motor permanent magnet synchronous motors micro gear motor 148 723 vnd

Sensorless drives for permanent magnet synchronous motors

Sensorless drives for permanent magnet synchronous motors

... manufacturers are increasingly replacing universal and single-phase induction motors with three phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) to increase efficiency, reliability and power density ... conventionally applied on BLDC motors, a class of permanent magnet motors with trapezoidal back-EMFs, for smooth torque production In three phase BLDC drives, the motor is typically driven by a ... Sensing This method has been proposed for BLDC motors [19], motors with trapezoidal back-EMFs which have been extended to PMSM [22] The back-EMFs for these motors contain a third harmonic component...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:07

200 1K 0
Analysis, design and control of permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide speed operation

Analysis, design and control of permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide speed operation

... placed on permanent magnet synchronous motors PMSMs have been broadly developed for industrial applications such as servo motors, elevator drive motors, and electric vehicle traction motors [4] ... mechanical commutation in DC motors This explains why motors with squarewave excitation are called brushless DC motors (BLDC) These two kinds of permanent magnet motors are different in performance ... and Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) motors in which the permanent magnets are hidden inside the rotor, Fig 1.4 The surface-mounted PMSM (Fig 1.3 a) in EPM motors can have magnets magnetized radially...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 22:06

230 765 0
Design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motors using response surface analysis and genetic algorithm

Design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motors using response surface analysis and genetic algorithm

... 1.1.1 The development of Permanent Magnet Machines 1.1.2 Features of permanent magnet motors Permanent magnet synchronous motors iii 1.2.1 Structures ... widespread use of permanent magnet machines Figure 1.2: Evolution of the magnetic material during the 20th century [2] 1.1.2 Features of permanent magnet motors The use of permanent magnet material ... assembly costs for permanent magnet motors are hence lower than most other kind of motors (except switch reluctance motor) The maintenance cost are also reduced by the use of permanent magnet excitation:...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:45

176 736 0
Standards for efficiency of electric motors   permanent magnet synchronous motor technology

Standards for efficiency of electric motors permanent magnet synchronous motor technology

... constraints of explosion-proof motors (such as increased air gap, reduced starting current, and enhanced sealing) have a negative impact on efficiency Geared motors and brake motors are included, although ... Kiurihara and M Rahman, “High-efficiency line-start interior permanent magnet synchronous motors, ” IEEE Trans Ind Applicat., sense to promote such motors, by means of proper classificavol 40, pp 789–796, ... line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors, ” in Proc Industry Application Conf., Oct 2000, vol 1, pp 424–431 [26] L Lefevre and L Soulard, “Finite element transient start of a linestart permanent magnet...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 09:42

8 398 1
Use of an extension of the park's transformation to determine control laws applied to a non sinusoidal permanent magnet synchronous motor

Use of an extension of the park's transformation to determine control laws applied to a non sinusoidal permanent magnet synchronous motor

... 13.14O) le = p.Wrq(0) iq DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF NON-SINUSOIDAL PERMANENT- MAGNETSYNCHRONOUS DRIVES I * A four poles pmanent -magnet synchronous motor has been modelled through a finite element code 161 ... Miller, "Brushless Permanent magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives", Clarendon Press, oxford 19x9 C.-S Berendsen G Champenoiq J Davoine, "Commutation strategy for k s h l e s u D.C Motors: Influence ... the Park's transfonnation permits us to have a best knowledge of the non sinusoidal permanent magnet synchronous motor We are so able as well to analyse the classical control laws such as 120' voltage...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:50

6 438 2


... Henry Today, most electric motors, like the first electric motors, are still based on electromagnetic reaction principle However, with the rapid development of electromagnetic materials, power ... (motors) consume approximately 70 percent of all electrical power [1] Given the fact that the most of the moving parts of equipment are driven by different types of electrical motors, such motors ... method to study SUMP in a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Bi and his colleagues [24] analyzed and calculated Dynamic Unbalanced Magnetic Pull (DUMP) within one motor revolution The lowest...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:06

187 600 0
AN1292 sensorless field oriented control (FOC) for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using a PLL estimator and field weakening (FW)

AN1292 sensorless field oriented control (FOC) for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using a PLL estimator and field weakening (FW)

... a Surface Permanent Magnet (SPM) type of PMSM, mechanical damage of the rotor and the demagnetization of the permanent magnets is possible if careful measures are not taken or the motor manufacturer’s ... DS01292A-page 14 © 2009 Microchip Technology Inc AN1292 CONCLUSION REFERENCES This application note describes a method of flux angle and speed estimation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) ... Graph ΨPM d Intrinsic characteristic of permanent magnet Normal characteristic of permanent magnet Where: H = Field intensity B = Field induction BR = Permanent induction value HC = Coercivity...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 17:05

