motives for application of reactive distillation

A methodology for validation of integrated systems models with an application to coastal-zone management in south-west sulawesi

A methodology for validation of integrated systems models with an application to coastal-zone management in south-west sulawesi

... promoter University of Twente, assistant promoter Prof A.Y Hoekstra Prof H.G Wind Prof A.E Mynett Prof dr S.M de Jong Dr M.J Titus University of Twente University of Twente UNESCO-IHE ... availability of the measured data (from 1996 until now) allows for the application of quantitative techniques which are suitable for the validation of ISMs It is aware that, despite the typicality of RaMCo, ... suggests, information about the result of a transformation or an action is sent back to the input of the system in the form of input data If these new data facilitate and accelerate the transformation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

139 492 0
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... HANOI COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT OF GRADUATE STUDIES LƯƠNG TỐ LAN APPLICATION OF HOUSE’S MODEL FOR TRANSLATION QUALITY ASSESSMENT IN ASSESSING THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE VIETNAM’S ... Translation of legal documents 24 CHAPTER APPLICATION OF HOUSE’S MODEL FOR TRANSLATION QUALITY ASSESSMENT 2.1 Presentation of the model 27 27 2.1.1 An overview of the model 27 2.1.2 Operation of the ... “offence” is used eight times (the word is underlined): Offences, types of Offences are of kinds, namely, crimes, misdemeanours, and simple offences Crimes and misdemeanours are indictable offences...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 904 5
Application of enzymes for textile fibres processing (1)

Application of enzymes for textile fibres processing (1)

... conventional softeners, which tend to be washed out and often result in a greasy feel, the softness-enhancing effects of cellulases are washproof and non-greasy Optimization of biofinishing processes ... industry Further applications have been found for these enzymes to produce the aged look of denim and other garments The potential of proteolytic enzymes was assessed for the removal of wool fibre ... pastoris is a particularly well suited host for this purpose The use of this organism for expression offers a number of important benefits: high levels of recombinant protein expression are reached...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 21:06

18 600 2
ứng dụng công nghệ enzyme để thu nhận đ-ờng chức năng fructooligosaccharide (FOS) từ dịch mía Application of enzyme technology for fructooligosaccharides (FOS) production

ứng dụng công nghệ enzyme để thu nhận đ-ờng chức năng fructooligosaccharide (FOS) từ dịch mía Application of enzyme technology for fructooligosaccharides (FOS) production

... enzyme -D fructofuranosidase chế phẩm pectinex Ultra SP-L v h m lợng đờng saccharose dịch mía Để có định hớng sử dụng chế phẩm enzyme pectinex-Ultra SP-L, hoạt tính enzyme -D frutofuranosidase ... phần đờng dịch mía Mỗi đợt tiến h nh kiểm tra mẫu để lấy kết trung bình Hoạt tính enzyme -D Fructofuranosidase đợc xác định theo phơng pháp Seikagaku đề xuất (tham khảo t i liệu Whitaker &cs, 2004), ... Mạch) l chế phẩm dạng lỏng, m u nâu đen, đặc sánh, có mùi thơm đặc trng, có chứa enzyme -DFructofuranosidase đợc sản xuất từ chủng aspergillus niger 2.2 Phơng pháp Tiến h nh đợt lấy mẫu mía giai...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 08:16

7 850 2
Application of Ozone/UV Process for the Reclamation of Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent

Application of Ozone/UV Process for the Reclamation of Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent

... (ozone/UV) process is applied for the reuse of sewage effluent Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone/UV process for the treatment of sewage effluent compared ... effluent The concentration of E coli was 980~1050 CFU/mL As shown in Figure 5, 3.6 mg/L of ozone dose and 0.83 W-min/L of UV dose were required for the 99% inactivation of E coli Results show that ... limitation of organic oxidation due to the selective reaction and the partial oxidation with organics by ozone (1) Therefore, ozone/UV should be considered for the treatment of sewage effluent water for...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

