much many a lot of a few a little quiz

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

... đương với much/ many (nhiều) và most ( a phần). A lot of/ lots of (informal) = a great deal/ a large number of/ much/ many (formal). ã Khụng cú khỏc nhau gỡ my gi a a lot of và lots of. Chủ ngữ ... sau hai thành ngữ này sẽ quyết định việc chia động từ. a lot of lots of | uncountable noun + singular verb | plural noun + plural verb A lot of time is needed to learn a language. Lots of ... (formal English) I have thrown a large amount of old clothing. Mr Lucas has spent a great deal of time in the Far East. ã A lot v a great deal có thể được dùng làm phó từ và vị trí c a nó...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 16:11

4 809 6


... Plenty of shops take checks.  A large a mount of = a great deal of + non-count noun (formal English) I have thrown a large amount of old clothing. Mr Lucas has spent a great deal of time ... enough, as, so The meeting went on much too long. MUCH, MANY, LOT OF, A LOT OF VÀ CÁC CÁCH DÙNG ĐẶC BIỆT 1 Much & many Many hoặc much thường đứng trước danh từ. Many đi với danh từ ... more of Ray and Barbara. (Rất hay khi được gặp Ray và Barbara thường xuyên hơn.) She has eaten most of that cake. Most of us thought he was wrong.  Most cũng được dùng thay cho một danh...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15

8 6,7K 1,4K
Tài liệu Much, many, a lot of và lots of – trong một số trường hợp khác pdf

Tài liệu Much, many, a lot of và lots of – trong một số trường hợp khác pdf

... biệt alot/ lots of/ plenty/ a great deal với many/ much Các thành ngữ trên đều có ngh a tương đương với much/ many (nhiều) và most ( a phần). A lot of/ lots of (informal) = a great deal/ a large ... Much, many, a lot of và lots of – trong một số trường hợp khác 22. Much, many, a lot of và lots of – trong một số trường hợp khác 22.1 Much & many Many hoặc much thường ... plenty of time . Plenty of shops take checks. ã A large a mount of = a great deal of + non-count noun (formal English) I have thrown a large amount of old clothing. Mr Lucas has spent a great...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

5 899 6
Cách sử dụng A lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large amount of, a great deal of docx

Cách sử dụng A lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large amount of, a great deal of docx

... plenty of time. * Plenty of shops accept credit cards. A large amount of, a great deal of , a large number of Cách diễn đạt này mang tính tương đối trang trọng. Sau A large amount ofa great ... a lot rice left.) * There is not much rice left. (không phải là: There is not much of rice left.) A lot of - lots of Không có sự khác nhau nhiều gi a a lot of và lots of. A lot of và lots ... * A lot of my friends live abroad. * Lots of time is needed to learn a language. Plenty of Plenty of mang ngh a : “đủ và nhiều hơn n a , theo sau đó là danh từ không đếm được và danh...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 13:20

6 1,7K 11
Cách sử dụng a lot of

Cách sử dụng a lot of

... 3. A large amount of, a great deal of , a large number of - Cách diễn đạt này mang tính tương đối trang trọng. Sau A large amount ofa great deal of là danh từ không đếm ... dụ: * She has spent a great deal of time in Europe. - Sau A large number of là trước danh từ số nhiều, và động từ theo sau nó cũng chia theo chủ ngữ số nhiều: Ví dụ: * A large number of issues ... theo sau nó cũng chia theo chủ ngữ số nhiều: Ví dụ: * A large number of issues still need to be addressed. ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/05/2014, 22:03

2 619 0
Báo cáo y học: "Mirror-Image Arachnoid Cysts in a Pair of Monozygotic Twins: A Case Report and Review of the Literature"

Báo cáo y học: "Mirror-Image Arachnoid Cysts in a Pair of Monozygotic Twins: A Case Report and Review of the Literature"

... 22. Orlacchio A, Gaudiello F, Totaro A, et al. A new SPG4 mutation in a variant form of spastic paraplegia with congenital arach- noid cysts. Neurology.2004; 62: 1875-8. 23. Wang P, Liang X, ... intrauterine catastrophes 16 or head surgery 17 . In our case, the lack of a previous history of trauma, infection and head surgery leads us to believe that the AC was due to a congenital anom- aly. ... Minamitani M, Tanaka J, Hasumura M, et al. Cerebral malfor- mations associated with probable intrauterine infection. No To Hattatsu. 1993; 25: 359-63. 17. Singleton WG, Lawrence T, Green AL,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

4 652 0
Báo cáo y học: "A severe coarctation of aorta in a 52-year-old male: a case report"

Báo cáo y học: "A severe coarctation of aorta in a 52-year-old male: a case report"

... York: McGraw Hill Professional; 2004:1866. 4. Campbell M. Natural history of coarctation of the aorta. Br Heart J 1970, 32:633-640. 5. Jenkins NP, Ward AR. Coarctation of the aorta: natural history ... a 76-year-old man with a coarctation of the aorta. Cardiology 1999, 92:284-286. 8. Bauer M, Alexi-Meskishvili V, Bauer U. Benefits of surgical repair of coarctation of the aorta in patients ... Discussion Aortic coarctation is a congenital vascular lesion typically diagnosed in early life, accounting for 5 to 10% of all congenital cardiovascular malformations 1 but may go undetected...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40

2 488 0
current situation of outsourcing development, a number of favorable factors promoting this industry as well as analysis of outsourcing activities FPT Software.doc

current situation of outsourcing development, a number of favorable factors promoting this industry as well as analysis of outsourcing activities FPT Software.doc

... approximately the same as India’s a decade ago and the wage rates in Vietnam are roughly the same as India’s initial rates. As such, a lot of people have raised the question that whether Vietnam ... countries as China, Russia, Malaysia and Philippines may take this place. China is a perfect example of good software outsourcing destination with full factors of attraction. Chinese companies and ... resource and wages, customer relations management…, software for state administration, which covers state budget management system information exchange system among agencies of taxation- state treasury-...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:41

79 613 6
Shaking a box of sand I – a simple lattice model

Shaking a box of sand I – a simple lattice model

... addition of ori- entational rearrangement to the normal flow mechanism of CA models. In this spirit, consider a rectangular lattice of height H and width W with N ≤ HW grains located at its lattice ... very asymmetrically shaped, and there is a strong preferred orientation, the nonequilibrium regime of granular dynamics will carry all the usual characteristics of ageing. Now recall that that ... transition. As mentioned in an earlier chapter, the density may attain values that are substantially higher than random close packing, and quite close to the crystalline limit [131, 132]. An analogous...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

10 471 0