multiple regression analysis using spss

quantitative data analysis in education - a critical introduction using spss - p. connolly (routledge, 2007) ww

quantitative data analysis in education - a critical introduction using spss - p. connolly (routledge, 2007) ww

... in SPSS Value Labels window in SPSS Frequencies window in SPSS SPSS Output window Defining variables in SPSS Variable Type window in SPSS Value Labels window in SPSS Missing Values window in SPSS ... dataset as it appears in SPSS Save As window Opening SPSS in Windows XP SPSS 15.0 for Windows window in SPSS Open Data window Options window in SPSS Value labels icon in SPSS Viewing summaries ... variables in SPSS 3.2 Select Cases window in SPSS 3.3 Main SPSS window indicating that the “Select Cases” procedure is being used 3.4 Split File window in SPSS 3.5 Crosstabs window in SPSS 3.6 Define...

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 19:16

284 474 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Workforce analysis using data mining and linear regression to understand HIV/AIDS prevalence patterns" pdf

báo cáo sinh học:" Workforce analysis using data mining and linear regression to understand HIV/AIDS prevalence patterns" pdf

... Two approaches were used for analysis: data mining using classification and regression trees (CART) and standard statistical analyses using ordinary least squares regression We chose to use both ... variables (beta = 0.17, p = 0.04) (See Table 2) Standard multiple regression analyses Standard ordinary least squares regression was performed using some of the same variables used in the CART approach, ... HIV/AIDS prevalence rates was used The statistical assumptions for multiple regression were examined and met Because there was multiple co-linearity for some of the independent variables, particularly...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

6 490 0
Phân tích nhân tố khám phá (Exploratory Factor Analysis) bằng SPSS

Phân tích nhân tố khám phá (Exploratory Factor Analysis) bằng SPSS

... -4 -2 Regression Standardized Residual Regression Standardized Residual 50 -2 -4 1 Nếu bạn có ý định sử dụng kết phân tích nhân tố khám phá EFA để thực phân tích CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) , ... phương pháp phân tích Tài liệu phát thêm Nhân số Khi EFA, hộp thoại Factor Analysis, bạn chọn nút Scores, sau nhấp chọn Regression để lưu lại nhân số nhân tố cách tự động Nhân số tính theo cách ... menu SPSS Chọn Analyze Data Reduction Factor Hình Khánh Duy Chương trình Giảng dạy Kinh tế Fulbright Niên khóa 2007-2008 Các phương pháp phân tích Tài liệu phát thêm Hình Khi hộp thoại Factor Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:05

24 6K 78
Network Traffic Analysis Using tcpdump

Network Traffic Analysis Using tcpdump

... Demonstrate “real-world” analysis using tcpdump • Let you participate in the analysis process The objectives of this course are to introduce you to the fundamentals and benefits of using tcpdump as a ... • Beginning Analysis • Real World Examples • Step by Step Analysis This page intentionally left blank Objectives • Examine the strengths/weaknesses of tcpdump • Organize collection /analysis process ... system It has a sensor and analysis component The sensor component collects network traffic and the analysis component fetches that traffic and analyzes it Both the sensor and analysis host process...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

76 392 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P1

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P1

... files Script files are especially useful for analysis and design problems that require long sequences of MATLAB commands With script file written using a text editor or word processor, the file ... information is displayed if help is requested for the function name (3) MATLAB can accept multiple input arguments and multiple output arguments can be returned (4) If a function is going to return more ... of vector t2 Also, for matrix t3, t3(2,3) denotes the entry in the second row and third column Using the colon as one of the subscripts denotes all of the corresponding row or column For example,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 16:15

23 467 1
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB

... the applications of MATLAB in circuit analysis The topics covered in Part II are dc analysis, transient analysis, alternating current analysis, and Fourier analysis In addition, two-port networks ... “FrontMatter.” Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB Ed John Okyere Attia Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999 © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC ELECTRONICS and CIRCUIT ANALYSIS using MATLAB JOHN Electrical Engineering ... CHAPTER FOUR DC ANALYSIS 4.1 NODAL ANALYSIS 4.2 LOOP ANALYSIS 4.3 MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER 4.3.1 MATLAB diff and find Functions SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY EXERCISES CHAPTER FIVE TRANSIENT ANALYSIS 5.1...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