13 606 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Application of a fluorescent cobalamin analogue for analysis of the binding kinetics A study employing recombinant human transcobalamin and intrinsic factor pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Application of a fluorescent cobalamin analogue for analysis of the binding kinetics A study employing recombinant human transcobalamin and intrinsic factor pdf

... below Competitive binding of CBC and Cbl, calculation of k+ We have tested the application of the uorescent analogue CBC as a tool for investigation of the binding kinetics of nonuorescent ligands ... excess of 0.2 m phosphate buffer pH 7.5 Synthesis of the uorescent Cbl analogue CBC-244 Activation of the 5Â hydroxyl group in the a-ribofuranoside moiety of CNCbl was performed with help of 1,1Â-dicarbonyl-di-(1,2,4-triazole) ... retention of Cbl Additionally, a His residue substituted for water of H2OCbl, which added to protection of the ligand against reduction and coordination of other compounds The structure of TCCbl...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

12 603 0
Synthesis and Application of Nanosize Semiconductors for Photoxidation of Toxic Organic Chemicals pptx

Synthesis and Application of Nanosize Semiconductors for Photoxidation of Toxic Organic Chemicals pptx

... Adsorption of toxic chemicals in aqueous supernatant from Step 2)Chemical Oxidation or Total Mineralization of the the Organics 3)Deep UV Photooxidation of the Organics 4)Photocatalytic oxidation of ... characterization of the photocatalyst microstructure tsnl Photocatalysts Material Requirements 1) Efficient conversion of sunlight to electron-hole pairs 2) Surface trapping of electrons and holes before ... Se weak van-der-Waals forces :N bipyridine (bpy) :N Binding of substrate organic chemical occurs at metal edge sites Electron transfer rates allow an estimation of shift of the redox potential...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

22 961 0
Fabrication and application of silicon nanowire transistor arrays for biomolecular detection

Fabrication and application of silicon nanowire transistor arrays for biomolecular detection

... case of DNA we recorded a very large shift of the flat band voltage of 250 mV For biotin a smaller, but still large shift of 33 mV was measured With this device platform and this protocol for biofunctionalization ... Wasserman, E Katz, I Willner, The use of impedance spectroscopy for the characterization of protein-modified ISFET devices: application of the method for the analysis of biorecognition processes, J Phys ... method for detection of DNA [10] and of cellular adhesion [11] can also be used with our new SiNW-FET devices 3.3 Electronic detection of biomolecules In Fig the potentiometric detection of a covalently...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:24

7 668 0
An application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Analysis of Agricultural Development-Induced Changes in Land Use: A case study in Lao PDR pdf

An application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Analysis of Agricultural Development-Induced Changes in Land Use: A case study in Lao PDR pdf

... way of land use system • The forest area was destroyed by increasingly shifting cultivation and rubber plantation areas • Lack of an appropriate tool for decision support system in terms of land ... with registered of image 1999 (image to image) RMC= 0.14 pixels Change pixel 30m of image 1999 to 25m of image 2004 NDVI compositing utility – NDVI is useful for identifying of the green leaf ... (decreased/increased) and fragmented (field crop, evergreen forest, fallow forest) as a result of both farmers who lost their lands and turned to clear-cut forest areas for upland rice cultivation, and private...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

24 897 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Gene regulation by tetracyclines Constraints of resistance regulation in bacteria shape TetR for application in eukaryotes Christian Berens and Wolfgang Hillen pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Gene regulation by tetracyclines Constraints of resistance regulation in bacteria shape TetR for application in eukaryotes Christian Berens and Wolfgang Hillen pptx

... but only for those in which the sensitivity of tTS for the inducer is lower than that of the rtTA allele used, as is the case for tTSG (compare the dose–response curve of tTSE and rtTA of Fig in ... regulation (A) Structure of tetracycline with the pKa values of the three titratable groups (B) Structure of doxycycline (C) Structure of anhydrotetracycline affinity of TetR for both tetO and tc ... affinity of the drugs to their intracellular target, the ribosome [16] Binding of two molecules of [tcÆMg]+ to a TetR dimer diminishes repressor affinity for tetO by about nine orders of magnitude...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

