of stop-smoking medications and smokeless tobacco products among cigarettes smokers: Findings from the ITC four-country survey" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Trends in beliefs about the harmfulness and use of stop-smoking medications and smokeless tobacco products among cigarettes smokers: Findings from the ITC four-country survey" pdf

... including NRT, and SLT over the last to years in Canada, the US, the UK and Australia This paper also examines the extent to which the beliefs vary by sociodemographic group, and how beliefs about nicotine ... analysis and drafted sections of the manuscript RB, AM, RO’C, and KMC participated in the design of the study and the interpretation of the results All authors participated in revising the manuscript, ... smoking in 2000 [21], and the other in 2007 [9] focusing on nicotine addiction and harm reduction Both reports received public coverage about the role of nicotine in smoking and the second report...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

11 287 0