400 511 2
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P3

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P3

... ≥ 3.5 Write a MATLAB program to convert analog signal x to digital signal y Test the program by using an analog signal with the following amplitudes: -1.25, 2.57 and 6.0 Solution MATLAB Script...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

17 440 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P2

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P2

... ’text’) For example, the statement text(2.0, 1.5, ’transient analysis ) will write the text, transient analysis, beginning at point (2.0,1.5) Multiple text commands can be used For example, the statements ... graph may be specified using the statement: plot(x, y, ’g’) © 1999 CRC Press LLC implying, plot x versus y using green color Line and mark style may be added to color type using the command plot(x, ... Figure 2.2 −2 t at the following times: 0, 0.5, 1.0, …, To plot multiple curves on a single graph, one can use the plot command with multiple arguments, such as plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, , xn,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

16 453 1
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P6

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P6

... converting the circuits into the frequency domain and by using the Kirchoff voltage and current laws The unknown voltages and currents are solved using matrix techniques Given a network function or ... factor using (a) analytical solution and (b) numerical so- For Figure 6.1, if lution Solution MATLAB Script diary ex6_1.dat % This program computes the average power, rms value and % power factor using ... By transforming the differential equations into algebraic equations using phasors or complex frequency representation, the analysis can be simplified For a voltage given by v (t ) = Vm eσt cos(...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

39 561 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P5

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P5

... by using network analysis tools The differential equations are converted into algebraic equations using the Laplace transform The unknown current or voltage is then solved in the s-domain By using ... y(t) + C1 V2 C2 I1 L - Figure 5.11 Circuit for State Analysis Using the above guidelines, we select the state variables to be V1 , Using nodal analysis, we have © 1999 CRC Press LLC V2 , and i1 ... differential equation % Its m-file is diff1.m % % Transient analysis of RC circuit using ode % function and analytical solution % numerical solution using ode t0 = 0; tf = 20e-3; xo = 0; % initial conditions...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

33 714 0
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P4

Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P4

... FOUR DC ANALYSIS 4.1 NODAL ANALYSIS Kirchhoff’s current law states that for any electrical circuit, the algebraic sum of all the currents at any node in the circuit equals zero In nodal analysis, ... Solution By inspection, Vb = V1 − V4 (4.31) Using Ohm’s Law Ia = V4 − V3 (4.32) Using KCL at node 1, and supernode 1-2, we get V1 V1 − V4 V − V3 + − 5Vb + =0 10 Using Equation (4.31), Equation (4.33) ... (4.36) Using KVL for loop 1, we have − 10 I a + Vb + 5I a + 8( I a + 5) = (4.37) Using Equations (4.31) and (4.32), Equation (4.37) becomes − 10 I a + Vb + 5I a + I a + 40 = i.e., 3I a + Vb = −40 Using...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

27 471 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P12 pdf

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P12 pdf

... VCC RB R B1 + R B R B = R B1 R B (12.24) (12.25) Using Kirchoff’s Voltage Law for the base circuit, we have VBB = I B RB + VBE + I E RE (12.26) Using Equation (12.18) and Figure 12.6b, we have ... temperature, the stability factors are calculated using Equations (12.37), (12.39), (12,48) and (12.49) The changes in V BE and I CBO with temperature are obtained using Equations (12.32) and (12.33), respectively ... IB2 Figure 12.11 Wilson Current Source Using KCL at the collector of transistor Q3 , we get I C1 = I R − I B = I R − IO βF therefore, I O = βF ( I R − I C1 ) Using KCL at the emitter of Q3 , we...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

52 559 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P11 doc

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P11 doc

... Figure 11.4 Z2 Zin Z1 Va Vin A I1 Vo I2 Figure 11.4 Inverting Configuration of an Op Amp Using nodal analysis at node A, we have Va − Vin Va − VO + + I1 = Z1 Z2 (11.3) From the concept of a virtual ... is shown in Figure 11.11 Z2 Z1 Va A I1 Zin Vo Vin Figure 11.11 Non-Inverting Configuration Using nodal analysis at node A Va Va − VO + + I1 = Z1 Z2 (11.22) From the concept of a virtual short circuit, ... Configuration © 1999 CRC Press LLC Solution Using voltage division sC1 V1 ( s) = V IN R1 + sC1 (11.26) From Equation (11.24) VO R2 ( s) = + sC2 V1 (11.27) Using Equations (11.26 ) and (11.27), we...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