13 468 0
application of alos imageries for monitoring coral health in coastal waters of vietnam

application of alos imageries for monitoring coral health in coastal waters of vietnam

... potential for application of ALOS imagery for monitoring the status of coral health in coastal waters of Vietnam sea REFERENCES [1] H.X Ben, Vo S T, Hoang P.K, 2008 Mass mortality of corals and ... allow us to detect the phenomena of coral bleaching in somewhere of coastal water of Viet Nam  Detection some evidences of acidification processes in offshore water of Vietnam Increased fossil fuel ... samples for obtaining underwater surveyed data (figure 3) Figure 2: Positions of sand sites help for calculating the Depth Invariance Index in the Map of Sediment Distribution in coastal waters of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 14:07

10 323 0
Báo cáo "An application of random process for controlled object identification with traffic delay problem " ppt

Báo cáo "An application of random process for controlled object identification with traffic delay problem " ppt

... problem of systems more complex, even lose its essence Disregarding the characteristics of dead time delay of an object is one of the reasons that leads to a great number of research directions of ... the behaviour of output response and is equal to the degree of the asymptote of output response q = if the asymptote of output response is horizontal asymptote q = if the asymptote of output response ... optimization problems, Proceeding of NCST of VietNam, No (1992) 53 [8] Nguyen Van Manh, Methods Optimization of Control System for Uncertaint Processes, Dissertation of Science Doctor Moscow Power...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 13:20

7 384 0
Báo cáo " An application of random process for controlled object identification with traffic delay problem " pot

Báo cáo " An application of random process for controlled object identification with traffic delay problem " pot

... problem of systems more complex, even lose its essence Disregarding the characteristics of dead time delay of an object is one of the reasons that leads to a great number of research directions of ... the behaviour of output response and is equal to the degree of the asymptote of output response q = if the asymptote of output response is horizontal asymptote q = if the asymptote of output response ... optimization problems, Proceeding of NCST of VietNam, No (1992) 53 [8] Nguyen Van Manh, Methods Optimization of Control System for Uncertaint Processes, Dissertation of Science Doctor Moscow Power...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 13:20

7 364 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Acquisition and Application of Context Sensitive Grammar for English" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Acquisition and Application of Context Sensitive Grammar for English" docx

... elements of the stack 123 2.1 Phrase Structure Analysis with CFG For shift/reduce parsing, a phrase structure anMysis takes the form of a sequence of states, each comprising a condition of the ... rules of varying lengths To obtain manageable rules we limit the stack and input parts of the state to five symbols each, forming a ten symbol pattern for each state of the parse In the example of ... from Alaska delayed interception." The symbol b stands for blank, ax-1; for article, adj for adjective, p for preposition, n for noun, and v for verb The syntactic classes are assigned by dictionary...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 06:20

8 478 0


... Number of Number of Number Number of Number Number of Number Results r of mice cleared mice cleared of of mice mice cleared of of mice mice cleared of of mice of monitoring mice of trypanosomes ... Number of Number Number of Number Number of Number Results r of mice cleared mice cleared of of mice mice cleared of of mice mice cleared of of mice of monitoring mice of trypanosomes killed trypanosomes ... Number of Number Number of Number Number of Number Results r of mice cleared mice cleared of of mice mice cleared of of mice mice cleared of of mice of monitoring mice of trypanosomes killed trypanosomes...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 13:08

14 590 0
Preparation, characterization and application of heterogeneous solid base catalyst for biodiesel production from soybean oil

Preparation, characterization and application of heterogeneous solid base catalyst for biodiesel production from soybean oil

... waste oils Unfortunately, the performances of these acid catalysts are still inferior compared with the base catalysts For this reason, a wide variety of solid bases have been examined for transesterification ... good dispersion of K2O on Nd2O3 in the form of a monolayer due to the interaction between K2O and the surface of the support at a low loading of KOH And when the loading amount of KOH was further ... kind of problem, an optimum amount of catalyst loading had to be investigated The influence of the catalyst amounts was studied at a 14:1 M ratio of methanol to soybean oil at reflux of methanol for...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 08:42

9 680 0