20 432 0
Passivity-based current controller design for a permanent-magnet synchronous motor

Passivity-based current controller design for a permanent-magnet synchronous motor

... property of the closed-loop system Permanent- magnet synchronous motor model 2.1 PMSM model in the general direct-quadrature reference frame The PMSM uses buried rare earth magnets Its electrical behaviour ... induction motor case study In: Proceedings of 16th IFAC world congress Proceeding in CD, Track.We-E20TO/3 2005 p [9] Ortega R, Nicklasson PJ, Espinoza-Pérez G On speed control of induction motors ... V, Ortega R, Stanković AM Interconnection and damping assignment approach to control of Pm synchronous motors IEEE Transactions on Control System Techniques 2001;9(6):811–20 [18] Qiu J, Zhao G...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2016, 10:43

11 338 0
Analysis and determination of cogging torque and unbalanced magnetic forces in permanent magnet spindle motors for hard disk drives

Analysis and determination of cogging torque and unbalanced magnetic forces in permanent magnet spindle motors for hard disk drives

... PM motors used in hard disk drives: the interior-rotor PM motors and exterior-rotor PM motors The exterior-rotor motor is commonly used for modern hard disk drives In the exterior-rotor PM motors, ... DC Motors Review on Computer Modeling and Analysis of PM Brushless DC Motors 2.1 Electromagnetic Field in PM Brushless DC Motors In order to study the electromagnetic forces and torques in permanent ... Related to Spindle Motors in Hard Disk Drives 1.3 Performance Evaluations and Design Optimization of Spindle Motors 12 1.4 Hard Disk Drives and Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors Organization...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 22:03

257 540 0
Computational analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous machine using numerical techniques

Computational analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous machine using numerical techniques

... Model of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 118 4.3 The Phasor Diagram of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 122 4.4 Cross Section of Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine ... the demagnetization curve Fig 1.4 illustrated the basic magnetic properties of permanent magnets Figure 1.4: Demagnetization curve and energy product of permanent magnets When a permanent magnet ... Permanent Magnet Machines 1.2 Permanent Magnet Materials 1.3 Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines 1.4 Computational Analysis of Permanent...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 22:17

285 991 0
A review on position speed sensorless control for permanent magnet synchronous machine based wind energy conversion systems

A review on position speed sensorless control for permanent magnet synchronous machine based wind energy conversion systems

... interior permanent- magnet synchronous motor drive,” IEEE Trans Ind Appl., vol 28, no 1, pp 144–150, Jan./Feb 1992 [57] M A Hoque and M A Rahman, “Speed and position sensorless permanent magnet synchronous ... Okuma, “An extended electromotive force model for sensorless control of interior permanentmagnet synchronous motors, ” IEEE Trans Ind Electron., vol 50, no 2, pp 288–295, Apr 2003 [50] I Boldea, ... [11] Y Xia, K H Ahmed, and B W Williams, “A new maximum power point tracking technique for permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind energy conversion system,” IEEE Trans Power Electron.,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2016, 20:23

14 616 0
Chapter 14  permanent magnet AC motor drives

Chapter 14 permanent magnet AC motor drives

... 542 PERMANENT- MAGNET AC MOTOR DRIVES Electrical System Power Converter PM AM Command Signal Control Sensors Mechanical System Figure 14.1-1 Permanent- magnet ac motor drive The structure ... space-vector-modulated inverter to an idealized source is established 544 PERMANENT- MAGNET AC MOTOR DRIVES The six-stepped inverter-based permanent- magnet ac motor drive is the simplest of all the strategies to be ... Start-up performance of a sine-triangle-modulated permanent- magnet ac motor drive as calculated using a linearized model 562 PERMANENT- MAGNET AC MOTOR DRIVES 200 vdc, V 190 40 ms ir, A 10 ias,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:54

42 353 0
Expansion of Operating Limits for Permanent Magnet Motor by Current Vector Control

Expansion of Operating Limits for Permanent Magnet Motor by Current Vector Control

... FOR PERMANENT MA(;NET MOTORS 4) The control method considering the demagnetizationlimit is analyzed If the permanent magnet has a straight demagnetization curve, as does a rare-earth permanent magnet, ... permanent magnet synchronous motors considering saliency,” in PESC Conf RE., Apr 1988, pp 409-414 R Schiferl and T A Lipo, “Power capability of salient pole permanent magnet synchronous motors in ... the demagnetizing coefficient are about 0.8 In some cases, the permanent magnet is demagnetized irreversibly by the flux-weakening control VI DEMAGNETIZATION OF PERMANENT MAGNET If the PM motor...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:01