35 527 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P10 ppt

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P10 ppt

... concentration for a one-sided step junction for silicon and germanium, and using doping concentration from 1014 to 1019 cm-3 Solution Using Equation (10.67), we calculate the breakdown voltage for various ... Concentration of Donors ( N D ), and acceptor ( N A ) impurities Practical pn junctions are formed by diffusing into an n-type semiconductor a p-type impurity atom, or vice versa Because the p-type semiconductor ... kT  N D   ln = q q  ni  (10.33) φFP = E F − E IP kT  N A   ln = q q  ni  (10.34) and Using Equations (10.31) to (10.34), we have VC = kT  N A N D   ln q  ni2  (10.35) It should...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

43 483 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P9 docx

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P9 docx

... = 1mA and VD1 = 0.7 V Using Equation (9.10), I D2 is calculated by I D2 = VDC − VD1 R Using Equation (9.15), V D2 is calculated by I 2 VD = VD1 + nVT ln D   I D1  Using Equation (9.10), ... characteristics of diodes are presented Diode circuit analysis techniques will be discussed Problems involving diode circuits are solved using MATLAB 9.1 DIODE CHARACTERISTICS Diode is a two-terminal ... technique is particularly facilitated by using computers Example 9.4 illustrates the use of MATLAB for doing the iteration technique Example 9.4 Redo Example 9.3 using the iterative technique The iteration...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

41 550 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P8 ppt

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P8 ppt

... CHAPTER EIGHT FOURIER ANALYSIS In this chapter, Fourier analysis will be discussed Topics covered are Fourier series expansion, Fourier ... transform, discrete Fourier transform, and fast Fourier transform Some applications of Fourier analysis, using MATLAB, will also be discussed 8.1 If a function FOURIER SERIES g (t ) is periodic with ... (8.11) The following example shows the synthesis of a square wave using Fourier series expansion © 1999 CRC Press LLC Example 8.1 Using Fourier series expansion, a square wave with a period of ms,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

27 433 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P7 pdf

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB P7 pdf

... 7.5 Simplified Equivalent Circuit of a Bipolar Junction Transistor Solution Using KCL for port 1, V1 = I Z1 (7.32) Using KCL at port 2, we get I = βI + Y2V2 (7.33) Comparing the above two equations ... inspection, V1 = V2 (7.46) Using KCL, we have I = V2 Y2 − I (7.47) Comparing Equations (7.46) and 7.47) to equations (7.35) and (7.36) we have a11 = a 21 = Y2 a12 = a 22 = (7.48) Using the describing ... Company, 1990 Meader, D.A., Laplace Circuit Analysis and Active Filters, Prentice Hall, 1991 6 Johnson, D E Johnson, J.R., and Hilburn, J.L Electric Circuit Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1997...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

29 482 0
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB pptx

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis using MATLAB pptx

... the applications of MATLAB in circuit analysis The topics covered in Part II are dc analysis, transient analysis, alternating current analysis, and Fourier analysis In addition, two-port networks ... CHAPTER FOUR DC ANALYSIS 4.1 NODAL ANALYSIS 4.2 LOOP ANALYSIS 4.3 MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER 4.3.1 MATLAB diff and find Functions SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY EXERCISES CHAPTER FIVE TRANSIENT ANALYSIS 5.1 ... and circuit analysis using MATLAB / John Okyere Attia p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-8493-1176-4 (alk paper) Electronics Data processing Electric circuit analysis- Data...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 08:16

386 341 0
Introduction to finite element analysis using MATLAB and abaqus

Introduction to finite element analysis using MATLAB and abaqus

... Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB and Abaqus ® © 2013 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC © 2013 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB and Abaqus ... Edge_X0 using geometry 404 FIGURE 11.23 Imposing BC Edge_Z18 using geometry 405 FIGURE 11.24 Imposing BC Edge_Z0 using ... performance of electric motors 1.2 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS AND THE USER Nowadays, in structural design, the analysis of all but simple structures is carried out using the finite element method When graduate...

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2014, 12:58

486 1,7K 3