6 596 1
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P1 pptx

Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P1 pptx

... design of rotational brushless permanent- magnet (PM) motors Brushless dc, PM synchronous, and PM step motors are all brushless permanent- magnet motors These specific motor types evolved over time ... radial flux motors Motors having a pancake shape are shown in Fig 1.2c and d In these motors the magnetic field between the rotor and stator travels in the axial direction Thus these motors are ... energy-efficient motors At the present time, brushless permanent- magnet motors are not the most prevalent motor type in use However, as their cost continues to decrease, they will slowly become a dominant motor...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 08:20

30 389 0
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P2 ppt

Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P2 ppt

... of magnetic material, air gaps, and slotted magnetic structures were developed The properties of ferromagnetic and permanent- magnet materials were discussed A magnetic circuit model of a permanent ... of a permanent magnet Because of its importance in brushless PM motors, it is important to consider the coenergy stored in the magnetic field of magnetic circuit containing a PM For the magnetic ... Chapter T sumes that the physical magnet is uniformly magnetized over its cross section and is magnetized in its preferred direction of magnetization When the magnet shape differs from the rectangular...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 08:20

30 304 0
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P3 potx

Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P3 potx

... Trapezoidal Motors In practice there are two common forms of brushless PM motors: motors having a sinusoidal back emf, which are commonly referred to as ac synchronous motors, and trapezoidal back emf motors, ... called brushless dc motors Of these, the ac synchronous motor has been around the longest, especially with wound field excitation The brushless dc motor evolved from the brush dc motor as power electronic ... the reason for calling it a trapezoidal back emf motor The ac synchronous motor differs significantly from the brushless dc motor An ac synchronous motor has sinusoidally distributed windings, where...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 08:20

30 267 0
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P6 pdf

Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P6 pdf

... found in low-power, lower-performance motors The sine wave motor The sine wave back emf motor completes the discussion of three-phase motors A three-phase motor with sinusoidal back emf can be ... current For two-phase motors, two H bridges are required, giving a total of eight switches to be implemented by power electronic devices Three-Phase Motors Three-phase motors overwhelmingly dominate ... circulating currents will flow around the delta Because of this weakness, A-connected motors appear only in lower-performance motors at low output power levels, e.g., in the fractional horsepower range,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 08:20

30 419 0
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P7 docx

Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P7 docx

... Transactions on Magnetics, vol 26, no 5, pp 1653-1655 Slemon, G R (1991), "Chapter 3: Design of Permanent Magnet AC Motors for Variable Speed Drives," Performance and Design of Permanent Magnet AC Motor ... 68 Magnetic circuit concepts, 14 Magnet fraction, 66, 141 Magnet leakage factor, 67, 142 Magnet leakage flux, 66 Magnet shaping, 120 Magnetomotive force (mmf), definition of, 16 Motor action, Motor ... Inverter Driven Permanent Magnet Motor Drives," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol IA-23, no 2, pp 327-333 Slemon, G R., and X Liu (1990), "Core Losses in Permanent Magnet Motors, " IEEE...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 08:20

15 481 0
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P4 docx

Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P4 docx

... basis for the design of actual brushless PM motors By simple coordinate changes, the analysis applies to both axial and radial motors For axial motors, the magnets are positioned to direct flux in ... of magnet poles increases the force generated by the motor Increasing the number of poles in a fixed area implies decreasing the magnet width to accommodate the additional magnets Number of Magnet ... Poles Active Motor Length Peak Force p - AT R Air Gap Flux Density TT Figure 4.28 The permanent magnet motor force equation Slot Current Chapter r This increases the relative amount of magnet leakage...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 08:20

30 160 0
Numerical analysis of a brushless permanent magnet DC motor using coupled systems

Numerical analysis of a brushless permanent magnet DC motor using coupled systems

... 1.1 Permanent Magnet Motors 1.2 Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motors 1.2.1 Basic Configurations of BLDC motors 1.2.2 Characteristics of BLDC Motors ... high-energy permanent magnets and advances in power electronics are leading to a large diffusion of permanent magnet machines in a variety of applications [1]-[2] In general, permanent magnet motors ... Brushed DC motor (or) PMDC commutator motor: The construction of a permanent magnet DC motor( PMDC) is similar to a DC conventional motor with the electromagnetic excitation system replaced by permanent...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:26

222 1K 0